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(aka Bike) Part 746 by Angharad |
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“Do you, Simon Cameron take this … this … thing, to be your lawful wedded … thing, I suppose.”
I could almost see myself standing beside Simon, he was wearing full dress kilt and jacket, with sporran and sgian dubh. I was wearing that wedding dress, the one from my childhood fantasy and the priest, it wasn’t Marguerite, but some bloke who was referring to me as if I was –well some sort of freak.
I felt tearful and angry. Simon seemed to be ignoring his jibes. I was to be his bride, his bride thing according to this horrible priest. “Is she going to be Lady Cameron, after this farce?” asked the priest.
“Why, does it bother you?” asked Simon.
“Yeah, it’s hardly a woman is it?”
“Yes I am,” I practically screamed and with that I drew the dagger from Simon’s sock and plunged it into the chest of the priest, who promptly exploded, leaving red jelly dripping everywhere.
“You could have waited until he’d finished,” said Simon sighing.
“You could have protested at his disrespect to me,” I protested to my nearly husband.
“Why? I was going to kill him as soon as he’d finished.”
“You say the sweetest things, darling,” I said and kissed him.
“Only to you, Babes.” He licked some of the red jelly from his finger, “Hey, this is really quite good, red curate jelly,” he said, and we all laughed.
I was still laughing when I woke up, although the wetness around my eyes and down my cheeks meant that I’d been crying. I sat up in bed; it was two o’clock, these dreams were beginning to annoy me as well as tire me with loss of sleep. I would call Dr Thomas in the morning and see if she could fit me in to talk this stuff through.
I sat there trying to rationalise what was happening in my unconscious. As far as I was concerned, I was female and engaged to be married to Simon, who happily saw me as female, too. Legally, I was female and thus able to marry Simon, albeit after declaring my status to any priest who has the right to refuse to marry me if it offends their religious beliefs. I suppose that was a get out for any of the very conservative types who are generally homophobic as well, and see me as a gay man – yeah, a gay man with a vagina and breasts – like they all have (but only in Iran).
So I was female, a woman and other words of the same meaning. So what was the problem? I didn’t know, hence my need to speak with Dr Thomas. Would she be able to find out and deal with it?
I tried to think back – was it something in my childhood that was the problem? If it was it would have been my parents or their repressive religious beliefs, which I eventually managed to overcome, in my father’s case at least. My Mum died before I could really talk it through with her. I remembered her describing Stella and me as angels as she died. Even that was ironic – her ungodly child – an angel. I felt a tear drip down my cheek, was that the problem? An unresolved issue with my mother?
I tried to recall the two or three occasions when I’d had very real dreams, which had felt like I was awake and actually experiencing them; lucid dreaming they call it.
In one she had predicted I would be a mother to several children. Maybe she had got that bit right. In the other she had shown me the box of treasure under the bedroom floor. That was definitely provable. So had I actually resolved things with my dead mother? God knows. I mean when you’re dead, you’re dead – finite – end of story; aren’t you?
If one wasn’t, would my mother have a problem with me? Could be, I mean having me bonking in her previous bedroom with Simon, might be a bit much for any restless spirit. But then, if she accepted me as female, as her daughter, who else would I be making love to? Unless I was gay, and I think that might have been one twist too many for my mother.
Daddy seemed to cope with the idea of me and Simon being together, he gave us his blessings and he held on until I got there, when he died. I think although he was a prize bastard early on, his stroke changed him–in my case, for the better. I actually think he almost approved of Simon and me together, he said he liked Simon and he seemed to approve when I said I loved Simon. Maybe, he actually did make the quantum leap and understand in the end. I hope so.
So where else could there be a problem? I didn’t know. The Camerons were firmly behind and very supportive of our relationship, and I liked all of them, especially Stella and Henry.
They were happy to accept the children as their own grandchildren too, as was Tom, who had been an absolute tower of strength ever since this had all started. I remembered back when I came out to him: I’d been beaten up by my father and had tried to finish the job with pills, ending up in hospital instead of a wooden box as I’d planned.
He apparently knew Dr Thomas and when he found out one of his students had tried to meet God, he came to see me and bumped into her while he was in the hospital. She told him to ask me to give permission for him to talk with her.
I was lying there, feeling quite poorly and feeling very stupid in a private hospital room, plugged into a drip and wishing that I’d died. There was a knock at the door and in walked my Prof. The last person I wanted to see.
“Hello, Charlie, I brought you some sweeties and a bottle of fruit juice.”
“Thank you, Professor, it’s very kind of you.”
“Who did this to ye?” he gestured to the bruises on my face and limbs.
“Never mind, it’s not important.”
“Why did they do it?”
“You don’t want to know, besides it would probably mean an end to my degree.”
“I most certainly do want to know, and why should it stop yer studies?”
“I’d prefer not to discuss it, if you don’t mind.”
“Sure, that’s yer privilege. Can I guess at the problem?”
“I’m not promising to tell you.”
“Okay, are ye gay, is that it?”
“Not really.”
“It’s something like that though isn’t it? Ye’re sma’ and quite feminine for a man, and there’s something quite female about ye. Are ye intersex or even transsexual?”
“Okay, if it’ll stop the questions, yes I’m transsexual, so now you can throw me off your course.”
“Throw ye off my course, whit fer?”
“Because I want to be a woman?”
“So? I don’t recall it being a requirement of the course that ye have tae be a man, so if ye’re mair comfortable as a lassie, let me know when and I’ll dae all I can tae help ye.”
