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Dormice (aka Bike) Part 651 by Angharad |
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Mima invited herself with us as we drove to Trish’s school. I’d made up a packed lunch the night before with homemade bread rolls filled with salad and salmon, a pot of yoghurt, some fruit and a tiny pack of chocolate buttons–there had to be some bribery allowed. To drink was one of those flavoured milk things which Trish loved. It was all packed into her backpack and she carried it with her as we walked into the school yard.
We both hugged her goodbye and waited while she walked in with her friend Peaches. Her mother spotted me and said, “Look, about your offer to take Pea home with you?”
“Any chance tonight? I’m involved with some nature programme that isn’t going too well.”
“No, what time are you likely to be back?”
“I’m not sure.”
“No problem, I’ll give her some tea, and if you’re that late, she can sleep at our place.”
“God, I hope I won’t be that late, but thanks so much.” I gave her my mobile number and directions to get to Tom’s house.
“The old farmhouse, the Georgian one?”
“Parts of it are older than that, but the façade is Georgian.”
“Wow, you live there?”
“Goodness, I am moving in exalted circles.”
“Not really, it’s just a house, does exactly the same as a small modern terraced house.”
“Yeah, but on a grander scale.”
“I don’t even think about it.”
“Nah, you wouldn’t if you were brought up in it. Me, we have a small three bed semi, I’m the first in our family to own my own house. My parents had a council house, Dad worked on the buses, Mum stayed home and looked after us kids. They couldn’t believe it when I said I wanted to go to uni. I was the first to go there too, and I’m proud of being an assistant producer.”
“So you should be. So you work on the nature programmes?”
“Documentaries,” she shrugged.
“Sounds interesting.”
“It is, absolutely fascinating, I love it, but looking after her ladyship can be a problem, fitting it all in.”
“I’m sure; looking after my two can be a bit of a juggling job.”
“You work at the university, you said?”
“I’m on secondment at the moment, but yeah, I count dormice and advise on their conservation. I’m also involved with the mammal survey of Britain and Europe.”
“And you have two under six?”
“Yes, but they’re good kids, aren’t you, Meems.”
“Yes, Mummy, I’s a good girw.”
“Oh crikey, look at the time, I’ve gotta dash, I’ll ring you later, if that’s all right.”
“Yes, don’t worry, I’ll collect Peaches and give her some tea. Anything she doesn’t eat?”
“Shellfish and mushrooms.”
“Fine.” I took Mima’s hand and we walked to the car. “Come on, Mima, let’s get some shopping and sort out lunch.”
We got back home and I made some lunch, a salad with cooked ham I’d bought at the deli. It looked lovely and Meems ate it like there was no tomorrow. Stella let her help feed Puddin’ which made her day. I knew she’d be bragging to Trish when she came home, but then Trish would be doing so about what they’d done in school, so it seemed a quid pro quo.
Meems seemed to follow Stella about which meant I could do my chores more easily, the cooking and cleaning, washing, that sort of stuff. How can the average bloke feel he works harder than his wife? He comes home from the office or factory, eats the meal she’s cooked, wears the clothes she’s washed and ironed for him and sits in the house she’s probably cleaned as well, not to mention any children that might be involved. I know some modern men help out somewhat, but loads don’t, and it irritates me.
Simon has gone out to our local branch of the bank and is using their resources to plug into the main system. It means he’s home at night but he doesn’t do much except help put the kids to bed, if I’m lucky. Tom is more help than Simon. At least Stella is doing something now. It isn’t enough and looking after the baby isn’t half as bad as she makes out–she is a drama queen. Then at least I haven’t got lumbered with that yet.
I switched on the bread maker and poured the tea which had been brewing for a few minutes. I called Stella and she came in, followed by her shadow, my younger foster child.
I’d prepared the vegetables, essentially, I did a savoury rice mix doing mushrooms separately, as Peaches didn’t like them. I did some strips of chicken which I’d stir fry with some bean shoots. The soy sauce had plenty left in the bottle, so I’d get some more next week.
Then it was time to get the girls. Meems stayed with Stella as I drove to the school. Peaches and Trish were last out as usual. “Come along, you two slow coaches,” I yelled to them and they giggled. “You’re coming back with us tonight, Peaches. Your mummy is going to collect you from our house, and you can have some tea with us.”
She looked at me a little distrustfully at first. “I can show you my bike and my doll’s pram,” said Trish proudly.
“Okay,” said Peaches, “Mummy coulda told me.”
“I think she was so busy, this morning, sweetheart. It is difficult looking after children and doing a full time job.”
“She loves her job more than me,” said the child angrily.
“I doubt it, she thinks a great deal of you, which is why she asked me to collect you.”
