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(aka Bike) Part 754 by Angharad |
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I drove home feeling that I was incurable – whatever this thing that resided in me, or my mind, was – I began to think I’d never know. It seemed like I had some sort of switch which kicked in whenever happiness threatened to raise its lovely head. I didn’t need it to rain on my parade, I seemed to have a built-in black cloud which followed me around.
I was therefore quite gloomy when I returned and even the effusive welcomes from three mini terrorists, failed to lift my spirits. I was beginning to feel like a heroine from a nineteenth century gothic novel. The difference was I got Mr Darcy in the first part of the book, and it had gone wrong ever since – damn, if Charlotte Bronte wasn’t long dead, I could have asked her to do me a script where it all ends happily ever after. It didn’t for her, so maybe I wouldn’t bother her.
I got us some lunch, still preoccupied with my conundrum – Jan Morris had one of those and turned it into a book – ha, who’s going to write about my life, pathetic little worm I am? I’ve never been halfway up Everest with a beard like a yeti’s pubes, I can’t grow one, never could, so that’s where JM and I take different paths.
“Mummy, can we burn the house down and have an orgy?” asked Trish.
“If you like dear,” I said without really listening to the question.
“Do you have any cabanis?”
“Do I have any what?”
“Do you mean, cannabis?”
“Pot? Is that the same?”
“How do you know about these things, and more importantly, why do you want it?”
“I was going to tell you to take some, it’s supposed to make you happy, isn’t it?”
“I wouldn’t know, I’ve never tried it – nor do I have any intention of doing so, and young woman, if ever I find you have, regardless of your age, I shall tan-fiddle your backside so hard, you won’t sit down for a fortnight. Do you hear me?”
“I was only joking, Mummy.” Trish screwed up her eyes, she hugged me tightly and sobbing said, “You looked so sad, I was only trying to cheer you up.”
“I know, sweetheart, I’m a bit of a wet blanket today. I’ll try and cheer up, okay?” She hugged me again by way of an answer.
“Mummy, wossan orjeum?”
“I have no idea, Meems, where did you hear that?”
“Twish asked if she could have an orjeum, I wann one too.”
“I said an orgy, Meems,” Trish corrected her from her hug with me.
“Awight, an orgy, I wanna orgy.”
Of course, this was when Stella arrived. “Nice children you have, Cathy, I don’t think social services would agree, but I’ve always been partial to orgies, as long as they were by invitation only.” She laughed to herself and was gone before I could think of a suitably acerbic response.
“Where did you hear of orgies?” I asked Trish, who was trying to hide inside my clothes, except my body took up most of the room available.
“In school, the Romans had them.”
“Okay, Meems, an orgy is a party for people who do everything by excess.”
“Does that mean they’d all be sick from too much ice cream, Mummy?” Trish asked.
“I don’t think the Romans had ice cream, sweetheart.”
“No but they’ve made up selling it ever since,” said Stella breezing past carrying a bottle for Puddin’.
“That was racist,” I yelled after her.
“Just one cornetto …” she sang, mimicking the ice cream advert.
“Canni’ve some ice cream, Mummy?” Livvie asked coming into this semi-surreal conversation.
I gave up on my explanations of excess in the Roman empire in case one of them played the violin while the other two set fire to the house. Instead, I gave them a small dish of ice cream each, and cleaned up the kitchen. I noticed the rain had stopped and the sun was shining, the drive looked almost dry, so I got their bikes out for them, attached Meems trailer bike to my MTB and changed into some jeans and a sweatshirt, and we all went off for a short ride.
The two older girls raced along the pavements as Meems and I tootled along the road with them. Despite Meems urging me to go ever faster, we didn’t. The girls enjoyed their longer than usual ride – it must get boring riding up and down the drive.
We were out for an hour and by the time we came back all three of them had rosy cheeks. “That was good fun, Mummy,” said Livvie.
“Yes, it was brill, Mummy,” agreed Trish. Meems seemed lost for words and just hugged me. I’d done something right at last.
By dinner time I felt a bit happier. I hadn’t worked out anything, but I was at least able to interact normally with the children. After dinner, which was a cottage pie, which I made from scratch – even growing the reeds for the thatch, Tom amused the girls while I cleaned things up and then they asked me to tell them a story.
“You want me to make one up rather than read you one?” They all agreed that they did. “Okay, what sort of story would you like?”
“Can you tell us one about Spike, Mummy.”
“Spike, my dormouse?”
“Yes,” they all said.