“Aye, why not, I dinna hae a problem wi’ye.”
“Professor Agnew, thank you so much.” I burst into tears and he actually hugged me.
“Ye’ll mak a bonny wee lassie, so ye will.” Then he spoke with Dr Thomas and she put me on hormones quite soon afterwards. Of course like everything in my life it all went pear shaped. I suppose I’d still be plucking up the courage to make the changeover except I ran into Stella and the rest is history.
When I then bumped into Tom while still dressed more or less as a girl, he recognised me and it sort of went on from there. Story of my life – just when it seems as if there is absolutely nothing to live for, something happens and shows me that it isn’t true. If I was a theist romantic, I’d suggest I had a guardian angel, but I know that’s puerile – I’m a scientist, and it’s just good fortune that things worked out the way they did, they could just as easily have gone the other way, and I’d be beyond all this pain – then again, I’d have missed out on so many good things, like Simon, the children, Tom, Stella and my film.
Feeling a bit better, I lay back down and went to sleep.

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What A Dream! Did Bonzi?
Eat some tainted tuna? Maybe Cathy is coming to terms with who she REALLY is. Maybe when Charlie and Cathy merge, she can be whole. like that central character in Aerdvark's story The Warrior From Batuk.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
The most
Cavrider----Just another " Grunt."
Difficult thing to find in life is self acceptance . Cathy , it would seem , has at last rediscoverd the path to that goal .
Cavrider----Just another " Grunt."
It looks like Cathy is coming to the crux of her dilemma. It seems everyone except herself accepts her as a Woman. Looks like she's headed in the right direction talking with Dr. Thomas. The last episode and this one show that she needs to deal with some issue(s).
Love the story, keep us entertained.
~There is no reality, only perception~
Trish Ann
~There is no reality, only perception~
parts or all of that dream sound familiar
Did Cathy have something like it before? Seems to show her confidence that Simon is happy with her just the way she is.
Red Curate Jelly…
…might be a very suitable accompaniment for roast lamb—or should that be Agnus Dei? :-)
Would open bribery get her married?
Her struggling with getting married suddenly made me very aware that I am struggling and very unsure of myself. Fortunately, there are people who have my number and are unselfishly offering support at my every turn. Even now, when one of my friends tells me, "you are a woman, get over it". I feel this little tremor go through my entire body. The only thing that could posibly be more effective would be to reinforce that with some negative conditioning when I express insecurity, like whack whack, "get it through your cute little head (which is not little)".
So, Ms Angharad, what would it cost me in pounds to have her married in a glorious white dress with a train so long it takes six girls to help her, and a corset so tight that it makes her feel faint. Margureite would do the cerimony in that wonderful Scottish Castle, and Cathy's squeals of delight would echo through the halls all night long...
Yes, as a matter of fact, I do have a princess complex. :)
Finally Cathy
seems to be moving towards an acceptance of who she is now, Which can only be good news for Simon and the girls, At last the prospect of them becoming a real family does not seem to be a far and distant dream.
When you look back at the circumstances that have brought Cathy to her present situation, You do start to wonder...Was it just a series of lucky coincidences?....Or are all our lives mapped out for us by some unknown forces...Which i guess could give a possible reason for the appearance of the blue light... it's almost as if these unknown forces are trying to make up for Cathys unhappy early years.... By giving her the chance to put right other peoples unfortunate experiences!!!
Hope that Bonzi is being nice to Izzy and not pinching all her food!!! Although if what you say about Izzy being able to look after herself is true then maybe it will be a case of a hungry henpecked boyfriend !!!!
Great chapter but about Bonzi and the new moggie ...
Er, um, .... isn't he, um, you know, *fixed*?
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Only in some people's eyes...
Somehow, I suspect in the animal's eyes it's not "fixed"... It wasn't "broken" before, but it is now...
>> only in Iran
I particularly enjoyed seeing this shrewd observation, as it illustrates the flexibility of people in general, who are quite often pleased, or at lest content, to work within what's possible, however much their idealised reach might exceed their realistic grasp.
In response to the ponderous but principled philosophising of Pangloss:
‘Cela est bien dit,’ répondit Candide, ‘mais il faut cultiver notre jardin.’
'Well said,' answered Candide, 'but we must cultivate our gardens.'
--- Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet), from Candide, ou l'Optimisme
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
>> it’s just good fortune that things worked out
Not at all. It's down to having the courage to try, without which one can never succeed at anything. "Fortune" has little to do with it.
One could write a nice little essay on the relationship of the title of the story, "As Easy as Falling Off a Bike," and this thought; it really is just as easy as that, as easy as falling, with perfect trust and faith. Someone will catch you, if only you let go.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
Only in EAFOAB
Can you go from inane to insane to inconsolable to inconsequential, and back again, in so short a time.
It does look as though Cathy still has some issues and it's not surprising that it's mainly to do with self-acceptance, which can take but a moment to damage, yet a lifetime to repair. All very well to 'pull socks up and get on with it' but it does take much longer to do than to say.
And I'm going to be chuckling all day about 'red curate jelly', particularly as our vicar is a brilliant chef.
Cold Feet
Cathy isn't being rational, she is rationalizing. She is allowed, but the visit to the good doctor is a good idea. Wonder what the Doc will dig up?
Thanks for the recap
Back to the crux of the problem. Cathy. Even her detractors call her a woman. Cathy = crux =freak. that's Cathy's logic.
Her long time followers haven't thought of her as a man since Stella gave Charlie clothes to wear after her post accident shower.( good memory uh ?)