Estrogen / Hormones

Never Wanted To Be A Girl Chp.23

Raven was escorted out to the courtroom by the deputy sheriff. She glances over towards Dr. Heath. Memories of what he did to her came back as if it was yesterday. She notices that there were several guards there from the prison and the warden himself.

She places her hand on the bible and raises her hand "I swear by Almighty God that the evidence I shall give will be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth."

“Please sit down, Mrs. Mondragon.” The Judge looks at Raven.

“Yes, ma’am.” Raven sits down in the witness chair.

Who's Feminizing Who?

Who’s Feminizing Who?

Dana is a last year college student who likes following an all-female band. When one of them takes an interest in him, he feels like he has won the lottery.

The Blossoming of Ciri, Chapter 6

The Blossoming of Ciri

Chapter 6- The First Day Back, Part One

“Hi my full name is Alex Damion Marteau and I’m. Well currently I’am 18 but in this story I will be telling you about when my life got turned upside down and changed both me and my family forever...” Chapter 6...

“Urrrrgggggghhhhhh... I hate Monday’s...” I said out loud to myself as I moaned into my pillow.

The Blossoming of Ciri, Chapter 5

The Blossoming of Ciri

Chapter 5- The Shopping Spree

“Hi my full name is Alex Damion Marteau and I’m. Well currently I’am 18 but in this story I will be telling you about when my life got turned upside down and changed both me and my family forever...” Chapter 5...


“What the fuck?! How the hell do I look this good?” I asked with astonishment.

“Genetics little sis. And my awesome makeup skills of course...” Allison said proudly.

“Wow I look almost like Mom, but like a really young Mom. Freaky...” I said, completely shocked at the resemblance.

Never Wanted To Be A Girl Chp.22

“What the fuck just happened?” Grace had a confused look on her face.

Their SUV just shut down in the middle of the road. Anthony was trying to restart it, but nothing was happening. The next thing the two of them feel is an explosion.

All the glass on the SUV cracked from the explosion. The SUV rocks again, as another explosion hits it. Grace tries opening her door, but it wouldn’t open “my door won’t open.”

Anthony tries his as well, but it wouldn’t open as well “mine won’t open either.”

Dana's Story, Part 8

Dana’s Story, Part 8

Dana and Kathy prepare for the upcoming birth of their twins. Dana has a few challenges to be able to take over feeding the twins after they are born.

Dana's Story, Part 7

Dana’s Story, Part 7
Next steps for Dana with the coffee club and work. Can Dr. Cynthia help?

New Beginnings

That day would prove to be pivotal in our life. The coffee club was totally excited. That night when we finally went to the bedroom, Kathy was revved up and raring to go. We were careful of her belly, but we fell asleep after thoroughly exhausting each other. I woke up only minutes later for my night feeding with Emily. There wouldn’t be many more of those.

Dana's Story, Part 6

Dana's Story, Part 5

Dana’s Story, Part 5

Why Is Kathy Working?

“That’s a valid question Kathy. I thought you worked because you like what you do. You always seem to be able to leave the office behind when you come home. If we could, Emily and I would love to have you at home with us all the time.”

“I do love working Dana, but for what you are paying these three, maybe I should shift to full-time homemaker.” Kathy made about the same amount as I paid each one of the three researchers.

Never Wanted To Be A Girl Chp.21

“They're moving out now, number one.” Nelson watched as the three SUV’s leave the parking garage.

“Roger, number two. Keep your eyes on them and wait for our signal.” Juan watches from his perch.

He hopes that the plan they laid out will pay off. The research he did into each bodyguard had proven very fruitful. It also revealed that he and the others didn’t want to get into hand-to-hand combat with a few of them either.


A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

Siobhan and I had gone through a similar education for a career in advertising. We shared a modest apartment in the city. We were both young and ambitious, and short of money. The only real differences were that she was a woman, and I wasn’t; and I had talent, and she didn’t.

Dana's Story


Audience Rating: 


Dana's Story

By Dee Sylvan

Dana’s story starts early in life and without a lot of drama. Although slow starting, it builds quickly then enters the deep currents that our hero(ine) finds herself floundering in. Heavy TG, no violence. This work is a fiction of my mind.

The Blossoming of Ciri, Chapter 4

The Blossoming of Ciri

Chapter 4- The Return Home

“Hi my full name is Alex Damion Marteau and I’m. Well currently I’am 18 but in this story I will be telling you about when my life got turned upside down and changed both me and my family forever...” Chapter 4...

“...hmmm... Oh!” I said as I stretched and yawned sleepily, looking to my left and seeing my clock that Dad brought me from home. 11:59 AM, Friday.

“Mornin, little sis. Finally awake are we?” Allison said beside me.

She put the magazine that she was reading down and stood up to stretch.

Dana's Story, Part 1

Dana’s story starts early in life and without a lot of drama. Although slow starting, it builds quickly then enters the deep currents that our hero(ine) finds herself floundering in. Heavy TG, no violence. This work is a fiction of my mind.

A Middle-Class Beginning

Never Wanted To Be A Girl Chp.20

Raven and Clair were entangled with one another in bed. Raven was on top of Clair with one leg in between Clair’s leg and she had her head tucked in the nook of Clair’s shoulder. The two of them had enjoyed each other’s bodies for a while.

