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Big Book of Heaven and Hell by Maggie Finson on Kindle


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The only thing bigger than Heaven and Hell is The Big Book of Heaven and Hell!

The Big Book of Heaven and Hell
by Maggie Finson
Bek D. Corbin
E. E. Nalley
Melanie E
Buy on Kindle!

Things They Made Me Do - Chapter 3

Things Edited.jpg
The Chelmsford Academy

Julia tells her psychiatrist that as punishment for being discovered in a compromising position whilst crossdressed, Julian is sent to a Boy's Boarding School. The place is meant to 'make a man of him' but quite the contrary occurs when Julia falls into the clutches of and becomes infatuated with one of the school prefects.

Please heed the warnings as this chapter explores themes of coercion and reluctance.

The Rise of a New Empire Chapter 3

We stepped into our new home, and I was immediately enveloped by the serene beauty that surrounded us. The grand hall showcased the same flowing, natural designs that were emblematic of all elven architecture. It was as if the very essence of the forest had been coaxed to form the structure itself. The banister of the curved staircase seemed to have grown organically from the floor, its smooth lines resembling the gentle twists of vines reaching toward the sky.

Being Samantha Masters - Chapter 4: The Simple Version

Being Samantha Masters
an homage-sequel to Being Christina Chase

(Content warning: there's a few t-slurs in the very last section of the chapter.)

Chapter 4: The Simple Version

Sammy followed Rowan inside, creeping after her as quietly as possible. She made no such allowance for the late hour (or, rather, the early hour) and clomped up the stairs to her room. She weaved slightly as she went, and Sammy wondered if it was alcohol or exhaustion; the girl had ample cause for both.

Football Girl ~ Chapter 9


Gazing out of the window, I could see some boys playing football on one of the pitches in the distance. In a way I envied them because they could be just themselves and enjoy playing the game.

Football Girl

By Susan Brown

The Other Side Of Dreams Chapters 2 - 3

The Other Side Of Dreams

By Tanya Allan

Take two young people: - John in England and Amy in California. Take a common factor: - both recognised that they had been born into the wrong gender. As they grow up, they realise that their bodies are in imminent danger of changing into something neither wants.
Result: - Two very unhappy souls.
Their dreams are the only place they can find solace. Then they start to dream of each other, and to get a little glimpse of the other’s life. Over time they learn how to crossover at will and not just when asleep. They start to leave childhood behind as puberty beckons. The lines become blurred, who is where?
Solution: - One of them takes the bold step and suggests they try to live each other’s lives. Will it work?
Find out……………………….

Maid Service

Kate Draffen (Chapter 37)

Kate Draffen (Chapter 37)

By Swishy

Michael Taylor was a 17-year-old boy living in a town in Australia. Something happened and he found himself on a path to becoming a 17-year-old girl. This is a story about an ordinary teenager that had something extraordinary happen to him and how he tried to cope.

Gemma's story picks up. It's the morning of day of the Debutante Ball and Gemma is already late for a reason.

Angel Marquez 8-14

She looked up as she began to play the guitar in earnest. There was about ten people in the area and no one was paying her any attention. She concentrated on what she was doing. First she played four of her more challenging Spanish pieces. Angel looked up and there were more people and they were closer to her, but seemed disinterested in what she was doing.

Angel Marquez
Chapters 8-14

by Paula Dillon

Echoes- Part 6

Echoes Part VI

Melanie Ezell


Cary tried to pay attention to the movie, but just like the walk to the restaurant he kept finding his eyes wandering over to the beautiful creature next to him. *I REALLY need to talk to Miriam about this. This is insane.* Miriam turned her face away from the screen and smiled at him briefly, and he felt the blood rushing to his cheeks.

The feeling of embarrassment quickly turned to one of surprise. Her face never left the screen as her small hand travelled across the armrest, hovering above his right thigh, before dipping between his legs...

Little Pink Pills, Part 15

Little Pink Pills

Part Fifteen, by Michelle Wilder

I'm trying to escape
This constant pull towards ache
Why do you fight Kathryn
Why do you fight

Surely hope will arrive soon
And cure these self induced wounds
Why hurt yourself Kathryn
Why hurt yourself
Why hurt yourself

Can your heart conceal
What the mind of love reveals

(The Mind of Love, by k d lang)

The Princess and the Plague : 18

The Princess and the Plague
By Anistasia Allread
Edited by Edeyn

“So you didn't like her kissing you?” Tricia nudged Julian.

“You're kidding, right?”


“Of course I liked her kissing me, I'm a guy and she's a pretty girl.”

“She is pretty, isn't she,” Tricia nodded.


