The Violinist Chapter 1

June wipes the sweat sliding down into her eyes away. She was crawling around on her hands and knees in the attic of an old farmhouse. She and several other temporary workers had been hired to clear it out. Since she was the smallest among the temporary workers, she had been selected to crawl around in the attic. The person that hired them said she could keep whatever she found. Whatever she didn’t keep was going to be donated or thrown away.

So far, she has found a few old tube radios, a couple of steamer trunks, a few civil war items that only a collector would want. She found two old batter leather violins cases. She opens ones and looks at it. The strings were missing, and the violin looked to be old. She closes the case and finishes her job.

The rest of the day she gets the rest of the attic clean. She waits for the contractor that hired them to sign her timesheet, so she could get paid.
Her friend Larry shows up and he helps her load all the items she was going to save. On the weekend she rents a table at the local flea market and sells items she finds from her jobs or from the storage lockers she buys.

“So, what goodies did you find today?” Larry looks at all the items June was loading into the back of his pick-up truck.

“Some Civil War uniforms, equipment & rifles, some old southern style dresses that need some work done to them, an old tube radio or two, two old violin cases and a bunch of other items that we can sell. I was going to keep the violins and get them restrung.”

“Do you know how to play the violin?” Larry gets on the interstate and drives them towards Norfolk.

“Yes, I use to play it when I was in elementary school up through high school before I dropped out.” June couldn’t take the bullying she had been receiving at school.

Her parents told her if she wasn’t going to school, then she needed to get a job and work on getting her GED. Most of the places she applied at, wouldn’t hire her. They either said she was to qualify to flip a stupid burger or said she didn’t have the right skill set or experience for the job.

She managed to get a job working as an unarmed security officer but found the work mind-numbing. They sent her to junkyards to watch the metal rust and a meatpacking plant once. She had a male partner and somehow he found out that she was transgender and spread it around the company. She lost the job because the site supervisor that would come around would always find something wrong with her uniform or said she smelled, when in fact everything she was wearing was cleaned. She made sure to take a shower before she came to work as well. He didn’t care, so he wrote her up. So, she told them to take the job and shove it up his red neck ass.

While she was at home watching Storage Wars on tv. She figured she could make money buying storage units and selling the contents at the local flea market. That was how she met Larry.

When she didn’t buy any storage units, she would work as a temp worker to make money or attend other auctions.

Sometimes, there would be police auctions or estate auctions. If she bought a lot of items, that wouldn’t fit in Larry’s pickup truck. They would rent a box truck and pick the items up. Things like the tube radio or the Civil Wars items she had a list of people who were collectors that would buy the items from her. Larry was her partner and would share the profits with him.

Larry’s life partner Mike, he was a computer specialist for ADP.

Larry takes them home. June lived with Larry and his life mate. She rented a room from them. They knew she hasn’t had the surgery yet to
change her plumbing. She could barely afford the psychiatrist she was seeing for her gender dysphoria.

“I am going to take a nice long cold shower when we get home.” June leans back against the seat and lets the A/C cool her off.

They just listen to music that Larry liked as they drove home. June feels her eyelids getting heavy as she dozes off.

“Wake-up sleepy head.”

June wakes up and discovered they were home. She opens the truck door and helps Larry unload the truck. They put the items she brought home in the garage, till the weekend.

“Who’s turn is it to cook dinner?” June hopes it's not her.

“It’s Mike’s turn, which means it is going to be Papa John’s pizza.”

“Do we still have the ingredients to make a salad?” June follows behind Larry as they walked into the house.


June heads towards her bedroom and put the two violins in there. She’ll take them to a music store in a few days to have them checked out. She strips and grabs her robe to cover up. She heads to the bathroom to take a nice cold shower.

After the day she had, the only thing she wants is something cold for dinner and a cold shower. Once she is done with her shower. She throws on a light nightgown and heads towards the kitchen to make herself a salad.

As she is cutting up some tomatoes, lettuce, and cucumbers to make her salad. She shreds some cheese to add to the mix. Mike comes walking into the kitchen with two pizza boxes.

“Hey Mike, how was your day?” June bites into a slice of cucumber.

Mike places the pizza boxes on the counter “it was boring today. I had a bunch of requests to fix software that users should have been able to handle themselves.”

“Now, you know why I hate computers so much.” She pours some homemade creamy garlic dressing over her salad.

“Not having pizza?”

“She was out in the sun all day and stuck up in the attic of a building.” Larry puts a few slices on his paper plate.

“Ah, that explains the salad.” He grabs a few slices and put them on a plate as well.

June grabs cold bottled water and two beers out of the refrigerator. The beers were for Larry and Mike.

“I got your beers guys.” She heads into the living room and curls up at one end of the sofa.