“Okay. Once upon a time Spike was helping me in the university laboratory, we were counting up my statistics from my fieldwork and she was sitting on my desk eating a Brazil nut. I was so involved with my paper that I didn’t see a large cat walk in to the laboratory.”
“Wike Bonzi, the wady’s cat on the puta?” Meems asked.
“Yes, a bit like Bonzi, except he’d never harm a dormouse because Angharad who looks after him would tell him it was against the law, and I expect Bonzi is very law-abiding. However, the cat who walked in looked lean, mean and hungry and he miaowed with an American, no a Milwaukee accent…”
“How was your session with the shrink?” Stella asked, as we relaxed with a glass of wine after I had put the girls’ light out.
“She gave me something to think about, I suppose.”
“Isn’t that the point of Cognitive whatever therapy? Isn’t that what they all do?”
“I dunno, I’m a biologist not a psychologist, but it didn’t strike me as being CBT that she was doing.”
“Oh, oh well, I suppose she knows what she’s doing even if we don’t.”
“Whit did she dae with ye?” asked Tom, reaching over for the bottle of Rioja.
“She seems to think I have some block about accepting myself.”
“Acceptin’ yersel’? Aye, mebbe she’s richt. It’s a sair fecht.”
“Well I don’t think that I have.” I pouted at the other two.
“Cathy, we are always telling you why men make passes at you –because you’re beautiful and charming – and you never believe us, do you?”
“No, because half the time you’re taking the piss.”
“Who me?” squeaked Stella with a look of astonishment.

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nice time with the girls
but, believe them Cathy! Believe them.
When Cathy's Mum And Dad
Both tell her that she is beautiful, THEN Charlie will morph into Cathy, and merge into her, ending her denial. But I like it that both Bonzi and Angharad are in this chapter, maybe Angharad can talk to Cathy and get her mind right
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
I think it might come clear to her if it is Bonzi that talks to her in a dream.
Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.
>> the Romans had ice cream
I know the Persians were making sorbets using snow carried down from the mountains long before, and Emperor Nero is supposed to have done something similar, but it was usually the very rich and powerful who had access to the makings, except for people who actually lived in the mountains. They, unfortunately, rarely made it into the history books. There's a very nice book that was out some years ago, Food in History (1973), by Reay Tannahill, that discusses it, but my copy is in a box somewhere. Maguelonne Toussaint talks about it in The History of Food, and claims that the Chinese invented the stuff, but I tend to favour the Persians.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
The Rich get theirs....
After Bat Masterson was through saving Kansas, he became a sports writer type journalist. On the day of his death (at his desk at that) he is reported to have typed "The old world is pretty fair after all. The rich get their ice in the summer, the poor get theirs in the winter." I think that was taken as his epitaph for his grave stone.
Maybe the same pertained to ice cream and similar stuff in antiquity?
In some places
They had servants (slaves actually) scrape ice of the domes of some buildings after a cold Arabian night. Not very efficient, but slave labor rarely is. The mountains were too far away, but ice after a clear night ice is plentiful.
It's good to be Caliph.
Mommy, can we....
burn the house down! LOved it!! LOL
I've seen people get almost that spaced out, and respond to two or three questions, without answering... And, it's only after several that one of the earlier ones seeps in through their skull and they realize what they said. "Wait a minute...." "But, mommy, You said..." "I don't care what I said young.... you get back here!" etc.
Your reference to Mr. Darcy reminded me of a Lord Darcy (character in a series of connected stories by Randall Garrett. He's got a side kick that might well be able to help Cathy deal with her "blue energy", or at least understand it. (Hey, they're both fictional characters, why not? LOL)
As to Conundrums, by Jan Morris - my older daughter gave the book to me for my birthday - last spring. I've not yet managed to get even half way through it... We don't see eye-to-eye on some things so far... I probably should finish it. One day. LOL
Found the characters referring to Bonzi & our intrepid author quite humorous. :-)
Thank you,
P.S. Oh - and Cathy's comment about not believing Stella, cause she's winding her up all the time! Exactly... I'd probably come to assume that most of what Stella said was yet another attempt to wind me up (if I knew such a person in real life).
Curiously my old man bought it. Read it back in High School and found it interesting in places, if a little coy here and there. Much like other Bio pieces in that vein bits and pieces fit and other things you shrug and go.. okay. Points of intersection and mile wide gaps, so it goes.
Not that I mind but I thought you were on hols Ang, dedication above and beyond or something. Now what was that cat from Millwauki's (scuse the spelling)name... sounds like a nasty piece of work 'e does?
