Reluctant Diva 33

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Reluctant Diva 33
Inspired by Lipstick Discipline
Chapter 33 – On the road
By the time we heard Mom close the front door we were both fully dressed again and putting our hair and makeup to rights. Rachel straightened the bed while I called, “We’re up here Mom, come and see!” While my friend did a final check around the room, I hastily picked up her discarded bra and panties and slipped them into her purse, just in time! She hadn’t had time to change but was wearing the lingerie set I had given her under her outer clothes.

Captivated by the transformation which we'd achieved, my mother was too enraptured to notice any awkwardness in our manner. She thanked Rachel over and over again.

“It was no trouble, really” the latter assured her. “I love doing this kind of thing.”

“Well you certainly have a flair for it.” Mom beamed her pleasure.

“I hope you don’t mind but I’ve already been rewarded. Your daughter wants me to have this,” holding up the red bra I’d hoped she would take. “It is more my size than hers, though of course she’s still growing. It might fit her, yet.”

“No of course you must have it, if you like it that is. There are some matching panties… here. Oh, and there’s another set in that size too, as I recall. So pretty!” Mom was busy searching through the drawer.

“I think I’m wearing that one!”

My parent looked her surprise, first at Rachel, then at me, but quickly recovered. “Oh. Well that’s wonderful, then. I’m glad we could do something in return. You know, dear, you are wasted at that drug counter. I know it’s only a fill-in job but you could do amazingly well with a career in design. I think you have a real gift for this sort of thing. Not that there’s anything wrong with nursing.”

“I do enjoy experimenting.” She looked at me considering. “Having said that, my own bedroom could do with reorganising some. Would Jennifer like to come over and spend the evening with me?”
My idol smiled and pulled me close. With her arm around my waist, I was very conscious that one of her breasts was pressed hard into my back.
“She gives me all sorts of ideas. I’d find it so much easier having someone to…” the pressure increased, “to bounce things off.”

I stared at my friend in disbelief as her double meaning sunk in. I could have laughed out loud. Catching her eye I had to try my hardest to hide a smile.

Mom was already on her way downstairs, however. “Sorry, Rachel, but I will have to say no on this occasion. Jennifer has a lot on her plate just now, keeping up with her schoolwork and all. She is quite behind and although she might have forgotten, she will have exams next month.”

Rachel followed her down the stairs with myself close behind her and sighed. “Don’t I remember those school-days well?”
She paused abruptly in her descent so that I nearly collided with her. Surreptitiously she ran a hand up my leg and under my skirt and, grinning mischievously, gave my butt a squeeze. “Well if she’s all ‘behind’, perhaps next month I should come over and help her with her ‘revision’.”

I stifled an exclamation as my teasing friend gave me a sharp pinch.

“I think we’d have fun!” resuming her downward progress. “What do you say, Jennifer? Next ‘month’…?”
A prospect both alarming and delightful.

As Thanksgiving approached, my head was crammed full of additional things to worry about. Inevitably, there would be a big celebration for the whole town on the day itself and I fully expected Mom to enter me in the pageant again. Taking second place in last year’s beauty contest had been both scary and exhilarating. I had tasted success beyond any but the wildest of expectations. Part of me dreaded being subjected to the ordeal over again and another part felt the exact opposite way. While my competitive streak naturally wanted to repeat the triumph or even surpass it, at the same time I shrank from attracting the inevitable attention that would go with the attempt.

A further source of anxiety was that now a certain Jennifer Cartwright was enrolled at school with the consequence that I would have no incognito and be only too recognisable in this year’s contest. The prospect of being the centre of hot gossip among my classmates did not appeal to me in the least.

