An Accidental New Life
Chapter 9
by Mykhaila Ejensfell
Copyright© 2015 Mykhaila Ejensfell
When my mother died and my father, someone that I had never met in my life, proposed to take me in, I actually believed that I was going to live with him. That of course wasn’t going to happen. That man, without even meeting me once, was sending me to a boarding school - a boarding school that apparently didn’t even know my name or gender, because in the letter they sent me to tell me I was accepted, they kept referring me as Miss Brooke Falconer.
That was completely ridiculous, I mean, I was Brook Woods, a tough (yet slightly short) guy!
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This story is 116 words long.
Project: Super Soldier
Written by Nuuan
71 year old John Dodge, retired military, now sits in a nursing home, his body riddled with cancer, waiting on the grim reaper to come for him when he is given another option.
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This story is 38 words long.
Gabriel, Matt, and Danielle receive a visit from Brandin Jessup's agent, Thomas Dern. The agent is pushing to get his client back into the film project, while Matt and Danielle have already decided to use Sloan. In Hollywood power plays between producers, directors, and agents, who's will is stronger?
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This story is 49 words long.
Mind rider
by Maeryn Lamonte
Copyright © 2016
Where does one person end and another begin? Usually not a difficult question to answer as each mind is confined to the brain it inhabits, but as our ingenuity enables us to overcome the barriers nature would impose on us, so we discover there are unforeseen consequences.
Nietzsche famously said that when you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. I'm not sure this is what he meant by it, but it fits. Physics predicts that you can't observe something without changing it, and as you exert an influence on it, so it responds by exerting one on you.
Not in any way a Valentines story, but it's finished, so it might as well go up.
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This story is 126 words long.
The crew of the Vasco da Gama have discovered that Anmar keeps
a secret, that Vast, Multidimensional Beings colonized it long before
humans on Earth even had written language - and are still doing so.
It seems there is a threat to the galaxy and long-term plans have
been made to defend it. Some of the audience is naturally skeptical.
Then King Keren makes things worse by inviting a long-dead Queen to
tell them what is really happening, and the crew learn that
everything they thought they knew bears little resemblance to the
Else Entirely
Penny Lane
Epilogue 3
- The Great Plan
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This story is 105 words long.
Jesse pulls one stunt too many,
and finds himself in more trouble
than he can possibly imagine.
Tight Knit
Volume 1
Part 1
By Taylor Ryan
Copyright© 2016 Taylor Ryan
All Rights Reserved.
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This story is 30 words long.
Gene's Story
or How I Gained a Cousin
A novel by Karen Lockhart |
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This story is 13 words long.
Sloan has a chance to get the role of a lifetime in Matt Sharp's new Hollywood blockbuster...all he has to do is convince them that he can play the part; however, Matt and his wife Danielle are looking for much more than an actor to play a trans-gendered hit man. They are looking for a submissive to replace Gabriel/Gabi-girl, who is finishing his internship and returning to University.
In this chapter, Sloan and Dana start working out some issues as they discuss their plan for the upcoming costume party at which they hope to convince the Sharps that Sloan's acting talent will make him a perfect fit in their new film.
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This story is 113 words long.
Marley for the Win Part 4
With numbers pinned and hugs all taken care of the May family entered the starting area right when the announcer called for the junior girls. “OK, you too, best of luck,” Lisa said as she rejoined the other parents around the starting area. Ann and Marley stood silently and tried to hide their nervousness as the other racers all filtered up to the line.
“Hey you guys, Marley and Ann?” an older girl said wearing a BikeTech jersey.
“Yeap, that’s us,” Ann replied.
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This story is 89 words long.
The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 2870
by Angharad
Copyright© 2016 Angharad
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This story is 11 words long.
Story under construction.
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Reposted form 2005-04-20
A very short lesson in home economics, sort of.
Threading the Needle
by Lainie Lee
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This story is 19 words long.
The Return of Nevermore part 8
In the Legacy Universe, there are very few villains who are as feared as Baron Nevermore. Now Nevermore has returned with a group of powerful allies, and the heroes will have to work together if they are to stand any chance of saving the world from this evil.
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This story is 55 words long.
A Hollywood heartthrob and agent try to derail Matt and Danielle Taylor's plan.
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This story is 13 words long.
Luna was laying in bed half asleep when her husband of five years came in. Jasper smiled at his beautiful wife and laid next to her. Immediately Luna nuzzled up against Jasper and caressed his face gently. He blushed and looked at her swollen belly smiling bigger, Luna looked up at him. "Someone looks happy." She said softly and smiled as she pecked his cheek, "Maybe just a little." Jasper smiled back and kissed her gently and held her hand interlocking their fingers. They stayed like that for awhile perfectly content in each others company.
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This story is 95 words long.
The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 2869
by Angharad
Copyright© 2016 Angharad
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This story is 11 words long.
Twenty Nine
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This story is 4 words long.
my friend and I decided to snoop on cheerleader little did I know I would become the daughter of the Satan Himself and turn all my school cheerleaders all into demon Cheerleaders and then slowly change the men into women in my conquest
5 school now under Jade control
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This story is 48 words long.
The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 2868
by Angharad
Copyright© 2016 Angharad
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This story is 11 words long.
Teri flew into her room landing on her bed at a run, if she was going to get to the the F3 meeting on time she had to hurry. Diving into her clothes box it took her a moment to realize that there were some changes to the room.
“Huh, who left the rose bush?” she asked the empty room, flying up to look at a tiny, well tended rose bush sitting on her windowsill.
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This story is 75 words long.
More DopplerPress
The Last of the Fey
by Denise Anesidora Trask
Dennis is a stunt man, er... boy, er... young adult. Being of slight build, although muscular, he didn’t get into sports when in middle and high school. No, he was far too deeply involved in the motion picture business by then. It all began when he was less than a year old and snowballed from there.
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This story is 69 words long.
When his family moved to Alaska, Patrick had a new life to begin...in more ways than one.
The new kid is a genius. At thirteen, starting the ninth grade, he just wants to fit in. His Air Force dad moved the family to Alaska and it's a whole new life.
Maybe in a new life he can be his real self, a girl who decides to call herself Marcia to make it more different from her old name.
A new life means new friends, new challenges. Like dealing with bullies and boys who think she's pretty. There is drama—a death in the family, danger in her father's job as a pilot, romantic complications—can Marcia deal with all the changes?
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This story is 130 words long.
"Wh-what?!" said the man, scandalized. "That's outrageous! We're not child stalkers! We're agents of the US government, here looking for known lawbreakers you're sheltering!"
Buy Masks 9 on Kindle
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This story is 28 words long.
I Can't Give You Anything But Love, Baby
Adrenaline surged...daring every sensory organ in my body to absorb the tiniest nuances of my first day out in public dressed as a woman. I touched the velvety skin on my wife's arm. "I'm so lucky!"
"Lucky?" Nicole shook her head in obvious bewilderment. "You've always wanted to be a woman," she had accurately said nearly eight months ago.
All Those Things You Always Pined For
by Angela Rasch
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This story is 78 words long.
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