She lets Larry have control of the tv. Larry selects Mike’s favorite movie, Star Wars VIII as they eat dinner.

The guys have a couple more slices of pizza, while June finishes off her salad. She takes her dirty dish into the kitchen and rinses it out. She grabs two more beers and takes them into the living room. She gives one to each guy.


“You’re both welcome.” She retakes her place on the sofa and cover-up.

Three-quarters of the way through the movie, Larry notices June is sound asleep. He looks over towards Mike and points towards June.

Mike just shakes his head as he stands up and picks June up off the sofa. She was the size of a teenager and barely weighed anything. He carries her into her bedroom and lay her down in bed.

As he is walking out of her bedroom. He spots two battered violin cases sitting on the floor at her computer desk. He shrugs his shoulder and heads back to the living room to continue watching his movie.

At 7:00 a.m. June’s alarm clock goes off. She smacks the snooze button and goes back to sleep for a while. Nine minutes later, her alarm clock goes off again. She smacks the off button and swings her feet off her bed. She was still toasted from yesterday.

June heads into the kitchen and grabs a package of Pop-Tarts and munch on them. She makes some coffee and turns the kitchen television on to see what the weather was going to be like. She and Larry were going to go and hit a few auctions and see if they could find items to sell at the flea market. She would like to get the two violins she found, fixed and see if she could relearn how to play it.

Larry comes stumbling into the kitchen “ah, sleeping beauty has awoken. You fell asleep last night.”

“I was tired and worn out. I’m still feeling that way, but we have a few auctions to go and check out.” June gets up and pours her coffee. She
already added powder creamer and sugar.

“About that, Mike said a guy he knows is willing to pay two hundred dollars for someone to come over and take care of his yard and demolish a metal shed. He said they could take the metal and recycle it if they want too.”

June thinks about it. She and Larry still had half a storage unit of items they could sell.

“I don’t see why we can’t do that today. Call Mike and tell him we’ll take the job.” June takes a sip of her coffee.

Larry walks over to the house phone and dials Mike’s number. While he is doing that. June heads towards her bedroom with her coffee and starts getting dressed. She checks her bank account to see how much more she needs to make to get her surgery. She had half already and just needed the rest.

She gets dress and then heads back into the kitchen to pack a cooler with ice and water bottles. She also adds a few snacks for them to munch on. They head out at 9 o’clock to the address they were given. Larry had loaded all the lawn equipment they had and the
sledgehammer as well.

“Okay, I’m ready.” June comes out with the cooler and places it in the back of the truck.

June chooses the station on the radio to listen to, while Larry drove. She could already feel it was going to be another hot day. The ride to the address Mike gave them only took them thirty minutes to get to.

As they pulled up to the place and looked at the place “we’re going to be here all day long and maybe tomorrow as well.”

“Well, it is two hundred dollars.” Larry starts taking everything they needed out of the truck.

June takes her muscle shirt off, leaving her in her bikini top. She grabs the gas-powered weed trimmer and starts edging the yard. She watches as Larry starts the riding lawnmower up and starts cutting the tall grass.

She starts edging the sidewalk and around the house. She also edges around the trees and when she is done doing the edging. June grabs the rake and starts raking up all the dead grass she just cut. She places it in piles and bags it up.

She wipes the sweat from her eyes as she goes about fixing the flower gardens. She pulls weeds out of them. She scraps the old mulch out and lays down new mulch. Around 1:00 pm, she and Larry take a lunch break.

June’s shoulder, back, chest and face were red from being in the sun. Larry had taken his shirt off as he mowed the whole yard and helped to mulch the dead grass. They had gotten all the yard done and all they had left was the metal shed to dismantle. Everything was out of it.

June had a cold-water bottle pressed against her forehead and she had poured half the bottle on her body, so her bikini top was wet. She looks at Larry “tell me again why I volunteered to do this for Mike?” as she takes a sip of her water.

“Because you and I need the money.” Mike was like June in the fact that every job he had, he was forced to quit because he was gay.

The two of them did odd jobs and worked for the temp agencies. As June’s partner, they travel to auctions and estates sale and buy items they could make money on. The last big score they had, was a locker that had several famous pictures signed by the artist.

They get back to work finishing up what they had to do. It didn’t take the two of them long to tear down the shed. Once they put away the lawn equipment they brought with them. They loaded the scrap metal of the shed upon the small trailer and secured it.

As they are heading home. June glances over towards Larry “this is two days in a row I have worked in this heat. I am not doing it tomorrow.”

“I agree. Let’s just stay home tomorrow and or do something nice inside the A/C.” Larry was burned and hot as well.

They stop at the scrap metal place and got about fifty dollars for all the metal. It was Larry’s turn to fix dinner at home. So, he uses twenty dollars of the fifty they got for the metal and buy Chinese take out for the three of them. He picks up two cases of beer and a bottle of Jack Daniels.