Southern Comfort, Part 10

Sean was unsure exactly how to proceed, as the atmosphere on the other side of the hatch seemed almost chilly to her. The captain of the ship stood there, a tall blond Nordic type of man, no readable expression on his face. She decided to just go with being a businesslike spacer, presenting both of their papers to the man. “Captain Thorssen?” Her warm contralto seemed to just crack the surface of his icy demeanor as he reached for the proffered papers. “Sir, Sean and Charlie Barber reporting for duty.” The three of them stood there while he seemed to study their papers intently.

Southern Comfort
Chapter 10

By Theide


The Other Side Of Dreams Chapter 1

The Other Side Of Dreams

By Tanya Allan

Take two young people: - John in England and Amy in California. Take a common factor: - both recognised that they had been born into the wrong gender. As they grow up, they realise that their bodies are in imminent danger of changing into something neither wants.
Result: - Two very unhappy souls.
Their dreams are the only place they can find solace. Then they start to dream of each other, and to get a little glimpse of the other’s life. Over time they learn how to crossover at will and not just when asleep. They start to leave childhood behind as puberty beckons. The lines become blurred, who is where?
Solution: - One of them takes the bold step and suggests they try to live each other’s lives. Will it work?
Find out……………………….

Momma's Boy

.Momma's Boys

Written by Dauphin
Two Boys going down the wrong path. Their mothers take them in a world of magic, brainwashing, threats and more. The Mothers want their sons to be daughters. One boy accepts, one boy does not accept. Who would you be?
"This story is a classic! It shows two boys journey, one of which fights any change. It has a dominant woman that we hate and yet would love to know." Diana
"This story was fun writing as it used many cliches and is not a sentimental story. It was also a hard story to follow up on, as many wanted the same sort of story. It was hard when people still talked about this one but did not think the new ones were as good. " Dauphin

The Book

As the awesome Klontarfian Empire prepares to conquer Earth, their terrifyingly new techo-weapon slips into the hands of a six year old girl who simply wants to turn her brothers into fairy tale heroines ...

The Price To Pay - Vol. 2.15 - Departure (Vol. 2 Conclusion)


"Quick Mum phone the police now," I urged, "our combined weights and over four inches of wood is not going to hold him up for long."

"Do it Mum, now!" said Taran as she pushed as hard as she could, standing next to me.

Mum dialed the numbers.

The Price To Pay - Vol. 2.15 - Departure (Vol. 2 Conclusion)

by Alys

Either Do it Right, or Don't Do it at All (Part 9)

Either Do it Right, or Don't Do it at All
Part 9

Lilith Langtree

Sam, my laywer, nodded and I saw the grim look on his face. "So, when did you grow breasts?"

Little Pink Pills, Part 14

Little Pink Pills

Part Fourteen, by Michelle Wilder

We gotta make a decision
We leave tonight or live and die this way

I remember we were driving driving in your car
The speed so fast I felt like I was drunk
City lights lay out before us
And your arm felt nice wrapped 'round my shoulder
And I had a feeling that I belonged
And I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone

(Fast Car, by Tracy Chapman)

I Carry On

I Carry On

I look out the window, my forehead leaning against the cold glass, trying to see her. I let out a deep, troubled sigh as I search for her. She’s got to be out there somewhere, but how in the hell am I supposed to find her?

I ponder going out there after her, searching for her, never resting until I find her… but I know that I can not. Four weeks after my surgery, the flesh is most definitely too weak no matter how willing the spirit.

Faerie Queen for Life


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Eerie Saloon 3: Dance with Me by Ellie Dauber and Chris Leeson - Now on Kindle


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Life has a way of happening when you stop paying attention to your troubles. The transformed women of the Hanks Gang have served their sentences and now must build new lives for themselves.

There are restaurants to run, poker hands to deal, blacksmiths and ranchers to...consider?

Eerie Saloon 3

Pea Pod 3: Give Peas a Chance


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The continuing adventures of Doug Gordon, Queen of Ka'an. (Ka'an in Mayan means Heaven.) Ka'an is actually an alien world populated by women... and a man-eating plant. Well, it is actually male-eating plants that spit out females. Doug and his wives fixed everything, but now Doug must remake a planet... and it seems Ka'an will be remade in his image!

Pea Pod 3

It's the third book in Holly's rollicking adventure story about a man, a plant, a harem - Ka'an!

Baseball Annie on Kindle


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Baseball players are the most superstitious of all athletes. Andy has played baseball his entire life and is currently a Minnesota Twin in the twilight of his career. The Twins win a game after Andy shaves his leg for the first time. When the players decide that there is a causal relationship between Andy becoming more feminine and winning games -- all heaven breaks loose.

Baseball Annie Cover
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