Estrogen / Hormones

Rairy Contrary - Chapter 3 - Prejudice

BigCloset TopShelf Featured Author
Katherine Phillips

All the work I post here is in its first draft format. I do this so that you can still read what I'm writing and so you have a reason to buy my books when they are edited and published, alongside supporting me as a person of course.


Authors Note: I apologize for how short this one is.

Rairy Contrary - Chapter 3 - Prejudice


Life on the Run in Skirts - Chapter 31

CHAPTER 31 - Around 50 % of marriages in the United States end in divorce.

Ellen was extremely apprehensive about her husband and their future together. He had been so depressed lately that she never knew what to expect when she arrived home each night. Heather had even taken to sleeping in the spare bedroom on most nights, claiming it was so Ellen could be assured a good night’s rest.

Life on the Run in Skirts - Chapter 30

CHAPTER 30 - Rape victims feel responsible.

Heather was not the same after his near sexual assault.

Too make matters worse, Ellen continued to date men on occasion. One Saturday night, more accurately Sunday morning, Heather watched from the bedroom window as Ellen walked her date to the door and threw her arms around his neck and kissed him goodnight.

Life on the Run in Skirts - Chapter 29

This is not a Caution, but more of a Warning.

This chapter exhibits even more of Ellen's selfish behavior at her husband's expense. Heather deals with her antics as best he can, but things will get better for Heather.

We are sure that Ellen's attitudes and behavior are exaggerated as we have NEVER met anyone who acted like Ellen before.

* * * * *

CHAPTER 29 - A flight to freedom, lands in the valley of disappointment.

The Mad Adventures of Suzie Lavender - Suzie's operation

NOTE: Please note that this is a fantasy that is set a thousand years into the future. I don't profess to be a doctor and I'm sure what I'm suggesting in this story is anatomically impossible. But a girl can dream, can't she? :D

I Told You So

I Told You So.

Sue was dressed in a black crushed velvet pantsuit, that at first glance could be mistaken for a man’s tuxedo. Her broad shoulders and her salt and pepper hair was pulled back in a severe bun on the back of her head only added to the illusion. It would take a trained observer to detect the very feminine voluptuous body concealed behind the manly façade.

Life on the Run in Skirts - Chapter 28

CHAPTER 28 - Being robbed hurts – not physically, but what it does to your sense of security.

"George isn’t here and hasn’t been for over a year," Ellen replied shakily.

The bruiser in charge looked down at her, obviously not believing her. "In that case, I’m sure you won’t mind if we have a look around."

Heather moved to stand protectively next to Ellen, trying to put his loved ones behind him.

Pointing at Heather the head goon asked, "Who is that homely broad, we've been watching this house for months and haven't seen her until recently."

A New Life-Kelly's Revenge Chapter 2

“Man, I never realized how expensive it is to live here in Hollywood.” Kelly and Victoria had gone to two properties they were interested in.
The places were nice and had some of what they wanted, but not everything. It didn’t have a pool where they could gather and talk. The garage was too small for Charlie’s truck. Plus, they were asking a lot for it.

“Welcome to my world, Kelly. So, you have a modeling shoot on Thursday?” Victoria looks over towards her friend.

Life on the Run in Skirts - Chapter 27

CHAPTER 27 - Organized crime in America takes in over forty billion dollars a year. One of the reasons is it spends very little on office supplies.

There was a collective gasp from George and Ellen. George was the first to speak, "I can’t imagine that they would be interested in a small fish like me."

Fred nodded in agreement. "Don’t underestimate their determination and thirst for vengeance. They want to make examples of you both.

The Mad Adventures of Suzie Lavender - Merry Christmas and Arnold is gone

To say this is a weird first Christmas is something of an understatement. They only family we have over is, strangely enough, Joan and Tommy. Yes, that promises to be a fun time, doesn’t it? I have to wonder if Tommy is going to look at me this time as I have on a short black dress with a lace top. I’m showing off my nude pantyhose covered legs and they’re being propped up by my silver heels with a slight open toe that show just a little of my fuchsia nail polish. My lips are of the same color and I have some purple-silver eye shadow.

The Hero, The Mouse & The Cheshire Pt. 14

Cheshire looks at her family as they sit around at the dining room table. Christine was glowing and Cheshire could guess that Christine has been enjoying herself. It was a good thing that she couldn’t get pregnant, but then again she figures Christine would make a good mother.

She looks at Tizzy and a smile appears on her face. She was so proud of how Tizzy turned out. She had been a scared malnourished, beaten
little boy, who was ready to end it all. Now she was a grown caring woman with a child of her own and a husband.

Weeping Willow - Part 20 (conclusion)

Weeping Willow
Part 20 (conclusion)

The Scrapbook

by **Sigh**
Copyright© 2019 plaintivesigh
All Rights Reserved.

"I pulled down these scrapbooks – I always have wanted to. I’m learning about you and our family’s history. They’re pretty amazing – especially this one,” she said as she lifted a tome with a deep green cover.

