
Emma looks at the new stores as she and her friends walked around inside the new mall that just opened. It was only the fourth time she has been out in public dressed as Baby Spice from the Spice Girls. Ever since she heard them sing on a cd her older sister had in her music collection. She knew she wanted to be like the singer herself. She never really understood why she liked wearing girls’ clothes, but she did.

Her mother was supportive of her choice, but the rest of her family ranged from being supportive to being disgusted with her. Which wasn’t anything new to her. She never fitted the idea of what a boy should be. She was born with beautiful blond hair, bright blue eyes, and girlish features.

Even her voice sounded more like her mother’s voice. She had a few features from her father, but she had more of her mother’s DNA in her. She was the last child born to her parents of four children. Her older sister was six years older than her. Then there were her brothers, who were identical twins. The next oldest who was two years older than her was her second oldest brother. He was on the wrestling and baseball team. He was the best player the school she went to had. He also won several championships in both wrestling and baseball.

Her on the other hand, she was in the choir, and on the pep squad. She did volunteer work at the local SPCA and St. Morgan’s nursing home. It has just recently she has decided to start dressing more and more as Baby Spice. Her body has never been what you called manly or
boyish. Her development has always been along with that of a girl.

Her older sister didn’t mind and treated her like a girl. Her brothers sometimes teased her, but they wouldn’t let anyone else tease or bully her.

“I can’t believe all the new stores and how many there are.” Betty was amazed at how many new stores there were in the mall.

“I know what you mean, Betty.” Roxy wanted to stop and look around at a store that was just for teen girls.

“So, are we going to stop and look at a few stores or continue to walk around?” Valorie had her daddy’s credit card and wanted to spend some money.

“Let’s check out Ole Time Records. There’s a Spice Girl cd I want to buy.” Emma had learned that the store had a copy of an album put out by the Spice Girls.

“Emma, what is it with you and the Spice Girls?” Valorie looks at her friend.

“I like their music. They were setting examples of what girls could do back in their time.” Emma had read up on all the members of the group.
She even had signed pictures from all of them.

“We know their music is good, but you have almost everything they put out and you dress and sound like Baby Spice.” Valorie loved her friend a lot, but sometimes she could be a little obsessive about things.

“I promise after I see if they have the cd, we can go and do everything you guys want to do.” Emma looks at Valorie as they pass another store that caters to girls.

“Alright.” Valorie knew Emma always kept her promise.

The girls walk into Ole Time Records and couldn’t believe how well stocked it was. They had all sorts of merchandise from some of the best music groups around, including Hip Hop and modern Country.

“Okay, I’m impressed with this place.” Betty couldn’t believe everything in the place.

“I could spend all day in here.” Roxy spotted a few well-known groups she liked.

“Is there anything I can help you, ladies, with?” Albert had spotted several teenage girls walk into his store. He noticed one of them was dressed as Baby Spice from the Spice Girls.

“Yes, I’m looking for the last cd the Spice Girls put out called Spice 25th anniversary.” Emma had all the others at home.

“I believe we have it in stock. Let me check.” Albert types into his computer and finds it.

He walks from behind the counter and into the store where the cd was. He looks through the collection and spots it.

“Here we go. It’s the only one I have in stock, and it cost thirty-five dollars.” Albert looks at the young girl that looked like Baby Spice.

“Deal.” Emma was excited because she now had everything they produced.

“Are you happy, now Emma?” Valorie looks at her friend and could see the gleam in her eyes.

“Yes, I’m very excited.” Emma looks back at her friend. She has known Valorie since they were in jr. high.

“Whatever. Is there anything else you want?” Valorie knew how Emma was.

“Nope, I have what I came for.” Emma was happy.

“I want to look around a bit.” Betty starts walking off.

“Me too.” Roxy heads to a different section of the store.

Valorie just shakes her head, as Emma and her head towards the counter to pay for Emma’s purchase. She watches as the middle age man rings Emma up. She wasn’t into music like Emma, or her other friends were. She believed in downloading the mp3’s from Apple music or Amazon music.

Emma browses through some more girl groups and singers. She picks up a few more CDs because they were dirt cheap. She could rip them and turn them into mp3’s. Emma notices her other friends have picked their selection and were waiting to pay for them. She joins them in line and waits as Albert rings them up.

