Suited For Adventure

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Two teenage boys, working for a super secret R&D lab learn that sometimes accidents happen. The wonderful superhero romp is now available on Kindle.

Suited for Adventure on Kindle

Suited for Adventure

By Catherine Linda Michel

Cathy's classic story about teenage superheroes comes to DopplerPress. And we've got her working to finish the sequel, too. :)

Originally posted 2007-03-26

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Many thanks to Erin and the Editors

for getting my new book (old story) up and running on Doppler Press. All revenue derived from the book goes to the site to help with operating costs so I hope that everyone who liked the story will go buy a copy. I AM working on Book 2 and will soon be able to bring it to a point where it will be complete...however... it will not be the end of the story. I have found, in my imagination, the inspiration to begin to finish the story arc and will be working on that as well.

Please everyone, support all the other wonderful and talented authors who have books for sale as well. Their hard work should be recognized and by buying their books you are also helping support the site as well as getting some damned fine stories from some very talented authors.

Thank you to all of you who have enjoyed my writing and especially those who have commented on all my stories.

I wish everyone at Top Shelf, writers, readers, commenters, Erin , Frank, Piper and all those who help keep the site online and running smoothly, a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year... yes and a Happy Christmas as well Erin. LOL

Catherine Linda Michel

As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg