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(aka Bike) Part 717 by Angharad |
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“Was that about what I think it was about?” asked Stella.
“Probably, but seeing as I don’t speak the same form of gobbledygook as you, I’m not entirely sure.”
“You need to lighten up, Cathy.”
“Lighten up? I could have half the press hordes from northern Europe here in minutes and you tell me to lighten up?”
“Because you raised the dead?”
“Something like that.”
“Aren’t they gonna just do that whenever anything unusual happens in Portsmouth, in the future?”
“Well, they do tend to end up here with monotonous regularity.”
“I suppose they do. What should I do, Stella?”
“Why ask me, I can’t make up my mind whether to put Pud in a dress or a grow-bag.”
“A babygro, surely?” I queried.
“So that’s where I’ve been going wrong; no wonder she looks like a tomato.”
“Thanks for trying to distract me, but we really need to do something about the coming storm.”
“Gi’s the phone,” she took it and dialled. “Houston, we have a prarl’m.” I gathered she was talking to Henry and the conversation moved so quickly I had little chance of following it.
I went off to see how the girls were doing, and called them down. Their bedrooms looked very tidy. I sent Simon a text. ’Press know about the healing. Lol, C xxx
“Okay, in an hour then.” Stella handed me back the phone. “The cavalry are on their way. Good you’ve got the girls, get packing.”
“Yeah, for the hotel, if that gets too hot, we’ll shoot up to either London or Scotland.”
“Scotland, oh yes, Mummy, can we go to Scotland, Livvie hasn’t seen the castle has she?”
“Girls; please don’t interrupt grown-ups’ conversations.”
“Sorry, Mummy.”
“Who winned the competishun?” asked Meems.
“What competition, Meems?”
“De one for de ice cweam.”
“Ice cream? Oh yes, oh that was a three way draw, you all won.”
“Daddy has booked us into their suite, he said to let Tom and Simon stay at the house and see off the invaders.”
“Oh they’ll love that, I should have said no.”
“You’d have a little boy’s life on your conscience if you had.”
“I guess so. Come on, girls; let’s get packing.” I led them upstairs. “Goodness these rooms are tidy,” they were too. Five minutes later, they were a mess but I was on the way to packing a second case. I got them to collect some of their favourite toys, they each wanted to take a bike. Wonderful!
I ran into my room and packed two cases very quickly throwing in some cycling stuff as well as my swimsuit. Then down to the garage and a few minutes later, the bike rack was on the car and the cases were in the boot of my car. I tied on the Specialized with bungee cords and the girls bikes on top of it. Handbag, coats and computer went inside the car. I gave Kiki some food and water and let her out into the garden for a few minutes. Then I locked her in the kitchen.
I helped Stella pack her case, we got Pud down in the carrycot and secured on the back seat. Then loading the girls in mine, we locked up the house and set off for Southsea.
My phone beeped. I asked Trish who was sitting in the front with me to see what it was. She knows how to send a text better than I do. She read it to me:
’Get to S-sea. See U there later. S xxx.’ It proved that at least he spoke with his father occasionally.
Within the hour we were parked in the hotel’s underground car park and my bike was safely being stored in a safe room in the car park, as were the girls’ bikes. Then our procession was led up to the Cameron suite by the manager and a train of porters.
“You honour us with your presence, ladies.”
“No one is to know we’re here, do you understand?” said Stella, sternly.
“Your father already knows, Lady Stella.”
“I mean outside the family.”
“Of course. The suite is ready, have you eaten?”
“Food, bugge r– no we haven’t.”
“Would you care to use the restaurant or dine upstairs?”
“Upstairs please,” I agreed.
“I’ll have the menu sent up.” A few moments later we were up in the suite and unpacking. The suite was essentially a sitting/dining room with four bedrooms, all with en suite bathrooms. The three girls were put in one, Stella and Puddin’ were in another and I bagged the third. If necessary, Tom could stay here as well, and Kiki would be allowed in too. The joys of owning the place.
We ordered light meals, in our case omelettes with salad. The girls watched the telly in their room for a while and I asked Stella if we could take advantage of the facilities.
She was gob-smacked. “Of course you can, which one did you have in mind?”
“The pool,” I whispered.
“Yeah, no prob. Let me get the babysitting service organised and I’ll come with you.” So that was how an hour later, we were splashing about in the quite nice sized indoor pool. We were practically the only users which surprised me. An old chap swam lengths, up and down at an even pace. I presumed he had a target in mind, but it seemed a boring way to keep fit. I had the girls swimming a little, Trish and Meems had been here before and were telling Livvie that their Gramps owned it. She couldn’t believe it. “Wait until you see the castle, if we go up to Scotland, that’s brill,” Trish boasted.
They splashed about together and one of the instructors came to teach them somewhat better than I could. While he did that, I did a few lengths, realising after the first how unfit I was. I did alternating relays of breast stroke and front crawl, then one of back stroke, until I swam into the old chap. We both laughed until I realised who it was.
“Sir Reginald?”
“How do you know me, young lady?”
“We met at a dinner some time ago. You know my in-laws, Henry and Monica Cameron.”
“You have a good memory, Sir Reginald.”
“And you a beautiful face, Lady Catherine.”
“Cathy, please.”