As the proud waitsperson of two Milwaukee cats I object!
Both our Master and Mistress cats are Humane Society alumni from Milwaukee and are kind, loving creatues. They let us live in their house in Wauwatosa, they are good masters.
I do admit the few critters that crossed their paths learned well fed housecats with bells on and with people out with them can be unfortunate ... playmates. The mice sure broke real fast.
I admit Rusty -- the other is his sister Cally -- is big, about sixteen or so pounds of orange tiger but a mean dormouse killer?
As his waitsperson I feel he has been insulted.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Gosh what a coincidence!
I didn't realise you were near there John, I didn't realise that Wwwwatever actually existed, I assumed it was somewhere near Narnia and I had forgotten you had cats anyway. Please convey Bonzi's compliments to them and my humble apologies.
Angharad :)
Ang, I have passed your message onto my Master, Rusty
and he appears mollified. He is currently power napping on the better end of the bed and wishes to not be disturbed.
John in Wauwatosa, east, south and north of Milwaukee, really. 'Tosa is *L* shaped.
John in Wauwatosa
One of many such names in the USA
Wauwautosa was named after the Potawatomi Indian word for firefly, presumably after a swamp or boggy woodland, which is where fireflies usually hang out, since it's on the banks of a river.
Either that, or the Potawatomis were early Josh Whedon fans.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
I think I read it around the mid 70's and at the time found it sort of hokey. STill...
After having traveled part of the path, it is pretty easy to tell which author knows and which is simply theorizing. And from my own very issolated experience, one is better to get your balls cut off and let it go at that. It is much cheaper, less likelyhood of dreaded UTIs and other awful circumstances like ecoli in your bladder, like I had.
Actually Jan had her SRS by an Arab Doctor in 72, and I can only imagine what she wound up with. I suspect that it was simply a castration and then he cut off her willy too. It would be interesting to view the surgical report. In researching what I am saying, OMG! she is still alive and Tuckness lives with her. GAD, I wish that could happen to more of us! I mean like it will be a really cold day in hell when Margie does that for me. It is about as likely as my finding a Muslim Husband. With that thot, I think I'll go try to find meself a Pint.
My wife...
Keeps telling me she's here for the duration. And, she's seeing her own shrink to help her deal with the issues she has (which mostly revolve around "outside" the house)... Needless to say, I'm VERY grateful! (I also have my recurring fears that at some point, I may take a step that she's not able to deal with... She says not. We'll see. We do discuss my transition, and, with permission, I get to raid her side of the closet. :-)
So, it does happen, and it's a real blessing!
This is good psychology
I used to take complements and throw them right back at people. Even had a woman get really pissed at me, saying that my not taking her complement was insulting to her. Lately, I have tried very hard to just gush out a greatful "thank you so much" and let it go at that. So, in Cathy's case, I understand her problem perfectly, and I know that so many of the rest of you do too. It is, in my opinion, an egotistical lack of self acceptance. And where did we get said lack of self acceptance? Why the GID dragon crapped on us in a mighty way. GBLEH!
I started to read Conundrum
and gave at about page 6. I'm not very bright and found it as hard going as getting out of bed in the mornings.
Stella taking the p**s? Really, how could you think such a thing. I'm beginning to feel sorry for Cathy's three when their dear cousin gets to 'toy out of pram throwing' age (metaphorical, of course).
Bonzi Law-Abiding??
I don't share Cathy's assessment. I remember Bonzi threatening some of us with bodily harm if we didn't obey his instructions on voting and commenting. He only stopped when I challenged him to do his worst and threatened him with retaliation by my (mostly -- we're not sure about the rest!) German Shepherd. So I believe that Bonzi is only good because he HAS to be!!
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
I have to wonder... I re-read this episode for the benefit of updating the summaries, which Angharad / Bonzi tales they've been reading (or having read to them)...
Gaby fanfics (since we know they're fans of the official stories), SNAFU, Totally Insane, Whatever Next, the solos, or, just possibly (and extremely self-referentially) their adventures to date? :)
EAFOAB Episode Summaries
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
My brain hurts - Bike 754
Cathy and family, who I have it on good authority are fictional, are talking about Bonzi, who is real, and Angharad who I believe to be creation of the authority who told me Cathy was fictional…
Am I missing something? Of course there is only a problem because I myself am a fictional creation whilst the creator of Angharad informed not me but the creator of me
Rhona McCloud