
A work in progress AKA: ranting blowing off steam or whatever you want to call it

Some truth about myself.

This is part of my autobiography, everything in here is true, I did not add anything to any of these events. If I did anyhting I left out some things as I don't really want to remember everything that has happened. Enough stalling... Here are parts of my life.

Jayme Ann

Foolhardy Pants

Okay. I saw this girl walk past me one day, and you know how they say that love at first sight causes time to slow down? Yeah. That actually happened. Everything around you sorta fades out too... All you see is that person. Well... I actually said this because she was wearing these pants that had these little grommets on them that glowed in the dark... (So cool!)

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I've decided, on the advice of a few, to post my poems here, as they are like a diary of how this past school year has started and has been going. I may or may not add a little of what the situation was with each one, but that depends on the poem. For some, you should just be able to figure out what its about right off the bat.

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