“That’s your aunt’s book,” sighed Angie. “I wish you had gotten me to go through it with you so I could explain it all. How far have you gotten?”

“Far enough to know that Aunt Willow – she used to be a boy!!"



Yes indeed, this is the last part of the Weeping Willow saga. I appreciate everyone's patience and forbearance with me. I know that I included various elements that were controversial and not everyone's cup of tea (like God and religion). The Sex chapter (part 19) was nerve wracking for me because I worried it would be clumsy, stilted, tasteless or boring. (I haven't written many sex scenes, especially one that explicit). Your encouragement and input was precious and life-giving. I love you guys; thank you.

Life on the Run in Skirts - Chapter 26

Chapter 26 - The first day at a new job is always stressful

The next morning, Ellen ran a bath for her husband. As he soaked, she laid out his outfit for the day. Stepping out of the bath water, he dried off and went through to the bedroom, being uncomfortable at his nakedness. He rushed to the dresser to get something to cover his nudity. Ellen was there waiting for him. She opened her drawer and naughtily pulled out a black lace thong and panty set then handed them to him.

Weeping Willow - Part 18

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Weeping Willow
Part 18

The Big Chula Vista Sermon

by **Sigh**
Copyright© 2019 plaintivesigh
All Rights Reserved.

“Now, we have a person in this congregation who identifies as a woman though she was born male. I have met with her, and told her the traditional view I stated above. She chose to not follow that tradition, and continues to present herself as a female.”

Willow’s blood froze as she noticed several members of the congregation turn and look at her – some with smiles, but more with frowns. Sam Fredricks – the man who had grabbed her arm weeks ago when she first presented as female to church – was one of the frowners.

“Let’s split, babe,” Bernard whispered as he grasped her hand.

“Willow – go. We’ll stay here and handle any flack the haters give us,” her Poppa breathed into her ear.

She shook her head emphatically. “No! I want to hear where he goes with this.”

Life on the Run in Skirts - Chapter 25

CHAPTER 25 -If you don’t like something, change it, if you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.

Needless to say, Ellen was thrilled. It was getting late and they had to pick up Ariel from the sitter. Ellen put her daughter in her car seat, but, rather than heading home, she drove to the mall.

George felt a sinking in his stomach and asked, "What’s up?"

"Dear I am sorry; it appears you are going to have to stay as Heather for a while longer."

"Wait a minute! I said I would help. I never said anything about doing it as Heather."

Weeping Willow - Part 16

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Weeping Willow
Part 16

Red Face Warning

by **Sigh**
Copyright© 2019 plaintivesigh
All Rights Reserved.

“Maybe if someone warned you early, before you ‘lose it’, then you could stop it. I can tell when you’re starting to get too irritated.”

“What? You can? How?”

“Your cheeks get flushed. It can be seen even through your daily makeup. Sometimes you’ll frown, or sigh, or wrinkle your brow – but the most reliable indicator is a red face, especially the cheeks.”

Weeping Willow - Part 15

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Weeping Willow
Part 15

Amanda's Dad

by **Sigh**
Copyright© 2019 plaintivesigh
All Rights Reserved.

Amanda U sound pretty desperate

I am

Desperate enough 2 end it all?

You mean like running away?

No, I meant ending ur life. Suicide.

R U saying I should think about it?

NO! YOU NEVER EVER SHOULD! YOU WILL COME THROUGH THIS – trust me! But plz answer question – have you been thinking about suicide, even a little?

Maybe a little.

Weeping Willow - Part 14

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Weeping Willow
Part 14

Gator Nose

by **Sigh**
Copyright© 2019 plaintivesigh
All Rights Reserved.

“Okay. Bend over. Hmmmn. I see no bumpiness; all is smooth as silk. You should take some pix for your boyfriend. Not of your crotch, mind you – just in the suit in general.”

“Already did, and sent them to his email. That will give him something to obsess over when he’s on his lunch break,” she dreamily exhaled.

Gwen moved behind her daughter and began adjusting the bows of her top. “Have you two had sex?”

“URK!!” gulped Willow.

Life on the Run in Skirts - Chapter 23

CHAPTER 23 - I put off getting dressed en-femme as long as I could. But in the end, it didn’t change anything.

Upon their arrival, they had a light lunch. George was so stressed out from the shopping trip that he stretched out on the couch to watch TV and maybe catch a catnap. Within minutes, he was sound asleep. Ellen left the dishes for Heather to do when he awoke from his nap and headed back to the mall to do some serious shopping.

Life on the Run in Skirts - Chapter 22

CHAPTER 22 - My body does not define who I am. I’m still a man in my soul.

A week later they got a call the doctor wanted to see them to get the results of all the tests. George in his suit and tie returned to the doctors. The receptionist was kind enough to watch the baby while George and Ellen were in seeing the doctor.

The Mad Adventures of Suzie Lavender - A visit with Dr. Pandora

It’s the last day of November and Judy is picking me up from school. We’re going into Daisy City again but not to do aerobics or see Thelma, who redid my nails yesterday. Now my fingernails are a glittery fuchsia color. My toes will be done the same way tomorrow. I can’t wait.

