Reluctant Diva 14

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Reluctant Diva 14
Inspired by Lipstick Discipline
Chapter 14 – Supper date
When my nails had had their second coat applied I got up and walked about the room while the polish dried. As I passed the full length mirror, I couldn’t help but stop and admire my reflection again. I’d have put the sophisticated girl looking back at me in her late teens at the very youngest. The combination of the glamorous hair, dramatic makeup and the smart skirt and top was cool and chic. The ensemble was very sexy but in a refined sort of way.

I practiced some expressions in the glass. A smile – it was as if the sun had come out. The come-hither, sidelong, up-from-under glance with head tilted could have a devastating effect. I’d have to remember that one. Best of all though was an unconcerned stare achieved with a slight curl of the upper lip. That was supremely disdainful. It felt empowering to realise how impossible it would be to get beneath the image this girl chose to portray. Whatever feelings she might be experiencing at any given time would always be veiled in mystery. That was something that ought to give me a little more confidence.


A joyful squeal interrupted my reverie. Rachel was standing in the open doorway, delight all over her lovely face. Clad in skinny ribbed top and white jeans she looked pretty sensational herself. “Jennifer, sweetie! What in the world have you done to yourself?!” she cried. “Oh my!” She ran over and gazed at me awestruck, looking me up and down. “I mustn’t muss you, I know, but I could eat you right up, right now! Oh this is just perfect”.

My erstwhile babysitter bade me turn round and gasped again. “Walk over there and back again” she commanded. I complied and she squealed again.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“Wrong!” she giggled “Here!” and, holding up the hand mirror so I could see my rear view reflected in the full length one, made me walk towards her again. “Get a load of that ass!”

I realised what she meant. The thin material of the skirt hid nothing and without its confining girdle, my rear end looked larger and rounder than ever. As I moved my weight from one leg to the other my buttocks wiggled provocatively, seeming to dance in response to the motion.

“Chris would have a heart attack if he could only see you now” she laughed. “Oh, are you going to have fun with that Marty?!” Then with more venom than I ever expected to hear from my gentle friend’s lips, “Serve him right too!”

Mystified, I stared at her in shocked disbelief, but Mom called me to hurry at that point so I recovered myself and made to go. Rachel grabbed me as I passed and gave me a huge hug. Her magnificent breasts, squashing up against my own prominent and pointy bust, squeezed all the breath out of me.

“Ouch! Careful with those things” she laughed as she straightened my outfit again. “They’re dangerous!” and mischievously adopting a mock-judicious pose she added, “I reckon you might get three scoops of ice-cream in each one!”

Tickled, I grinned back at her and clopped down to where Mom was waiting.

“Come on, girl, it’s rude to be late” she chided, then struck with a sudden idea, she ran up to her room. Seconds later she returned with what looked like a little gold bracelet. As she snapped it round my wrist I saw that it was a tiny watch, delicate and pretty.

“Now there’s no excuse for losing track of time” she said and she was smiling. “It’s a good one, so take care of it. I used to wear it on my dates, years ago.”

I looked at her gratefully, my eyes welling up a little. “Gee Mom, you’re the best” I whispered. “It’s beautiful!”

“Yes, well and so are you, sweetie. Tonight I couldn’t be more proud of my pretty ‘daughter’.” Her eyes seemed a little moist. “Now let’s go!”

It was a good twenty minute drive across the town and out the other side to where Mrs Wilkins lived. On the way Mom told me that Mrs Bennett would be one of the party, and another woman friend, Madeleine Bell. “There’ll be just the five of us ‘girls’” she said.

“And Marty?” I queried.

“At some point” was the reply. “I gather he usually goes out with the guys on a Friday night.”

What was still exercising my brain was Rachel’s manner earlier on. Always so gentle, her hostility to my intended ‘date’ seemed completely out of character. As innocently as I could I asked my mother if Rachel knew Marty.

“Why do you ask?” replied Mom.

