Estrogen / Hormones

The Surgeon's Lodger Part 17


Michelle was beaming when Sam arrived home.

"Good news love?"

"Yes, the clinic have approved me to start hormones. They emailed me the letter today."

"I told you it would be ok Michelle. Are you going to see your G.P. about getting a prescription?"

"Yes my appointment is Thursday. I still feel bad about jumping the queue like that Sam. I know you pulled a few strings, still it's not fair."

Hard Time


Hard Time - Part 1
by Melanie Brown
Copyright  © 2021 Melanie Brown

Jason falls victim to judicial overreach

This story takes place in the not too distant future -- Ed


A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

The story that I am telling is set in the year 2001 which is the year that my mother died, but it really starts much earlier than that, in the year 1969, which was the year before I was born. Earlier that year my mother had a miscarriage. My sister never lasted too much beyond conception, but my mother mourned her until the day she died.

Ashley, part 19

“Me next! Me next!” Dorothy squeaks, bouncing up and down with excitement as I put the finishing touches to the pink lipstick I’ve applied to Cassie’s mouth.

“Okay, okay, calm down!” I giggle, before kneeling down next to the six-year-old girl and carefully applying the sweet-tasting cosmetic to her lips. “Now remember, this is a one-time treat, okay? And you have to wash it off before you go to bed.”

“Aww…” Dorothy pouts, making me giggle.

“And no kissing Eddy either!” I chastise. “You’re lucky that mum and dad agreed to this!”

Tiffany Starts her modeling career

Steve Hardman was a billionaire at just age 35. He made his fortune in the cryptocurrency craze of the early 21st century. He's also 6 foot 3 inches of lean muscle, always keeping himself in great shape. He generally splits his time between NYC where his 60th floor penthouse has a commanding view of Central Park, and the rest of the year is spent at his mansion in Marin County, California. He's a lifelong bachelor and has had no long term girlfriend. And to be honest, he prefers it that way. He prefers the playboy lifestyle and he can easily afford it.

Angel A

Angel A
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I saw it in him almost immediately. Maybe it takes a sissy to know a sissy? Even if the poor child had no idea herself. Here was a boy who acted like a boy, but his inner voice was screaming: "I am a girl!" It seemed that I was the only one who heard it. Not even he himself.

How Did I Become Pregnant?

Carly looks at the books in her new office. She couldn’t believe that for the past five months all the business ventures she had invested in has started paying off. The detailed business brought in business every other day. The food truck was making a profit, and the vehicles she fixed and sold brought in a decent profit as well.

New Plumbing

New Plumbing
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

He sat down in the aisle seat. I was by the window. It was only a small plane so there was just the two of us.

I was on my home that evening. I had come straight from a meeting and I was in my best business suit. The skirt was fairly short and I had on nude pantyhose and a smart pair of heels. He admired my legs as he fastened his seat belt. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

Doing The Right Thing

“Move it, Chloe.” Robyn looks back at her friend as they ran through a grove of walnut trees.

“I’m trying, Robyn. But something doesn’t feel right with me.” Chloe was dressed as Daisy Johnson from Agents of Shield.

The two of them, along with several others had gone to a Halloween party. It was taking place out at an abandoned farmhouse in the countryside. The party was being hosted by a famous online blogger and several respected local bands were playing at it. It was opened to the public.

Daniel Becomes Dana - Part 3

Dana's life changed from that wonderful last moment, in ways he/she never realized. On his 13th birthday, with Mom and Dad away, Dora took control, requiring Daniel to take double doses of her birth control pills, the ones she had been stockpiling rather than using. But to Daniel, these were just vitamins, he never saw the package.


The newest assistant, Alli


Based on a captioned image from an unknown creator, this is the story of how Alan's mom and a female friend conspired to lead Alan to his destiny as a woman, serving women and becoming his true self.
Men are so weak. That's why I married Alan, he was precious and worshipped me like a puppy dog. Plus, he didn't know the story behind how we met or how he became Allison. Now look at Allison, she's what I - and her mom - always wanted.

Andi's First Kiss

Andi's Summer.jpg

Based on a captioned image by Courtney, this story tells how Andi let his hair down and eventually discovered Mark and his first kiss.

I still can't believe how the summer went. I was so stupid.

Becky's First Date


"Hold still Brian while i fix your lipstick"

"Mom i'm kind of nervous, this is my first date as 8ecky, what if Josh just see's me as a boy in a dress?"

"Honey he knows you're a boy becoming a girl and he still asked you out, you've been on hrt for two years now, you've become very pretty, trust me in that dress all he's going to see is what i see, a pretty girl named Becky, now let me finish your makeup, i have a feeling Josh will be wanting to kiss these lips by the end of the night"

The story:


A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

My name was Michael Inders Moog. Actually it still is, but everyone calls me Mim. It’s my initials you see. I would have hated that when I was just Mike, but I am not Mike anymore. And I don’t use Moog either these days. It is such an awful name. Like a pig with horns and an udder. I have a better surname now – one that I love.

Michael Inders Moog was a successful lawyer. Perhaps successful by having the wrong clients – ruthless and dishonest Wall Street hyenas. He was not so proud of his work.

Drugs Are Never A Good Idea

Rebecca rides her boyfriend’s penis gently as she goes up and down on him. She enjoyed feeling her new breasts bounce up down as she rode her boyfriend. The operation to get them had hurt, but it was worth it to her. Even her modeling agent liked her new look.

It doesn’t take long for her boyfriend to erupt in her ass. She came at the same time as her boyfriend as her cum comes squirting out of her cock. It squirts onto the belly of her boyfriend.

Educating Special Boys in the Feminist Republic: Chapter 9 - Computer Hacking

Kaylie and Patricia continue to prove themselves compared to the other girls at the science intensive. A backyard party leads to resorting of romantic relationships. A clever subroutine by Kaylie may have consequences.

Bridge Construction

Bridge Construction
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I work construction. I always hated the fact that my only real job skills were some of the manliest. I would lift lumber or cement and work power tools. Every day I would wake up and put on my construction clothes and tie my hair back into a low ponytail and put my company hardhat on. Even with pink cotton panties underneath I would feel awful. I just looked disgusting.

I'm a Girl - Apologies to the Who

This was inspired by I'm Their Girly Goy-Boy , by Andrea Lena which was inspired by my blog on the Who song I'm a boy.

Although Holly Snow did this in 2019

Which I really love

This is my take on it ,I thought I'd reverse the genders.

One boy called Emanuel
Another little boy was Samuel
Another little boy was just called Earl
The other was me, and I'm a girl

Stephanie, part 23

“Getting a bit stuffy in there?” Jamie asks as I step out of the crowded party room and into the equally crowded area surrounding Charlotte’s swimming pool.

“Just a bit, yeah!” I reply, taking several deep breaths of fresh air to clear my head. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many people here!”

“Well, it IS the night before AngelCon, hehe!” Jamie reminds me. “Though would I be right in guessing it’s one person in particular you’re looking for?” I giggle and blush as my friend looks at me expectantly.

“…Yeah,” I reply quietly.


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