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Gaby Book 27 ~ Smell of the Crowd ~ Chapter *7*

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Book 27
Smell of the Crowd

by Maddy Bell
Copyright© 2022 Madeline Bell

Life has some certainties, birth and death of course, but the rest is a mix of Minestrone and Spaghetti, some of which we have no direct influence over. We can however decide whether we want Parmesan or other seasoning, we can give Gnochi a try, doesn't mean we'll like it but at least we'll know. Gaby has reached just such a point in her life, she knows she likes Pizza, she's not averse to Spaghetti or Lasagne but is Gnochi for her? The Gnochi in this case is doing the singing with BlauHase on a more serious level, as a 'hobby' its fine but could this be a change of career? Well you don't find out without trying so that's just what our heroine is about to find out in this, the 27th book of the Gaby saga.


*Chapter 7*
A Clear Head

Battle Scars Part 5

Lucifer smiled as he cleaned his swords and his magical staff which he very rarely used ,looking at the weapons which have claimed numerous lives. Its told he had imbued the staff with the souls of thousands of people he had killed turning it into a very powerful weapon .He had the staff created after his battle with Nathan to make sure he doesn't loose again. But he still took pleasure in beating his enemies to death using his bare fists.

Heaven and Hell 5: Lillith's Ransom at Amazon


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TG Universes & Series: 

Lorelei did such a good job on various Hellish problems that she got kicked upstairs. No! Not up THERE, just into the Bureaucracy of Hell. The Big Guy Down Below has a cruel sense of humor.

Oh, Joy.

And now a new problem! Lillith, Queen of Temptresses, Mother of Succubae, has been canned — literally! Jade has her in a canning jar displayed as a trophy.

Heaven and Hell 5 Cover

There's only one thing Lorelei can do. Sit on Lillith's throne to keep peace among the Succubae while moving ahead with Hell's agenda—including maintaining the Truce with Heaven—and figuring out how to get Lillith's pretty butt out of the Can!

Oh, Bliss!

Wings, part 43 of 62

Britt and I went on a couple of dates that month, taking Desiree with us and snuggling with her. On one of those dates, we went to the mall in Catesville, venned into little girls, and played on the playground until closing time. We didn’t run into Melinda and Melanie that time, but we played tag with a couple of little girls and then chatted with them after we got tired of chasing each other around the playground, up the stairs and through the tunnels and down the slides.

Stand-in Wife Part 2

This story contains crossdressing and sex. If you don't like sex stories, please don't read it.

I had a few sleepless nights after my encounter with Rob. I woke up from a dream where I was in an old TV ad. The Shake and vac woman was dancing in her heels and skirt, hovering up Shake and vac. She had my face. I remember seeing the ad on Youtube. She looked like a typical 1980's housewife. I found her a turn-on. The thing is, I didn't want to have her, I think I wanted to be her.

Emerald Princess - Chapter 60 - NPC

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Emerald Princess

Chapter 60: NPC
by Sofia Hammerstein


Eighteen-year-old Nicholas Hammerstein is at the cusp of finishing high school in his hometown of Los Alamos, NM. He has a seemingly ideal life and is blessed with loving parents, a cute baby sister, and great friends. Nicholas is a gifted student and martial artist who has dreams of leaving for college at the end of his senior year. But, living in a world of Emergent humans, he will soon find his life turned upside down as his life and the fate of a kingdom hang in the balance. His future and theirs will be determined by how he navigates the drastic changes in his body and the magical and superpowered Mergent population he joins.

Emerald Princess - Chapter 59 - Cubed

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Emerald Princess

Chapter 59: Cubed
by Sofia Hammerstein


Eighteen-year-old Nicholas Hammerstein is at the cusp of finishing high school in his hometown of Los Alamos, NM. He has a seemingly ideal life and is blessed with loving parents, a cute baby sister, and great friends. Nicholas is a gifted student and martial artist who has dreams of leaving for college at the end of his senior year. But, living in a world of Emergent humans, he will soon find his life turned upside down as his life and the fate of a kingdom hang in the balance. His future and theirs will be determined by how he navigates the drastic changes in his body and the magical and superpowered Mergent population he joins.

Wings, part 42 of 62

On Furry Friday, I had Jill venn me into a two-headed creature with a sheep-like head and a wolf-like head. After some practice, I tried talking with my usual voice with the sheep head and with a fake Scottish accent with the wolf head; I would recommend the meat dishes with the wolf head and the vegetable dishes and salads with the sheep head.

Wednesday Knights -- Chapter 14: Forfeit

Cherry Jubilee Issue 2


Flying through the city, with her heart afire
To see our guardian angel is our desire.
Hot-blooded fury v. endless love
She will never resist a fight to save you or me.
The HIGH SCHOOL SENTAI, Cherry Jubilee!