What came as a surprise, was Clair getting a small amount of milk from Raven’s breasts. She had sucked on Raven breasts several times before. However, this time was different. Raven’s breasts had produced a mouthful of breast milk. It had surprised Raven like it did Clair.

A New Life-Kelly's Revenge Chapter 3

“Now, I think you’ll like this property. It’s a fixer-upper, but most of it is in excellent condition.” Jill Miller unlocks the front door of the old Spanish home.

Victoria and Kelly look at the courtyard of the home they were looking at. It was going to take a lot of work to clear it up and replant it. The fountain in the middle of the courtyard was going to need to be repaired as well.

Victoria and Kelly follow behind Jill as she takes them inside the house. The place looked like no one has been inside the place for years.

The Blossoming of Ciri, Chapter 3

The Blossoming of Ciri

Chapter 3- The Flower Blooms

“Hi my full name is Alex Damion Marteau and I’m. Well currently I’am 18 but in this story I will be telling you about when my life got turned upside down and changed both me and my family forever...” Chapter 3...

“...Ugh... why are the lights always on?” I said as I briefly opened my eyes before slamming them shut again at the bright light coming from the bedside table.

“Oh sorry sweetheart...” My Mom said as she reached over and turned off the annoying light.

Stand By Your Woman Part 8

Charlotte was surprised when she showed up at the yacht. She spotted Leslie wearing the tiniest of bikinis. The cups of the top had a black triangle shape that covered her nipples, while the rest was opened. They showed the rest of her breasts while providing little support.

Also, she noticed the inch-wide gold choker that encircled Leslie’s neck. She also noticed the necklace around Leslie's neck. It was in the shape of a dragon encircling a jade center. She also noticed an unusual flowery design on Leslie’s arm. She had never seen anything like it before.

The Blossoming of Ciri, Chapter 2

The Blossoming of Ciri

Chapter 2- The Tree Dies

“Hi my full name is Alex Damion Marteau and I’m. Well currently I’am 18 but in this story I will be telling you about when my life got turned upside down and changed both me and my family forever...” Chapter 2...

The Option

The Option
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I did not recognise the name when I was told of my visitor. Although it had been a few years I recognized her as one the victims of the Pickton Prowler, a mass rapist who I had been instrumental in catching. After an exchange of greetings I sat to hear what she had to say.

“I was sorry to hear about your conviction”, she said. “There are many of us who truly appreciate what you did for us. We want to help. In particular Annie Haldane and the Mitchell Sisters want to help.”

The Blossoming of Ciri

The Blossoming of Ciri

Chapter 1- Unusual Pains

“Hi my full name is Alex Damion Marteau and I’m. Well currently I’am 18 but in this story I will be telling you about when my life got turned upside down and changed both me and my family forever...”

Life on the Run in Skirts - Chapter 34 & 35

CHAPTER 34 - You may not always end up where you thought you were going, but you will always end up where you were meant to be.

Ellen, Beth, and Nancy stood watch over his bed in the hospital holding hands and staring down at the shattered body of Heather who looked like a mummy covered from head to toes in bandages. Derrick walked into the room and asked, "What happened? I heard Heather had been in a car accident."

Ellen sobbed, "Not exactly. He was shot three times while driving to the grocery store."

"Who would shoot your husband?"

Never Wanted To Be A Girl Chp.19

Raven and Clair couldn’t believe the hotel suite they were staying in. Wolfhart, Harris, and Jackal had picked them up and transported them to Augusta, Georgia for the trial. The law firm also assigned four bodyguards to protect her. One guy among her bodyguards looks like he could be the spitting image of the actor who plays Luke Cage from the Netflix series. His partner looked like she should be in high school or college. She stood about five-foot-tall and had a messy pixie cut hairdo.

Life on the Run in Skirts - Chapter 33

CHAPTER 33 - Happiness can be a dangerous thing; it can make you greedy for more.

The next morning, Ellen had to wake Heather up because she had been worn out from the night’s activities. It was a rush getting ready for their flight. Ellen had kept their destination a guarded secret. Heather asked, "Where are we going?"

As they waited in line to check into the airline. Ellen relented, "Honey trust me, you’ll love it. It will be two bodacious babes on the beaches of Bali for seven days and nights."

The Surrogate


Audience Rating: 


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Peter Randal is offered a job with a religious organisation known as The Sons of Jehovah that will solve all of his financial woes but he must live in their town of Redhaven with his wife Mila. When his wife skips on him Peter needs a replacement... a surrogate wife.

The Surrogate - Chapter 1

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Chapter One – An Indecent Proposal

Peter Randal is offered a job with a religious organisation known as The Sons of Jehovah that will solve all of his financial woes but he must live in their town of Redhaven with his wife Mila. When his wife skips on him Peter needs a replacement... a surrogate wife.

The Angels Take America, part 1

"Ahh, I am SO excited about this!" Krystie squeaked as the plane started to taxi down the runway at London's vast Heathrow airport.

"Never been to America before?" Viks asked.

"Nope!" Krystie giggled. "Never even been outside Europe before, and even then it was only for the other launches, heh."

"Didn't get much of a chance to honeymoon thanks to 'other considerations'," Mikey, Krystie's husband, chuckled as he tried to calm the squirming fifteen-month-old child in his lap.


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