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Things They Made Me Do - Chapter 2

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Uncle Charlie – Part Two

Julia tells her psychiatrist about Uncle Charlie's second visit. This time Uncle Charlie brings a friend to taste the delights that Julia has to offer. Julia is discovered in a compromising position by her mother and father and suffers the consequences.

Please heed the warnings as this chapter explores themes of coercion and reluctance.

A Whole New Me (Again?) - Part 6

The school year ended and we broke up for the summer and there’s not a huge lot more to say about it really. Now the stuff with those teachers is over and done with I settled into, well, normality as a teen girl. I won’t say I forgot my past, that’s not so easy to do, but I felt more normal than I have in a long time. One funny happened while on my way into school during the last week in that I bumped into my ex wife.

The Long Journey, Chapter 1

“Who–who are you?” asked Lizzie Jane in a frightened voice.

“Oh, just a traveling partner,” the voice answered. “I ride the rails often. How about you? Are you a run-away?”

“No — no — I was just trying to get in out of the rain.” Lizzie Jane replied, still with a nervous voice.

“Rain? The sun is shining, hon.”

“Well, it was raining.”

The man smiled. Lizzie Jane adjusted her eyes to the light. The man had on tattered clothing, a short beard and two front teeth missing. “You must be from North Alabama. I understand that it was raining cats and dogs up there.”

“I am from Carter’s Bend”, replied Lizzie Jane.

“Yep, know right where it’s at”, answered the man. “You are in South Alabama — a fer piece from Carter’s Bend. My name is George.”

“I am Elizabeth Jane, but my friends call me Lizzie.”

“Well, can I be your friend — Lizzie?”

“Well — I guess so,” was the young girl’s reply.


The Long Journey
(A Lizzie Jane Adventure)
Chapter 1
By Billie Sue

Angie’s Choice

I peeked at myself in the mirror. Stephanie finished applying the foundation, and was now putting blush on my cheeks. The skin on my face looked flawless. There was no trace of anything that could be mistaken for a shadow from facial hair. It was really working. I was enjoying this very much, and decided to put my fears to rest for the final time. I closed my eyes and drifted off into a daydream. I pictured myself in my wedding gown on the arm of a handsome man in a black tuxedo. He was much taller than I with deep blue eyes and a square jaw. He was looking at me as if I was the love of his life. Why was I feeling this way? It really felt as if the closer I came to being feminized, the more I wanted to be in the arms of a man. My daydream was interrupted by Stephanie’s voice.

“All done! Oh my! You are ravishing!”

My hair was still wet, and flat, but the makeup was like something out of a magazine! I was amazed, and entranced by my reflection. I looked up at the girls and stammered,“You were right. I want it all. I want to be a girl in the worst way. I will do anything for you. Teach me the ways of becoming a woman, PLEASE!!?”


Angie's Choice

By Angela Renee Rineheart

CAUTION! Explicit Sex Scenes Contained Within!

Beautiful Justice | Part 4: Betrayals

Anderpaul placed his hands on the fallen girl's head. He began to use his energy to heal her. Slowly her eyes fluttered open. She put her hand to her wounded chest, groaning.

"Are you ok, my love?" Anderpaul asked tenderly receiving a nod from the girl. "Good, now I will make those vermin pay for this.

As Anderpaul made to get up, Keeli knew she had one shot at putting an end to his reign of brutality, and save her friends. She pulled him back down to her and he looked questioningly into her eyes. She put her hands on his chest and summoned all her energy. There was a thunderclap as he went transonic before slamming into the wall some forty feet distant with such force the stone of the wall cracked.


by Lisa Caitlin Grey

Easy As Falling Off A Bike part 68

Difficult as visiting someone in hospital...

Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by Angharad
part 68

The drive from home to the hospital wasn't very far. Southmead is a large hospital in which it is very easy to get lost as I discovered. It took me longer to find the ward from the car park, than it did to drive from the house to the hospital.

I Don't Recall Volunteering - Part 4

As we walked down the corridor, it became apparent to me that this building was not what I imagined it to be. My room, while not something found in a five star hotel, was fairly luxurious compared to the rest of the structure. It had the look of an abandoned warehouse; the kind you would see in the industrial area of just about any major American city. Curious sort that I was, I had to ask.

“Whereabouts are we, doc?”

“I’m going to withhold that information, Aleena. No sense in giving you any more data than you need.”

Lost In Thought, Part 9

The Bonds were shown into the doctor’s office by his nurse, who told them, “You can wait in here for the doctor to see you. He shouldn’t be more than a few minutes.”