“Before you, it was Mrs Smith, but she got fed up and said so. Mummy was very cross.” I wondered what I’d taken on, was Laura a bit of an exploitative type. I supposed we’d soon find out. If she was, she’d have a surprise coming and her opportunity to blackmail me re the programme could be minimised, it was due in June, so she only had a short time to do it, and if Simon was right, she’d be taking on a large and powerful organisation in the bank. I decided I’d wait and see what happened.
We got home and I made Trish change and to find something for Peaches to borrow, she opted for shorts and tee shirt. The weather had got rather warm so they were out in the garden and drive playing with Trish’s bike until I called them in for dinner.
I was half expecting complaints–I don’t eat that, or I don’t like this–but she ate everything in sight and asked for more. She ate mushrooms, she ate the rice, the chicken the bean shoots, bread, crisps, ice cream and some fruit. Even Simon who’d come home in time for tea raised his eyebrows.
The phone rang and Peaches said, “That’s Mummy saying she won’t be home can I stay the night?”
I picked up my mobile, the number was ex-directory. “Hello?”
“Hi, Cathy, it’s Laura, how is Peaches?”
“She’s fine and she enjoyed her tea.”
“Oh good, look, you offered to sleep her tonight?”
“I did,” I felt my tummy twist, Peaches was too young to be so cynical.
“Could you? This business is going to take longer than I thought.”
“Yes, no problem.”
“I told you,” said Peaches, “She did the same with Mrs Smith, soon you’ll get tired of me.”
“I hope not, and besides it’s not your fault is it?”
“No, but Mummy makes out it is. If I wasn’t here she wouldn’t need to bother people…” she began to cry, “Nobody wants me.”
I put my arm around her, “Look here, sweetie-pie, you are wanted. I’m sure your mummy wants you lots and I know she loves you lots. We want you to stay the night. Peaches, would you like to stay the night with us?”
“Yes please, Lady Cameron.”
“That’s a bit formal, isn’t it, why don’t you call me Auntie Cathy?”
“I’d like that, Auntie Cathy.”
“Good, that’s all settled then. You go and play and I’ll sort out a bed and some pyjamas for you. You’ll have to borrow some of Trish’s.”
Was I being exploited? I didn’t know. I couldn’t tell if she was working late or out on the town with her boyfriend or girlfriend for that matter. But we were home anyway and what difference did one more mouth to feed make?

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Lady Catherine
Can sainthood be far behind? After all, she technically isn't Lady Cameron yet, and they call her that anyway. So why muddle about waiting for her to die and all the rest of the rot sainthood requires? It's Saint Cathy now.
They know they can survive
One of the requirements...
...the Catholic Church has for granting sainthood is that the candidate be responsible for at least three miracles, either directly or through intercession (prayers to the proposed saint). Cathy got Mima to walk, so that's one. She got Trish to walk, so there is miracle number two. She used the Blue Light Special to help Puddin' survive when the medicos had said she wouldn't survive, that's number three. Then, of course, she used the same Blue Light Special to reverse the damage to Simon's liver following his OD, which makes four!
Mother Teresa of Calcutta was often referred to as a living Saint; so why NOT our Cathy!
And then of course there are all
those rescues. Hope we haven't forgotten those.
On the minus side of course she's killed a few men but that was to keep her family safe. I suspect that is allowed.
Still looking for the meeting with the queen and knighthood. Let's get Cathy her own title, not a borrowed or married into one.
Big problems...
First, candidates for beatification and sainthood have to be Catholic.
Cathy doesn't qualify.
Second, beatification (the first step to sainthood) requires one posthumous miracle accomplished through intercession in reponse to prayer.
Luckily, Cathy doesn't qualify, since she's not dead, although she's come quite close.
Third, sainthood requires two such miracles.
Again, Cathy doesn't qualify, for which we can thank the Blessed Cathy...
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
Anglican saints
The Anglican Communion also canonizes people, and they're not even picky about which sect the persons honored belonged too. So Cathy has no problems with that.
Takes a long time...
...even King Charles the Martyr hasn't passed all the tests yet in all regions, although there are pockets of enthusiasm, and he's the only person to be canonised by the Church of England after the English Reformation...
Cathy may have quite a wait, although I'm sure Angharad will still be publishing her story four hundred years from now. Let's see, that will be around Episode 130,000.
Most of the Anglican Saints are left-over Roman Catholic Saints.
Resolution 79 stated:
* In the case of scriptural saints, care should be taken to commemorate men or women in terms which are in strict accord with the facts made known in Holy Scripture.
* In the case of other names, the Calendar should be limited to those whose historical character and devotion are beyond doubt.
* In the choice of new names economy should be observed and controversial names should not be inserted until they can be seen in the perspective of history.
* The addition of a new name should normally result from a wide-spread desire expressed in the region concerned over a reasonable period of time.
