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Quick Cuts - Recent Content

Southern Sunlight -5 Sun Natasa Jacobs
Persuaded Sun Maryanne Peters
Gaby Book 27 ~ Smell of the Crowd ~ Chapter *29* Sun Maddy Bell
Ethertravelers 03: The Egg Layers Sat samquick
Demon Queened - Chapter 64 - City in Sight Sat princesskay
Don't Forget The Glitter Part-1 Sat Enemyoffun
Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 3473 Sat Angharad
Josette's Story: The Prequel to "The Dark of the Moon" Sat Christopher Leeson
Magic Shoppe - Romp Sat magicshoppe
The Girl with a Curl. Chapter 4 of 7 Sat Marianne G
Eidolon Nexus: The Shattered Realm: Chapter 23 Sat LightBringer
GunPrincessRoyale - Bk3 - Ch15 Sat simkin452
Memories Part 6 Fri LadyDragon623
Kaden and Christy Were Close Fri Jessica C
The Dagger of Heaven At The End Of Time - Ch. 17 Fri SammyC
The Coven Chapter 2 Fri Su Shi
Stuck in the Middle -80 Fri Natasa Jacobs
Dragon's Fire Chapter 13 Fri Su Shi
Payback's a Bitch - 3 of 3(ish) - Follow through Fri Maeryn
Dawning... Plane Crash, Alternate Take Thu samquick
Five Dresses Part 5 Thu Sue Ross
Mates 65 Thu Cyclist
Pete's Vagina -63- Locker Room Wed Erin Halfelven
Southern Sunlight -4 Wed Natasa Jacobs
Working For A Living Chapter 16 (Final Chapter) Tue LadyDragon623
The Advert Tue Leeanna19
A personal history of mutation, or how I spent my teen years. Chapter 38. Tue Nagrij
The Seamstress and Her Moth Part 6 Mon Flyingmonkey
Off the Ground (Revision) Chapter 3 Mon Aylesea
Kern - 6 - A Good Man and His Daughter Mon Emma Anne Tate
The Mysterious Cabinet Chap. 15 (Revised Final Chapter) Sat LadyDragon623
S T O R Y    T E A S E R S

Southern Sunlight -5


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Southern Sunlight

The Prequel to “Stuck in the Middle

In this chapter, the warmth of a Southern morning sets the stage as Emily helps her mama with daily chores, feeling the rhythm of home life in every small task. With the scent of fresh bread in the air and the sound of cicadas humming outside, she finds adventure in the simplest of moments—whether tending to the chickens, playing by the creek, or daydreaming about what her papa might bring home from work. As the day unfolds, the evening brings a sense of comfort and wonder, with stories shared over supper and fireflies flickering in the warm Georgia night. Wrapped in the familiar sounds of the swamp, Emily soaks in the magic of home, where every carved detail and whispered breeze feels like a treasure waiting to be discovered.

Copyright © Natasa Jacobs. All Rights Reserved.

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This story is 145 words long.



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A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

000 Persuaded.jpg

Lord Brett Sinclair drove his Aston Martin up to the front portico of the Hotel Barrière Le Majestic in Cannes and threw the keys to the valet, Maurice.

“Welcome back, Lord Sinclair,” said Maurice, opening the door for the British peer, a regular visitor in the past

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This story is 55 words long.

Surprise Acceptance

Surprise Acceptance

By Joan Knight


John / Joan Knight, late 50s, 5’10”, 175 pounds, short-cropped brown hair.
Andrea Knight, late 50s, 5'5”, 120 (?) pounds, short brown/grey hair, 38-D breasts, 34-inch waist, 36-inch hips.

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This story is 32 words long.

Gaby Book 27 ~ Smell of the Crowd ~ Chapter *29*


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Book 27
Smell of the Crowd

by Maddy Bell
Copyright© 2022 Madeline Bell

Life has some certainties, birth and death of course, but the rest is a mix of Minestrone and Spaghetti, some of which we have no direct influence over. We can however decide whether we want Parmesan or other seasoning, we can give Gnochi a try, doesn't mean we'll like it but at least we'll know. Gaby has reached just such a point in her life, she knows she likes Pizza, she's not averse to Spaghetti or Lasagne but is Gnochi for her? The Gnochi in this case is doing the singing with BlauHase on a more serious level, as a 'hobby' its fine but could this be a change of career? Well you don't find out without trying so that's just what our heroine is about to find out in this, the 27th book of the Gaby saga.


