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(aka Bike) Part 690 by Angharad |
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“I think the people in your Sunday school, might have been a bit extreme in what they taught you, Livvie.”
“They said it was all in the Bible, so God musta said it.”
The whole concept bridled within me and felt like saying to her, ‘Look it’s all bollocks, there is no God, so stop believing all this nonsense.’ Instead, I said,” No one is sure who said what, Livvie, it’s all lost in the mists of time, and people tend to interpret it as they wish. Can I give you another creed?”
“What’s a creed?” she asked looking perplexed.
“It’s basically what someone believes, comes from the Latin, credo I believe.”
“Gosh, you are clever, Mummy, speaking Latin.”
“No I’m not, and I don’t, I know a few words. My creed is not to hurt anyone or anything, if I can possibly help it, and to show love wherever I can.”
“I like your creed, Mummy.” Livvie squashed my hand tightly in hers.
“I think I do, too,” said Sam, smiling.
“I think it’s better than wishing awful things on people.”
“Is that what I’m doing, Mummy?”
“I don’t know, sweetheart, but let me run an idea past you. If you were angry with Laura, and Tony for not doing what you felt they should have done as your parents–and I’m not suggesting that it’s wrong to feel angry or hurt by them–then, part of you might link on to the Old Testament stuff from your Bible study at Sunday school, and want to send them to hell, because part of you thinks they deserve it. And that might be right as well. However, part of you loves them and doesn’t want them to be harmed, so you have this conflict inside you. I know how this feels because, I felt the same once, about my parents.”
Livvie looked at me as she processed what I’d said. Then tears began to flow and she hugged herself tightly against me, hiding her face in my clothing. I held her and stroked her back and head.
“I’m a bad girl,” she sobbed.
“No you’re not, you’re a lovely girl, who needs to work through some tough feelings.”
“Will you help me, Mummy? To stop being bad?”
“Hey, listen to me, will you, you aren’t bad, you’re good.”
“I want to be like you, Mummy,” she sobbed against me, “You’re a good lady,”
If only you knew, sweetheart, if only you knew. “I’d like to help you, sweetheart, but I think there are people who are better at it than I am. Would you allow Dr Rose to make arrangements for you to see someone?”
“I don’t know, Mummy, why can’t you do it?”
“I’ll come with you, if you want.”
“Why can’t you do it, Mummy?”
“I’m a biologist, Livvie, not a psychotherapist. I had to see someone to help with my problems.”
“You did?”
“Yes, that’s why I know a little bit about it.” Sam Rose stood watching us, nodding every now and again.
“Why don’t we dry your eyes and go and find the others, and Dr Rose can give me a call when he’s found someone to help us?”
“You will come with me?”
“I promise.”
“Okay.” I wet a paper towel with cold water and wiped her face, then gave her a fresh towel to dry herself.
“Sorry about that, Sam.”
“Not at all, I know you love your dormice, but you missed your vocation.”
“I did?”
“Yes, I think you should seriously consider training as a psychotherapist, especially a paediatric one.”
“No way, José. I have too many demons of my own to worry about without thinking about dealing with those of others. I’m not going to screw up other people’s children, because my childhood was a mess.”
“I’d have thought the fact that you are aware of that, would make it very unlikely.”
“Please don’t put ideas into my head, Sam, it’s full of dormouse fluff and that’s how I like it.” I took Livvie’s hand, “Let’s go and find the other two, and perhaps get some ice cream.”
“Oh yes, Mummy.”
“Which? Finding the other two or the ice cream?” I teased her.
“Both, Mummy, let’s find my sisters and get some ice cream for everyone.”
“Including me?” I said pulling a face.
“Yes, Mummy, ‘cos you’re buying it.” There I was, outmanoeuvred again by a five-year-old, and Sam Rose was chortling away behind me.
The rest of the day was relatively quiet but before bedtime, I took Livvie aside and we wrote a letter to her parents.
’Dear Mummy and Daddy,
I do love you and I don’t want you to go to hell. Mummy Cathy, has explained some things to me and I don’t feel so cross anymore.
Good bye,
Livvie xxx
When she had signed the letter and sealed it in an envelope the two of us went up to a quiet place in the orchard and we burned it.
“How do you know they will get it, Mummy?”
“Trust me, sweetheart, they will.”
We walked back to the garden and the other two joined us, “What y’doin’?” asked Trish.
“Livvie had something private to do.”