“Thanks,” both Dave and Jenny said at the same time, then as the nurse left the room they looked at each other and smiled. They each took a chair facing the doctor’s desk, and had barely settled into them when the door opened and the doctor arrived.

“Good to see the two of you.”

“Thank you,” replied Dave.

The doctor shook each of their hands, then circled around his desk and took a seat. “I imagine you’re anxious to find out the latest?”

“You could say that,” Jen blurted out, making no effort to disguise her anxiety...



Lost in Thought, Part 9

By Jillian

Easy As Falling Off A Bike part 67

Cathy meets a neighbour...read on, if you dare!

Easy As Falling Over The Cat.
by Angharad.
part 67.

I had stowed my weekend bag in the boot and was busy familiarising myself with the controls. It took a little while but I got there, including flashing my windscreen wipers at some bloke who cut me up. By the time I'd got the lights switch, he was long gone.

Lost in Thought, Part 8

As Jen slowly recovers from her surgery, she finds herself contemplating her choices and how they've impacted her loved ones. As she bears all, Dave searches for a way to balance what's in his heart with what's on his mind.



Lost in Thought, Part 8

By Jillian

Easy As Falling Off A Bike part 66

Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by Angharad.
part 666 (he he!)

I awoke the next morning feeling exhausted. My head was clearer and I felt better but my energy was zilch. I felt very down, and even looking at the beautiful flowers that Simon had sent me, didn't raise my spirits.

Lost In Thought, Part 7

The consultation with the doctor that afternoon was short and to the point. When Jen asked what options she had besides surgery the doctor was blunt. “I’m afraid surgery is our only option,” the doctor told her as she sat with Dave in his office.

“So when do we do this?” Jen asked.

“As soon as possible. If you’re ready, we could do it in the morning.”

“So, are the chances good?” Dave tentatively ventured.

“I’d say it’s maybe 50/50, but that’s better odds than if we don’t try.”



Lost in Thought, Part 7

By Jillian

Beautiful Justice | Part 3: The Destroyer

So it was the Keeli found herself beside the King and in front of the assembled men.

The King began, "Warriors, you have been gathered here to go on an important mission behind enemy lines. You have been selected for you competence as warriors and your discretion as men. All of you here at least know of High Master Keelor," the men all nodded. "High Master Keelor has made a great sacrifice to stop this madman in the north. Most of you will not even recognize...err...him anymore. I would like to present to you your leader in this most important of missions. This is Lady Keelicia, Guardian, that's right I said Guardian, of Beautiful Justice, formerly High Master Warrior Keelor."


by Lisa Caitlin Grey

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 27: The I in Team

Abby shrugged and continued, "Not a word of that, but they did say you two made quite the couple on the dance floor."

"Yeah," Christina admitted with a sneer, "There might have been some dancing."

"If Richard took you to the Clairmont, then he must have you in his sights."

"Is that his thing?" Christina asked.

Abby leaned in and warned, "That Richard Masters is one smooth talker. I swear he has dated more girls than a crocodile has teeth!"

"You don't say."

"Just watch your back, Sugar. He's not one for settling down."

"Oh I will," Christina assured. "I've seen him in action. I'm sure he has all the girls eating out of his hand. But I'm not all the girls. I'm not... even one girl."

Being Christina Chase

Chapter 27 - The I in Team

by Admiral Krunch

Christopher's Adventures in Miss Johnsson's "Girls World" Store 4 - An Evening Out

4. An evening out - Christopher's adventures in Miss Johnssons "Girls World" store

Another chapter in this BigCloset TopShelf story.

Bobby's Rainy Day Adventure - Chapter XIII

In this chapter, Bobby has fun with Cori, Tess, and Rhianna at the slumber party. Everything seems to be going fine ... until someone walks in on Bobby while she's getting changed for bed. Will anything ever be the same for her again? Read on and find out!

Bobby's Rainy Day Adventure - Chapter XIII
Copyright 2007 by Heather Rose Brown

Lost In Thought, Part 6

I’m not sure I’m ready for this, sending my children away to America for six weeks? It sounded like it would be such a great learning experience for them, but that was before everything with their mum came to pass. I know the kids sense it as well, but there’s something about this morning that can’t help but feel like the last time Drew and Jules will ever see their mum alive. God, it hurts just thinking about it. Yes, it’s early, and they’re barely awake, but I can see it in their eyes. Even as we all tell ourselves that she’s a fighter, and will never give up, there’s a cloud hanging over all of us casting an ominous shadow over everything. That cloud keeps reminding us that the prognosis given to her by the specialist said to expect six weeks. Ironic how she’s been given exactly the amount of time the kids will be away.