All in all, I'm not sure she'd qualify, since her devotion is certainly questionable, having repeatedly and enthusiastically characterised religion as superstitious nonsense, often quite forcefully and with colourful phrases.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
Cathy's expanding family
It looks like Cathy just might have added another member to the family. At least this cliff is more like a low terrace.
It's been a while since I said how much I appreciate your continuing efforts. Thanks again for this and all the other great stories you (and Bonzi) write for us.
Michelle B
I thought about that
All kids love to have visiting kids, and the other kids enjoy it too. Girls seem to enjoy it more (but then they talk all night long), but boys also enjoy them. Of course, only Angharad knows for sure, and she only tells a little at a time.
Cathy has a huge heart
Big enough to add Peaches on a temporary basis. Now, what happens tomorrow morning when another little girl calls her Mummy?
Yes, Auntie Cathy
Does sound great, just like Unca Simon. Will be interesting to see what happens with Peaches. Is her middle name Cream?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
naw, that is her
twin sister who we haven't met yet. (or the school nickname for the pair of Peaches and Trish)
Poor Peaches...she's got
Poor Peaches...she's got every right to be cynical... Why women like Laura have children is beyond me.. after all she does'nt even seem to know what food her daughter likes... And yes i do think Cathy is going to be exploited, but for how long?
Dietary mistakes
I can't say as I've ever heard of allergic reactions to mushrooms, but a shellfish allergy can be life-threatening. So Cathy better take care what she feeds Peaches.
They know they can survive
But 5 years old is just too young
to be that cynical. This must be an awfully common occurance.
have a little tolerance for Peaches' mom, she's working hard
and feeling pressure... and is there a dad on the scene?
Look at her comment to Cathy.... “Nah, you wouldn’t if you were brought up in it. Me, we have a small three bed semi, I’m the first in our family to own my own house. My parents had a council house, Dad worked on the buses, Mum stayed home and looked after us kids. They couldn’t believe it when I said I wanted to go to uni. I was the first to go there too, and I’m proud of being an assistant producer.â€
Pretty clearly someone who has worked to get to where she is. Yeah, no excuse to neglect her child but she's not (I hope) leaving her with Cathy so she can hit the bars. (do a pub crawl)
At the TV station where I worked, the title Assistant Producer was semantically equal to "gofer" or "dog-body". The person who caught all the shitty jobs nobody else wanted to do.
They know they can survive
Should Cathy start seeing some red flags? How about like asking "what's wrong with the programme" and "how is her ladyship proving to be a problem?"
Cathy... speak up!
'Her ladyship' ...
... is a common euphemism in the UK for a loved child. My step mother often, jokingly, referred to my half siblings in exactly those terms. It almost certainly wasn't a reference to Cathy. In any case Peaches mum is aware of Cathy's unofficial title. Plus there's a lot of nature programmes on the BBC, Cathy's will be one amongst many.
It's not unknown...
over here, but I think we're more likely to hear "her highness" or "her majesty" - when referring to one of the daughters... :-)
I'm really enjoying this series, and normally I'd take this as Saint Cathy spreading her influence over another poor waif, and I'd sit back and wait for the happy-ever-after bit :)
The worry is, what will happen if Peaches and Trish share a bed, then the "omg it's a family of TS's" brigade latch on to that? I hope this leads to a happy ending for Pea, and no problems for Trish and Cathy!
If Cathy keeps taking in waifs
... we will have to nickname her Angie ( short for Angelina :) )
And then there were three...
or is it four, five, six...
It'd be nice to figure out if Peaches has a daddy too - and why he can't help. Being a single mom is no lark... Heck, I should say being a single parent is no lark, as I've known a few guys that were single parents, and worked just as hard to care for their kid(s). I wonder if Pea's mom really IS working that hard, and if work's requiring her to do so. It'd suck, if the reason Pea needed to stay over was so the mom could entertain at home, without having a daughter underfoot. *sighs*
And Then There Were Three
(not counting Puddin' cuz, so far, Stella is doing for her.)
I'm as curious as everyone else what Laura's up to although, if I think back about 40 years, I can remember working at a job that had me doing unpaid overtime four nights a week (and cost me the then 'love of my life'). So it IS possible that Laura REALLY IS working.
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
Oh, dear. . .
If Cathy collects many more kids, she & Simon'll have to move to the castle to have enough space. . .
Cheat, go to Nov. 30,2015 and count the kids.
Saint Catherine is back ! Hope this good deed doesn't bite Cathy on the tush. That warning about mushrooms bothers me.
I hope a well meaning Mommies' helper doesn't stir the mushrooms into the rice.
Well, it has been a while since we visited the Emergency room, hasn't it ? Who helped ? Whizz or Bonzi ?
I have a feeling
Peaches may become daughter number three.