Over the next couple of weeks I tried vainly to stop myself thinking how outlandish my mother’s choice of costume for me might turn out to be. I was unsuccessful and lay sleepless for several nights obsessing over my fears. In reality they fell short of what my parent had dreamed up. Idly picking up one of Mom’s magazines one day, I observed that the corner of one if its pages was turned down. I was curious to see what she thought was worth revisiting and found that the subject matter concerned a well-known movie star. The picture opposite showed the celebrity in her latest role; an oriental dancing girl. Adorned with myriad glittering chains, spangles and stones the image with its tiny bikini top seemed to shimmer before my eyes. The star’s slender midriff was fully exposed, drawing attention to the shapeliness of her hips. Her skirts hardly hid anything and were split to reveal her long round thighs. Bracelets, armlets and rings adorned her arms which she held in an exotic pose. The sight filled me with foreboding.
The very next day the ominous words “About this year’s Thanksgiving!” floated across the table toward me at breakfast.

I cringed inwardly, expecting the worst.

Then, “Now Jennifer, last year you made me so proud. I can see no reason why this year we can’t aim to go one better. How about it?”

What could I say? It was enough of a surprise to me that whether I took part or not might be open to question, though I guessed that refusal was not a serious option. I resigned myself philosophically to whatever might be coming. The expression on my mother’s face was almost childlike in its eagerness. When she used this kind of persuasion I found it much harder to overcome than when I was being bullied, not that I was very successful at resisting that!

“I guess” I replied, careful not to sound more enthusiastic than I felt.

My parent seemed oblivious to my show of reluctance, however. “Well, my girl. If we are really going to top last year you will need something really eye-catching. Since your figure has filled out so nicely, we can rely on showing it off to its best advantage.”

I knew exactly what she meant. In the months since my fifteenth birthday celebration I had continued with the nightly waist-training and the exercise regime which Madeleine had introduced me to. In this time I had also been physically active. My busy household routine, my cleaning job and my work at the salon, cycling to school and above all the cheer-leading practices had each contributed to my bodily fitness. I had grown more than an inch in height. My resulting body shape was the hour-glass figure that was so much coveted around then.

Her magazine lay open on the table at the article I’d come across the day before. Though not surprised I was dismayed to hear my parent utter the words, “Now that is exactly the kind of look we should be aiming for!”

Once again my mother’s schemes threatened to take me a long way beyond my comfort zone. I was doomed!

Dimly I perceived a possible chink of light among the dark thoughts that began to engulf me, prompting my feeble attempt at an objection. “But where on earth would anyone buy a costume like that?” I asked tentatively.

As I might have anticipated this mildest of protests was brusquely swept aside. “Oh don’t worry about that. Madeleine’s maid has a sister who is an accomplished seamstress. She will easily be able to make what you will be wearing."
No retraction was possible and there was nothing for me to do but acquiesce. We spent the next few minutes discussing what I would wear for the swimwear section, but my brain couldn’t take it in. Just when I was desirous of adopting a lower profile, my mom could be trusted to come up with something completely off the wall. I was so stressed that all I could take on board was that she had ordered a swimsuit in a metallic fabric, and also that she thought that the material for my evening dress should be similar, but she was undecided. Nothing else registered with me and perhaps I should have been paying more attention. But was there any point?
The mail-order delivery containing my swimsuit came later that same day. After I’d finished work that evening Mum told me to go upstairs and try it on.
In a shimmering gold material which really caught the eye its impact was stunning. Literally! What worried me most about this was that I would stand out like a neon sign! That was the right idea if I was to succeed, and of course I should have been so prepared. At last year’s competition the image I had projected might have been termed “sweet and sexy”. This year apparently it was to be merely ‘sexy’. To my mind there was only just enough coverage for my body to remain legal. I was dismayed to see how generous was the amount of flesh which would be on display.

My parent joined me in my room and after turning me right around gave her opinion. “Perfect!” Mom’s reaction came as no surprise to me, but… What was she thinking?!

At that point my modelling session was interrupted by a knock at the door below. Mom went to answer it and soon a well-known voice was audible in the hallway.

“Hello Dorothy. I’m not interrupting anything, am I? I was just passing.”

I heard my mother welcome my employer warmly and explain what she and I were engaged in. “Like to see her? She’s actually trying on the bathing costume now” she concluded.