“You must have dinner with us, are you staying here?”
“Yes for a day or two. That’s my adopted family over there with the swimming instructor.”
“You’ve adopted three girls?”
“I’m fostering them, but I’d love to adopt them.”
“I know just the man to help you there, the Director of Social Services is my son in law. He’s coming to dinner tonight, you must come and meet him. I presume your other half will be here by then?”
“I’m not sure, Sir Reginald.”
“Oh for goodness sake, if you’re Cathy, I’m Reg, okay?”
“Yes, Reg.”
“I must go,” he took my hand and kissed it, “See you tonight, at eight in the Green Room.” Before I could decline, he’d dived under the water and was swimming faster than I could for the ladder and the exit.
“What was all that about?” asked Stella.
“That was Sir Reginald Butterworth.”
“Oh yeah, who’s he?”
“A friend of your dad.”
“Yeah, hardly surprising here is it? It’s full of his cronies.”
“His son in law is Director of Social Services.”
“Yeah, so?”
“Adoption and getting a green light….” I said.
“Ah, now it makes sense. Bring an evening dress?”
“No, I wasn’t expecting to need one.”
“Good job I brought two then isn’t it?” Stella smirked and splashed me as she swam away towards the ladder.

>^^< is waiting for your comments and votes, it isn't a good idea to disappoint him (he knows where you live).
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O.K. Bonzi
i get the message...Thankfully it looks like Cathy also did (not that she's running away from such a nice cat as you Bonzi!!!)and did the only thing she could under the circumstances.... Ran away!... And for once maybe luck is also running her way with the happy collision in the pool with Sir Reginald!
Cat threats
As usual, I am enjoying the twists and turns of the story. Thanks. As for cats, ever since I watched a silly 9 month old male cat industriously dig a hole in the sand box, stick his nose in it, and poop outside the box I have been unable to take threats from cats very seriously at all!!! They obviously don't know their posterior from their anterior, so why worry? You can surely evade them if they try to run up and do a poop attack on you! I know, don't call Bonzi Shirley. Oh well.
cats like to think outside the box!
Angharad & >^^<
As the slave of two cats ...
I think that you meant ... Sometimes cats like to stink outside the box.
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
So that's what 'thinking' is. No wonder I've got some of my best ideas in the loo.
So nice
to have the old Stella back. Sure hope she's here to stay. Was thinking that Cathy might shake someone's hand and find that they had a life-threatening illness - and the blue light does it's thing again. Build up some credits with those in power.
Cathy went to charm school?
Suddenly, she has settled out a bit and stopped sputtering! She was so beligerent before, I was afraid she'd curdle her milk or something. I love this story so much that I can not imagine what I will do with my time after it is done.
She's undoubtably back...
As it has already been said ... nice to see the old Stella back. She's proven that she's as ready as ever to help Cathy with her own brand of magic - handling life's problems in the grand traditions of the upper class.
Of course, Cathy's 'bumping into' Sir Reginald, didn't hurt matters.
Was Sir Reginald's wife ...
the one she saved from drowning?
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
He Knows Where We Live?
But how will he get here? And, >^^< (aka Bonzi), Bridget, my doggie, and I have made good friends with your yellow (colour, not character) cousin here so you'll have to come over and do your own dirty work!
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
Ah, that would be telling...
... a Cat-amaran, or by Cat-apult, Cat-alina...just a few ways. Cats get everywhere, it's part of their charm.
Psychic Pussy
Now couldn't I have fun with one of those! (HANG ON! Bonzi knows where I live? Psychic Pussy? Sigh... mind in gutter AGAIN.)
One thing for sure; it's never a dull moment in Cathy's neck of the woods - and much of it happening in the city in which I was dragged up. I'd like to say that I have happy memories of the place - but it wouldn't be true.
Useful bumping into Sir Reginald Fishhook in the pool; it just goes to prove that it's not what you know that's as important as who you had for lunch.
Why bother with the carp on television when we have all this excitement?
So much fun to be had and so little time!
Cathy's Lemons
Keep getting made into lemonade, is that her blue light, or her charm, or both? certainly not a certain cat's.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
I didn't bring on either..
But, from what I've read, Stella's wouldn't fit me. LOL You know, it's been AGES since I wore a floor length gown, even longer since I did it in public. *sighs*
Somehow, I'm a tad surprised that folks were "surprised" that the news leaked. Though, I GUESS it COULD be some OTHER miracle worker...
Once Cathy's "identified"... Do you think the family of the kid that did NOT make it will sue Cathy for failing to save that child? *sighs* It'd happen over here, anyway. And, I suspect SOME jury would likely rule in their favor. *sighs*
Thanks for a fun story,
goes of to the university, recruits battalian of dormice, marches up to Bonzi's place, starts chasing bonzi in groups of a dozen, causing bonzi to go cat-a-tonic (giggles)
who say we meeces cant protect ourselves
^ ^
Wasn't he a media mogul? This could come in handy in other ways.
I keep telling them that, N.America, Aussie, no where are they
safe from >^^<, and company >**<,. and >''< ,don't forget -^^- (ferret)
Just like the local Red Roof Inn.
I'm not crazy, Just tired.
I always thought the saying 'It's not what you know but who you know' sounded a bit cynical, but now I'm not so sure