“Oh, does that mean you won’t tell us?”
“Yes, I’m afraid it does,” I answered.
“Why? I told her about my funny fanny?”
“That was your decision, and in time Livvie might tell you what we did, but tonight, I want you both to promise that you won’t badger her to tell you, because if you do, I shall be very cross with you. Is that understood?”
“Yes, Mummy,” said two dejected voices. I didn’t like laying down the law, but at times it was necessary.

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I Knew It!
Great chapter Angharad. So simple, yet full of love.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Well done
I figured Sam would say her true vocation was to be a mother. Of course, she is one already, and looks to be doing a very good job. I think she handled Livvie very well. Most would have insisted on an either/or black & white belief. Cathy gave Livvie an out that allowed her to understand her mixed feelings and gave her a way to start dealing with those feelings.
If there is reincarnation, I want to get a mother like Cathy.
They know they can survive
sweetest comment about this story
"If there is reincarnation, I want to get a mother like Cathy."
Thought it was kind of funny that
Cathy helped Livvie write a letter to her mom and dad telling them she wasn't so cross anymore, then a few lines below, Cathy is threatening to be cross with Mima and Trish.
Very thoughtful chapter. Cathy does seem to understand people's (at least children's - Simon's a different kind of beast) feelings better than most.
Thanks Angharad
I recently found out my ex had passed away and this helped in a little way, cycling through all twelve steps every day is wearing me out, I just need to let her go.
I think I have to agree with
I think I have to agree with Dr. Sam, Cathy just might have missed her calling as she does seem to have an instinct of how to reach the children at their level so they can understand. This is not an easy thing to do for anyone and especially when dealing with something like Livvie is going thru. Wonderful story, Angharad and I am certainly happy that you are still writing it for us all. J-Lynn
I wouldn't go that far...
Many people have talents in more than one area. Yes,it's obvious that Cathy can (occasionaly) deal well with kids. She's obviously also a good scientist as well as an effective popularizer of science. If we look, we'll find several other areas she's skilled. Why limit her to just one area. As her kids get older - she may well decide to do some time caring for other young people. Who knows. I think it'd be nice for Cathy to actually get some time for HERSELF and see what SHE wants and needs - rather than spending herself to exhaustion on the wants and needs of others. Somehow, I doubt that will happen, but I'd like to see it.
You're right.
Cathy has barely gotten herself sorted out after having her transition and surgery and all and *WHAM* an instant family.
There is a guy at work I suspect is interested in me but he has 2 young kids from a previous marriage and I do not think at my age I want to deal with near teenagers and then *shudder* teenagers. I have had enough for the last 19 years having to sort out a relationship with an alcoholic and I am too old for that kind of nonsense.
Cathy needs time to enjoy her success.
However, the silver lining to all this is that having so many family issues helps with her spiritual stubbornness with regard to whether a deity of some sort exists - whether there is a spiritual realm. This is part of her growth. In a way she is as stubborn as Dr Brennan on 'Bones' out here in the states in her absolute refusal to acknowledge the possibility of anything beyond the material world.
(BBC Worldwide clip, so should work outside the UK!)
Thankfully, if you look hard enough, you can find the occasional teen that doesn't behave according to Harry Enfield's stereotype!
I think...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Good idea
by Cathy too use her own parental problems, In helping Livvie to see that deep down she did love her parents even though at that moment she thought she hated them. Hopefully now Livvie can start to forget the nastier things in her past and enjoy her new family
A truly delightful
This was a truly delightful chapter! I think Cathy did a very good job of pointing out the differences between the messages of the Old and New Testaments, even if she didn't realize it. Unfortunately, a lot of so-called "Christian" sects seem to have forgotten the message of Jesus and rely too much on the Old Testament philosophy of "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth"! The God which Jesus preached about is a loving God who wants the best for us, not one who is ready to condemn us for all time over the slightest sin.
For an atheist scientist
For an atheist scientist, Cathy shure has a solid understanding of the principles of magic.
Of course, I was taught the principles of magic by an atheist scientist. . . It's just science whose mechanisms we don't yet understand. . .
is going to be fine, I think. I've been there too, unfortunately. It is important to keep kids emotionally grounded on things like this.
Sam Rose's referal
If there is reincarnation, I want to come back as Cathy. Maybe there aren't angels on Earth, but she's as close as it comes.
This referral better not be like the last one. Cathy may strike first this time.