“She doesn’t seem to like him much” I said.

She gave a short laugh. “You could say that! The whole family are angry with him. He and Rachel dated for a while and, well…. he didn’t treat her very nicely. They will all be so grateful to you if you can take him down a rung or two. Or three!”
“And I mean all the members of that family” she ended significantly. “Nearly there now.”

I blushed as I registered her emphasis on the word. Though I took her meaning, my thoughts quickly moved back from my own concerns to those of my best friend. What my mom had just revealed rankled not a little with me. I’d known Rachel for ever it seemed. Teasing apart, she was always kind to me and I looked up to her as my standard of well…. perfection, near enough. I’d also had a huge crush on her for so long that I couldn’t remember when it started. Her welfare mattered to me as much as that of anyone else in my little world. It seemed incomprehensible that anyone could do anything to hurt her. I felt so protective of my childhood idol that at that moment I harboured no small amount of malice towards this Marty. It made what I’d been talked into doing personal.
As we alighted from the car I looked across at Mom uncertainly. What had I agreed to do? I had no idea of how the evening was going to go. Noticing my hesitancy, she smiled encouragingly.

“You look perfect, so relax” she whispered as she rang the doorbell. “Just don’t be too easily pleased”.
Small chance of that!

It was Mrs Bennett who answered the door for us. Rachel had driven her there on her way to our house, so she could help with the supper. She greeted Mom and then did a double-take when she caught a glimpse of me. “O my saints, is that…?” was her exclamation, stifled just in time by my mother’s hand on her mouth.

“Now, Wilma” Mom warned sotto voce, “You nearly gave the game away! Just be more careful”.

The other looked horrified. “Oh my stars! That was a near thing. I just wasn’t expecting…. her… looking like that” she whispered.

Behind Rachel’s mom were our hostess and another lady I didn’t recognise. Composing herself with an effort, Mrs Bennett did the introductions. Turning to Mrs Wilkins, “Jane, this is Jennifer. You haven’t met? Well here she is, and looking like a movie star! Jennifer… Jane” she tittered.

“No I don’t know ‘Jennifer’” beamed Mrs Wilkins as she came forward. She hugged me briefly then Mom as well. She winked at us both “What a pretty ‘daughter’ you have, Dorothy dear. She’s just gorgeous. It’s so nice to have such a charming young thing to liven up our evening.”

“Jennifer, this is Mrs Bell. Madeleine, Dorothy’s ‘daughter’.”

Mrs Bell was tall and elegant and her face seemed familiar. She looked older than the other women with her hair done up in a style my mom called a French roll. Then memory stirred. Of course; the woman at the beauty parlour with the air of authority. The name should have given me a clue. Belle Boutique. It was close enough, she perhaps was the salon’s owner.
The woman just introduced was wearing a figure-hugging trouser suit that showed off a body that could have belonged to a much younger person. She smiled as if to reassure me though her eyes contained a knowing gleam that was disconcerting. “I think I may have seen you before... at the salon sometimes? I’ve heard all about you, my dear. You look just wonderful. You certainly know how to catch the eye!”

As the centre of attention, I had to do some rapid thinking as to how to deal with all this acclamation. Instinctively I attempted a nonchalant manner. “Thank-you, kind people” I smiled, as if all this fuss was an everyday occurrence. It seemed to give my audience pause, so inspired by its reception I took my assumed pose a step further. I lifted my skirt an inch or so and dropped a little curtsy, inclining my head at the same time. Mrs Bennett collapsed back against the lady of the house giggling helplessly at the incongruity of this little act and had to be duly quietened by her friends. I was surprised by how much fun I was having, despite my unusual situation.

We were ushered through into the sitting room for drinks. There followed an awkward silence and my nervousness returned.

“I like that dress, Jane. It looks brand new” said my parent after a moment or two.
Her compliment broke the ice and the conversation turned to what we were all wearing and became general. I’d have preferred to fade into the background but once again the focus of attention became centred on me. Was there to be no escape?

