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(aka Bike) Part 613 by Angharad |
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I said goodbye to PC Bond, he however, gave me a caution; “Look, Cathy, until we get to the bottom of this, be extra careful, especially with the children.”
“What do you think happened? Surely it was an accident?”
“I don’t know, but just in case, be careful. Evenin’ all.”
“It’s the middle of the morning, Andy.”
“That was my George Dixon impression.”
“Who?” I asked.
“George Dixon, á la Dixon of Dock Green.”
“Gordon Bennett, have you never heard of Dixon of Dock Green?”
“Was he in it too?”
“Was who in it?”
“George Bennett.”
“Who the hell is George Bennett? I said Gordon Bennett.”
“Gordon’s brother?” I suggested, completely lost.
“I ken weel whit ye mean, George Dixon and Andy Crawford, aye, they were the days. None o’ yer smut and violence.” Tom walked past singing some vaguely familiar tune to himself.
“That’s the one, professor,” called Andy enthusiastically.
“I still have no idea who you’re talking about.”
“It was a regular Saturday evening show about the patch of London called Dock Green, with a copper called George Dixon. It was made in the fifties and sixties, I saw repeats because my mother liked it. The prof probably saw the originals, it was all in black and white.”
“Thanks, Andy, for the warning, I mean.”
“Well as soon as we have more info, I’ll be in touch.”
I determined to do some more exercise, especially my kick boxing, it was a good work out and may prove useful now my shoulder felt easier.
Andy was just leaving when a van pulled into the drive. A man walked up to me as I stood at the open front door. “Gor, finding this place was a bit of trek.”
“Was it?” I replied, I’d never heard that before.
“Yeah, I got a package for Tricia Watts?”
“My daughter.”
“Oh good, right place then.” He walked back to his van and dragged out a large box from the back. As soon as I saw him struggle with the box, I knew what was in it. I also knew what I’d be doing later on.
“Can you sign, ’ere.” He shoved one of those electronic pads under my nose.
“Does it say who sent it?”
“Sorry, luv, no idea–I just delivers ’em.”
I dragged the box into the hallway and the courier went on his way. There was no way, Trish would be able to get the contents out, and I had no way of telling if this was from Simon or Henry or even both.
“Trish, darling, come and see what’s arrived for you.” She came flying out into the hallway and when she saw the size of the box her eyes nearly came out on stalks.
“Evans Cycles,” she read. “Has Daddy sent me a bike, Mummy?”
“It rather looks that way, kiddo.”
“Oh wow, I always wanted a bike. Can we open it?”
“What’s the magic word?”
“Please, Mummy. Please, Mummy, may we open the box and get my bike out?”
“Of course.”
“Yipppeeee,” she shouted which brought Mima out to see what was happening.
“That’s a big box,” said Mima, stating the obvious.
“It’s a bike box, Meems. Either, Simon or Grampa Henry, has sent this. Sadly we don’t know which.”
“I hope Daddy can come home today.”
“So do I, Trish, so do I.” I went off and got a screwdriver to break open the cardboard box. It was stapled and taped shut. I broke the seals on it and with both girls hanging on to the box, I was able to lift the contents clear. It was a pink girls’ Trek bicycle, with white tyres and tassles for the handlebars. I’d have loved this at Trish’s age.

I had to fix the pedals and tighten up the handlebars, but that didn’t take long. Then I fitted the saddle and we adjusted for size. Trish was so pleased, the smile on her face was priceless. Now all we had to do was find out if she could ride it, or I’d be running up and down the drive for a few days.
“Have you ridden a bike before?” I asked her.
“A bit, Mummy, at the home–I used to borrow Tina’s, and they called me names ’cos it was a girl’s bike.”
“Well, they won’t call you names now, sweetheart, will they. Come on, put your jacket on and let’s see you ride it.”
I’d graduated to two-wheelers when I was about her age, so I knew it was possible for her to be able to ride or to learn. I ran up and down the drive a few times and was pretty sure she could actually ride it. It didn’t have gears, and there were stabiliser wheels with it plus a little basket to go on the front–very little girl. I’d have killed for one like that when I was five, instead I had a boys bike which my father used to make me go on long rides with him. Thankfully, I got to enjoy them otherwise I wouldn’t have gone near a bike as an adult.
