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Julio and Roomiette by Erin Halfelven on Patreon 2024/09/26 - 9:19pm
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Transgender Suicide is up Seventy Percent 2024/09/26 - 5:10pm
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TopShelf's 2015 Summer Vacation Getaway! Story Contest 2015/03/12 - 10:29am
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BCTS Summer Romance 2011 Contest Results 2011/11/30 - 5:11am
BigCloset TopShelf's October 2011 TG Terror Contest Results 2011/11/07 - 7:39am
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TopShelf's December 2010 Santa's Helper Story Contest 2010/11/25 - 9:22am
TopShelf's October 2010 All Hallows Eve Contest Results! 2010/11/16 - 6:41am
TopShelf's Summer Romance 2010 Contest Results 2010/07/30 - 3:22pm
October TG Terror Contest Winners 2009/11/30 - 7:44am
Topshelf's Summer Romance 2008 Story Contest Winners 2008/08/28 - 3:54am
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BigCloset Retro-Classic Stories 2004/08/11 - 4:16am
S T O R Y    T E A S E R S

Things They Made Me Do - Chapter 2

Things Edited.jpg
Uncle Charlie – Part Two

Julia tells her psychiatrist about Uncle Charlie's second visit. This time Uncle Charlie brings a friend to taste the delights that Julia has to offer. Julia is discovered in a compromising position by her mother and father and suffers the consequences.

Please heed the warnings as this chapter explores themes of coercion and reluctance.

A Whole New Me (Again?) - Part 6

The school year ended and we broke up for the summer and there’s not a huge lot more to say about it really. Now the stuff with those teachers is over and done with I settled into, well, normality as a teen girl. I won’t say I forgot my past, that’s not so easy to do, but I felt more normal than I have in a long time. One funny happened while on my way into school during the last week in that I bumped into my ex wife.

Fake It Till You Make It - 13 - Daddy's New Daughter.

Between Roles - Alternate Cuts - 2 - Enter, Valerie (Full Comic) [NSFW]

Demon Queened - Chapter 47 - Brawl in the Family

After flubbing a powerful incantation, meant to give newly coronated Demon Queens the wisdom of their ancestors, Devilla Satanne awakens to memories of her past life as Jacob Divington, a human from Earth. Having gained a new perspective on life, she quickly comes to a rather horrifying conclusion: she's been a complete and utter brat! No wonder everyone hates her!

And then there's the fact that she's apparently been reincarnated as the villainess of Tower Conquest, a lesbian porn game with a surprisingly intricate plot. One in which the Heroine conquers Dimona Tower, turning Devilla's people against her in the process. In victory, the Heroine brings about a glorious age of peace between demons and humans for the first time in millennia. ...Which actually sounds pretty good for her people, come to think of it. Devilla knows her terrible behavior is beyond forgiveness, but maybe she can still make up for her past mistakes? She just needs to make sure the events of the game unfold correctly. Though there is one little detail she'd like to change - the part where Devilla herself is killed or enslaved!

The series cover was commissioned from https://twitter.com/HaizeUqei

Demon Queened Cover, featuring Abigail and Lucy grabbing Devilla's arm and hand, respectively, on opposite sides.

Altered: Chapter 7

Eli grew up on a ranch in Montana. He had heard about Incursions, Breaches, and the Titans that came through those breaches to slaughter some people and capture others. To him though, it had always been something that happened far away to other people. His life was forever changed though when a Breach opened near his home, everything he knew was destroyed or taken, and he ended up Altered.


Chapter 7: Home
“Wait a minute… did I Wake?” I mumbled to myself.

Braided Addition

My hair was quite long now, guess those university years fly by very quickly. Mum noticed it as well and recommended a place where I can get a haircut for a really low price. However, she liked the longer hair on me, so there was a sense of disappointment displayed in her face when leaving for the cut. Additionally, the stylist was a close friend of mum, therefore, the reason it being so cheap. I headed over to the place and the lady greeted me.

EFTPOS. Chapter 3 of 7

Chapter 3

When we left the Chancellor’s office, we could hardly stop giggling. There we were, two students who were about to start a year with the University, and all we were asked for was our signatures on her collection of books!

We utilised the campus map we had been given and went around to look at the various buildings where we would have been studying, then found the canteen for a drink and talk.

“It looks as if the President has spoken to the Chancellor and sealed our fate.”

Exchanged - Chapters 22 and 23

Exchanged Art - Amazon
Chapters 22 and 23
by Sofia Hammerstein

Two years ago Stacy visited a newly discovered dimension, with his parents, on an adventurous summer vacation. He was astounded by how the other dimension's technology was decades ahead of his own! During his senior year he applied to Emerson University in the city he had visited. He was excited and hopeful of learning more about their technology as an exchange student, and hopefully bring it back to his own world. (Story set in the Diaper Dimension)

Working For A Living Chapter 5

“That was interesting.” Clair wondered where they were heading next.

“You weren’t bored, sweetie?” Jerry looks at his girlfriend. He knew she wasn’t into musical instruments and such.

“Nope, I liked seeing how excited you get around your favorite instruments.” Clair leans forward and places a kiss on Jerry’s cheek.

“Now, that the instruments are taken care of. We need to buy some outfits for the gig and arrange what songs we're going to play.” Kassidy knew they needed something unique to make them stand out.