But today, I have an appointment with a Doctor Emily Pandora who will doing my operation. It’s a consultation and she will be explaining the procedure with me.

The Mad Adventures of Suzie Lavender - Suzie is triumphant

I’m really nervous as Judy drives me to school. My stomach is full of butterflies as I’m about to go to school as Suzie for the first time. Judy picked a nice mini-dress with a blue flower pattern. It’s pretty but I have to be careful to keep the skirt part down so my peach panties isn’t exposed under my taupe pantyhose. Of course I’m wearing my B-cup falsies. I’m also wearing a pair of white open toed platform shoes that show off my pretty plum toes. I’m going to be changing nail polish colors when I see Thelma on Thursday and I want the color to be the same as my fingernails this time.

Never Wanted To Be A Girl Chp.18

Later that day, Raven meets up with Clair after work. They were trying out a new restaurant that just opened. It was in the old feed and seed store. After they had been shown to their table and ordered their drinks, Raven looks at Clair.

“I heard from Carol today. She said that she managed to get an early court date, but the case was going to be heard in Augusta, Georgia, instead of here.” Raven

“Wow, that was fast. The Warden and the other people responsible for changing you were just arrested.” Clair was surprised that the case was moving so fast.

Life on the Run in Skirts - Chapter 20

CHAPTER 20 - There is an intimate relation between curing and caring.

They kept Ellen for a couple of days in the maternity ward. George could only visit in the evenings as he spent the days at the police headquarters being debriefed by the feds. By the time they were done with him and he hurried to the hospital, he never found the time to go shopping for male clothes. He showed up every day for his interrogation in a freshly washed and ironed maids’ outfit.

Life on the Run in Skirts - Chapter 19

CHAPTER 19 - Women are like police, they can have all the evidence in the world but they still insist on a confession.

He inquired if he could come in. His intentions of looking for George were laughingly obvious. Ellen invited him in and led him to the kitchen table where she asked if he would like a cup of coffee. She began the process of brewing a pot. While her back was turned, he stood and asked if he could use the bathroom. Again, she was sure he was looking for evidence of a man in the house.

The Mad Adventures of Suzie Lavender - Suzie's Thanksgiving Makeover

This is the big day. After the day is over, I will be Simon Fornsby no longer. I’ll be Suzie Lavender. I still have no idea what I’ll look like though. Judy tells me it’s going to be a surprise. The only thing I know for certain is that Sally is coming with us and she promises to hold my hand when I go through the perma waxing, the one thing I know for sure is coming. I am so in a hurry to get rid of my horrid little beard and starting to be hairy legs not the mention the underarms, pubes, arms, etc.

Life on the Run in Skirts - Chapter 18

CHAPTER 18 - Good sex is like the bridge card game. If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand.

Ellen was shopping at the mall on a Sunday afternoon. Her pre-eclampsia was under control for the present. She had just finished looking for a new dress that would accommodate her expanding belly. Sadly, her ability to wear a size 8 was a long way in the rear-view mirror. Whenever she shopped it was with a vengeance. Today she gave off the air of a socialite just browsing.

Stand By Your Woman Part 4

1532 Old Beach Rd, Kailua-Kona, HI.:
Leslie, Casey, and Charlotte watched as the team that Cheshire sent arrives. Leslie was happy that they finally arrived. She managed to get a few hours of sleep last night. Her wife Casey and the new person Charlotte stayed awake talking about some of their missions while they were in the service. She knew Casey misses being in the boat service.

Life on the Run in Skirts - Chapter 17

CHAPTER 17 - Do you know what I did to the last person that called me Tinkerbelle? I slept with him.

"I have one more room to do. Let me ask Angela if she can cover for me."

"They’ll do that for you?"

"Yes, we are all friends, they have taken me under their wings. Four of us sharing a double room. We have become close out of necessity."

Ellen had a ton of questions to ask about the four in a small room together.

She asked the most obvious one. "What are your sleeping arrangements?"

He answered calmly, "Why two per bed. Why do you ask?"

Never Wanted To Be A Girl Chp.17

Raven wipes the sweat out of her eyes as she finishes tightening the caliper guide bolts. It was another hot and humid day. The huge fans in the garage weren’t helping. She reaches over to her mechanic’s cart and grabs her thermos of ice water. She takes a sip of it and enjoys it as it slides down inside her throat.

Life on the Run in Skirts - Chapter 16

CHAPTER 16 - Housekeeping is like being caught in a revolving door. It never ends.

Once they were a good distance from the motel, Beth was stopped at a red light and said to Ellen, "My brother has changed, his appearance is more feminine than masculine. When did he decide to become a woman?" Beth gripped her hands under her breasts in the universal big-boobs gesture. "If I didn’t know better, I would say my brother had grown breasts.

"It’s a long story, let’s go home and have a cup of tea and I will explain it all to you."


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