*Chapter 29*
Stand In

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This story is 153 words long.




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The morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow on my sister’s bedroom. I stood there, my heart pounding, staring at the reflection in the mirror. My sister’s pink sundress clung to my slender frame, the fabric smooth against my skin. I had always been drawn to her clothes, to the way they made me feel… different. Not like Taylor, the boy. But like someone else. Someone I couldn’t quite name yet.

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This story is 77 words long.

Kelly Girl by Wanda Cunningham - New Edition from DopplerPress


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New Third Edition!

Kelly Girl
by Wanda Cunningham

New Edition on Kindle

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This story is 12 words long.

Stolen 2


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Sydney Moya



A girl goes to uni and happens upon a girl who looks a lot like her. They become friends. After a while Liesl tells her friend that her mother had a son who was snatched at the hospital. This intrigues Carrie who has never really felt like she belonged.


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This story is 54 words long.

Alex & Chris Chapter 46


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Alex & Chris
By Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 46 Gaby wants to enter the Tour De France

Alexis called Jenny up and said, “Can you come round we need to talk urgently.”

Jenny turned up,

“I need to ask you some questions Jenny. Do you or did you know two males called John & James Green?”

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This story is 56 words long.

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 46

Drew and the Half term break
by Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 46 The missing Children

The tour round the wildlife parks and Zoos had taken longer than Gaby had anticipated. It also took her mind off her forth coming coronation. She was having a chat with Beatrice when trouble arrived in the form of. Lyris and Lily who had returned home from school. At school in the main hall they had been praying for a little girl not much younger than them who had been missing for over 100 days.

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This story is 89 words long.

Freya's Gift Chapter 36 by Mopar



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An aging overweight man who plays too much online gaming receives a gift from Freya, the
goddess of love, lust, beauty, sorcery, fertility, gold, war and death.

Freya's Gift

Chapter 36: Thor comes to Dinner

Lauren and I loved the bracelets so much. The way the tiny crystalline flowers caught the light was amazing, and utterly

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This story is 56 words long.

Heir to a Title - Chapter 10


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This story is 9 words long.

Amie and Jamie - Chapter 16 - Pre-semester musings

Amie went to sleep quickly. I could hear her breathing. Her lungs pulled air into her lungs and utilized the oxygen to feed all the parts of her beautiful mind and body. The bible says that God made man “a little lower than the angels”. In Amie’s case, it wasn’t much lower. Such a combination of beauty, brains and talent were rare.

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This story is 64 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 2833


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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 2833
by Angharad

Copyright© 2015 Angharad


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This story is 11 words long.

Mercy Chapter 6


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Mercy Chapter 6

The next day was as busy as Talia told her it would be.

She spent the morning taking tests in mundane subjects like Math and English so they could place her in the proper classes. Then they sent her to the campus store to pick up textbooks and other supplies with a line of credit given to her by Mrs. Carson.

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This story is 63 words long.

Quoth the Raven Chapter 15 The Reaping



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Chapter 15: The Reaping


Two days before New Years Eve, all over the earth, every commercial broadcast was suddenly and simultaneously interrupted. The avenging angel Petra appeared on every TV screen and radio speaking in the language of that station.

“I am Petra, the avenging angel,” Petra declared as she stared at those watching her after five seconds.

“I have been sent by God to put the fear of the Lord into evil doers. This message will repeat every four hours through 8pm Greenwich mean time New Years Eve. No power on earth can prevent my interruption of these broadcasts. I invite you to try to find how I’m simultaneously doing this on every commercial broadcast channel in the language normally used on that broadcast. You will fail.”