Afterward, they leave the music store and go to some of the stores for teen girls. Some of the clothes were too expensive for her taste, but her friends bought some. They leave that store and go to another one. There was a lingerie store two stores down from where they were going.

“Hey, I’m to going to go and see what Leather and Lace have in stock.” Emma was about to leave when she hears Betty’s and Valorie’s voices.

“Wait, we’ll come with you.” Betty and Valorie walk with Emma.

“I’ll meet you guys over there.” Roxy had spotted an outfit she liked on display in the window.

“No, we’ll go with you and afterward, go over together as a group.” Emma didn’t like splitting the group up. They were friends and always watched out for each other.

“You know you guys don’t have to do this.”

“We know.”

All four girls walk into the store together and come out forty minutes later with one or two bags each, including Emma. She had bought several skirts, dresses, and exercise leotards to workout in.

“Man, I can’t believe how much we spent in just that store.” Betty had spent two hundred dollars on three pieces of clothing.

“I know. They better be worth it.” Valorie couldn’t believe how much she spent.

“Well, let’s see how much we can spend at Leather and Lace.” Emma leads everyone over to the store. The girls leave their packages with the clerk and start looking at items that interest them.

They all look at various items and by the time they are ready to leave. They had a collection of panties, bra’s garter belts, and stockings, Emma found a few training waist clinchers she wanted to try wearing. She saw a nice white corset she liked but was out of her price range.

“I think we should have paced ourselves better.” Roxy looks at everything they had.

“I think your right. I could end up spending my whole bank account in here.” Emma couldn’t believe how much she spent. She spent at least a hundred dollars on a bunch of sexy lace panties, thongs, and waist clinchers.

“Let’s go to two more stores and have lunch afterward.” Betty figure they could pool their money for pizza or something.

“Sounds good.” Emma was thinking the same thing.

All four girls end up going to the shoe store and buying four pairs of shoes. They had a buy one, get one sale going on. Emma bought some new tennis shoes and some heels for some of her outfits. Her feet were smaller than her sisters and her mother's.

Heck, she was smaller than both her relatives. She was 5’ tall and her older sister was 5’9” and her mother was 5’7” tall. Her twin brothers were 6’ 2” tall and her next oldest brother was 5’11” tall. Her father was 6’ tall and had a muscular build to him. He worked as a roofer and as a heavy equipment operator.

The girls buy some make-up and a few other things. They get a large veggie pizza with pepperoni from Brimstone Pizza for lunch. All the girls contributed to the cost of it. They also get a pitcher of sweet, iced tea to drink with the pizza.

While the girls are sitting and enjoying their pizza. They spot some guys from their school.

“Hey, isn’t that Brandon and Junior down there?” Betty looks at Valorie for an answer.

She knew Valorie had a thing for Junior. The two of them have been on again and off again since junior high.

“Yep, and they probably are up here to visit the new sports store.” Valorie knew Junior was into sports very heavily.

It was one of the reasons they broke up. Junior spent all his free time either practicing or trying to impress recruiters his father somehow managed to get to watch Junior play. She tried to be supportive of his ambitions but realized after a while. Sports will always come first for him.

Betty had watched Valorie and noticed how indifferent she sounded. She knew Valorie carried a torch still for Junior. She knew her friend deserved someone better. Sure, Junior might make it big one day, but at what cost?

“So, what do you ladies want to do with the rest of the day?” Betty wonders what her friends were going to do.

“I have choir practice later today.” Emma didn’t mind spending time singing. She loved to sing and entertain people.

“I have to babysit the Lovett children tonight. You’re welcome to come over and help, Betty.” Roxy did babysitting for certain couples. She has been doing it since she was fifteen years old.

“How about you, Valorie?” Roxy looks at her oldest friend.

“I wish I could come over. My parents have been riding my butt to improve my grades. They said if I don’t improve them, they are going to take the credit card away. So, I’m going to spend the rest of the day, hitting the books.” Valorie didn’t want to lose her credit card.

“How about tomorrow?” Roxy figures they could go out and have some fun.

