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(aka Bike) Part 750 by Angharad |
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The rest of the week passed with us either doing things indoors because it was raining or doing things out of doors because it was sunny but with a cool fresh breeze. This had not been one of the more memorable summers.
On the Friday, Dr Thomas called and I chatted with her over the phone for a couple of minutes. As Monday was a bank holiday, she arranged to see me on Tuesday. I told Stella and she agreed we should go home tonight. Despite the poor forecast, we knew the roads would be crazy, although hopefully, we would be travelling against much of the traffic flow, which would be attempting to get in the South-West and also perhaps some of the beaches of Dorset and Hampshire/Isle of Wight.
Some of the day was filled with packing up both the cars and the house. We left after tea and a normal two-hour ride took over three, the girls were asleep in the back of my car. Stella was right behind me as we drove into Tom’s drive and home.
I put the girls up to bed while Tom and Stella unloaded the cars, then it was time for a cuppa and a chinwag. While Stella sorted Puddin’, I spoke of my uncertainties for marriage with Tom. He agreed that I should wait until I had resolved them a little more.
Then he asked what they were? I had some difficulty in explaining them to him. He again reinforced the same things Stella had about my status and my transition. He told me he only saw me as female and a very beautiful one. I thanked him and tried to explain that I had nearly twenty years of conditioning to undo and reset.
“I hope it’s no gonna tak’ anither twenty years?”
“So do I, Daddy. I’m going to see Dr Thomas next week so I hope she can help me speed it up somewhat. It’s just so much baggage to dump about my past identity and how I struggled to suppress who I really was in order to avoid beatings from my peers or my dad.”
“That shoodnae hae happen’d, if ye’d been ma daughter frae the outset, it widnae hae happen’d.”
“I know, Daddy, and I do appreciate your support and wise counsel.”
“Och ye blether tae much.”
“It’s true, if you tell me I’m attractive – then I believe you, if anyone else does I wonder what they’re after?”
“Attractive? Ye’re beautiful, how many times dae I hae tae telt ye?”
“I believe that’s what you think, it’s just I think a bit differently.”
“Ach, ye’re jes milkin’ me fer compliments.”
“If that what you think, Daddy, you don’t understand me at all.” I rose from the table and despite his calling me back, went up to my room. I didn’t want to talk about it anymore. Can nobody see what I see? Do they all see what they want to? Am I the only one who can part the curtain and see behind the façade?
I went and checked the girls, they were all sharing one room now which at the moment they enjoyed. Give them a year or two and they’ll all want to have one of their own. Such is the process of maturation. At the moment, Trish isn’t too worried about hiding her little problem from the other two, they know about it and accept it as her little anomaly. In a year or two she’ll be too self-conscious and hide it with extreme efficiency. Soon she’ll need to have some sort of testosterone blocker or she’ll start to become boyish. Why that didn’t happen to me, I’ve never quite understood, partial androgen insensitivity, or too few male hormones? I don’t really know, but it helps me to validate my decision to become female, or as much as I could.
I removed the little make up I’d worn and brushed my teeth. I combed my hair and donned my pyjamas. I sat on the bed and pulled the documents out of the file.
In my hand were a blue sheet of paper from the Gender Recognition Panel, and my amended birth certificate. I looked at them, over and over — it said quite clearly I was officially female. I scanned the letter from the Registrar General’s office and the other one from the tax office. I read and reread them, but they gave me no sudden insight. I was stuck as female – a position I had no quarrel with, it was my intended position, an ambition from as far back as I could remember. So, what wasn’t computing here? What couldn’t I understand? Was I so stupid? I assumed I must be.
Two pieces of paper made me female – in a legal sense. It was laughable. Two breasts and a vagina made me female – or did they? There are biological females who have that and all the other bits that go with them who don’t feel female, so what does constitute being female? It isn’t biology or genetics, well not for everyone, although they obviously suffice for the majority. So what is it? It’s an idea, a nerve impulse, and obsession that nags away at you until you surrender. If you don’t, it’ll will keep on until you do or it destroys you – like a mania.
It isn’t an illness, mental or otherwise, not even a delusion. It’s a statement or declaration of self – of identity – of self image – of social role – of personal belie f– of personal comfort. In other words: I felt myself to be; saw myself as; interacted as; believed myself to be; and felt more comfortable as – female.
This wasn’t something I could say about being called a boy or a man – a description, I could never feel applied to me or with which I was comfortable. In fact it was the exact opposite, so what was the problem?
I was a classic GID, so why didn’t I just get with it and rejoice like I did after my op, when I felt I had finally come of age. The problem is who is the I?
My head was spinning. Was I unconsciously afraid to lose Charlie? If I was then I wouldn’t know would I, it being an unconscious thing –however, on a conscious level, I wasn’t. It was just a name, a superficial thing, it’s something I was baptised with but I gave that no credence … hang on.
I was baptised as Charlie and I was going to be married as Cathy. Was this the thing which had eluded my self analysis? Surely not, I had no belief in the Almighty, so wouldn’t a bit of mumbo-jumbo when I was months old have little if any significance for me? I really didn’t know. Add to it, that the marriage we were – correction – I was seeking to have, was in a church – was there some significance in that, other than it was more traditional than in a register office?
My head really was spinning now and I replaced my precious bits of paper into their folder and put them away. I went to bed but couldn’t sleep, something seemed to be nagging at me yet I couldn’t bring it to my consciousness, to confront it. It was like some cockroach which as soon as you put the light on disappeared, so you couldn’t kill it. Also like a cockroach, it was well suited to survival and nearly indestructible. Nuclear war could destroy all humans, flies and cockroaches will survive – says a lot about mankind and his dominion over the animal kingdom.
I tried simply lying on the bed and doing various meditations – doing favourite bike rides or walks in tremendous detail to distract myself – it didn’t, my frenzied mind came back to fry itself again, I could almost feel synapses overheating and circuits blowing – okay, neural pathways –brain circuits.
At two I gave up and went to make some tea, I crept downstairs to avoid waking anyone – or so I thought. I was sitting at the kitchen table, feeling like my eyes had been rolled in uncrushed rock salt, sipping my tea, when Tom strolled in. “I couldnae sleep,” he said and sat himself down opposite me.
“Why not?”
“Och, I wis upset efter talkin’ tae ye.”
“Oh, Daddy, don’t be so silly. It was me who was at fault not you. I have something I need to work through and so far I’m not doing very well. I feel in a strange place, so I apologise if I was a bit off with you, I didn’t mean to be – I just couldn’t cope with being probed or even supported – I needed to be on my own.”
“Is that why ye’re no gettin’ married?”
“What, because I need to be on my own?”
“Aye weel, ye’ve barely had any space to yersel’ hae ye? First it wis Simon an’ Stella, then me, then yon lassies. Why don’t ye tak’ yersel awa’ fer a few days?”
“I don’t know – I can’t now, I have to look after the girls.”
“We’d manage, like we did when ye were ill.”
“We didn’t have three then and a baby.”
“Weel think on it, ma offer stands.”
“Thank you, Daddy, I don’t deserve anyone as special as you.”
“Will ye quit yon unworthy stuff? Ye’re as worthy as anyone.”
“Okay – I’ll try.”

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What Cathy Needs Is For
Her family to accept Charlie, too. Once that is done, maybe she can let Charlie go to sleep.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Another milestone
Wow Angharad, 750 episodes of EAFOAB!
I haven't noticed any drop in quality. Your writing continues to be a "must read" for me.
While reaching part 750 is definitely a noteworthy milestone, I sense that Cathy too is about to reach a milestone in her transition. Well, at least she will if she can get past the crossroads she seems to be at.
Thank you for sharing your writing, and allowing us to tag along with Cathy's journey.
Profound Serial
Bike Resources
Frightening isn't it?
three quarters the way to a kilo chapter! I wonder have we got to the mega word yet?
As you may recall, I have assembled Bike for my own ease of reading and handling. I arbitrarily chose 300 pages as a "Book", for simple ease of loading from storage. So far I have 9 Books stored away for a total of 2707 pages, and word count of 973,671 as counted by Word 2007, which is just a close approximation of course. Add to this what I have assembled into Book 10 including today's effort part 750. This brings the count to 2707 plus 161 for a total of 2868 pages. 973,671 added to 55,822 for a total of 1 Million 29 thousand 493 words 1,029,493 . 8.93 Mb . I think that can make this officially a Mega story.
In contrast, Crystal's I Can't Go Home Like This shows as 907Pages, 416,553 words.
Crystal's Texas Gal shows 1002 pages, 536,846 words.
Ellen's Tuck story is another that has been going for years, I have broken it down in 15 chapter segments for ease also. This gives 9 full "Books" in my system and a partial 10th one of just 7 chapters so far. Word count so far is 1,191,307 pages 3,387 and 8.10 MB
Babs has written 3 stories in the Planetary Agents series, the third unfinished so far. it shows as 1.49Mb.
And the excellent work of Jenny Walker known as Breaking Cover goes to 253 pages and 163,798 words in Word. 1013KB
And just to throw in one a bit newer, the excellent Karen Page has given us New Style of Education which clocks so far as 51 chapters, 1.6 Mb 679 pages 266,305 words
In other words....a lot of excellent reading for all.
edit..... I was going to try to total some of Tiggers excellent Seasons stories but just am too tired.
And still the rocky road rolls on
You can take the male out of the TS but...
Cathy is still trying to reconcile a childhood and adolescence of seeking acceptance and validation, with a need, not a desire or want, to be herself, that which she identified early in her life.
I can understand that, after two years, she's still having self-examination sessions. The longer the first stage goes on, the longer the second takes.
I know, I've been there.
A milestone indeed, Angharad. Maybe, too, a milestone for Cathy.
Absolutely Cathy needs to
Absolutely Cathy needs to talk it out with Dr. Thomas, if she doesn't, she will basically make herself ill with non-issues. Cathy needs, as Tom just pointed out to her, space to just be herself without all the others draining her emotionally. Janice Lynn
Hope that talk
helps but I don't expect a miracle from it. Cathy tends to create her own miracles. Probably do it here too.
Glad she's finally...
really waking up to the fact that she's got somethings to work out.
Tom's a good daddy! Seems as good as they come. :-)
Looking forward to her chat with Dr. Thomas.... Could be interesting. (Or a total bust, if Cathy clams up, and can't talk.)
I only understand part of where Cathy is, but I feel for (at least) this questioning part of the character.
Thank you,
I have those same feelings of inadequacy
But it is getting better. Some have told me that I am hiding inside my hijab and modest clothing, not because I am Muslim. A woman who had a church in Atlantic City, once told me that she'd seen many trans people and it was very common for them to cover up or get themselves into a religious situation where the difference between men and women was underlined. Mormanisim, Baptisism, and Islam are ready examples that I can think of.
For me, the name change helped a lot. Gwen, still felt like my old male name. So, now when people call me Khadija, I get this affirmative frission traveling through my body in a most distracting manner. :)
I simply don't know how many of us wind up in a relationship with a supportive and loving male. I am told that 27% of us retain our attraction for females. I worry that males are not more attracted to me. Perhaps I need some more lessons in that. There are several women in my life who seem to absolutely accept me, but they make very poor bed mates.
God, what I would give for a big hairy chest to sleep on!
Glad to see that
Cathy is going to see Dr Thomas, Hopefully between the good doctor and Toms plain commonsense, They will be able to get Cathy to accept the reality of what she see's in the mirror every morning, And for her to finally accept that Charlie is gone and will never return.
Charlie/ Cathy and 'God'
During her musings Cathy produces an interesting thought:
"I was baptised as Charlie and I was going to be married as Cathy."
Perhaps she feels 'God' may not know 'her'. This is something which has troubled me at times...
Baptismal offers an interesting psychological connection for some of us.
As it has been one of 'her' thoughts and presumably one of many reasons 'she' is troubled, perhaps she should ask this 'tame' priest if she would offer a second Baptisim... Or, since Cathy has not been Baptised, it would actually be a first Baptism. With this tenuous reconnection to a God which she claims does not exist or at least does not prevail in her life (although obviously Charlie had some sort of connection - knowingly or not [subconciously]) She may be able to better come to grips with the thought of marriage as Cathy.
Cathy would exist in the 'eyes of God' (apparently her presumptions and not necessarily those of God) and thus be able to enter the sanctity of marriage with a clear (yeah, right) conscience.
Wonderful story. Beautiful job of presenting and an endurance at writing which rivals the pyramids... Great work Angharad.
God Bless You...
interesting thought
although Cathy claims to not believe in god. Hmm.....
Perhaps she's just angry at God's people.
I've known people like Cathy, and once or twice when we became good friends, I found that there was some wall of hurt, hate or injustice between them and God caused by those who said that they believed. For myself, so far I have been able to separate God from the stupid, or mean actions of the sanctimonious; thought it does not hurt less.
I Love the Way You Can Keep the Story Spinning
I love the way you can keep the story spinning. Just when it looks as if Si and Cathy are going to get married, something comes along to muck it all up, eh?
So, it's to be a never-ending saga! That's NOT a complaint!! It's just that I'm so envious of those of you with talent in this way. Thank you for doing this for us!
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
you know I've observed in my own self 6 yrs post op, I've gotten more value from my therapist since post-op, than beginning sessions to get to that operation. I agree with someone previously comment that i needed help in closure of one idenity and intragrated other parts i never even considered getting to post-op. It wasnt that I wasnt fact & figure in my mind, nor wasnt therapist fault cause we had talked about all this. I guess what it was it never sank in till I was medically & legally different was when it started dawning on me i'd never really intragrage the OLD perceived me into what my new perceived me was. It took a few months of weekly sessions to help me do that & I'm glad I had those.
we talk of sucidal rated for transsexuals B4 post op, but I've actually learned that post-ops were pretty damm hi also & I suspect they suffered what myself & our Story line heroine is/was going thru ... I dont remember term, but for somthin is like what Stella had post natal depression. & it's pretty devestating specially if you're wasnt even aware like me there could be such a silly thing. I can positively state there is such & w/o help it's quite devastating. not to mention in my case my hormone levels got adjusted least 4 times post-op in 1st yr to get right combo.
Something else,
The evidence that God exists and has taken a special interest in Cathy keeps mounting, even to the point where the old lady and her husband are blessed knowing they have better to look forward to. Denial only goes so far, her world view is crumbling.