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Big Book of Heaven and Hell by Maggie Finson on Kindle


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The only thing bigger than Heaven and Hell is The Big Book of Heaven and Hell!

The Big Book of Heaven and Hell
by Maggie Finson
Bek D. Corbin
E. E. Nalley
Melanie E
Buy on Kindle!

Things They Made Me Do - Chapter 3

Things Edited.jpg
The Chelmsford Academy

Julia tells her psychiatrist that as punishment for being discovered in a compromising position whilst crossdressed, Julian is sent to a Boy's Boarding School. The place is meant to 'make a man of him' but quite the contrary occurs when Julia falls into the clutches of and becomes infatuated with one of the school prefects.

Please heed the warnings as this chapter explores themes of coercion and reluctance.

The Rise of a New Empire Chapter 3

We stepped into our new home, and I was immediately enveloped by the serene beauty that surrounded us. The grand hall showcased the same flowing, natural designs that were emblematic of all elven architecture. It was as if the very essence of the forest had been coaxed to form the structure itself. The banister of the curved staircase seemed to have grown organically from the floor, its smooth lines resembling the gentle twists of vines reaching toward the sky.

Office Bet by Melanie Brown now on Kindle


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Harry thought he was just making a little joke, but the women in the office weren't laughing.
So they made a little bet and Harry would win if he followed the women's dress code for a month.
How hard could it be?

by Melanie Brown

Office Bet by Melanie Brown
Copyright © 2004, 2017 Melanie Brown
From DopplerPress - A BigCloset HatBox Kindle eBook

Alicia's New Life Chapter -13-

Alicia’s New Life

By Christine

Chapter 13: Alicia’s Revenge

A few hours had passed since Nobori was told that his brother had been killed and that he was now Kimiko’s legal guardian. He felt anger simmer inside his chest. His brother Jae was taken to the morgue where they would prepare a funeral. A doctor told him that Kimiko was awake and he could talk to the girl now. Nobori walked in very grimly. A uniformed officer accompanied him in. He knelt beside Kimiko. “Kimiko, I need you be strong for me now. I have something very bad to tell you,” He said gravelly.

Elan Owen 2: Watch Out Here I Come - Chapter 0

There comes a time in every story when it must begin... so, in the immortal words of Rhino the Hamster "LET IT BEGIN!"


Chapter Zero: Enter the Duction

Samantha's Story part 4

All day I had been looking forward to the clothing drive. It was another one of those times when you anticipate something so long that just thinking about it makes your heart beat faster.
Samantha's Story part 4

By Maid Joy

Legend of the Ancient Kingdoms: Chapter 7: Dream a little dream of me

Legend of the Ancient Kingdoms

Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you
But in your dreams whatever they be
Dream a little dream of me

Sorority Boy 16

Things get a little crazy for the pledge class and it makes Caitlin a bit stressed. Just what is she going to do in order to deal with the stress?

Sorority Boy
Chapter 16

By poetheather


The Challenge Part 008

Omar walked me home from school and he was so sweet holding my hand the entire time. I was wearing my schoolgirl uniform with white tights that day and I had started rolling over the top of my skirt to make my hemline really short. The bottom of my skirt started just below my crotch and showed off my legs. I was worried that a teacher or a principal might say something but they had kind of a lax attitude towards that sort of thing and all of the girls were doing it. I had to be careful to cross my legs or else guys could look up and get a panty shot.

The Challenge: Part 8

By Tyler

A Blast from the Past -1-

“So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.”
The last words of The Great Gatsby
A Blast From The Past

Part 1

By Ginger Collins

Legend of the Ancient Kingdoms: Chapter 6: The Prince of confusion

Legend of the Ancient Kingdoms

After a hard battle to reach Carthage Natasa and company finally arrive, Natasa still knows nothing of prince Athanas or his plans. The questions are, now here what can they expect to happen? who is princess Apollonia, did she send men to attack and if so why?

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over - Chapter 8

"Needless to say, all the talk was about me and how I was adjusting. They were really interested in how I got such a shapely figure so quickly and was able to walk in those very high heels. I spoke about my wife helping me and the doctor's help. I mentioned my wife and our shopping trips to Victoria's Secret. The girls were spell bound to hear what I bought in VS. They all wanted to go shopping with me, even go to Victoria's Secret."

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over
Chapter 8

By Terry Hansay

Netherworlds - Chapter 9

The place was surrounded with security cameras, barbed wire, there were a couple of armed guards, and it looked more like a prison than a school.
Stupid goddamn foreshadowing. I wish I hadn’t been right.


Chapter 9

By Taveena

Legend of the Ancient Kingdoms: Chapter 5: The Princess and the Wolf.

Legend of the Ancient Kingdoms

With the success of the escape plan Natasa finds herself at a rebel base camp. However, Natasa isn't safe just yet, the princess of Ur still has to make it across the border to the safety of Akkadia. Can Natasa and the maids get there safely and what will happen once they are there?

Southern Comfort, Part 12

Sean stood for a moment, her violin hanging from her fingers. She was terrified, shocked, unable to move or even swallow for an instant of time that seemed to her to last forever. She finally lifted her instrument and almost aggressively clamped her chin down on the pad. She held her bow over her violin as though she was ready to beat the instrument, so it was a surprise when the first notes she wrung from it were so soft as to be almost inaudible.

Southern Comfort
Chapter 12

By Theide


The Princess and the Plague : 24

The Princess and the Plague
Part 24
By Anistasia Allread
Edited by Karen J.

Mr. Martin pulled into Tricia's driveway. Erika shifted the flowers once again from one hand to the other. Mentally she skimmed over what was written and sealed in the envelope addressed to her friend. Along with that letter was a card that she had filled out with an apology to Tricia's parents.

Cissy's Story Final Chapter

Cissy’s Secret

By Wargamerguy

Chapter Three

It was late and the four girls were giggling around the fifteen-year-old boy wearing a pink silk nighty and panties, sitting in a pink Barbie sleeping bag that they set on the floor for him. It was really humiliating and the sexy girlish thing he was wearing and the humiliating aspect aroused him. He couldn’t stop himself from just loving the pink nighty.

Crystal Friend — Chapter 2

Crystal Friend

Chapter 2

By Mildred Ki'Lya

Edited by Sephrena Lynn Miller


“You have nothing at all to fear from me, please! I never kill. And, I do not need much blood.” Blushing a deep rose red, she continued lowering her eyes, “It’s not the blood itself I need - it’s a gift of life, the blood is just the medium. That is different from how you are thinking of what the word ‘vampire’ is.”

Ashley was dumbfounded by what Meryl had told her.

Transcendent - 1: ~Beginnings~


Jaiden, a hard worker and an astute student, was being prepared for a life he didn't want. Everyone around him seemed to have plans for his life. But Jaiden wanted something more. He had a deep dark secret. He was not who everyone thought he was.

Legend of the Ancient Kingdoms: Chapter 4: Truth and responsibility

Legend of the Ancient Kingdoms

With the escape plan underway will Natasa and her maids be able to escape the palace, if so what awaits them outside the palace walls? Are the people of Ur really in need of help. Knowing the truth is all well and good but will Natasa be willing to take responsibility?

Football Girl ~ Chapter 11


I started undressing; after taking off my top, I felt a strong urge to scratch my chest, but couldn’t get at my nipples because of the strapping.

Football Girl

By Susan Brown


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