After another five second dramatic pause she continued. “I started my mission by confronting pedophiles. So far fifteen have been sent to Hell. When those abusers of childhood innocence attempt to act on their perversion, I will strike them down. The only way they can avoid going to hell is to confess their evilness and accept their earthly punishment. They must then confess their sin before God and beg HER forgiveness. Their eternal fate will depend upon God’s judgement of the sincerity of their repentance. Dealing with pedophiles was simply a warm up for my main task which is to eliminate terrorism.”

“God is furious that HER message of love and peace has been perverted into condoning and supporting hatred and terrorism,” Petra sneered after a ten second pause. “Those who practice or support terrorism will pay for their evil actions. Even worse is the fact there are pastors, imams, mullahs, ayatollahs and others in leadership within their individual faith intentionally misinterpreting the Bible or Koran, perverting the message of God’s love and peace. There will be no forgiveness from God for their betrayal. Because they have led innocent believers astray, they will suffer unspeakable horrors while in eternal damnation in Hell!”

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This story is 332 words long.

Spark - 03 - We're in this


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We're in this

SALAMANDER, n. Originally a reptile inhabiting fire; later, an anthropomorphous immortal, but still a pyrophile. Salamanders are now believed to be extinct, the last one of which we have an account having been seen in Carcassonne by the Abbe Belloc, who exorcised it with a bucket of holy water.
~ The Devil's Dictionary, Ambrose Bierce

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This story is 60 words long.

Goddess of the Arts 01 - Born Again


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Goddess of the Arts

Born Again

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This story is 8 words long.

Goddess of the Arts

Goddess of the Arts

Josephus Carter is dying of cancer. Believing there is no grace in death, he abandons his family and friends to sail into the Pacific and die alone. Josephus soon finds himself in a strange yet familiar world. A world with gods, where a Goddess of fate and a God of Labor have called Josephus to take his place as their child a Goddess of the Arts.

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This story is 72 words long.

A Longer War 34


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They wouldn’t stop banging on the door, and that early in the morning my head wasn’t up to the disturbance. I managed to get down the stairs without falling over, though, and wrenched the front door open.


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This story is 41 words long.

Synergy - Chapter Three



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I would soon learn the mistake I had made to cure my incessant boredom; I had led mankind down a road that only gods should traverse. The mistake that came from ignorance and curiosity would change not only my destiny, but that of mankind itself. But like any event there is a point in time where all the threads meet, a time when the slightest change has the greatest impact, its synergy.

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This story is 72 words long.

Freya's Gift Chapter 35 by Mopar



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Character Age: 


An aging overweight man who plays too much online gaming receives a gift from Freya, the
goddess of love, lust, beauty, sorcery, fertility, gold, war and death.

Freya's Gift

Chapter 35: Christmas

Mom answers, "No, child, and don't ever say that out loud, my cousin has no humor when it comes to our comparison. But
thank you for the thought. Now daughter, you and your's must look after Seraphina until she can get a chance to find

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This story is 77 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 2832


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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 2832
by Angharad

Copyright© 2015 Angharad


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This story is 11 words long.

Nikki, part 21

“Don’t see why you’re moaning,” dad laughs as I pass him yet another handful of pink and silver streamers. “You’re the one who insists on hanging out with these celebrities, attending their parties… There’s no ducking out of it now just because it’s your turn to organise one!”

“Give me a break,” I sigh. “I’ve been at work every day this week…”

“Ooh, poor you, having to work for a living,” Beverly laughs, making me sigh. “Thanks for helping out today, Chris.”

“My pleasure,” dad says. “She’s my future daughter-in-law, that makes her family, right?”

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This story is 102 words long.

Little Boy-Girl/Girl-Boy the Flash Backs


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The stories in the segment are from the kids lives before and while in the group home.
Then how they fell and how happy they are now.

I know this is odd but this is my outlook on things

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This story is 39 words long.

Gaby Book 12 Chapter *28* Spot On


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*Chapter 28*

Spot On

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This story is 3 words long.

Christmas Calamity Part 3


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*Part 3*

Gab looked out of the Dormer, no snow but the sky looked pretty full of something, oh well, no escaping the training schedule. Sports bra, thermal bibs, merino socks, jersey, phone – everything else is downstairs. Mum was already in the kitchen similarly attired when she got there, coffee already dripping into the jug.
“I thought you were going out later?”