Rocky Horror Night


Rocky Horror Night
A Vignette
By Maryanne Peters

It is just the thing everybody does. If you are going to the stage show if it is on, or even a special viewing of the movie, guys go in drag. It was just that in my case I couldn’t pull it off. It didn’t look like drag on me. It just made me look like a girl.

Necromancer Unmanned: Chapter 36

Necromancer Unmanned
Chapter 36
Friendly Conversations

Keir was in the middle of studying a strix, drawing out the incredibly complex weave of magic that gave it shape. It was not an easy process, especially when combined with the irritation and low level pain coming from his body. The clothes he was wearing weren't helping matters either. With his current monthly visitor, a dress was simply easier to wear for hygiene reasons.

April's Fool - 35

Desdemonia and the rest of the council filed into their respective places around the dais where I sat, holding my tentacular head.

“Seth!” April yelled up at me in Desdemonia’s voice. “I’m so sorry! I had no idea!”

“We need to reverse this!” I said, and everyone held their ears. My voice was rather high-pitched and strident.

“Even if we could, it would just find another way into this reality!” Desdemonia said in April’s voice. “This way, we can at least terminate it upon entry into this realm.”

James: 21st Century Young Man – 6 Mother’s Day and Beyond

James: 21st Century Young Man – 6
Mother’s Day and Beyond

By Jessica C

James intruded on his mother's call...
He volunteered to be her daughter for a Mother/Daughter Event...

Emerald Princess - Chapter 58 - Keys

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Emerald Princess

Chapter 58: Keys
by Sofia Hammerstein


Eighteen-year-old Nicholas Hammerstein is at the cusp of finishing high school in his hometown of Los Alamos, NM. He has a seemingly ideal life and is blessed with loving parents, a cute baby sister, and great friends. Nicholas is a gifted student and martial artist who has dreams of leaving for college at the end of his senior year. But, living in a world of Emergent humans, he will soon find his life turned upside down as his life and the fate of a kingdom hang in the balance. His future and theirs will be determined by how he navigates the drastic changes in his body and the magical and superpowered Mergent population he joins.

April's Fool - 34

“And now,” April flourished Desdemonia’s hands, “Comes the moment we’ve all been waiting for.” She beckoned to me.

I took a deep breath. This was it.

If I took that step forward, I could be leaving humanity behind forever, doomed to an eternity, or perhaps, many eternities as another being entirely. Something so completely alien, even aliens from another galaxy would be more familiar. In exchange for what?

I saw the scowling faces of my parents. I was happy they were there. Hopefully, they would make sure there was no funny business.

(Rewritten) Doom Valley Prep School: Chapter 39

Drying off after the hot tub, I leaned over and quietly asked Ella, “What exactly is a manicure and pedicure?”

“You really are a boy,” she whispered, her smile taking any potential sting out of her words. “They're going to clean, massage, and colour our hands, feet, and nails. It feels really nice, just relax and go with it.”


More DopplerPress

Princess Warrior by Melanie Brown on Kindle


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John was pissed that he died on the beach at Normandy.

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It was June 6, 1944 and to say Private John Burton was unhappy would be an understatement. Even though he had heard General Eisenhower's speech on the radio, he really wanted to be elsewhere. Not that he wasn't a red-blooded American and not that he didn't grasp the importance of the mission. It's just that he was convinced there was a German bullet with his name on it. It was a feeling he just couldn't shake. All the trouble his parents went through to raise him, scolding him into good behavior, getting onto him to make good grades. And then all the money and effort Uncle Sam went through to prepare and train him for this exact moment, everything his life was moving towards would come to a wasted end on a beach in France he'd never heard of. He just knew it. And he was mightily annoyed about it.

Being annoyed couldn't describe how John felt when not even ten feet from the landing craft onto the sands of the beach before being cut down by German machine gun fire. Talk about being angry as he fell onto the sand...

And then even more angry when he woke up in another time and place as a naked teen girl...

Princess Warrior
On Kindle!
by Melanie Brown

Pea Pod 3: Give Peas a Chance


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The continuing adventures of Doug Gordon, Queen of Ka'an. (Ka'an in Mayan means Heaven.) Ka'an is actually an alien world populated by women... and a man-eating plant. Well, it is actually male-eating plants that spit out females. Doug and his wives fixed everything, but now Doug must remake a planet... and it seems Ka'an will be remade in his image!

Pea Pod 3

It's the third book in Holly's rollicking adventure story about a man, a plant, a harem - Ka'an!

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