“I have church in the morning, but I’m available after church.” Emma didn’t like going, but her parents did. Which meant she and her brothers and sister had to.

“Speaking of the church. Do people at church still give you the stink eye?” Betty looks at her friend for an answer.

“Not anymore. I told several of them off. I told them no one likes stuck-up pricks or two face people who believe one thing and do the opposite of what they believe. When they start quoting scripture towards me, I turn around uses other scripture verses to shut them up.” Emma couldn’t believe how narrow-minded people who believed in the bible could be at times.

“You know the bible that well?” Roxy and Valorie were amazed, that Emma knew the bible at all.

“Only certain verses and chapters. There are times where it should be burned. I know it has done a lot for people, but at the same time, it has done a lot of harm against people as well.”

“Well, I know older people believe in it, only when they get older. They are hoping it will bring them brownie points when they finally kick the bucket.” Valorie knew several people didn’t go to church in their youth, now went when they got older.

“Tell me about it.” Emma knew a few people like that.

After the girls finish their pizza and get a refill on their soda. They do some more mall crawling. They comment on some of the clothes or items they see. They spend a few more hours at the mall and buy a few more items before Valorie drops everyone off at their house.

Emma walks into her house and spots her brothers and their friends playing one of their video games. They sounded like they were in real combat. She stops and listens to their callsigns and watch on the big screen television as they shoot at another group of players.

Emma heads upstairs to her bedroom, which had posters and pictures of every Spice girl and female performers from other female bands. She had a signed guitar that she won at a raffle from Olivia Newton-John and Nancy Lamoureux Wilson from Heart.

She also had several dresses and other merchandise from the Spice Girls, Heart, Go, Go’s, Bangles, and a few lesser-known girl groups. She had pictures of herself dressed as Baby Spice for a talent show she entered and for Halloween as well.

She puts her purchases away and sits behind her synthesizer setup. She was considered an amateur still, but she loved practicing on it and playing certain songs. She sings into her microphone and finishes composing the song she has been working on since she learned how to sing and write music.

Her choir teacher said she had a nice-sounding voice. She hums a few notes as she plays them. She doesn’t like how they sounded and tries a different note and loved how it sounded instead. She loses herself in the music she was working on. After several hours, the alarm clock on her cellphone goes off. She turns her keyboard off and grabs her purse. She wasn’t going to bother to change her clothes for choir practice.

She rushes out of her bedroom and down to the garage where her moped was parked. She puts her helmet on and opens the garage door. Once the garage door was opened, she heads out and closes it behind her.

The ride to the church her parents attend and where she sings with the choir wasn’t too far from her house. She parks her moped and locks it up. She goes to the side entrance and knocks on the door. She hears someone on the other side and after a few minutes, it opens.

Brandon was heading towards the kitchen to lay the snacks out when he hears someone knocking at the side door. He walks over to it and looks through the peephole to see who it was. A smile appears on his face when he notices it is Emma. He opens the door to let Emma in
“hey, Baby Spice. How has your day been?”

“Ah, you know. Photographers wanting to take my pictures and adoring fans that want my autograph and to take pictures with me.” Emma
responded in her best British accent and voice.

Ever since she learned about Emma Bunton. Emma has been learning how to speak like her, act like her and develop a British accent that sounded just like Emma’s. Her family and friends thought she was nuts, but she liked sounding like Baby Spice.

A smile appears on Brandon’s face. He thought it was cute the way Emma acted like the real person.

“You know, if I didn’t know any better, I would say you’re from England.” Brandon liked Emma’s British accent.

“Thanks, I’ve practiced for so long developing it, that it comes naturally to me.” Emma has read everything that was British. She has listened to how they spoke and what words they used, compared to the everyday words Americans used.

“So, how did the day out with the girls feel?” Brandon knew Emma liked to spend time with her friends on Saturday.

“It felt nice being around them. I don’t have to worry about anyone judging me and I can be myself.”

“The question is, who is the real you, Emma? Are you Baby Spice or Emma Taylor from Charlotte, NC?” Brandon knew who Emma was.

“You know, even I don’t know sometimes. I’ve practiced so long to be like Emma Burton, that Emma Taylor is like a boring person that lives a vanilla life.” Emma knew her life has been nothing but uneventful.

