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Dangly bits (aka Bike) Part 643 by Angharad |
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“Are you awake?” asked Simon, reminding me of the joke about an Australian man’s foreplay. However, I declined to play and sighed and turned over. He sighed loudly and presumably went to sleep. Quite honestly, I was too tired to care.
Next morning the aliens landed again and spent more time snuggling with Simon than with me, which was fine. He’ll be back at work soon and then I’ll get all the attention and my sleep deprivation will rise accordingly. Don’t get me wrong, I love ‘em both to bits—but when I’m awake—not asleep.
At seven, it was up and at ‘em. Showers and hair drying, dressing and breakfasting, then off to school with Trish and her packed lunch—some of which was the surfeit from yesterday. I’d got her school uniform ready after the disaster yesterday, and she looked every bit the smart schoolgirl.
Simon stayed with Mima while I dropped Trish in school, although Tom said he could do it some days. He was going in for half days to the university and hoped to be back full time in a couple of weeks. I urged him to be very careful, he was too important to us all to get sick again. He promised not to overdo it. I didn’t believe a word of it.
I did some shopping on the way back home, just foodstuff as the cupboards were looking rather bare. I’d also got one or two things Stella had asked me to get. Once home again, I carried the groceries in and was pleased to see Mima helping Stella with the baby.
A little later, I made some coffee and Stella put baby Desi down for a nap, Meems decided she wanted one as well—she didn’t usually but she was up quite early. I hoped she wasn’t sickening for anything. Simon was busy on his computer in Tom’s office, using the newly installed wi-fi system.
“So what does it feel like to be doing the school run? Shouldn’t you have a Chelsea tractor to do it properly?”
“Stella, you ought to know by now, that only applies if you live within half a mile of the school and it must never be driven off road, except when parking on the pavement.”
“I thought you cyclist types rode on the pavement all the time anyway?” This was a deliberate provocation and tended to indicate she was feeling better. I played along with it.
“Nah, it makes it too difficult to run red lights from the pavement.”
“So you’re not colour blind, after all?” she teased.
“No, red green is sex linked isn’t it and affects men.” I couldn’t remember if it did or not and I’ll bet she couldn’t either.
“I suppose that lets you out then,” she said huffily as her latest stirrings came to nought. “So when are you going to make an honest man of Simon?”
“I can’t, Stel, he’s a banker, remember?”
“Oh poo, so he is—hey, wait a minute, are you calling my daddy a cheat and rogue as well?”
She was feeling better. “No, but Henry is also a banker.”
“Yep, so he is, but he’s got more style than my bro, who is a banker with a capital W.
“There is no W in bank...oh,” I blushed, “he might have been last night, I was asleep when he came to bed.” We both laughed at that.
“Has his technique improved?” she asked.
“At what?” I asked blushing.
“You know,” she said winking.
“I know what?” I felt stupid and embarrassed.
“You know...that three letter word.”
“Like dog, or God, or...and, can’t think of any more,” I was still tired.
“No, you ninny, the sex word, s-e...oh, I said it didn’t I?”
“Did you? I don’t think it’s appropriate to discuss your brother’s performance with you, Stella, it is rather personal.”
“Oh, be like that then.” She flounced out of the kitchen and I put the groceries away and started organising lunch, although my mind was on how a little girl would cope with a packed lunch and being on her own until I collected her at end of school. She had said she would cope, and I pretty well believed her. Simon said he would get her in the Jaguar, which would please her no end. I wasn’t sure if it meant she would increase her kudos in school, but it was quite a cool car in which to be seen, so it could hardly do it any harm.
Part of me knew that such stuff was rather superficial and shallow and involved all the things I was trying to teach them to avoid. Yet another part seemed happy to go for things which brought about results most quickly. I needed to stick to my standards; if I wanted to preach to my kids, then I had to practice it myself. Some parts of parenthood seem harder than others—by this I meant the practical aspects were harder than the theory—I think it probably applied to life in general, but for now I was happy to see it in terms of parenting, my most immediate concern.
I made us bacon sandwiches for lunch, using the bread I’d made yesterday. Simon hadn’t appreciated that the funny noise coming from the kitchen was the breadmaker telling us it was done and remove the bread. Fortunately Stella did understand and removed said loaf. Now I was using mine to get lunch, and another mix was going on in the machine as I cooked the bacon.
Stella seemed to have worked off her ill humour because during lunch she was fine, ribbing Simon quite cleverly at times. I do wonder if anyone could be as dull as Simon at times appears, if they were, they’d have a full time job remembering to breathe.
She teased him about the Jag as a phallic inadequacy replacement. He ignored her. She told him the same thing in a different way, “I hear you’re not too wonderful in the hidden assets department?”
“I’m not saying anything in case the tax man is listening.”
“What you mean they tax you on, you know...?”
“Of course they do, capital gains tax, as well as unearned income and so on.”
“I’m talking about Mr Happy, Si.”