Chinese Flu
Sam Wong read the email from Josh Epstein, the partner in charge of the fiendishly complicated real
estate deal that had consumed the last three months of their lives.
“You’re going to have to close this deal without me. I’m sick as a dog, and my wife just called an
ambulance to take me to Bellevue. I just hope it’s not that fucking Chinese Flu. Do whatever it takes to
get this done.”
Sam flinched at the slur but was used to minority bashing that goes on behind closed doors of politically

36D - Part 4

The weeks passed by, and before I knew it we had reached the October half-term break. I was relieved to finally have a week off work. While some of the classes I was teaching were enjoyable - year 7 were just so infectious in their naive enthusiasm, and year 12 were quite profound in some of their observations on Shakespeare and Christina Rossetti's poetry - the others were becoming less and less pleasant.

The Faerie Blade: Chapter 32

Faerie Blade.png


Chapter 32: Kaelyn and Kalara

Kaelyn was just trying to fill her belly, but she got a lot more than she bargained for when she decided to save the life of a Faerie.


I tossed the foul device to the ground and turned toward Vesha as I tried to soothe the poor girl who was now crying and clutching at her bare neck in confusion. “Honey, could you please destroy that horrid thing?”

The Cruise Chapter 1

After the divorce, Mark felt like his life had crumbled. Losing his wife, home, and half of his savings in the settlement left him bitter and broken. So when a glossy, golden envelope arrived in the mail, offering a free month-long cruise aboard the USS New Beginnings, he hesitated. It seemed almost too good to be true. But with nothing to lose, Mark accepted.

Statistically Speaking 30

Statistically Speaking

By Marco Asemani

Edited by Patricia Marie Allen

Part 30

“Lexie, whom you will be voting for?”

“Voting?… Aren’t the elections more than a year away?”

All women exploded in laughter.

“The company best man, you goofy.”


“We just talked about it. Didn’t you listen?”

Mates 39

The rest of the week was less scenic than my first visit, as I followed Kul around a number of businesses that included more than a few of that old favourite from Sheffield, the waste cooking oil account. Kul was quite bullish about them, which surprised me, for he had never pushed himself so far forward back in Yorkshire. I slowly came to understand how deeply he felt that the Australian venture was his own particular baby, and it would grow his way.

Battle Scars Part 4

"All hail the demon king and queen",shouts echoed through the room.
The unholy communion ended as the gathered demons cheered their new king and queen . Lucifer and Natalie stood in front of the throne naked, as the demons hailed them. The lifeless corpse of Amber was dragged away by two cloaked demons. Lilith enetered the room and saw Lucifer and Natalie standing together hand in hand. She smiled looking at Natalie's naked body, proud of the woman she has made him. Lilith held Natalie by her hand and guided her back to her new room .

A Personal Journey 5

Mistress Athena swooped in and put a stop to my misery at work, sparing me from the constant harassment and bullying that had become all too familiar. She forbade me from going back to that toxic environment, and I couldn't be more grateful. Her online business was thriving, and she deemed it sufficient to support us both for the time being. She also had a plan to put me through a rigorous training program at home, designed to help me overcome the trauma I'd endured.

A Personal Journey 4

The time finally came when I wasn't allowed to come to work without my hair tied up. I always kept it loose because it was easy, and as a man I really didn't know many hairstyles. I only put my hair up in a ponytail once with the help of Mistress, and even that was a struggle. But my superiors had other plans for me. They specifically instructed me that from now on, I had to wear my hair in a bun when coming to work. They said it would give me a professional look, whatever that means.

EFTPOS. Chapter 2 of 7

Chapter 2

When it comes to convenience, Mechelen really sits in the right place. Just over twenty kilometres from the campus in Antwerp, and a similar distance to the centre of Brussels and the EU headquarters. That was where some of Elaine’s family worked. Her uncle Jules was part of the security detail in the main building, while Juliette, his wife, was a secretary in the office of one of the Belgian Commissioners. There were three children, all who had left home and lived in Brussels.


A Story for the BCTS Christmas Contest 2024
By Maryanne Peters


I guess I am just one of those people who can’t stand to see injustice being done. Sometimes I felt that it was my duty to stand up for people who can’t fight injustice by themselves. The way I see it, this has nothing to do with being gay or trans, it is about freedom, and that means being free to be who you are.

Gaby Book 27 ~ Smell of the Crowd ~ Chapter *4*

book 27 full cover kindle.jpeg

Book 27
Smell of the Crowd

by Maddy Bell
Copyright© 2022 Madeline Bell

Life has some certainties, birth and death of course, but the rest is a mix of Minestrone and Spaghetti, some of which we have no direct influence over. We can however decide whether we want Parmesan or other seasoning, we can give Gnochi a try, doesn't mean we'll like it but at least we'll know. Gaby has reached just such a point in her life, she knows she likes Pizza, she's not averse to Spaghetti or Lasagne but is Gnochi for her? The Gnochi in this case is doing the singing with BlauHase on a more serious level, as a 'hobby' its fine but could this be a change of career? Well you don't find out without trying so that's just what our heroine is about to find out in this, the 27th book of the Gaby saga.


*Chapter 4*
Getting gig-ie


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Misfortune by Maryanne Peters and Joyce Melton on Kindle


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Return now with us to those thrilling days of yesteryear when women were women and men were men — except when they became women!

and Other Romances of the Old West
by Maryanne Peters with Joyce Melton
Now on Kindle

Risky Endeavors by Maryanne Peters on Kindle!


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Falling in love must be easy, at least Maryanne Peters makes it seem so -- but maybe it's a risk worth taking to enjoy a happy ending.

Risky Endeavors
by Maryanne Peters
Now on Kindle

Here are eighteen stories of lumberjacks and bodyguards, fishermen and drag racers, plumbers and financiers who took a risk and fell in love with someone unexpected. They're a lot of fun and one or two of them might make you laugh-out-loud or even get a little teary-eyed. You should take that risk -- after all, romance is worth it.

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