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Layabout. Part 4 of 4

Chapter 4

As we moved into the summer season, the main sales at the Village were swimwear and we weren’t needed so much. We spent that time with the drama group. The first show we did was a stage version, greatly edited, of ‘Some Like it Hot’ as a farce. It went down well, and then we worked on another show where we played a married couple. That was the one where we were seen by an agent from London.

Things They Made Me Do - Chapter 2

Things Edited.jpg
Uncle Charlie – Part Two

Julia tells her psychiatrist about Uncle Charlie's second visit. This time Uncle Charlie brings a friend to taste the delights that Julia has to offer. Julia is discovered in a compromising position by her mother and father and suffers the consequences.

Please heed the warnings as this chapter explores themes of coercion and reluctance.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 343

Easy As Mauling Out Of Spite.
by: >^^< the disgraced one!

It was Sunday again, the weeks go far to quickly and weekends even faster. Because we rode yesterday, I had chores to do today. It struck me as rather sexist, that in Stella's absence, I was the only female in the house and seemed to be expected to do most of the household chores.

Yellow the Leaves of the Rowan

Yellow the Leaves of the Rowan

~ A Love Story ~

AUTUMN is over the long leaves that love us,
And over the mice in the barley sheaves;
Yellow the leaves of the rowan above us,
And yellow the wet wild-strawberry leaves.

The hour of the waning of love has beset us,
And weary and worn are our sad souls now;
Let us part, ere the season of passion forget us,
With a kiss and a tear on thy drooping brow.

The Falling of the Leaves ~ W. B. Yeats.

The Tales of the Improbables: Stheno's Tale

Self conscious teenager, Stephanie Marks thought her unhappiness with her body was her only problem. Then she got MORFS...
This story contains scenes of Domestic Violence, abuse, slavery, betrayal, and, for lack of a better term, Evil. It does not end well. If this sort of thing disturbs you, or may cause psychological issues, then consider yourself warned. This story is not for everyone. I happen to think it is a worthwhile tale, if only from an educational point of view, but I understand that I am not the sole opinion. If you cannot bear to read a story that contains these things, then stop now.

If not, don’t come crying to me, because I warned you.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 342

Easy As Trawling The Bight.
by:Beautiful Bonz & Awesome Angharad (or should that be awful?)
part: 342!

The rest of that week flew by, or it seemed; probably, because I was so busy marking or teaching. I also went out with my field group to see how my meeces were doing? They were still fast asleep, so they weren't doing much at all.

The Distant Queen - 2

The Distant Queen

by Terry Volkirch

This story is mainly about a romance between two young women who are from two different worlds. It's a fantasy story with some adventure but there are no mythical creatures and there isn't a lot of magic. It's really a sweet and tender romantic comedy with a mostly happy ending.

This story updates Monday, Wednesday and Friday until finished. Chapters 1 through 6 are complete, the plot is sketched out and the last page is written. All that's left to do is connect the dots. :)

Drabble Saga 21: Hertz So Good

"Frankie Al Nez will pay my rent, pay for my schooling, give me an allowance and all I have to do is dress like this" --Davey gestured at his tight leather dress-- "and read to him?"

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 341

Easy As Calling Me A Tyke.
by: >^^< & 8)

"Nice bike," said the young man who stood by the entrance to the department.

"Yeah, it goes well," I said and went to wheel the bike inside.

"Are you Dr Watts?"

"I'm Cathy Watts, can I help?"

"I got word that you were asking about the cycling club, is that right?"

"Yes, I was asking about it. You must be Geoff?"

The Price To Pay - Vol. 2.03 - Escape


I felt a shiver of fear as I looked from one slovenly youth to another, wondering what they had in mind for their entertainment.

Brian stepped towards me, " so what's your name, bitch?"

I didn't reply.

The Price To Pay - Vol. 2.03 - Escape

by Alys

Drabble Saga 20: Paging Doctor Dee Dee

Davey explored the apartment. The kitchenette had a small refrigerator, a three burner range-top, a tiny electric oven, a microwave and a sink, all surrounded by blond cabinetry. "It's so cute," he said.

Drabble Theatre: Foiled Robbery

The plan was brilliant — the three of them would dress up as hot chicks to rob the bank, so no one would have seen their faces. Plus, when they got to the boat, they’d ditch the disguises and no one would ever connect them to the three bimbos.

The Distant Queen - 1

The Distant Queen

by Terry Volkirch

This story is mainly about a romance between two young women who are from two different worlds. It's a fantasy story with some adventure but there are no mythical creatures and there isn't a lot of magic. It's really a sweet and tender romantic comedy with a mostly happy ending.

Author's note: This story starts slowly. It takes several chapters to create the setting and background. The romance just barely begins in chapter 4 and doesn't start to blossom until chapter 6. Please be patient. Please? :)

Marcie And The Amazons: 16. Lambing Is Like Down

"Do you know why you're my favorite niece? It's because you're the one who's awake. You're the one who sees every situation as though it's new. You can take something ordinary and find what's extraordinary in it, and you can fall into the strangest, most unexpected situations, and act as though you know what's going on."

Marcie And The Amazons by Kaleigh Way


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