Lost in Thought, Part 6

By Jillian

Altered Fates - Chess Prodigy


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This story is dedicated to the memory of my parents. My father taught me the game of the chess at age six, and I still enjoy the game today. As always, a big thank you to my editor, Steve Zink. Steve's help is invaluable.

Altered Fates: Chess Prodigy
by Danielle J

Warning- There is one scene of intense violence. While not gory, it may shake up sensitive readers.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike part 64

Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by Angharad.
part 64

When I went back about four, I slept solidly until about ten. The radio was still on and the music was much more contemporary and not to my liking, so I switched it off. I showered and made some tea.


Thomas Higgs's old friend died, but then who is this young man with the strange offer to make Tommy young again?


Part 1 of 3
Bill Hart

Author's Notes:

This is a story that decided it had to be written while I was writing something else. It was so insistent, I had to stop the story I was writing and write this one.

Don't you just hate it when that happens?

This story is also an attempt to address something that several people refer to as a fault in my writing. Contrary to what a lot of people might think, I do take constructive criticism of my work quite seriously and in the vein it's given.


Lost In Thought, Part 5

Well, this has been a right strange Christmas, to say the least, what with Jen being gone, and the kid’s lack of enthusiasm for the holiday…I never thought I’d see the day when my children weren’t up at the crack of dawn to open presents. No, this year, I even slept in a bit and was still first up. I guess it’s safe to say Jen’s absence has been the main reason for the strangeness. Thank God she’s finally coming home. I can only hope she’s going to drop this charade and tell me what’s really going on. I have to say I hope I’m not correct, frankly, but I think I have a fair idea what’s coming. We shall see…



Lost in Thought, Part 5

By Jillian

Beyond the Lines of Friendship

This story is based on the story called, "I, my sister" and was written by Diana Christy (07/97). I would like to thank Diana for allowing me to use parts of her story in mine. I would also like to thank Arcee and Darkside for their support and suggestions that I needed to finish this story. A special thanks to Elaine for all her hard work in proofing the story and her suggestions on a number of different issues. I couldn't have written this story without their support. Thanks guys!

What Ever Happened to Al Parker?

This story is based on the story called, "I, my sister" and was written by Diana Christy (07/97). I would like to thank Diana for allowing me to use parts of her story in mine. I would also like to thank Arcee and Darkside for their support and suggestions that I needed to finish this story. A special thanks to Elaine for all her hard work in proofing the story and her suggestions on a number of different issues. I couldn't have written this story without their support. Thanks guys!

Jennifer's Beginnings

This story is based on the story called, "I, My Sister" and was written by Diana Christy (07/97). I would like to thank Diana for allowing me to use parts of her story in mine. I would also like to thank Arcee and Darkside for offering suggestions needed to finish this story. I could not have written this story without their support. Thanks guys!

Easy As Falling Off A Bike part 63

More kisses and self exploration with a little help from Abba.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by Bonzi Cat & Angharad.
part 63

Simon took me home and after escorting me up to my room and kissing me goodbye, left. I shut my door and leant against it, I was walking on air and my head felt somewhere else. It was wonderful, an amazing warm feeling that I had never experienced before.


More DopplerPress

Everything's Sunny with Sarah - Zoe Taylor & Ashly MacGreagor on Kindle


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Sarah's life had not been easy, her parents broke up, she got seriously assaulted, and had to move to a different city and leave her friends behind.


Building a new life is never easy, even with advice from a someone who has done it before. However, with help from Robin, her mother and her new friends, Sarah finds her future looks sunny once more. But will it stay that way?

Surely, everyone is in for a magical time.

Especially Readers!


Everything's Sunny with Sarah
by Zoe Taylor and Ashly MacGreagor
Now on Kindle

Friendship and Agony by Maryanne Peters on Kindle


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The first published anthology of our own very prolific short story author, Maryanne Peters, is available on Kindle in a new book.

Friendship and Agony
with 15 other TG romances
by Maryanne Peters
Now on Kindle!

When is a “Friendship” close to being a marriage? Two men discover that being friends is not enough when one of them agrees to be a bride.

What will an estranged father do to keep his family together when they make a “Call for Help?” Break the law and make radical changes? But how will his life be judged?

A man writes an "Agony" column pretending to be a woman, then success demands that SHE step forward into reality…. Can she become a real person?

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