“Can’t say I know anyone of that name, Stella.”
“Look, stoo-pid, what comes to mind when I say, Mr Happy?”
“A cartoon character by Roger Hargreaves.” I had to leave the table, it was so painful to watch. Either he was cleverer than I thought or he was so thick, he’d need his mittens sewn to the ends of his sleeves. I cleared up the table and didn’t go back into the room until the conversation was over.
“Geez, Cathy, is that man stupid or very stupid?”
“I can’t answer that, Stella. On one hand I let down Simon and the other, I let you down. I’m not playing.”
“Can I hear the baby?” I said pausing for a moment to listen. It was and she went off to sort her out.
As soon as she went up stairs, Simon came into the kitchen, “What the hell was she going on about? If it’s what I think it is, she ccould only have got the info from you.”
“I promise you she didn’t, I refused to play her silly games. She was speculating or just stirring.”
“It hurt, all the same.”
“I expect it could, but I had no part in it, honestly.”
“Okay, I believe you. Mind you, if her aspersions were true, I’d only have a small part in it myself.”
He sniggered and I laughed with him. At least he could take a joke against one of the average bloke’s most vulnerable areas. Maybe he did have hidden assets, and I don’t mean of the material sort.

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Sooooo Nice…
…to see Stella almost back to her old "Lady Banterful" self. Most men are a bit sensitive about the "hidden assets" department, but I am glad Simon can share a j0oke with his wife-to-be.
Thanks for keeping us all Happy…Mr, Mrs. or even Little Miss. :)
After tonight's Eurovision
Song thing, I thought at first that you had called this episode Wogan's Dangly bits! :-D
How about a happy medium?
When Stella is down she's self-destructive; when she's up she has a razor-sharp tongue she uses on others. Kinda hard to decide which is worse at times.
They know they can survive
Feel like I'm detecting a bit of
insecurity in Stella. Possible reason why she is so insulting or could be why she is so into Cathy and Simon's sex life.
A Happy Medium?
Could that be Madame Arcati (from Noel Coward's wonderful play â€Blithe Spiritâ€) on speed?
Well, Ang, we've had blue light therapy for Puddin’ and others, and we had Cathy's mum's ghost, but we haven't had a seance yet, so how about it, girl? :-D
Yeah, I did know the term Chelsea Tractor...
But I found this explaination pretty amusing anyway:
"The classic Chelsea Tractor is the Range Rover. It's enormous, hideously expensive, drinks tremendous amounts of fuel and is very rarely used by anyone involved in agriculture or rural pursuits because of these attributes. For this reason, it has become the prototype for an entire class of 4x4 vehicles driven exclusively by stupid rich people who live in cities.
Chelsea Tractors are very popular on the school run because they cause the maximum amount of blockage to other traffic, show off stupid amounts of money and are utterly impractical and do worse on all safety ratings than your average hot hatch. As well as vulgar ostentation, Chelsea Tractors are useful for taking Pippa to ballet class because one never knows whether there'll be a slick of Ribena on the way over Hampstead."
See the same thing here in Texas. About a half hour before school starts the queue of 4x4 monster SUVs starts lining up at the parking lot of the nearby school. Each holds one elementary school kid and a mom on a cell phone. Of course they come from no mroe than a half mile away since the school district isn't very big. Probably burn a couple of gallons of fuel just navigating the line. Then of course the parents complain that their kids are overweight. Hate to suggest that they could walk the little tike to school instead of sitting in thier smog machine.
Then there are the men in their super powered, raised, chromed, lighted vanity pickups that will never haul more than a briefcase but will certainly show who has the biggest.....
I had to have it explained
Awhile back, then promptly forgot it, so thanks for the reminder. :-) Speaking of school moms in Texas, I particularly love the Lexus and Cadillac SUV's, you know the ones that cost more to buy than my house.
And don't forget the one ton 4-wheel drive dualie pickups with farm plates that the owners park sideways in the parking lots so the paint won't get scratched. :-(
They know they can survive
it's always fun to ...
see a couple of drivers of junkers park about 6 inches from teh front and rear of the sideways parked 4x4s, and then leave them there for a few days. Ditto the other fancy new cars that park on the line between two spaces.
A few of the high school kids around here seem to get on their mobile phones when they see that, and then leave tehm there for a few hours or days.
Some also block in cars parked in handicapped spaces without any identification showing any right to use the space, ( they usually then call the cops and make sure the owner gets his or her well deserved USD$345 ticket) ( which will have additional court and processing charges added on, and will be much higher for a violation after the first time. )
It’s not given to anyone to have no regrets; only to decide, through the choices we make, which regrets we’ll have,
David Weber – In Fury Born
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
One has to applaud their public spirit...
It's a drain on public morality to see people flout the law, thumbing their noses at we poor saps who try to follow the rules, and be polite.
