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(aka Bike) Part 739 by Angharad |
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We’d eaten and I was loading the dishwasher when the phone rang. I called to Stella to answer it but she had her hands full with Puddin’ and so Trish took the call.
“I’ll see if she can come to the phone, hold on please.” I’d just pressed the switch when she said to me, “That lady we saw this morning, is on the phone. She’d like to talk to you.”
“Okay, thank you, sweetheart,” I took the phone. “Hello, Cathy Watts.”
“Hello, Cathy, I’m glad you all got back in one piece.”
“Thanks for that, how’s Pattie?”
“That was what I wanted to talk about.”
A sudden chill swept through me, she wasn’t marked again or worse, was she? “Oh, please, carry on.”
“You left so suddenly, I didn’t get a chance to thank you.”
“I did nothing.”
“So you keep saying. I know it was God’s work…”
“I’m not convinced of that either.”
“So you keep saying, as wel.l”
“Sorry to sound repetitive but it’s what I believe – science not superstition.”
“I’m a scientist too, if you remember, but I can’t explain what has happened in scientific terms. So I use those of my faith, and to my mind that means I have to describe it in terms of a minor miracle. I’d have preferred you had healed my two parishioners, but you gave me the sign that I so badly needed and Pattie is overjoyed.”
“I don’t believe in miracles either, Marguerite, they’re just natural events we can’t explain.”
“So how do you suggest I describe my child losing a facial mark which has tormented her all her life, and which current medical science couldn’t remove?”
“I can’t tell how it worked, why it worked or where it worked. I don’t know, but I don’t think any gods were involved any more than I believe I can actually control it. I seem to act like an aerial for it and it happens around me.”
“So you channel it?”
“That implies some element of control or more mumbo-jumbo, I don’t channel anything, I’m just a conduction device, the energy seems to recognise what it has to do and does it. It’s almost self-focusing.”
“That’s the hand of God directing it?”
“I can’t accept that, as you well know, why couldn’t it just be an energy gradient thing, it works for some things?”
“Are you trying to tell me that it sought my daughter out because she had a low energy store?”
“Why not?”
“Why did it come to her and not to the elderly couple?”
“I don’t know, you wanted a sign, maybe it came through your focus, not mine?”
“How could I have done that?”
“I don’t know if you did or not, but it works as well as your God theory.”
“I don’t accept that, Cathy. My faith shows me a mechanism which would work perfectly every time.”
“If that was the case, why do bad things happen? Where’s your God then? Where was he when my mother died or my father had his stroke? He isn’t there, Marguerite and nothing you say is likely to convince me otherwise. Unless of course we get a real miracle like the US Republican party voting for healthcare reform or Nato and the Taliban in peace talks about developing an infrastructure in Afghanistan. Now that would make me reassess things.”
“God can’t be everywhere…”
“Oh, sorry, I thought he was ubiquitous and omnipotent in your model.”
“He showed himself as vulnerable in Jesus.”
“He’d have a got a lot more followers if he’d zapped the Romans a couple of times.”
“He gave us free will, and His only Son as a sacrifice for our sins.”
“Please, Marguerite, you know as well as I do that there is no evidence to support any of that.”
“It’s written in the Holy Scriptures.”
“So is Sara conceiving when she was about seventy and going full term without any problems.”
“Women of that age conceive nowadays and deliver babies.”
“Only with in vitro assistance and professional help with the delivery.”
“They had midwives and physicians in those days.”
“Most of whom believed in magic and superstition.”
“Do you have evidence of that?” she challenged me; miffed I suppose from my challenge on her earlier.
“Yes, the Egyptian Book of the Dead and various other magical books they’ve found and translated.”
“They’ve found ancient texts describing the resurrection as well.”
“Funny that half of them don’t get into the Bible, isn’t it. Gospel of Thomas, Mary Magdalene, Book of Enoch…”
“They were left out by the Early Christian Fathers, with good reason.”
“What they didn’t meet their political view of Christianity, what about Hypatia, the philosopher and teacher in Alexandria who was killed by a Christian mob?”
“Isn’t the evidence there, a bit sticky?”
“No more than the Bible, and we know she existed from contemporary accounts. There aren’t any for Jesus, are there?”
“I’m sure there are, we just haven’t found them.”
“Sure. Look I’m sorry Marguerite, I’m not trying to undermine your beliefs, but I suspect our opinions are irreconcilable.”