“You know, sometimes living a boring vanilla life is filling for a lot of people.” Brandon would have liked it, that he never went overseas to fight the Taliban.

“Maybe.” Emma knew what Brandon went through in the military.

The two of them make it to their group and start practicing the songs they were going to sing on Sunday. Emma was the youngest singer in the choir and the shortest as well. She stood 5’ like her idol. Even her body measurements were the same as her idol. Which she loved a lot. When she started taking hormones, she was hoping her breasts would grow to be like Emma’s.

A few times their conductor would stop them during practice to make corrections to the song or one of the singers. It was very rare when she stopped to correct Emma. Emma keeps on singing and when they finish for the evening. She was happy.

“You’ve been practicing, Emma.” Gayle looks at Emma and notices how she was dressed.

She remembers when Emma used to be named Eddie and wore male clothing. Now, she was known as Emma and looked like an ordinary sixteen-year-old teen. Even her voice sounded different. Like the developed an accent to her speech pattern.

“Thanks, Gayle. I’ve been listening to the advice you and the other ladies gave me.” Emma took whatever advice she got from the older ladies and try to apply it to her life.

“You’re the first youngest to listen to us.” Gayle knew that most young women and men of Emma’s age didn’t like listening to the older generation.

“I won’t be the last either.” A smile appears on Emma’s face.

The two of them head towards the kitchen to get some snacks. Emma spends a good thirty minutes or so, talking with the other members of the choir. She loved the relationship she had with the other members.

They didn’t hold her past against her and embrace her for her. They knew she was a good person and did what was right. Afterward, she leaves the church and heads home. She still had a book report due and there was an outfit she wanted to finish for a contest she wanted to enter coming up.

Emma heads home and parks her moped in the garage. Afterward, she heads upstairs to her bedroom and links her cellphone with her Echo dot. She plays the all-girls playlist, as she slips out of the clothes she has on and puts on a nightgown.

She plops down onto her favorite bean bag and pulls her laptop out of her book bag. She starts working on her book report. She found the book she read boring and wonders why she ever decided to read it. She listens to her new Spice Girl cd, while she is working on the report.
While Emma is working on her book report, she receives a text message from her drag queen friend Peppermint Stick.

Peppermint Stick: “Hey girl, watch you doing?”

Emma: “Nothing, except working on my book report for school. Where are you performing tonight?”

Peppermint Stick: “The Birdcage tonight. The crowd is pretty good here tonight. What’s the book about?”

Emma: “The Red Rose Moon. It was supposed to be a good mystery book, but the plot sucked, and the characters were only two-dimensional. It was like my teacher picked a boring ass book for our assignment.”

Peppermint Stick: “I remember those days. How are things going for you? Anyone giving you any problems?”

Emma: “None so far. I think my brothers have a lot to do with it. The last guy that gave me a problem, got a talking to from the football team. Since I’m on the pep squad, they look out for me.”

Peppermint Stick “I’m surprised you didn’t become a cheerleader. You have the blonde hair.”

Emma: “Ha! Ha! Very funny!”

Peppermint Stick: “I thought so :)”

Emma just shakes her head. Her friend Peppermint could be a wiseass sometimes.

Emma: “When will you be back in Charlotte?”

Peppermint Stick: “Next weekend. I’m performing at the Squeaky Wheel.”

Emma: “Cool! I’ll see if I can come down and see you perform again.”

Peppermint Stick: “Dress as Baby Spice and act like her. The doorman will let you in. He thinks you’re cute.”

Emma: “I can do that. I’ll wear one of her dresses from the show.”

Emma looks over to her closet and could already see which outfit she was going to wear. She knew which ones showed off her figure and made her look just like Baby Spice.

Peppermint Stick: “Gotta run, sweetie. I’ll see you on Friday. Huggers!”

Emma “Huggers, as well.”

Emma goes back to working on her book report. She works until eleven at night. She covers up a yawn as she stretches and saves the book report.

“Now, that is done with.” Emma powers down her laptop and starts getting ready for bed.

She had church tomorrow. She lays down in bed and listens to some music as she slowly falls asleep. She drifts off into dreamland in no time.

