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Parallel Lives Chapter 33

No, Nathan wasn’t crazy. To say he was WOULD be crazy. He was a very well adjusted man.

He was just frantically scouring the internet for any evidence of magic being real.

The part of him that still wanted to be rational was thinking “of course magic isn’t real, that’s ridiculous, you’re being ridiculous”. And he was being ridiculous, magic was not something that existed in the real world, and it certainly wasn’t something that sensible, level-headed adults believed in.

The Chosen - Chapter 4

I had never enjoyed shopping more. My feet ached and we’d about doubled the mortgage on the house, but I had so much new stuff. We did just about manage to empty the back of the car in one trip when we arrived home, but only with both Mum and me carrying as many bags as would fit in each hand.

“What the hell is this?” Dad grumbled from his seat. The water on his table was untouched and there were a couple of extra beer cans beside the one I’d left him. Well, if he wanted to start Sunday with a hangover, that was his lookout.

Layabout. Part 3 of 4

Chapter 3

Abigail appraised my movements and told me to take shorter steps with my feet trying to follow a straight line. Then I had to lose my slouch that the weight of the breasts were forcing on me. We worked on all of these until I walked correctly, with my head high and my shoulders back. That was a whole new feeling.

Royal Performer - Chapter 8

Royal Performer

Royal Performer - Chapter 2

Princess Alexandria Alessi’s life has turned upside down in the blink of an eye. Only a few days ago, she was enjoying a clandestine summer shopping with her best friend at the local mall. Coming home, she was alarmed to discover her mom was there, and her secret of being transgender was suddenly no longer secret! Within a few short hours, her life became like a movie as she discovered that her long-lost father was the Crown Prince of Osané, a small, secluded island nation. Alexandria was immediately thrust into the spotlight in a whirlwind weekend that led to a Monday press conference to announce her royal lineage.

Royal Performer is the second Tiffany Shar's 'Suddenly Royal' series.

Who Do That Hoo Doo?


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George returned back to where he grew up still seeking that one place where he fits in. Never did he expect to find himself in a messy tangle of dark magics, ancient promises, and a power hungry hoodoo doctor. Just maybe if his crazed luck can just stay with him long enough, he'll finally find his place under the sun.

Buy at Amazon!

This DopplerPress Kindle eBook also includes the bonus story "The Glade" by Grover

Grey: Part 3 - (A MORFS Universe Story) by Nist Shadow


As if having to move to a new country and leaving all your friends behind was bad enough. Just when you start making new friends and even find a girl that you like, and who likes you, your whole life is changed dramaticly by a genetic syndrom you thought you were immune to.

Grey: Part 2 - (A MORFS Universe Story) by Nist Shadow


As if having to move to a new country and leaving all your friends behind was bad enough. Just when you start making new friends and even find a girl that you like, and who likes you, your whole life is changed dramaticly by a genetic syndrom you thought you were immune to.

Sanura's Tale: Part 6 - (A MORFS Universe Story) by Britney McMaster


It's 2048, and besides all the normal stresses, teens are now faced with the possibility of many strange changes induced by the MORFS virus. Sanura has some confessions to make.

Sanura's Tale: Part 5 - (A MORFS Universe Story) by Britney McMaster


It's 2048, and besides all the normal stresses, teens are now faced with the possibility of many strange changes induced by the MORFS virus. Can Sanura escape from another group of people out to get her?

I Was a Teen-age Cheerleader -1- Do You Believe in Cheerleaders?


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Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Walter O'Buffle was a normal, horny teen-ager. He didn't want much out of his unexpected magic powers--just a date with a cheerleader. He certainly didn't want to be a cheerleader.

Ma'at - Chapter 01: Inbw-hdj


An expedition to an ancient Egyptian city becomes a life-changing experience for a retired professor. (Not Forced Fem. though)



Chapter 1: Inbw-hdj
By Itinerant
Edited by Amelia R.

The Academy (Part 1)

Bewitched: A Meeting of the Minds at the Pussywillow Lounge

The Little One

The Little One

Book One

By Richard Sinep

 © 2006, by Richard Sinep. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may not be printed for personal use. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of the copyright holder, Richard Sinep.


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Zapped! -8- The Techno-Goddess


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Zapped! — Chapter 8 “The Techno Goddess”

If anyone reading the story discovers a typo or other error, please let me know so I can correct it. You can send an email to: [email protected]. Please let me know where you saw the story and what the error was. I'll attempt to get it corrected. Thanks Rebekkah deMere for her expert nit-picking that helps me keep the story on track.