June buys a case of sodas for herself and some sliced watermelon. She loved watermelon and it wasn’t often she could splurge some for herself. She finishes off her bottle of water, before taking everything into the house.

Five minutes later, Mike pulls into the driveway. He spots Larry’s pickup still loaded with all the lawn equipment June and Larry bought together. He heads inside the house and spots the beer, the Chinese take out, the bottle of Jack Daniels and soda sitting on the counter. He hears both showers going as well.

He grabs what cold beer they have left and put the case of beer and soda in the refrigerator. He looks through the take out to see what Larry and June bought. He spots his favorite. So, he takes it and two egg rolls. There were six in there and Mike knew Larry and June loved egg rolls.

When Mike walks into the living room, he spots June in a pair of panties and tank top. Her hair was wet, and she was red as a lobster.

“You got some serious sun today.”

“I know. I had suntan lotion on, but I don’t think it did me much good.” June had seen how red she was when she got into the shower.

“Well, if you need me to spray you down, let me know.” Mike knew that June had fair skin and burned easily.

“Thanks.” June heads into the kitchen and grabs her dinner.

After dinner, Larry and June unload the lawn equipment and put it in the garage. June covers up a yawn, as she walks back into the house. She was tired and just wanted to get some sleep.

Halfway through the night, she wakes up in a cold sweat and scared. She couldn’t remember what caused the nightmare, but she didn’t want to sleep along.

June leaves her bedroom and walks across the hallway to Mike and Larry’s bedroom. She knocks lightly before she walks in. She notices Larry was looking at her “can I sleep with you guys tonight, please?”

“Sure, come on over.” Larry knew June liked sleeping in the middle between him and Mike.

It had bothered them at first when she first started sleeping with them. But now, they didn’t mind. She might be transgender, but she loved feeling them pressed against her body.

June walks over and crawls between Larry and Mike. She loved being in the middle of their naked bodies.

June settles between them and feels Larry put his arm around her. She wiggles closer to him and slowly falls asleep. She felt safe between her two favorite men.

When she wakes up the next morning, she feels Mike’s penis buried deep in her ass. Larry’s was pressing his massive hardon, against her tiny penis. She didn’t have any testes, because of a bicycle accident. They had to be removed, because of the damage she suffered.

The next hour the three of them have sex in bed. June enjoys being the one in the middle and the bottom of the three of them. When Mike fucks Larry and Larry fucks her at the same time. She loved both men and if she could marry both men, she would.

They take a shower together and mess around some. She ends up giving both men blow jobs in the shower. She didn’t mind, because she enjoyed it.

When they get out of the shower, Mike sprays some Solarcaine on June’s body. Afterward, he watches as she walks back into the bedroom and over to the bed to look for her panties.

“Do you guys know, where my panties disappeared too?” June looks towards Mike and Larry as they walk in from the bathroom.

“When did you take them off?”

“I didn’t take them off. You or Mike did.” June looks towards Larry.

“Did you check under the covers?” Mike looks at June with a grin on his face.

June walks over and starts looking under the covers. She spots her panties at the foot of the bed.

“Found them.” June pulls them out and put them on.

“So, what are you guys plans for today?” Mike starts getting dressed for work.

“There’s a storage place in Newport News having an auction. I thought Larry and I would check it out.”

“Okay, I’ll see you two tonight.” Mike walks over and kisses June and Larry.

June smiles as she walks behind Mike and across to her bedroom. She had to turn her timesheet in if she wanted to get paid for this week.
She slips on a pink t-shirt and a pair of short denim overalls. She pulls out her tennis shoes and put them on.

She brushes her hair out and grabs some cash to pay for any storage units she buys. She checks her hobo purse and to see if she needs anything else.

“You ready, yet?” Larry pops his head into June’s bedroom.

“Yep, I’m ready.” June grabs her cellphone and timesheet on the way out the door.

Their first stop is Protemp’s. June runs inside and drops her timesheet off. She grabs a handful for her and Larry. They never knew when they might need them. Afterward, they stop at Seven/Eleven and grab a big gulp each. They were on sale for eighty-seven cents. June grabs a big bag of Twizzlers to munch on while at the auction.

‘So, do you think we’re going to be able to afford some of the good storage units?” As June exists from Larry’s truck.

“Hopefully, we will find something worth buying.” Larry walks with June as they walk through the opened gate.

They spot at least fifty people waiting for the auction to start. They knew half of them because they always showed up at the auctions they went to.

“Damn, Otis is here today. He’s going to run the price up on the storage units. He’s almost as bad as that Hester person from Storage Wars.”
June hated Otis with a passion. He always drove the price up on a storage unit she wanted.