Sunday Morning, Risen Church:
“Glory to God in the highest!”
Said the angels to the shepherds on the plain;
Singing with music the sweetest,
Christ has come, a Savior evermore to reign.
“Glory to God in the highest!
Peace on earth, good will to men”;
Let angels join the chorus,
And help to praise His name.
Glory to God in the highest!
Let its joyful melodies reach every land;
Christ, our Redeemer, the greatest,
Has appeared to save from sin by His right hand.
Glory to God in the highest!
For His mercy and His goodness unto all;
Oh, for His love! ’tis the deepest
Ever shown to sinful mortals on this ball.
Glory to God in the highest!
For this wondrous plan of pardon through His blood;
How blest to know His forgiveness,
Granting full salvation through the grace of God.

Emma sings along with the rest of the choir. She had a very unique voice that blended in well with the others. Her parents were watching her as she sang with the other choir members. She was happy and enjoyed singing.

The rest of the sermon goes by slowly but is wonderful. The reason it was wonderful, was because of the choir. They made the sermon bearable and enjoyable.

After changing out of her robes. She joins her family as they wait for her. She spots her mother waiting for her.

“Sweetie, you and the choir were marvelous. You made the sermon more bearable.”

“Don’t let pastor Berede hear you say that, mom. He worked hard on that sermon.” Emma knew how hard pastor Berede worked on his sermons.

“Don’t worry sweetie, I’ll keep it quiet. Now, let’s go and get some lunch.” Angela wraps her arm around Emma’s shoulder and walks with her towards the family car.

Emma’s father Teddy drives everyone to the nearest IHop to have lunch. Emma follows behind her brothers as they walk into the restaurant. Her blonde hair shined in the sunlight.

The hostess comes over to take their order and notices Emma. A smile appears on her face because she couldn’t believe she had a look-alike of a famous person in her section. “What drink would you like, sir?”

“Just coffee for me.” Dan looks at the menu.

“I’ll have a sweet iced tea, please.” Emma already knew what she wanted to eat.

“Make that another iced tea, please.” Debbie already knew what she wanted as well.

“Pepsis for us.” John and Darrel look at their waitress.

“I’ll have a sweet iced tea as well.” Angela keeps looking at the menu.

“Alright, your waitress will bring your drinks over.” Kathy turns and walks off.

A few minutes later, their waitress shows up their drinks. She places everyone’s drink in front of them. She notices Emma and a smile appears on her face as well.

Once the waitress has their order, she goes to place the order. John watches as she walks away. He thinks he knows their waitress.

“What is it with everyone thinking you are Baby Spice?” Darrel looks at Emma for an answer.

“Because I do, stupid. Haven’t you noticed how I am dressed?” Emma couldn’t believe her brother hadn’t realized how she was dressed.

“Emma, don’t call your brother, stupid.” Angela looks at her daughter.

“Yes ma’am.” Emma takes a sip from her tea.

Dan glances towards his new daughter. He still wasn’t comfortable with how his youngest son, wanted to be a girl. However, he was willing to give it a try.

Their order arrives after about twenty-four minutes. It doesn’t take them long to eat their lunch and socialize a little bit. Afterward, Emma and her family head home.

When Emma arrives at home, she heads upstairs towards her bedroom to change out of her church clothes and into a pair of loose shorts and a cami top. She sits down at her desk and pulls out the dress she has been working on for a contest being sponsored by Paul Smith. She entered into the contest and has been working on her design.

She sits down at her desk and pulls the dress mannequin over to her desk. She straightens the dress and continues to add the finishing touches to it. She so wanted to win first prize, but she was competing against some talented people.

“Dinner is ready, sis.” Debbie came upstairs to get her little sister.

Emma looks up with safety pins sticking out from her mouth. She removes them and puts them back in the pincushion sitting on her desk.

“What time is it?” Emma couldn’t believe it was dinner already.

“It’s six-thirty. You must have been involved in this creation of yours.” Debbie looks at the dress her sister has been working on since they got home.

“I was. It needs to be completed by next week. I still need to have it modeled and the pictures sent in for the judges.” Emma still didn’t have a model yet.

