The Violinist Chapter 15

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Once the group arrived at Mrs. Chamber’s office. Mrs. Chambers wanted to examine the violin to see if it was genuine or a fake.

“May I, examine your violin?” Leslie was looking towards Mike.

“Sure. June, let Mrs. Chambers examine the violin, please.” Mike looks towards June since she was carrying the violin case.

June lays the violin on Mrs. Chamber’s desk and opens it. She takes the cloth she keeps in the case and wipes the violin down, before handing it to Mrs. Chambers.

“Here you go, Mrs. Chambers.” June was being gentle with the violin.

Mrs. Chambers accepts the violin and starts examining the violin. She couldn’t believe it was one of the lost ones. She checked everything on it, to make sure it hadn’t been damaged or made from other violins to create a fake.

Dr. Chambers spots the marker marks inside the violin. According to what she was seeing, it was made in 1704. She knew several violins had been made in that year and most of them have been accounted for. The only one that hasn’t been accounted for, was the one named Gleni.
Rumor had it, that it had been stolen from the person it had been given to.

Leslie looks up and at everyone gather around her desk “where did you find this violin?”

“In an old farmhouse in Suffolk, Va. that the new owner was renovating. He told me I could have anything I find up in the attic.” June still had a few more items from that job she needed to sell.

“Is there a problem, Mrs. Chambers?” Mike was curious.

“No, there’s no problem. However, this violin has been missing for the last three hundred and sixteen years. According to the history of it. It was stolen several weeks after it was given to a wealth Lord in Bristol, England. No one knew who stole it. Do you know the name of the previous owner of the farmhouse?”

“No ma’am. I was just a temp worker hired to do a job that week.” June was glad she wasn’t doing that job again.

“Well, what is it you would like for me to do?” Leslie gently places the violin back in the case.

“What we would like, Mrs. Chambers, are papers authenticating the authenticity of this violin, proving that it is a real Stradivarius violin.” Mike was doing the talking while Larry and June stood nearby.

“How long will you be in town?” Leslie wanted to get a second opinion on the violin.

“For a few days. We might be able to extend it for a week if need be.”

“A week would be better for me to draw the papers up. I would like to get a second opinion on the violin as well.”

“That’s fine. We can extend our vacation, until the end of the week.” Mike figured it would be a good break for the three of them.

“I’ll call you when I have the papers ready.” Mrs. Chambers closes the violin case gently.

“Thank you. Here’s one of my business cards.” Mike pulls out a business card and hands it to Mrs. Chambers.
Leslie accepts the card. She would like to know more about the violin.

“Until Friday, Mrs. Chambers.” Mike leads everyone out of Mr. Chamber’s office.

“Can we go and get something to eat please?” June was feeling hungry.

“I second that.” Larry was feeling hungry as well.

“There’s a cafeteria under the museum of Natural History. We can eat there if you to want too.” Mike did some research before they came.

“That sounds good to me.” June didn’t mind going to the cafeteria for lunch.

The three of them head towards the Natural History Museum. After going through the security scanner and looking at the Elephant on display,
along with several displays. Larry gets the direction to where the cafeteria is and leads everyone down to it.

The cafeteria had a good selection of meals to pick from. June follows behind Larry as he picks out what he wanted. She makes a different selection from him. She grabbed smoke beef, with garlic potatoes and smoke parsnips. She has never had them and wanted to see what they tasted like.

She looks at Mike as he grabbed meatloaf with bacon mixed in with it. She loved meatloaf and wonders what it tastes like with bacon in it.
When they pay for their meal. She couldn’t believe how much the total came too. The total was as much as their meal at the Thai restaurant they ate at.

“Boy, things are expensive here.” June follows Larry and Mike to a nearby table.

“That’s Washington D.C. for you. Especially, when you eat here at the museum.” Larry tries a parsnip off June’s plate.

June gives him a dirty look before she tries it herself. She has never had it. After a few bites “I like this. Maybe we should have it for dinner a few times.”

“What the meal itself or the parsnips?” Mike was curious about June’s statement.

“Both, it’s a simple meal and looks to be easy to make.” June was enjoying it. She also got a slice of pumpkin bread as well.

After lunch, the three of them explore the Natural History Museum. After they leave that one, they walk over to The National Air and Space Museum. June takes pictures of everything inside the place. Half of the exhibits she has only read about in school. The other half she knew nothing about.

She notices Larry and Mike were taking things in as well. June noticed she was using up all the free space on her cellphone.

“Damn, I’m running out of space on my phone.” June wishes she brought a camera with her.

“Don’t worry, I’ll download all the images to our cloud account.” Mike wanted to visit the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center in Chantilly, VA.

The ride on the subway back to where they first got on was a little crowded. However, June managed to snag a seat near Mike and Larry. When they get to the station they got on at.

June looks at Mike and Larry as they walk back to their hotel. They pass a restaurant and the smells coming out were unbelievable.

“Let’s eat here.” June stops at the door.

“Sure, why not.” Larry walks in behind June as she opens the door.

The place was set-up like an old fashion deli. June steps up to the counter and looks at the different sandwiches, side items, and desserts they had.

“Can I help you, ma’am?” Sera spotted a young woman standing at the counter.

“Yes, I would like a Philly cheese steak, onion rings, and a large vanilla coke.” June saw they made the soft drinks the old-style way.

“Is that all?”

“No ma’am. I think my husbands would like to place their orders.” June steps aside to let Larry and Mike place their orders.

Once they have placed their order. They sit at a nearby table and wait for their order. June looks around the place and liked how it was decorated.

“This is a nice place. I wish we had something like it back home.” June looks at Larry and Mike to see what they thought.

“You know how things are in Norfolk. We have some nice places, but nothing like this.” Larry liked the place as well.

"Well, I think a place this would do fine. I might consider eating at it, every day." June wonders what her sandwich will come out to be.

"Then we would have to put you on a diet." Mike had a teasing smile on his face.

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WillowD's picture

It's hard to stick to a diet when you have easy access to an affordable restaurant with great food.

Well now they know

Samantha Heart's picture

But its good the expert wants a second opinion & get the certification paperwork together.

Love Samantha Renée Heart.