The first storage unit the auctioneer shows didn’t have much in it that Larry or June was interested in. The next one had entire garage content in it and there was no way Larry and June could pack everything up in Larry’s pickup truck. The one after that had a few things they could use or sell.

“Can I get $50.00 dollars?”

June raises her hand. She spotted a few things she could sale.

“$100.00 dollars,” Otis smirks as he looks at June.

“$115.00 dollars.” June sticks her tongue out at Otis.

She felt that if he was going to drive the price up, she could play his game.

Otis drives the price up even more. He knew how much June wanted the locker.


“What do you think Larry?” June looks to Larry for advice.

“Go two hundred and no higher.” Larry spotted a few things he wanted from it.

“$175.00.” June hopes it was worth it.

“Going once, going twice, Sold!”

June was happy she got the locker. She was ready to do her little happy dance. She follows Larry and helps his bid on a locker he wanted.

They buy three more lockers together. The cost for all of them came to one thousand twelve hundred dollars for the five lockers they bought.
June munches on one of her twizzlers while she and Larry go through their purchases. She looks at all their stuff and at Larry “we better call, Billie and ask to use his box truck.”

Larry looks at the stuff and notices June set aside a few musical stands and books. He wonders why she set those items aside.

“I think your right. What are you doing with that stuff?” He points to the music stands and books June set aside.

“I was going to keep them and start practicing again. I miss playing the violin. It was the one thing I liked about school.” June brushes some of
her hair aside.

“Maybe, I should soundproof your bedroom or make you practice in the garage.”

“Ha! Ha! I might be a little rusty, but I can still play pretty good.” June knew she wasn’t that bad.

“Alright, I’ll call Billie. Do you want to go and grab some lunch, afterward?”

“Yes, I’m in the mood for a good hamburger. Why don’t we go to Kooky’s Cocktail Lounge? I heard the chef they have working there is an
amazing cook.”

“Okay.” Larry loads a few items into the back of his truck and secures it.

June walks towards the entrance and lets Billie in. There was no way anyone could miss Billie’s box truck. It was painted bright neon pink.

Billie spotted June waiting for him. He pulls up to the entrance and watches as June lets him in.

“Hey Billie, follow me.”

“Okay.” Billie follows June to the row where her stuff was.

Billie saw that they had a lot of stuff to pack up. It was a good thing he had room to pull forward, so he could lower the ramp. He stops the truck and hops out.

Larry and June try not to smirk at the way Billie was dressed. Out of everyone they knew, not only was Billie the most flamboyant person they knew that was gay, but he also loved to dress flashy and like a diva. Today, however, he missed the mark.

The clothes he picked out to wear and the style they were. They looked like something from the ’60s or later.

“What happened to you, Billie?” June was trying very hard not to laugh.

“What do you mean, sweetheart?” Billie gives June his exaggerated flirty look.

A laugh escapes June's mouth. She knew he was a flaming gay man and she loved him because of it.

“Never mind, we need to get your truck loaded up.” June picks up a box that had some useful stuff in it and put it inside the box truck.

It takes the three of them an hour to load and repack several boxes that were splitting on the seams. June had to buy several new boxes and tape.

“Hey Billie, we’re heading to Kooky’s Cocktail Lounge for lunch. Why don’t you join us? Our treat.”

“Well, since you are treating, why not.” Billie follows Larry and June to Kooky’s.

They managed to find a parking spot for Billie’s box truck and Larry’s pickup next to each other. When they walk into the place, they couldn’t believe how busy it was.

“I hope we can find a table.” June was looking around and spotted an open round table over near the small stage.

“Hey guys, how about over here?” June leads the way to the table.

After they had sat down and made themselves comfortable. A young man comes over and hands them their menus. He takes their drink order and heads off.

“He has a cute ass.” Billie had watched their server walk off.

“You say that about all the male servers we have seen.” June knew Billie hasn’t been in a serious relationship since his last partner died of a drug overdose.

That was last year, just before she came to live with Larry and Mike. She had spotted him sitting under a huge tree out in the park. He was drinking from a bottle covered by a paper bag and smoking a joint. She had gone over to talk with him because he looked like he could use a friend at the time.

After lunch, June, Larry, and Billie head towards their storage locker and unload the truck. Since it was June’s turn to fix dinner at the house. She buys the ingredients to make lasagna and to fix a salad to go with it.

They invite Billie to dinner. Larry takes Billie to drop off his box truck and on their way back to the house. They stop off to buy a few bottles of wine. Mike and Larry loved a nice wine to go with dinner. June on the other hand, enjoys a nice wine cooler to go with dinner.

Instead of eating in the house, they eat out on the back patio.They watched the stars as they peeked out.

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