“Well, I don’t have the figure for this, sis. I wish I could help you.” Debbie liked what her little sister created.

“I can always make you one sis.” Emma looks at her older sister to see how she felt about the idea.

“Thanks. Do you mind if I think about it?” Debbie liked her sister’s design.

“Sure.” Emma puts her stuff away and heads downstairs for dinner.

After dinner, Emma goes back to her bedroom and works on her song for a while. She wanted to get a little more done to it before going to bed. She takes a shower before she heads to bed.

Monday Morning, Cartwright High School:
“Baby Spice is in the house!” Joey stands up in his seat as Emma comes walking into the classroom.

“Thank you, Thank you.” Emma had a huge smile on her face as she walks into the classroom.

She takes a bow at the front of the class. She knew Joey was a wannabe rapper. He dressed the part and had a few decent rap lyrics rhymes. He even entered a few rap contests and won a few.

He also liked it when she started dressing and acting like Emma Bunton. Another thing they had in common was they both were good at improvision.

“Hey, Emma. Drop a rhythm on us.”

“Okay. I call this one The Clammy Feet Hip Hop

May I have your attention please?

I'm not afraid (I'm not afraid)
To ice skate backwards (to ice skate backwards)
Everybody (everybody)
Come take my bottom (come take my bottom)
We'll walk through France together, through the storm
Whatever weather, cold or warm
Her nipples are skinny, feet clammy, hairs are soft
There's food on her sweater already, friend's ham
She's nervous, but on the surface she looks calm and ready to ice skate backwards,
But she keeps on forgetting what she wrote down,
And I am, a laugh
If I wasn't, then why would I say I am?
In the paper, the news everyday I am
Radio won't even play my jam
'Cause I am, a laugh
If I wasn't, then why would I say I am?
In the paper, the news everyday I am
I don't know it's just the way I am
You better convert to law
You own it, you better never let it go
You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to ice skate backwards
This opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo
You better convert to law
You own it, you better never let it go
You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to ice skate backwards
This opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo
So lets go back
Follow the path as we go on another episode
Journey with me as I take you through France
I once used to call home sweet home
Well, gotta go, I'm almost at the Park now
And when I'm gone, just ice skate backwards, don't mourn
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my skinny nipples
Just know that I'm looking down on you snuggling
And I didn't feel a thing, So baby don't feel no pain
Just convert to law
And when she's gone, just ice skate backwards, don't mourn
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of her clammy feet
Just know that she's looking down on you singing
And her didn't feel a thing, So baby don't feel no pain
Just convert to law in your sweater.

“Damn! White girl can rap.” There was a huge smile on Joey’s face.

“Hey, it was a spur of the moment thing. You know me, I’m a Spice girl for life.” Emma takes her seat and gets her laptop out.

Their teacher walks in and looks at everyone. She didn’t see any of her students missing, so she marks everyone present.

“Alright, class. I need for you to go to chapter 6, page 75.”

Emma does what their teacher instructs them. She saw the subject matter and a slight moan escape from her mouth. She hated Social Studies.

The first part of the day goes by slowly. Emma and some of her classmates almost fall asleep from their math instructor. His voice could put anyone asleep. Her next class before lunch is Phys. Ed. and they were in the gym.

As Emma is getting dressed in the girl's locker room. One of the queen bees of the school, Jessica Cromwell looks over towards Emma “you know, my father is going to sue the school system for allowing a boy like you in the girl's locker room.”

“Do I look like a boy, Ms. Pissy? I don’t think so. Go ahead and let your dumbass father sue the school board. It just shows how ignorant and homophobic your family is. As for you, I hate to say this, but there are better-looking girls in this school than you and more talented as well.”
Emma stood in her underwear and bra looking at Jessica with an angry look on her face.

“Jessica, you need to chill out. Does Emma look like a boy to you at all?” Valorie stepped up to defend her friend.

“Yeah, Jessica. Does Emma look like a boy? Because all I see is Baby Spice from the Spice girls standing there in her underwear.” Roxy stood next to Emma.

“Whatever! She isn’t a real girl, but a wannabe girl.” Jessica turns around to walk away.

