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(aka Bike) Part 789 by Angharad |
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“Why are we being targeted at all?” It seemed so unjust to me – I know I’d caused some problems to the Russian mafia before, but they started it, mine was purely defensive.
“They’re after the bank again.”
“So two people had to die for a bank?” I was horrified, to my mind life was infinitely more valuable than money. Money is an enabler, without life it’s somewhat pointless. I suppose I’ve always had a philosophical view of wealth – not really desirous of it – yet it seems to have sought me out. My parents have left me comfortable, though I’d still have to work, I’ve quite a cushion if I need it, plus a house that’s paid for.
“Both were terrorists, they think.” Simon was remaining aloof from the emotions of this, unlike me. I was fizzing – with fear and anger.
“So two arseholes blow themselves up trying to do what?”
“Frighten us – Dad was supposed to be entertaining one of the treasury ministers at the hotel at the weekend.”
“I thought bribery and corruption were things of the past?”
“He was also going to be hosting unofficial talks between the minister and several chief execs of the big clearing banks. There was supposed to be no publicity and the details were top secret, so we don’t know how they got out.”
“But the Russians knew, somehow?”
“Looks like it. Bill, tell her what you can.”
Bill the builder, who looks nothing like Daniel Craig – more like Guy the Gorilla – had come into the house to speak with Simon. He looked uncomfortable but nodded to Simon. “Looks like we have a situation on our hands.” Gone was the working class accent instead there was a neutral, Southern British one. He could be from anywhere, even Bristol.
“Cathy, you are all at risk.”
“Why are they doing this to us?”
“They want the bank, probably for money laundering. Several Russians banks spend more time doing the laundry than things one would normally expect from banks. They‘re making loads from gas and oil exports and much of it goes into the pockets of very few individuals.”
“Nothing new there then,” I interjected, “I suppose, some of them might just be politicians with a great deal of power, and one in particular who fancies himself as a pin up – personally, I’d rather have Will Smith or Daniel Craig.”
“I can’t comment on personalities, Cathy,” continued Bill, “but we do know they are trying to destabilise the bank again so they can buy it at well below its true value.”
“And that includes putting the frighteners on the family?”
“It looks that way.”
“I suppose fleeing the country isn’t a good idea?” I asked, wondering where I’d like to go.
“We couldn’t protect you then.”
“So far, I’m not terribly impressed, Bill. They nearly had me yesterday.”
“We didn’t realise you could ride so fast – we assumed women rode slower than men.”
“Tell that to Nicole Cooke or Vickie Pendleton.”
“Yes, but you’re not exactly Team GB, are you?”
“Point taken.” I fumed quietly.
“We were actually shadowing you until you turned off up those lanes, then somehow you lost us on the downhill bit, in fact you came from behind and overtook your protection vehicle.”
“Perhaps it would have helped if you’d told me before hand.”
“If we had, you wouldn’t have gone for the ride or behaved normally.”
“No, I bloody well wouldn’t, I’d have stayed home and begun building barricades.”
“Then they would have known you were onto them.”
“So what? I consider my life is worth more than political gestures.”
“Cathy, please, the service is apolitical, we’re here to serve the country and its people.”
I apologised, I was just angry. “Every bloody time things seem to be going well, some miserable pig upsets it.”
“That’s life, I’m afraid.”
“But it isn’t fair.”
“No, it isn’t, Babes, but it’s a fact of life – so it’s sink or swim time.”
“How do we protect our children?”
“Carry on as normal, we’ll shadow you and agree a route for the day.”
“Are the phone and emails safe?” I asked.
“Possibly not, both can be intercepted.”
“And they can put listening devices inside the house too, so they may even know what we’re talking about.” I’d seen these things on television.
“Um – no, we did a sweep earlier, there are no devices in the house or garden.”
“You didn’t do my bedroom?”
“We did.”
“When?” I was horrified, how intrusive are these blokes?
“Don’t worry, we did from outside on the pretext of checking the walls.”
“You can do it from outside? Is that clever or creepy?”
“We prefer to believe it’s clever.”
“Of course – so what happens next?”
“You carry on doing what you normally do.”
“Like tying a goat to a tree to hunt tigers?”
“I like to think it’s more humane than that.” Bill smiled, his face had changed as well as his voice. He was actually not bad-looking – still no Daniel Craig, but you know if I was in need of physical comfort ... um ... don’t be like that.
“You didn’t get cast as the goat,” I sniped.
“True,” he agreed, “but then I believe you don’t like guns.”
“Touché,” I conceded.
“Your shadows will have at least one firearms officer with them, you and your children should be safe.”
“The only reason we were safe last time was we had half the British Army there.”
“So I heard, I’m not sure it would be feasible in this time of fiscal austerity to have a unit of Royal Marine Commandos following you around.”
“I don’t know, I pay enough bloody taxes,” quipped Simon.
“Instead we have Bob the builder and his merry men,” I sighed.
“It gets worse, Babes, one of his colleagues is called Ben.”
“Oh shit! That’s all we need, Bill and bloody Ben*, I suppose Andy Pandy* is down there somewhere? That makes me feel really safe,” I snapped.