Madeleine evidently was eager to do so and it was with no little alarm that I prepared myself for our unheralded guest to be admitted to my bedroom. I hastily put away the discarded clothing that lay across my bed and gave a quick glance around to see that all was acceptably tidy.

A tap at the door was followed by an “Only me!” and there she was in a black tailor-made pant suit, the neckline of which plunged towards her navel. Her make-up was dramatically perfect and her hair was swept up into a bun. I wanted to tell her that I thought she looked sensational but my diffident compliment remained unheard beneath her own raptures over my appearance.

I was left in no doubt that Madeleine liked what she saw.

When her effusion of praise was over she sat herself on my bed, pulled me down beside her and slipped her arm around my waist. “Come, my dear” she smiled. “You seem troubled. Tell me about it.”

“Oh… I’m a bit nervous about all this, I guess” I explained.

“But last year was such a triumph for you!”

“I know, and you would think it would be easier second time around. It’s because so many more people know about me now. If I put myself too much in the public eye it could all go horribly wrong… at school for example…”

I was close to tears and my mentor listened without comment, encouraging me to explain further. “This outfit is what I will wear for the parade.” I handed her Mom’s magazine. “It’s quite an eyeful!”

She examined the picture of the harem girl intently, a wry smile on her face. “You would be quite safe to say that, I think!”

Her irony made me smile too, so that when my parent joined us we both seemed to be regarding the image with perfect approbation. Mom’s self-satisfied expression showed that she perceived no criticism of her plans in the faces of either of us.

“So… We have settled on two out of three winning outfits. It’s the evening dress that we’re having trouble with.”

She went on to detail the various ideas she had considered for this showpiece at some length, while our visitor listened attentively. Eventually Mom stopped for breath.

“I may be able to be of some assistance here, Dorothy, if you are happy to let me help.”

Madeleine suggestion was at once both practical and simple. She named the state capital. “I will be travelling there on Friday and returning on Sunday. If Jennifer would like to accompany me then I’m sure that while we are there then between us we can find a gown which will be just perfect. What do you think?”

“That’s so kind…” While my mother considered her friend’s offer, my whole mood lightened. I had only been to the metropolis once in my short life and I had been too young then to recall much about it. A vague impression of wide streets and imposing buildings was all that remained. To spend time there with such a generous patroness would be a dream come true. I looked at my parent’s face anxiously trying to hide my eagerness but willing her to say yes.

“If you are sure it isn’t too much trouble, then that is a wonderful idea. Thank you! Of course she can go!” I had to do my utmost to stop myself laughing with delight as I thanked them both over and again.

The few days of waiting seemed to drag on forever to my impatient mind. It seemed that Friday would never come around but in due course it finally arrived. When I’d handed in a note at school to request leave for the day, Shirley and the rest of my friends had been beside themselves with envy and I too had felt my good fortune deeply. Though I was too blind to see them, life changes were about to overtake me resembling stepping onto a high speed walkway. As soon as my foot touched it, I was whisked away; into territory that was not only uncharted, but undreamt of as well.

It was bright and sunny that morning and Madeleine called for me early. I’d applied my make-up with particular care and selected one of my prettiest dresses. There was a little jacket which went with it, and with my outer coat over, it would be stylish enough for the big city. I’d swallowed a little toast and a half cup of coffee when her car pulled up in the driveway. I was so excited I ran out to her, though I wasn’t fully ready to leave.
“Oh Jennifer! You must hurry yourself. The drive will take most of the morning,” my friend scolded, but my gaiety must have been infectious. There was laughter behind her eyes. She was on her own in the car, at which I felt mild surprise. I’d expected Maria to be of the party.