In a little while I was made to stand up and walk up and down before them all to have my outfit approved. After overcoming my reluctance, I started to enjoy myself again... Well just a little bit… Okay, actually, a whole lot! Who wouldn’t want to be so admired?

It was just at this point that the door of the room opened and a boy in his late teens put his head around it. “See you later, Ma. Just going.”
He was tall and dark, had fine cut features and a confident manner. His hair was slicked back with an elaborate coif and he was wearing a black leather bomber jacket and jeans.


“Oh Marty, there you are” exclaimed his mother. “Come and say hello, before you disappear. Where are you off to tonight, anyway?”

“Just meeting the guys down at the track, y’ know. Hi, everybody” he responded, glancing around the room.

When his gaze rested on me, he just froze. To see the change of expression on his face was quite comical. “Well!” he came further into the room and looked me up and down. “So…. What y’all up to, this fine evening?”

I had to admire the speed of his recovery, but I could see he had been surprised by the presence of a ‘girl’ seemingly around his own age. I turned away and looked over at Mrs Wilkins. She introduced him to her supper guests, Mrs Bell, my Mom and then me. He obviously knew Mrs Bennett already. I held out my hand and he shook it but then made to hold on to it. I smiled and slid it deliberately from his grasp.

With a “Hey, I think I know you from somewhere” he started to list possible places he and I might have met.

Looking bored, I politely negatived each one “No. No, I’m sure. I really don’t think so.”

He regarded me for a while, then laughed “Yeah, you’ve heard that all before. I’m just talking, don’t mind me.”

Though conscious that everyone in the room was paying attention, my pique rose up against him and what came into my head took me by surprise. Out of my lips came the retort “I don’t mind you “just talking”, as long as you don’t mind me “not listening”!”

He had to think about that one, but took it on the chin. He held his hands up in mock surrender. “You got me! Okay. Well… I really gotta go.”

He turned back at the door. “Say… what was it? Jennifer? You don’t want to be wasting a fine evening like this. Why not come and have some fun? Come on down to the track and meet the guys. We’d really be cookin’.”

I stood there, as if considering.

“Jennifer, it’s very nice of Marty to offer to take you. It’s entirely up to you, if you want to go” chimed in my mother. “Would you like to go with him?”

Where had I heard that question before? “Would you like to go with him?” I blushed as a memorable evening was recalled to my mind. It had occurred at the end of the last visit with my dad and my step-mother. She had made me up and dressed me up to the nines and taken me out to a restaurant on that occasion. The ‘him’ she had invited me to go with was one of a pair of middle-aged businessmen who were trying to pick the both of us up. Mine was obviously having trouble dealing with the effect my feminised body was having on him. Basically the guy had made no secret that he had the hots for me and my step-mom had no end of fun teasing me and making the most of watching me squirm. How Mom would have hated to be told she sounded a lot like Marnie just then!

Recovering my poise, I glanced back at the older teen and chose to wear the disdainful look I’d practiced in the mirror earlier. “Thanks, Marty, but I’m not dressed for the track” I said coolly. “And I’ve only just met your mother and Mrs Bell. We girls have lots to talk about. Another time perhaps.”

With attempted nonchalance, “Suit yourself” he smiled, but he looked a little ruffled. “It would have been cool.”
“Bye all!” he called and next minute the street door banged to and he was gone.

I noticed Mom looking at me but I couldn’t read her expression so wasn’t sure if I’d done the right thing or not in refusing. I eased myself gently down into a chair, remembering to arrange my skirt neatly with its thigh-high split. At least the way I performed that operation ought to be right with her.

“Poor Marty will be disappointed” sighed his mother sadly, and then to me, “I wouldn’t have minded if you’d gone with him, you know.”

“No, it might do him some good” commented Mrs Bennett. “Playing hard to get will make him a bit more interested, that’s all!” she said winking at me, and the other women all joined in the laughter.

