Estrogen / Hormones

Mother and Daughter, part 15

“Well- okay, if you’re sure,” Janet said into the telephone. “If you need anyone to talk to, the offer still stands, as believe me, I have some experience with this sort of thing.”

“Thank you, Janet,” the ebullient voice of Joshua Benedict replied. “I shall see you back at work in the new year, and I hope you and your family have a very merry Christmas!”

“You too,” Janet said, smiling as she ended the call before sighing as she turned her attention back to the living room.

Woman in the Corner Office - 15


Chapter 53

I wish I could say my motives were as selfless as Christina thought they were. In part they were because by admitting to being at fault I diverted attention from him looking at her license. I knew if there were more than a cursory glance and he saw the M that I suspected was in the box for sex the whole atmosphere might change.


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A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

“Pernicious” is the word. The internet is pernicious. Pernicious and addictive.

What is an “influencer”? How can they trap people the way they do? It is pernicious.

I was just an ordinary guy. A shy person. I suppose one of the generation brought up with a screen before my eyes. Introverted you might say. Absorbed by the screen. Absorbed by the world wide web.

Public School

Public School
By Maryanne Peters

Attached as a file so that you can all appreciate the talent that is Ignatious Fluke, the creative force behind Tranzfiction Magazine.
I am looking forward to contributing more material to this gorgeous (free) publication.


A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

You do not choose your religion, almost all adopt the religion of their parents. And sometimes the religion that you are born into cannot be described by a word. So, I have always said that I was raised as a wiccan. I can call myself a wiccan. But that is not quite true.

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Chapter 49

I'd been debating how to get back home or to my car. I wasn't sure if I would get in trouble if I went back for it. I was standing outside the ER entrance when a human projectile came at me and literally jumped into my arms and told me to take her home.

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Chapter 45

I decided to take Ms Lukes advice and poured myself a tumbler full of liquor from a dusty bottle that had been my dad's. Like him, I seldom drank except with clients to be sociable, so the large glass of straight liquor hit me hard.


A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I was born in Morocco into a Moroccan Jewish family. My family had been living in Morocco for many generations after my ancestors were driven from Spain by the Christians. I have always considered myself to be North African.

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Chapter 41

I watched her drive away and wondered if I was being foolish trying to make something work that might have no future. I pounded the wheel in frustration, hitting the horn accidentally and scaring an old couple walking by half to death. I opened the window and offered a sheepish apology.

The Gibbon Girls

The Gibbon Girls
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

My father was known as “Snake” Gibbon. It was a good name. As hard men go he was not a “Bull” or a “Bear”, he was more like a snake. He was thin and wiry, which sharp, vicious features and greasy long hair in a queue down his back. He was known for getting own way, however he could, including stabbing people in the back, not always with a blade.

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Chapter 36

Men! They can be so infuriating and thoughtless, that when they do something right it just takes the wind out of your sails. I could count the number of times I apologized to a man on one hand and most of them were to Tony.

The Hero, The Mouse & The Cheshire Pt. 19

Christine looks down at Lache as he slept. She wore him out last night while trying a few positions out of the Kama Sutra book she picked up. All those years she had been celibate, would put a priest to shame. A shiver travels down her body, as she just stands and admires Lache’s sleeping form.

She could feel the fluids Lache deposited in her vagina sliding out and down the inside of her legs. She heads into the bathroom and does her morning routine. Today, she was working from home. The place she was working for, wanted her to create three different alien-looking masks.

Never Wanted To Be A Girl Chp.26

Grace decided to pull a second shift at the hospital. The nurse she was covering for, had a family emergency. She checked on Raven and she was out of it. Her girlfriend Clair had left to go back to the hotel they were staying in to change.

Grace knew Clair was coming back to be by her girlfriend. She checks Raven's vitals and records them on the pad the hospital was using. As she is walking back to the nurses' station, she notices her partner Anthony talking to nurse Brooke. She was a light skin African American woman. She had the type of figure, Anthony looked for in a woman.

Pit Crew

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Pit Crew
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

When a big motor racing fan learns that his sister will be part of a girls only “pit crew” with a ring side view of all the races over the season, he decides to join the girls.

Riley Jones was my best friend. We did a lot together. We played sport at school. We skateboarded after school. We sometimes skateboarded when we should have been at school. And we both loved motor racing.

A New Life-Kelly's Revenge Chapter 4

“Okay, how did I get drafted to sand down all this mud?” Kelly was looking at the new wall Charlie’s construction team had put up.

All the wiring had to be redone. So, they had to tear out all the old sheetrock and install new sheetrock. Kelly was wearing a short bib coverall and had a mask over her face as she sanded the dry mud down. She noticed that the new electrical outlets were covered with plastic.

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Chapter 27

I know I was glad she came, but why? She had pushed me away those weeks ago and it still hurt. I'm not sure I'm ready to have my heart ripped apart. I never really had her and now I wasn't sure I wanted her. Was she just here because mom died? Did she feel obligated to come?