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This story is 61 words long.

Somewhere Else Entirely -137-


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In Dekarran, Garia struggles with her feelings concerning her forthcoming journey. Despite this, she still finds time to discuss the castle's drains, attend Merizel's wedding, visit the King's Tower again and find Eriana a new job. The deliberations of the rulers reaches a successful conclusion and finally, Garia has an entirely unexpected encounter.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

137 - The Empty Road

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This story is 63 words long.

Guardian of Future Days, Pt. 3



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Author's Note: I thought I would try my hand at writing again by going back to the beginning: my first story here. It didn't garner much of a response but there wasn't much to it. I'm trying to write again and if I can kindle my creative juices and get over the apathy and issues caused by my illnesses then maybe I can return to some of my other stories.

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This story is 70 words long.

MAU:Infinite Crisis, part 7



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The rescue for Noel is on. Some questions are answered, however, new mysteries take their place.

mature rating is for scenes of violence and gore.

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This story is 25 words long.

The Bridge



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Copyright © 2015 Heather M. All Rights Reserved.

Author's Note: I originally wrote this at Susan's Place last year. This is the first piece of fiction I have managed to write in a very long time but, it's not completely fiction. This was my suicide note. The Bridge is allegorical - referencing the place my mind was in when I wrote the story. I'm still in a dark place and still think about the Bridge, almost daily.

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This story is 75 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 2831

The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 2831
by Angharad

Copyright© 2015 Angharad


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This story is 11 words long.

Under my Nose

[2001] Aged 10

Our new Neighbours moved in two days before Christmas. Mother, Father and a 10 year old girl named Jocasta. I thought that was a cool name because she is a superhero from ‘The Avengers’.

Her family were invited round to our place on Christmas Day because the Gas people hadn’t connected up their oven in time. Our families became firm friends from that day onward.

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This story is 66 words long.

Every Good Girl Deserves Favour


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First -The Voice

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This story is 3 words long.

Freya's Gift Chapter 34 by Mopar



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TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


An aging overweight man who plays too much online gaming receives a gift from Freya, the
goddess of love, lust, beauty, sorcery, fertility, gold, war and death.

Freya's Gift

Chapter 34: When is a Trap, Not a Trap?

Friday 11 December

Tomorrow is the big day, when all our plans either fly or fall. Well, actually Sunday, we plan to take Deathe down after
the shoot, after all it is a benefit shoot.

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This story is 71 words long.

The Truth (2/6)



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What I’m writing down now is neither a diary nor a journal. I write it for myself, for my possible references in the future. If someone reads this has to know doing it against my will.

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This story is 37 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 2830

The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 2830
by Angharad

Copyright© 2015 Angharad


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This story is 11 words long.


More DopplerPress

In Bloom by Melanie Brown from Kindle


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Two freshly-picked tales from master of TG romance Melanie Brown.

In Bloom
by Melanie Brown
Buy on Kindle

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This story is 18 words long.

Aria - Book 1 - The Holly and the Ivy by Emma Anne Tate


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Cam and Liz's whirlwind romance may be over, but Cami's adventure is only just beginning.

Book 1
The Holly and the Ivy
by Emma Anne Tate
Now on Kindle

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This story is 29 words long.

Heaven and Hell 3: A Hellmaid's Work is Never Done on Kindle


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Angelique is coming into her own, which involves lascivious dwarves, an amorous angel, and a hellhound or two. Things get complicated but it's not her fault, she's sexy, hot as hell, and inclined to violence as the solution to certain problems. Maybe it comes from being half-succubus and half-hellmaid?

Heaven and Hell 3

Heaven and Hell 3 - Now on Kindle

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This story is 56 words long.

Who Do That Hoo Doo?


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George returned back to where he grew up still seeking that one place where he fits in. Never did he expect to find himself in a messy tangle of dark magics, ancient promises, and a power hungry hoodoo doctor. Just maybe if his crazed luck can just stay with him long enough, he'll finally find his place under the sun.

Buy at Amazon!

This DopplerPress Kindle eBook also includes the bonus story "The Glade" by Grover

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This story is 76 words long.
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