“It would look that way. Does this mean you no longer want me to marry you?”
“Not necessarily, but I suspect you might not want to on account of my unbeliever status.”
“Oh might I, now? If that was the case, I’d marry very few people.”
“Don’t most of them keep it quiet and pretend at least until they’ve signed the register.”
“Usually yes, that’s where you’re so refreshing, Cathy, you’re honest to a fault. Whilst I know you’d hate to be described as Christian, in behaviour, you are one of the most Christian people I know.”
“I think you’re mixing me up with someone else – I have to go, the girls are calling me for something. Bye” I put the phone down before she could elaborate on my character – my refutation could have upset her, and I might still want to be wed in that church.
“Mummy, come quickly Livvie’s fallen off her bike…”

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Me Thinks She Doth Protest Too Much
I can't help but to think that Cathy will find the evidence that she needs to believe.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Good on you Cathy.
When it comes to god; you talk a lot of sense. I am sure it's quite possible to live in a way that resembles many aspects of Christianity without actually needing to believe in gods. Communists managed many of the financial aspects of Jesus's teachings without believing in gods.
Over here, perhaps
In the world Cathy lives, however, things look rather different. She's desperately clinging to her atheistic world view, despite the constant evidence that there's something going on that would be far easier to talk about in religious terms. I hope she can get rid of her fundamentalist streak; as for the present episode, Marguerite is already halfway to sainthood just for being able to have a conversation with her.
We don't know whether the miracles mean there is a God, but by now we can be pretty sure that there have been some miracles, and that they are associated with Cathy. Trying to deny this won't make her any more of a scientist, quite the contrary. Refusing to properly address evidence that contradicts one's pet theory is one of the cardinal sins, after all.
Just after Cathy gets off the phone with Marguerite about her non belief, Livvie falls off her bike. Coincidence? Maybe someone is trying to tell Cathy something. We still don't know how seriously she is hurt or what Cathy will have to do for her. Maybe this is the test that will finally convince her? I am like Marguerite, I have studied science for most of my life, but I have seen things that have defied rational explanation. The problem with the human race is they get to a point where they think they have things figured out and then they get knocked down a peg or two. Miracles are a way that God teaches us that he is still in control and we really don't know as much as we think. There was a joke I heard once: These two Scientists stood before God and said "We don't need you anymore. Science has progressed so far that we can now create humans without anyone's help" God says to them: "I challenge you to a man making contest" The two Scientists say "You're on! They reach down and scoop up a pile of dirt. God says to them "Hey! Get your own dirt!
Holy Argument
How would Cathy explain knowing what the energy is doing before seeing it? And how is she able to know what is wrong with folks with such a high degree of precision without instruments? Intelligent energy communicating with her? Any explanation is beyond current science but perhaps not beyond nature. For a long long time, anything that could not be explained was attributed to the work of spirits, gods or other metaphysical entities. Crediting the Christian God and not some other source is an act of faith, one that Cathy does not share. So the crux of the argument is whether to attribute the observed effect to a recognized established god or to a part of nature that we just do not yet understand. There is nothing inconsistent that I can see in accepting both as valid from certain points of view.
I do believe Cathy's beliefs
I do believe Cathy's beliefs and Marguerite's beliefs will clash until either one or both stand before God or a Supreme Being and find out for sure which is the most correct. Maybe, they will discover BOTH are at different times. Janice Lynn
I'm not as brave as Cathy
I typically hide my beliefs on religion from others. I don't want them to attempt to convert me or to shun me because I don't believe what they do and deep in the US "Bible Belt" that can still happen. Wish I could be that assertive on religion.
Given the nature
of her job Marguerite will always take the view that this is something given to Cathy by a god, Likewise Cathy given her views could never accept that she has been chosen by a god as an outlet for healing powers, End result!!!Status Quo
My view on it is quite simple Cathy should accept what her eyes tell her, use the power of the energy when needed, And try if that is at all possible to keep quite about what she can do!! God given or not the one fact we do know for certain is that it works.... And just maybe, She might need it for Livvie!
One Blue Light Special
Coming up. Handy gift for a Mom. I've always thought it is a miracle we survive to grow up, looking back at some of my shenanigans.
I soon will be penalized for having a 'Cadilac' health care
Please don't mix an attempt to save us from 2nd class health care with Spiritual healing, which may indeed become necessary with O care.
Cathy is a little hard on Margarite isn't she ?