When we got to eat, it was a cold supper but very pleasant, with a few dishes that were new to me. There was plenty to talk about and I seemed to be getting on really well being treated as one of the ‘girls’, much to my relief. I frequently had to remind myself that I was the only male present. The evening flew and we had had dessert and were finishing up our coffees, when the street door opened and next thing Marty’s voice was heard from the hallway. “It’s only me!”

“I wonder what he’s forgotten” said his mother. “He’s not back till much later as a rule.”

Next moment he was there in the room. “Hi, everyone!” he exclaimed, but flashing a smile directly at me. He came over and drug a chair up next to mine. “Nothing much happening over at the track, so I thought I’d keep y’all company, if that’s okay?”

“Yes, of course it is. If you go over to the table, you’ll find there’s a few of your favourite sweets left” his mother fussed. “There’s key-lime pie. I’m sure Jennifer can manage a little more, too!”

“Thank-you Mrs Wilkins, but I couldn’t eat another thing” I responded, getting up and walking delicately to the table. “I don’t mind helping out though” and turning to Marty, whose eyes I could feel boring holes in my butt, “What can I get, you?” I gave him the sidelong glance.

His jaw fell open and you could see it took a real effort to change his point of focus from the curves of my rear end back to the table. “Er… key-lime pie is fine” he gulped. “Thanks.”

Sweetly smiling I handed him a generous serving, carrying it over as if I lived for no other pleasure. Then I went across and sat with Mrs Bennett and Mrs Bell, leaving him to make small talk with his mother and mine. I could see Rachel’s mom was struggling to suppress a fit of giggles, so to steady her I asked about her daughter. “I didn’t have time to chat with Rachel tonight before we left. Tell me, how is she doing?”

Immediately serious, “Well… She’s okay now” came the guarded reply. Sotto voce she added, “and it’s no thanks to some people I could name.” She went on to give me the benefit of her worries for her daughter’s present state of mind, stemming from the tough time she’d had the previous year. Absorbed as I was in our tete-a-tete, I could only vaguely hear what was being said by the others. It seemed that my mom was well in charge of the conversation, however.

After a while I heard my name mentioned. My attention was arrested as I could hear Mom saying gaily to Marty, “Oh yes. Jennifer loves movies. I’m sure she would be thrilled to go with you.”

Inwardly cringing, just what was I being committed to?, I looked up and smiled across at her, resolved to carry it off with a high hand. “Now Mom! Are you giving away all my little secrets? That’s not fair when I’m not there to defend myself, you know!”

Mom laughed and continued recounting how many films I’d watched in the last two weeks alone. Of course, she omitted to mention that my diet of chick-flicks had been purely down to her choice. “Those were all re-runs on TV of course. Getting to the movie theatre is a rare occurrence for her. Jennifer never seems to have anyone to go with, and I’m usually too busy. It’s such a shame!”

“I can’t believe that!” was the gallant response from Marty, my would-be escort.

“That Mom’s busy?” I exclaimed, wanting to make him struggle for it. “Oh yes. She never seems to have any free time, what with working shifts, and then looking after me and my brother. She’s the best!” I gave him another arch look. He would have to do better! This kind of flirtatious riposte seemed to come easily to me and again I impressed myself.

Marty looked a little flurried, as I intended, and corrected me. “No I meant you, of course. A doll like you must have the guys fighting over you all the time.”

“Oh no! That’s never happened. I hate violence.” I went on seriously. “There’s too much of it in this world. I would just walk away.” I hoped my eyes were round with pretended awe. “A doll! That sounds a bit flashy. I’m happy with a quiet life.”

“Sure thing. You’re so right.” Marty looked slightly bemused.

“I hope you don’t get into fights.” I continued.


“It’s the people that start them I think are to blame.” I went on serenely. That proved to be a slip on my part however. My opponent immediately knew what to say.

“I don’t start fights” he said smugly. “But I can finish them, if I need to. A chick’s safe as houses if she’s with me.”

That was supposed to impress me, of course. I played along, looking at him wide-eyed.

“Say, baby.” He went on, encouraged by the last exchange. “How about we take in a movie at the drive-in tomorrow night? You doing anything? Mom will let me have the car.”

“It’s Jennifer.” I corrected him, determined to be in control, but remembering the purpose of all this, “No, I don’t think I’ve any plans for tomorrow, have I, Mother? Would I be okay to go out?”

“It’s all right by me, if you’d like to go” she affirmed.

“It might depend on what’s on. I know that “Pillow Talk” is showing at The Majestic. I love Doris Day, don’t you? She’s really glamorous but so nice, and so funny. I could watch her all day.”

Marty looked doubtful. “That sounds a bit mushy. I was thinking of somethin’ with more action. “A Bucket of Blood” and “The Wasp Woman” are showing at the drive-in. That would be a blast!”

Deciding to appear bored, I put on my disdainful face. “Really! Wouldn’t they be more for kids? My little brother and his friends like that sort of thing. Perhaps we have different tastes.”

“Hey. No. It’s okay. “Pillow Talk” will be fine, I guess. It’s a date. When shall I pick you up?”

It could be awkward if he called for me at home, I foresaw, so I hesitated. Mom apparently was of like mind. “Thanks Marty, but no need. I’ll be driving down-town, anyway. She’ll meet you at the theatre at 7pm.”

Our visit didn’t last long after this conversation. Mrs Wilkins hugged us all goodbye and Marty followed suit, leaving me till last. He gave me a warmer hug than I was expecting though I had a hand ready on his shoulder to fend off if need be. Being embraced by such a good-looking boy felt nice and I could have let myself enjoy it my nerves hadn’t been so keyed up. Just in time I remembered that I needed to stay in charge. I coolly received the kiss on my cheek that followed and resisted the urge to return it. Then I was outta there at last, breathing a deep sigh of relief. All too soon!

Originally it had been arranged that we would take Mrs Bennett back with us so our baby-sitter could drive them on home. Before we got in the car, however, I was made aware of a change in plan. My parent had apparently been plotting with her friends and the outcome was that I found myself being urged to go and stay over at Mrs Bell’s house. Mom insisted that I would benefit by spending time there before my forthcoming date with Marty. The sleep-over was to allow us plenty of time to talk.

My intended hostess supported her. “I would so like you to come and stay.” Smiling sweetly she continued “I’m sure you I can find you some night things. Before she left home my daughter was just about your size.”

Stepping off into the unknown like this was likely to give me a heart attack. “Oh Mom…!” I started to object.

Mom was quietly insistent. “You did really well tonight, Jennifer, but there’s something you need to learn before going on a date with a boy like Marty. He knows just how to get his way with girls, so it’s important you understand a lot more than you do right now and about a women’s body in particular.”
She continued in a confidential tone “There are no secrets that this lady can’t let you in on and you will be in excellent hands.” and as an after-thought “She would be so glad of the company too.”

That stopped my protest. Coaxing me further she whispered, “She’s widowed and has no family with her now.”

I didn’t see how I could refuse that appeal. Once again, it seemed, I was being pushed way beyond my comfort zone. Mrs Bell gave Mom a hug goodbye in which a lot of whispering took place which I couldn’t make out. To cap it all Mom retrieved from the car and handed me an overnight bag which she just ‘happened’ to have brought along for just such an eventuality! Oh really?!
She left with a surreptitious wink at my new friend and a last word to me. “Now you be sure to do exactly what Mrs Bell tells you.”

I suspected I was being set-up. In fact I was certain I was, but I was intrigued to understand the depth of my parent’s scheming so I didn’t put up any resistance. It would probably have been a futile gesture in any case but, as so often can happen, my curiosity got the better of my judgement.

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