*Bill and Ben the Flowerpot Men, and Andy Pandy were children’s programmes on BBC television some years ago.

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saw repeats
Bill and Ben, Andy Pandy...vaguely. Always liked Zebiddy meself, loved that boing. Not even sure where that comes from.
Oh... nice progression Ang, you know the story.
was on Eric Thompson's version of the Magic Roundabout.
Bill and Ben, and Andy
Bill and Ben, and Andy Pandy? All Simon and Cathy need now are the Woodentops with Spotty dog. Or maybe they can call International Rescue!
(Other children's programs of the same period. Woodentop is also a derogatory term for a uniformed policeman)
And you could add
The Woodentops (slang for police)and what about Sooty and Sweep as undercover pets!!!
Well, Why Not Get
Mima to go to Banshee level and deafen the spooks by overloading their mikes? Or better yet, ask Sue Brown to bring over Lady "F" and her shotgun to kill them varmints as Cathy and her Bow and arrow takes them out silently. I wonder just how good the girls are with archery? Should Cathy wear all green or all red? Then, she could be Robin Hood, or Green Arrow [Green outfit, or Speedy, Green Arrow's sidekick [red]
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Bow and arrows
Did Cathy ever get her bow and arrows returned? That was what saved them before.
I hope she has something for protection. We know the service isn't going to be much help. Sounds like a full scale attack syndrome, approaching from the Russian Mafia.
As I said last night
Get out the archery equipment and night vision glasses. Hope somehow she can tell the good guys from the bad guys. Irony if Mrs Brown-Cow attacks too and gets grabbed by MI5 (thus giving them away to the bad guys).
Superior Firepower
Why do I not feel very comforted by the fact that one officer will be armed?
The last time Cathy had to defend the homestead they were facing multiple assailants with some serious firepower. I doubt that one armed officer will stand much of a chance against that. By the way what is their weapon of choice? A supersoaker (oversized squirt gun)?
Michelle B
Learning disability!
They haven't learned not to mess with Cathy. Let me see? currently, I believe the score is Cathy 4, Russian mafia 0. As Simon has learned, you don't get Cathy angry. Obviously, the Russian mafia has yet to learn this lesson. For their own good, they should surrender to MI5. Given their inability to learn, they deserve being the focus of Cathy's wrath. May god have mercy on them, Cathy won't, especially, if they try to harm her children or Stella or Tom or Simon.
Looking forward to the next few episodes as this plays out. The bad guys always seem to evade the professionals, but never get past Cathy. Russian Kabob Anyone?
~There is no reality, only perception~
Trish Ann
~There is no reality, only perception~
After Cathy fills a couple
After Cathy fills a couple the mafia types with arrows, she will then be able to place them on a spit and really roast them. The nerve and idea they can attack her and her family at whim, she will show them. The MI-5 guys just better watch out or they could get the same. Jan
Bill & Ben
I well remember that childrens program, and the others that have been mentioned in other comments. Nobody however seems to have remembered "Weeeeeed", she used to pop up between Bill & Ben at the start of the program, This program was broadcast daily at 2:15 PM from BBC Rowridge transmitter on the IOW way back in 1955.
Much appreciate the reminders of things past, as I originally come from Portsmouth, and know the area well.
Please keep up the good work. I very much enjoy the story and it's subtle interplays
Reminds me of home, an Xpat now living in the US
Little We-e-e-d
I left it out because I refuse to have my characters using drugs :)
They need to place harmonic vibration equipment on each window. modern laser driven equipment can pick up the vibration of a window caused by talking and then a computer program can decipher it, after the laser devise is aimed at the telltales that way, and no radio freqs for the bad guys to pick up. Otherwise passive devices just record info picked up, and burst transmit it at specified times. The burst is usually so short it is hard to pick up and almost impossible to catch.
Physical security as shown may be enough, if there are enough men to go round for each person involved...possible 4 per person to help prevent their being noticed and identified. And they should be rotated so patterns are not established. They also need multiple cars per person so they are not easily identified, and they need to be more than standard fleet cars that scream "here I am" to the bad guys.
Cathy still better get the bow and arrows out and tuned up, she may need them. Maybe they will give her back that AK she took off them and used before.
more and more and more.......problems after problems. If the bad guy is dedicated enough, he will get you!
You've taken me completely by surprise, you have!
I simply can't believe it, more peril at the hands of skum? She is at least going to get her bow and arrows out again isn't she? As much as I admire the British, I simply can not understand why they wouldn't give her a simple big calibre pistol. I just can not wrap my mind around that whole line of thought.
Is it off to Scotland and the Midges again? That would actually seem like the safest place. I can't imagine trying to keep the Women and Children safe anywhere else. Of course then, they could be easily killed by one Russian RPG in the wrong hands.
With the kids around she is probably better off with the bow and arrow thing. Young kids and guns don't mix. This from a minor gun freak..
Other then he's in shape, What's the ladies' facination with
Daniel Craig, He's really not good looking is he ? I can see Roger Moore, or Pierce Brosnan, but, is that because I'm a guy ?
Cathy's been followed for a while without her knowing about it then.
The Russians are coming. The
The Russians are coming. The Russians are coming.