That's what has the bankers terrified, that the people might take it into their collective heads to bring them low that held themselves so high above us.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
Today's Bike
Angharad, thanks for taking the time to write and figuring out how to post Friday and today's Bike. Really appreciate you continuing to feed my addiction.
Is back with a vengeance. It'll be fun to see her do what she does best, again.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Red-Green Colour Blindness
Spot on. That's the one that's sex-linked and fairly common (Well, up to ten percent of men). Tritanopia – Blue-Yellow Color Blindness – is distributed at random. I happen to know this because my sister is a Tritanope, and can't distinguish blue from green. (It ought to be called "Blue-Green" colour blindness, since that's what usually happens, but you know how scientists are.) I didn't realise it for years, until she bought a "blue" car that was clearly green and her dread secret saw the light of day. I'd always wondered why she had such trouble co-ordinating outfits.
There's another odd state of human colour vision in which *only* a very few women can see four colours instead of the usual three, becoming tetrachromats.
There's probably a story there...
A hundred millions of colours... Nice to contemplate.
Red-Green blindness (mostly men) is a serious handicap in our modern world, as half the gadgets one has laying about have green, red, orange, and yellow LEDs that are difficult to distinguish for dichromats, and colour cues abound everywhere. And most us us will start to lose "normal" colour response as we age and the transparency of the eye decreases.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
didn't see this
i didn't see this when i posted in the other thread (i'm slow like that). it seems to me we often have similar thoughts about things :)
not as think as i smart i am
Twilight Zone music swells under as...
Rod Serling walks out and says, "You've just crossed over into the Twilight Zone."
It's all Angharad's fault, as she put colour blindness into the air.
There's a Widget for the Mac called Color Theory that allows one to simulate several varieties of colour blindness using a simulated colour sphere. One uses it to choose pleasing colour combinations using one of several theories of complementary colours and then see how they stand up as seen by individuals with several forms of colour blindness,
Should have mentioned it before. It's moderately cool, especially for web designers, since it gives one numeric values you can plug into colour attributes.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
Unfortunately, Rod couldn't make it... it has been arranged for Dan Aykroyd to handle the voice-over (just as he did for the conclusion of "Twilight Zone: The Movie" in 1983).
Then again, it MIGHT be possible for Rod to make an appearance, just as he did for a November, 2005 episode of the TV show "Medium". According to the article on Rod Serling at Wikopedia,
"More than 30 years after his death, Serling was digitally resurrected for an episode of the TV series Medium that aired on November 21, 2005. The episode, which was partially filmed in 3-D, opened with Serling introducing the episode and instructing viewers as to when to put on their 3-D glasses. This was accomplished by using footage from The Twilight Zone episode "The Midnight Sun" and digitally manipulating Serling's mouth to match new dialogue spoken by impersonator Mark Silverman. The plot of the episode involved paintings coming to life, a nod to both The Twilight Zone and Night Gallery."
Yes ...
Yes, red/green color blindness, like hemophilia, is sex linked. In order for a sex linked recessive trait to be expressed in a 46XX individual, the father must exhibit the disorder and the mother must be a carrier. Even then, the chance of appearance is only 50%. Given its non-lethal nature, red-green color blindness is prevalent enough in the gene pool to be RARELY observed in 46XX individuals. OTOH, hemophilia is a lethal defect and occurs too infrequently to be observed in 46XX people.
Well, we probably observed it in Grand Duchess Maria...
So it's not *that* uncommon, and there are two types, which in women, or through transfusion, can partially "cancel each other out." This was only discovered in the 1930's, and led to other successful transfusion therapies.
As it turns out, women don't necessarily have to carry the defect on both X chromosomes, since there's a natural process within the body that can suppress the contribution of one X chromosome or the other, leading to a milder form of the disease. As many as 30% of appearances of the carrier gene occur through spontaneous mutation, so it can literally "happen to anyone." Queen Victoria, for example, had no known ancestors with the disease, but quite a few descendants, including the unfortunate Grand Duchess Maria of Russia.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
Australian Man's Foreplay?
Here in Canada, it's a Newfoundlander's foreplay and I understand from some of my American cousins that it's a southerner's foreplay down there.
Thanks for keeping the story coming though I, too, am starting to get impatient for the wedding. (I love weddings!)
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
Chelsea tractor
It would have been so nice to have been taken to school in a Chelsea tractor, But sad to say when i was little and cute!!!.... Money was'nt in great supply... Still the exercise did me good and helped me walk off those school dinners!!
Hugs Kirri
Stella is back, and she
Stella is back, and she seems to be in rare form. Hopefully she will not suffer a relapse and finally be able to get on with her and "puddins" life. J-Lynn
Chelsea tractors and Snoblettes
The snobbery of Chelsea tractor drivers is contagious - witness children that ask to be dropped at the end of the road rather than risk being seen in a non-U car by their.friends
Rhona McCloud
Stella's coming back ?
Ok, the pavement is where you Brits walk? just what is where you drive, if sober of course?
Nice back and forth.