Chasing Hope - Trade Paperback


Jenny Walker's latest novel, "Chasing Hope", has now been published on Lulu.com. It can be purchased as a trade paperback or an electronic download. Read on for a synopsis of the novel and a preview of the Prologue.

Click here to go to Lulu.com

Genomorph Part 4


Synopsis: A Navy SEAL is transformed into a sexy female super soldier by an alien machine. Now romance blossoms for Brandi, and she takes a major step in accepting the girl she has become. But her adversaries are on to her, and will stop at nothing to recover the weapon they desire…Part 4 of 5.

Bobby's Rainy Day Adventure: Chapter IX


It's a brand new morning for Bobby: a time for secrets to be revealed and sisterhood to be discovered. It's also a day for his father to return ... this time with the law on his side.

Irresistible Impulse - Premium


What if they sold in back alleys a techno-elixir that could change your life, temporarily? Give you the opportunity to try out being someone other than who you have been all your life? Who could resist?

This is a premium story offered by Emma Smith to encourage donations to BigCloset. If you want to find out how to donate and download the story, click read more. There's also a sample of the story below the instructions. - Erin

The Deception of Choice. Part 10. Comprising Chapters 31 & 32


And is it true? The light at the end of the tunnel grows brighter. David's time at the Holding Wing seems to be numbered and pastures greener by far beckon. But greener for whom, even supposing that he gets to feel them under his feet? In the meantime though hope is alive again. In David's breast at least. And talking of breasts.....

Michele And The Predator -2-


The Predator has Michele, a closet transvestite, trapped in her house and is taking his time as he takes his pleasure from her. He does not know she is a transvestite and thinks she is a sexy mature socialite; he's in for a surprise!

BotC: -2e- Welcome to the Enchanted Forest


Audience Rating: 

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Danny did indeed find the expected treasure trove at the back of Penny's closet.

Penny had a hoarding mentality. She never threw anything out. This meant that the things Danny found in the back of Penny's closet were things that she had outgrown, but they fit Danny just fine.

Hostile Environment (Part 2)

Hostile Environment

(Part 2)

by Valentina Michelle Smith

Brian’s smug feeling of triumph over the Dragon Lady was short-lived.

He walked out of Goldwyn’s, out to the street, and immediately became self-conscious. He was suddenly aware of every facet of the female clothing he was wearing. He could feel the swirl of his slip and skirt over nylon-clad legs as he stepped onto the concrete sidewalk. The rush of air up his skirt left him feeling naked and vulnerable. The click of his high heels on concrete seemed to reverberate from the walls of the buildings. And he was convinced that somehow, everybody in the city had developed a kind of x-ray vision and could immediately tell that he was a man.


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More DopplerPress

Murder at the Shapeshifters' Ball by Rodford Edmiston now on Kindle


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Worlds where being different ISN'T your biggest problem!

Murder at the Shapeshifters' Ball
by Rodford Edmiston
Buy it on Kindle

Stickmaker's collection of classic SciFi Transformation Tales leads off with a great detective yarn!

Everybody who can be anybody is at the party, including someone willing to kill a beautiful elf!

Thirteen stories set in about ten different worlds deliver mystery, suspense and adventure. With a few important transgender transformations among the furries, aliens and fantastic creatures!

There's a sample of the first story after the break!

Masks 15 - Worlds at War by Stickmaker - on Kindle!


Audience Rating: 


The Shilmek have been watching, biding their time, gathering their forces on the edge of the galaxy. What can our teams of superheroes do to protect the earth from a well considered plan, advanced technology and vastly superior numbers - the fate of the planet is sealed... isn't it?

Worlds at War
Masks 15
by Stickmaker
Now on Kindle

Template, Vic, Electra and all of their friends are going to there to make sure the SHilmex are wrong! Dead wrong!


Pea Pod 3: Give Peas a Chance


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The continuing adventures of Doug Gordon, Queen of Ka'an. (Ka'an in Mayan means Heaven.) Ka'an is actually an alien world populated by women... and a man-eating plant. Well, it is actually male-eating plants that spit out females. Doug and his wives fixed everything, but now Doug must remake a planet... and it seems Ka'an will be remade in his image!

Pea Pod 3

It's the third book in Holly's rollicking adventure story about a man, a plant, a harem - Ka'an!

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