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(aka Bike) Part 1041 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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Simon galloped into the room followed by Julie, while I sat and wailed on the bed holding the lifeless child.
“What’s the matter?” he asked.
“I think she’s OD’d.” I pointed at the packet on the floor and he bent to pick it up.
It was a pack of Stella’s barbiturate tablets. Oh shit–these are really dangerous, I didn’t even know they were being used these days.
Stella finally came into the room, “What’s all the fuss about?” she asked calmly.
“These,” I flung the packet at her; “How many were left in here?”
“I have no idea–I thought I’d thrown them out.”
“Was it half full or more?”
“I can’t remember, why?” she looked at the unconscious figure lying in my arms. “Oh bugger–get an ambulance and tell them it’s barbiturate poisoning–a nine year old. NOW.” She pushed Julie out of the room, who fled down the stairs to make the call.
“Are we going to embarrass her as well?” Stella asked me.
“What–she’s dying, and you’re worried about embarrassment?”
“Hopefully, she’ll be okay–when did she take them?”
“She was awake when I found her, she’s been out for five minutes at most.”
“Okay, let’s strip her, and redress her in her pyjamas, so at least she won’t be asked too many awkward questions.” I could see her point and between us we took off the dress and panties and replaced them with her previous pyjamas.
Within minutes the ambulance sirens were heard, Simon picked up the unconscious child and carried him downstairs. Julie let in the paramedics, Stella handed them the empty packet.
They wired up the unconscious child to the various monitors and then dashed out to the ambulance. Simon and I got ready to run to his car to follow. “If we’re not back, collect the girls.” Stella nodded to say she understood the message.
The ambulance screamed off with sirens blaring and blue lights flashing, Simon hammered along behind in the Jaguar. I jumped out and rushed in to Accident and Emergency while he went to park the car.
“Yes, madam?” said the receptionist.
“My child has just come in by ambulance, we suspect a barbiturate overdose.”
“Okay, can we take some details–?”
I suppose they were necessary but the whole bloody planet seems to run on forms of one sort or another. I filled them in and then went to sit in the waiting area where Simon joined me a few minutes later.
I was called and a nurse took me off to a small office. “It’s very unusual for children to take an overdose, we’ll have to report this to the appropriate authorities. How did your son acquire the tablets?”
The inquisition went on for some time. At the end I asked if Dr Rose was on duty. The nurse went off to find out. “Does he know your son?”
“I think so, he certainly knows me.”
She disappeared again and returned saying, “He’s on his way over.”
“Thank you.”
Sam Rose appeared a few minutes later and when he did, he saw me engulfed in a hug by Simon.
“Well, well–to what do I owe this pleasure?”
“It isn’t a pleasure, Sam, one of my foster kids took an overdose of barbiturate.”
His face dropped. “Which one?”
“Billy, the nine year old boy.”
“Any reason?”
“He’s been a bit different for a couple of days, then decided he’d like to be a girl.”
“Nothing new there then?” Sam replied shaking his head.
“It was for him, but Trish and Livvie encouraged him. I let him dress up over the weekend and he came with the other girls when I took them to school. The next thing I know he’s sitting in with the other girls his age and before I could rescue him, he’s halfway through a history class, working in a small group with some of the other girls.
“He said he really enjoyed himself and when we got back he was full of it the way he was talking with Simon. I went to start making lunch and wondered where he was. I went to look and found him sobbing on the bed. he went unconscious while I was trying to talk with him. It was then I saw the tablets and we called for help. They were barbiturates, which Stella thought she had disposed of.”
He shook his head, “Nasty little drug, barbiturate.”
“They use it for putting animals to sleep, don’t they?”
He nodded. “I’m surprised Stella was using it. Has the child been seen by a shrink of any sort?”
“Yes, Stephanie saw him on Sunday.”
“Yesterday, and she didn’t pick up a suicidal ideation? She’s slipping.”
“Sam, we don’t know it’s a suicide attempt, do we.”
“Taking a pile of pills? Whatever else could it be?”
“We don’t know until we can talk to her,” I held on to Simon’s arm as I spoke.
“I’ll go and see how he is.” He left and I looked at Simon and my eyes filled with tears.
“She’ll be okay,” Simon whispered and hugged me.
“Have you noticed we’re talking about her as if she was a girl?” I observed.
“Yeah, I suppose we are, but then apart from Tom and I, and little Danny, it felt as if everyone else was.”
“Should we let Stephanie know?”
Simon shrugged, “Better see what Sam says.”
“I just don’t know how it happened.” I cuddled into him.
“Perhaps she thought they were sweets?”
“Come off it, she’s not the brightest bulb in the box, but she’s not stupid.”