She was delighted with her newest possession, and when I saw Mima looking very jealous, I suggested we could have a little ride after lunch and she could sit on the trailer bike Simon had bought her for Christmas. She seemed happier with that idea.
I made us microwaved jacket potatoes with cheese and a side salad. A condition of going out for a ride was that they ate all their lunch. They did.
I went and changed into jeans and old bike shoes, then got my old mountain bike out of the garage. I pumped up the tyres and was ashamed to think, I hadn’t used it for over a year. Then I checked the tyre on the trailer and put some air in it too. I fixed it to the mountain bike and popped the helmet on Mima’s head that Simon had bought with the bike. We needed to get Trish one, so I left mine off as well.
We put our coats on, and I made the girls wear gloves, too. The sun was shining but the wind was cool and hands get cold very quickly on bikes.
I put my back pack bag on and off we went, Trish rode on the pavement alongside me. Meems squealed with excitement as we rode along, exhorting me to go faster. I didn’t of course, Trish wouldn’t have kept up with me.
Of course, Trish wanted special pedals like my SPDs, because they clicked when I clipped my foot into them. Thankfully, they don’t make them for kiddibikes, or if they do, I haven’t seen them.
We went for about a mile, then crossed over and turned back the other way. As we got near Tom’s farmhouse, Trish recognising where she was put on a spurt of speed and shot past me. Shouting to Meems to hold tight, I chased after her. Then as we drew level, I became aware of a fast accelerating car hammering up behind us.
I mounted the pavement and pulled across in front of Trish who crashed into me, and my bike fell on top of her–simultaneously, the car also mounted the kerb and missed us by inches, screaming off down the road. If we hadn’t fallen off, we’d all be dead or injured.
None of us were hurt, although we were all shaken up and crying. It took me a couple of moments to extricate us from the pile of fallen metal. Trish had made a hole in her tights, and Meems had a dirty mark on her elbow. I had jerked my damaged collar bone and felt very shaky.

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Slow learner
Cathy isn't known for taking hints, is she?
They know they can survive
Whoever is behind this
Whoever is behind this is in big, big trouble. To threaten Cathy's life is foolish enough, but to threaten her kids?
I would say I feel sorry for them, but whoever it is is not worthy of pity, or mercy.
I'm sure they will get none of either from her when she finds out who they are.
I gotta admit, I've read the whole serial in one go, used a few cases of tissue, and can't wait for the next segment.
Excellent job, Angharad, and I wonder what will happen between now and Kilosode(1024).
Really, it's hard to improve on these comments so
I'll just repeat... mess with Cathy - dangerous, mess with her family or kids - fatal! Someone is in big trouble.
Be afraid, be very afraid...
You don't mess with a lioness and her cubs....
Who could be so upset with Cathy that they would want her dead, along with the wee bits?
Maybe someone whose career was ruined by their own incompetence, but blames Cathy for calling attention to it.
Hmmmmm... another cliff-hanger... my arms are really getting tired. :)
The Perils Of Catherine
Tops the Perils Of Penelope Pitstop by far! [An old cartoon about an heiress who was constantly put in danger by an evil man intent on inheriting her fortune] But I like the idea that there was a British equivelant of the Andy Griffith Show in Dock Green. At least it sounds like it. There are quite a few possible cads after Cathy, will be fun ti see who.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
"Dixon of Dock Green"
was a UK TV series, but it was a follow up of a very good 1950s film "The Blue Lamp" -
The film gives a very good picture of how British society saw itself in the 50s, and isn't a bad story. So, if you're into detective stories, it's worth a look. Although I doubt that the TV series ever made it across the pond, you might be able to get a copy of the film.
Unsurprisingly on YouTube...
Someone's gone and uploaded an entire episode (in 3 parts). It's in black/white, and features a batty old dear in the first part...
Start here, and pick up the others from "Related Videos"
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Well, that seems like
two go's at her and the kids. Bet she gets the old bow out and limbered up and handy, and will definitely get the kids new helmets after this. PC Andy is gonna be makin another trip out, but I doubt its the same guy in the shop lot, didn't he crash and burn? That brings me back to the mafia, or similar.
good point
... and quite scary.