“You mean like you? You’re a wannabe girl as well.” The comment came from another girl in Emma’s class.

Emma looks at her friends “thanks for standing up for me.”

“Hey, someone has to look after you, spice girl.” Roxy hugs Emma.

Valorie hugs Emma as well. After a few minutes “I think you should finish getting dressed for gym.”

“I think you’re right.” Emma felt touched by her friends standing with her.

Emma goes and gets dressed for gym. Valorie and Roxy wait until Emma is dressed and walk out with her. Emma walks arm in arm with her two friends.

The rest of the day goes by fast. As well does the rest of the week. It was like someone sped uptime. Between school, Emma’s volunteer work, and choir practice she was feeling tired. She managed to submit the pictures of her dress for the contest. She had her friend Valorie model the dress for her.

One of her friends on the school’s yearbook staff took the pictures for Emma. Emma wouldn’t know who the winner is, for another two weeks. She hopes she wins because it would mean a lot to her.

Squeaky Wheel:
Emma shows up at the Squeaky Wheel in her best Baby Spice outfit and walks up to the door. A smile appears on her face when she notices the looks, she was getting. She spots the bouncer at the door. She saw a huge smile appear on his face as she approached.

“I heard you wanted to see me.”

“Yes ma’am.” Harrel couldn’t believe Baby Spice was standing in front of him.

He knew this girl wasn’t the real Baby Spice, but out of all the fakes he has seen over the years. This one was the best looking of all of them.

“I need to see your id, Mrs. Bunton.” Harrel had to mark all underage people going into the club.

“Certainly.” Emma pulls her identity card out from the clutch purse she held.

Emma hands it to Harrel. She watches as he looks over it her license. He picks up a purple stamp and stamps the top of her hand.

“Too bad, you’re not a little older. I would love to see how much of a baby you are, Mrs. Bunton.” Harrel kisses the top of Emma’s hand.

“Maybe when I’m older, we’ll get together.” Emma loved flirting.

“A man can only dream.” A smile appears on Harrel’s face.

Emma walks into the club and finds a table near the stage. One of the waiters on duty comes over to her.

“Welcome to the Squeaky Wheel. What would you like to drink?” Mat looks at the young woman sitting at his table.

“I’ll have a virgin piña colada, please.” Emma knew even with her looking like Emma Bunton; she couldn’t get an alcoholic drink.

“One virgin piña colada coming up, Baby Spice.”

“Thanks.” Emma smiles at the waiter.

Emma looks around the place and couldn’t believe how busy they were. She wonders if it has anything to do with her friend Peppermint Stick. She hopes her friend is on soon.

The lights lower and the first drag queen performing comes out. Her name was La La and she was Mexican. She was pretty good. The next queen to come out after La La was a big African American queen. She was tall and built like amazon and went by the name of Pussy Coco.

There was four more drag queen that go on, before her friend. Emma has already two virgin piña coladas by the time her friend goes on. She hears the music to Who Do You Think You Are and start noticing several drag queens along with her friend come out on stage. Peppermint
Stick reaches out for her to come on stage and sing and perform with them.

Emma gets up on the stage and starts singing and performing like her idol would do. The crowd throws money up on stage as she and the others perform the song together. She performs several more songs with several of the drag queens until late.

By the time Emma leaves after singing and dancing with her friends. She was tired and her voice was sore. She didn’t lip-sync the songs. She sang them and performed the dance steps for the song as well.

By the end of the month, Emma finds out that she came in third place in the contest. One of the judges that judged her design, liked it. She was willing to offer her forty thousand dollars for the design.

Along with that, she completed the music she was working on. She wanted to submit it to a producer but decides to hold onto it for a while. As for school, it seemed that Jessica’s family was causing a scene about her changing in the girl’s locker room.

A crowd had formed outside one morning and one of the protesters tried grabbing her. She punched the person so hard in the face, that she broke their nose. She also kicked them when they fell to the ground.

Later, in the evening on the evening news channel. Someone had recorded the incident and the newscaster mention the piece. They said that girl power was at work that day.

The rest of the month, no protesters were allowed near the school. The superintendent of schools didn’t want another incident like what happened. Emma also got a personal video from her idols as well.

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