A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

Part 1

It was supposed to be an experiment in socialization. No physical changes except some blockers to hold back the growth of a beard and make the male genitals sit quietly in the delicate panties. Just to play with the male mind. And then it would be over. There would be a follow up in a week or two to confirm re-assimilation as a male. I suppose I never thought that was in doubt.

Never Wanted To Be A Girl Chp.25

Raven was nervous as she waited for the nurse to come and get her for her surgery. The last tiny bit that made her, a male was going to be removed from her body. She would no longer be in the halfway state she was. She loved Clair very much and couldn’t wait to see what it was like to have sex as a normal girl did.

Clair could tell Raven was nervous. These past few weeks after the trial has been nerve-wracking for her. Dr. Heath and the Warden were appealing the decision and challenging the evidence that had been used against them.

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Chapter 19

My PC dinged indicating I had another email. It had been doing that all day so I ignored it. I'd wait as there were sure to be more. Several dings later I opened up my email and Christina's immediately caught my eye.

The Bedsit

The Bedsit
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

“I have good news”, he said. “There is still no room at my place, but you can at a bedsit just down the hall from us. And better still the rent is minimal.” Harry seemed pleased with himself.

“What’s the catch?” I asked. London was a hard place to find anything, let alone in his location.

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Chapter 15

Christina, that's all I could think about. Was I crazy? Was I willing to take on the shitstorm that would probably come down on me if I took up with her? How would my clients react if they found out? And I'm sure my competitors inside and outside the office would be more than happy to let them know.

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Chapter 11

I had a momentary flash of anger until I realized what I had done. I had taken over and made decisions for her, decisions I wasn't entitled to make. A moment later we were apologizing to each other and laughing.

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Chapter 7

Mom always told me I had a hot Italian temper like pop and I'd been on the receiving end of a lot of lectures and other less pleasant punishments for letting it get away from me. Despite that it was all I could do to not up and deck him when he said 'his perversion.' I was brought up short by Christina and he was brought to heel by his wife with just a few words.

Never Wanted To Be A Girl Chp.24

Raven caresses Clair's arm that was draped over her. They were finally home and the trail of Dr. Heath and his associates was finally over for them. According to what she was told, the jury had returned a quick verdict of guilty on twelve different charges that had been brought against all those involved.

Stephanie, part 21

Not for the first time this week, I’m woken up by the sound of loud music emanating from the living room. As I have for the last few days, I yawn, stretch and swing my tired body out of bed, pulling on my fluffy dark red dressing gown before padding through to the living room to find my girlfriend gently swaying to Three Times a Lady. I let out a gentle sigh as I encircle her tiny waist from behind and gently sway along with her, which elicits a contented sigh from the petite blonde girl.

“I still say you were robbed,” I say, making my lover giggle.

Learning to Be A Sailor

“Watch you doing up there, Amy?” Steve looks up at Amy way up at the top of her mainmast in a bosun's chair.

Amy looks down towards Steve as he stood near her sailboat. She had just finished installing a new light bulb and a radio antenna on her mainmast.

“Replacing a light bulb and installing a new radio antenna.” Amy was glad she got started early on the repairs.

“You’re a better person then I am.” Steve had a fear of heights.

“I love my boat.” Amy starts lowering herself back down to the deck.


A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

“It’s time”, he said.

I had only just laid down on the sliding bed that was to pass me into the MRI machine. Minutes before the two prison guards with me had been told that no weapons or anything metallic was allowed in the room while the MRI was operating. The Hispanic one had handed his belt and weapon to the other and gone inside with me, his charge. He now lay unconscious on the floor nearby. The man standing over me spoke again:

“This is it. You’re sprung. Come with me and keep it quiet.”


A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

They had almost reached the radio buoy when Nate called out that there was something in the water, off the starboard bow, maybe 200 metres distant. Skipper Greg Hanson was behind his own exacting schedule and was disinclined to investigate, until Nate called out: “I think it’s a body.”

The Lyssa Kordenay Missions - Book 46 - Butterflies in the Fields of Blood


Book 46 of The Lyssa Kordenay Missions!
  The DemonWraiths' final test: Kill Zone
  Lyssa ventured deep into Africa before and returned
  Now she must go back to the Bloodfields, but with more
  on the line than just herself this time.

WARNING: The Lyssa Kordenay Missions may be hyper-violent for some readers!


Golden Days

Golden Days
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

The winter of 2009 took my sweet wife Margot. It was an infection, we knew that much. We put her body outside in the snow to preserve her. I had not wanted to let go, but Carson made me see the sense in it. When winter broke, we were able to take her body in to town and confirm the cause of death. It was such a minor thing, just a small wound from a can of spam, but when you are isolated, even with modern communications, there is nothing you can do.


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