I wonder if Simon is involved in this as well and thats whats holding him up.
The driver or some one else related must have been watching the house and Cathy, or even have bugs in the house since otherwise they could not have known when they would be out and vulnerable.
This also makes me thing if Henry's road accident was really as accidental and if Stella's depression has been and is being "helped" in some chemical way.
Conspiracy theories ... ;)
I wonder if aliens are involved as well or maybe the easter bunny ...
well we shall wait and read
thanks for keeping this so interesting all the time Angharad
Friendship is like glass,
once broken it can be mented,
but there will always be a crack.
Could Trish's bike have a hidden tracking device on it? Easy enough to hide in the frame.
Let's see Simon is incommunicado, Henry has apparently checked himself out of the hospital and is where? Cathy should have checked up on him. Threats against, Cathy and the kids to coerce Simon and Henry into destroying or devaluing the bank for a hostile takeover. Maybe even force them to turn over controlling shares in the bank. Any number of possibilities.
Excellent points
about Simon, and Stella, Henry and family, and the bank etc. Is it still paranoia when they really are out to get you? With Cathy's record of threats, (maybe its the guys with the broken nose that just took a shot at her), and heroics, and possible enemies, and Stellas problems with the kidnappers, it could ALL be a HUGE conspiracy going on. Since she is into dormice and saving the ecology, maybe the greens will step in to help. Or maybe its a foreign govt that doesn't want the mammal survey to proceed.
"Dixon of Dock Green" (1955)
"Dixon of Dock Green" (1955)
at the Internet Movie Data Base
at (TV serials)
at YouTube
Friendship is like glass,
once broken it can be mented,
but there will always be a crack.
No Basic Forensics?
I'm a bit shocked the police haven't the least clue as to who the driver of the red car at the supermarket was. The car had a registration plate, after all, and a serial number to boot. The first presumption would be that the driver was somehow connected to the registrant.
Here we have an indication that another driver, not the same one as the first one is dead, has also apparently made an attempt at homicide by car. The coincidence would be too large to not assume they're somehow related.
Cathy & Co. clearly need police protection at this point, and a lot more effort on their part to figure out what's going on.
Have they had time to do more than a minimum get started, yet. And with the expense involved, maybe the small depts are loath to spend any more than they have to at minimum. Maybe now they can start putting some parts together and realize something is going on.
Will We Be Seeing...
...another visit from PC Bond? I rather suspect that will be the case when Cathy phones in a report about this latest incident! This attempt, coming so soon after his warning to Cathy, is sure to attract his attention! I suppose we'll just have to wait for the next exciting chapter to see what Angharad has in store for our intrepid heroine!!!!
Seems I've seen this happen before
... in another series - say that features a certain 'Gaby Bond' ?
Anyway, she clearly has either very fanatical and/or desperate and/or angry and/or well-heeled enemies who are willing to go to any lengths ( including getting themselves killed ) to get rid of Cathy. A paid enemy seems to make more sense right now as she can easily have a bullet put through her head instead of going through the trouble of trying to make it look like an accident.
I for one glad I do not have to wait another week or more to see what comes next.
I am certainly glad that
I am certainly glad that Cathy is quick in her reactions to stuff around her or the three of them could have been seriously hurt or possibly killed. Plus on top of it all, Trish's new bike is probably damaged and scraped up.
When PC Bond is notified, he is most likely going to show up saying "we have to quit meeting like this, people are going to start talking." (A little humor in a serious situation) J-Lynn
I'm surprised at Cathy - Riding, and allowing to ride without helmet. *sighs*
Seems like maybe the accident, wasn't. Now, let's try to catch up.
Arrows, anyone?
Relook at the Russians
Another murder attempt, with the children there again. Thank *od, Cathy, they are not good drivers else all three would have had it. See 600 chapters ago, I suggested a big hunky guy follow Cathy around, just for stuff like this.
Ok, this an organized attempt to kill Cathy. The grocery store was the first, that stuff inside just was to get her distracted. This is the second, or third. Maybe when Si was hit by the van, that was the first attempt. The constabulary are going to connect these shorty.