It was noon when we drew up outside our hotel, a tall imposing building shaped like the prow of an ocean liner. It was built in alternate layers of different coloured stone and looking up, I could count at least ten rows of windows. The interior was as sumptuous as the architecture promised, with plush velvet everywhere and brilliant lighting. The bellboy showed us up to the suite which Madeleine had engaged for our stay. It was on the topmost floor with views right across the city. Our rooms comprised a large and well-appointed bedroom with an attached dressing room and bathroom. Looking around me I wondered where I would sleep and in the end assumed that the couch in the smaller room would serve as my bed. I unpacked, laying aside those garments which would benefit from a press. I would deal with them later. Next I helped my hostess change out of her travelling clothes. Taking on the role of her attendant made me feel more comfortable. My mentor was meeting all the expenses of our trip.

After freshening up we went down to the restaurant and ate a light lunch. Finally we headed downtown. First Madeleine called at her bank to transact some business, then our shopping began in earnest. Visiting a bewildering succession of department stores and fashion shops left my head in a whirl. There were wonderful creations that I tried on one after another. Most of them I absolutely loved and a good number were also approved by Madeleine. By the end of the afternoon I was completely confused as to what I preferred. Fortunately my companion was taking notes. She made one purchase but that was a gown “for this evening” rather than the pageant. Catching sight of the price tag, I was stunned at her generosity while the question of the dress for the pageant was unresolved.

“We have all tomorrow as well!” I was reminded. This trip was evidently a marathon and not a sprint and I resolved to pace myself accordingly. Back at the hotel I completed my self-appointed chores while my companion showered. I followed her and then we helped each other dress and attend to our make up for the evening. My new gown was both elegant and visually dramatic, with a low cut décolletage. The waist was so small that I wondered if I would be able to swallow anything at all when we came to eat.
After the events of such a busy day I was able to do justice to my meal which we ate in a stylish restaurant. There were soft lights and a dance floor. The band gave a polished performance and we drank champagne. I was a novice with wine and having consumed several glasses had become little tipsy when, tired but happy, I returned with my friend to our hotel.

“Bed, I think!” determined Madeleine. “We’ve a busy day tomorrow.”

I needed her assistance to take off my beautiful gown. I hung it up with reverent care and went to make my ablutions. After indulging myself with a leisurely soak in the tub, I enveloped myself in a huge towelling robe and emerged from the bathroom. The lights in the room had been dimmed and through the open door I could see my companion seated at the dressing table. It was only then that the question where each of us would be sleeping again raised itself in my mind. Although the sumptuous bed seemed twice as wide as my own at home, there was only the one. It rushed in on me that possibly we would be sharing! Oh my goodness!

The implications were by no means unwelcome but I needed some time to make the mental adjustment that this realisation demanded. My thoughts were soon interrupted by Madeleine making her entrance into the bedroom. She was wrapped in a long black satin robe and her perfume seemed to fill the whole room.
Seating herself she handed me the hairbrush and taking the hint I undid the pins from her hair and began to brush it out so that it cascaded down past her shoulders. I was all of a dither wondering what might happen, but occupying myself like this helped me attain a sense of calm. I brushed and teased and stroked. The activity was soothing and served to create a new bond of closeness between us.

After some time she motioned me to cease. “I’ve brought along something you might wish to wear” she smiled, taking out a wispy bundle of white silk and holding it out to me.

Obediently I took the garment from her. It revealed itself to be a short nightdress which hung from spaghetti straps and was adorned with much lace. It was delicate and pretty. Self-consciously I divested myself of my fluffy robe and slipped into it. I discovered that the bodice had no material over the bust so that my breasts were completely exposed. I recognised that my companion’s seeming obsession had once again prevailed in her choice of nightwear for me. Showing my endowments off was okay by me, I decided. I was quite proud of them and after all, I had been spoiled all day by her. It felt right to give her some pleasure in return.

Madeleine slipped her own robe from her shoulders and letting it fall stood smiling provocatively and proudly back at me. Naked from head to toe, her breasts were imperfectly covered by her hair and there was nothing to hide what was below. Any remaining self-consciousness I felt about my own partial covering vanished as I took in what was before me. The vision was enthralling and I found her next words both inviting and alarming.
“Come dear. Let us see how much you remember of what I taught you.”

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