“Right, this is how you’re going to play it,” said Sam re-entering the office; “I suggested it’s an accident, he thought they were sweets. Stick to the party line and I’ll do what I can to hush it up.”
“We will, is she going to be alright?”
“She? There’s a little boy in there–and yes, he’ll be fine. Very sleepy for a few hours, but he’s going to be fine.”
“Should we tell Stephanie?”
“I’ll give her a ring and ask her to phone you.”
“When can we take Billy home?”
“Hopefully in an hour or two–so if you want some lunch, I’d get it now.”
“I’m not hungry,” I said but it didn’t stop Simon dragging me off to the hospital cafeteria, and judging by the amount he ate, his appetite was unaffected.
I sipped a cup of tea and pushed the sandwich he’d bought me around the plate. “How can you eat at a time like this?”
“A chap’s got to keep his strength up, missus. I mean, I have to support you as well as all the others.”
“I have my own job, Simon, I contribute too.”
“Yeah, I know you think you do, babes.”
I decided that it was hardly the right time or place for an argument, so I said nothing.
My mobile rang and vibrated in my bag, and I answered it: “Hello?”
“Hello, ma’am, it’s Maureen.”
“Hi, Maureen, can I call you back we’re rather busy at the moment.”
“Of course, ma’am–I was just calling to say the doc says he thought I could start back to work in a week or two.”
“Can we talk about it later, Maureen, I’ll call you later.” I rang off and put the phone back in my bag. It was the last thing I was going to think about for the moment.

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Oh shoot!
Even at 9 years of age, Billie knows that transition to a girl as whole and complete as Livvy or Meems isn't possible. She may not know about Cathy but knows about Trish and, possibly, Julie.
Oh shoot. If it was a real OD attempt, that could affect the treatment.
Very realistic.
Wallah ! The child is OK!
She was so happy and then tries to kill herself? Can't get my head around that one?
Billie Might Have Mistaked Them For Hormones
Billie may have thought they were hormones and thought that they were what Julie was taking. I hope the poor thing will be okay.
Good Guess!
This line of thinking makes some sense.
Good News
Kind of a good news episode today:
Maybe the final point there is not such good news for Cathy. If Sam's about, what's the bet that he tries inveigling her to perform some more blue light healing at the hospital?
Thanks A&B: at least my fingernails will get a rest before the next installment.
Pleased Somehow
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We're not out of the woods yet
Child welfare is gonna stick their nose into this. A foster child seemingly just attempted suicide and now wants to be a girl.
Cathy's gonna need all the help she can get. Simon is still f'ing full of himself.
It does sound like Dr.
It does sound like Dr. Stephanie will have her work cut out for her after Billy/Billie is released from the hospital. I agree that maybe Billie thought the pills were female hormone pills and took them for that reason believing they would instantly change him to a girl. At 9 years of age, I doubt seriously if he understood the words written on the bottle as to what they were or did. He most likely could not even pronounce the name of the medicine. It is not so unusual for adults to get so complancent regarding medications that they don't put them away and secure them as they should. It is also a well known fact that more and more children, teens mostly, are abusing prescription medications taken from their parents or other older relatives; altho I don't believe this is what Billie was doing. Jan
Bike pt 1041.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
How do you know...
...that it didn't work?
The blue light seems to work in its own mysterious ways. At this point in time, you don't know whether it repaired physical problems. Then again, we don't know if it decided that its help was unnecessary.
Physical Science
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Not necessarily
Cathy didn't know about the OD when she blue-lighted Bill(y/ie). She walked into the bedroom, found the child sobbing, and concentrated on the emotional healing:
Not knowing how many barbiturate tablets were in the packet Stella had discarded, we don't know how many were taken. It sounds as though Bill(y/ie) is going to recover, so it's entirely possibly the blue light mopped up most of the barbiturates in the child's system. Sam's right to spin the tale that the child thought the tablets were sweets (the fact the tablets were Stella's rather than Cathy or Simon's may help), but you can bet that privately, the family and clinicians will be trying to find out the real reason. One potential fly in the ointment is if social services try to interview the children alone (i.e. without other adults present), as Trish and Livvie in particular are likely to let slip Bill(y/ie)'s gender confusion.
EAFOAB Episode Summaries
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
I hope Billie
sticks to Sam's party line when she wakes up properly, Things could get a little difficult if she doesn't!!
I dunno
I dunno where Angharad's taking us with this one. Cathy didn't explain to Maureen what she was busy with. Perhaps the last paragraph is to re-introduce Maureen back into the story maybe with an eye to employing her as a permanent child-cum-house minder. I hope Maureen doesn't feel rejected by Cathy's seemingly brusque manner but she was after-all preoccupied and failed to tell Maureen why.
As for wee Billie/y, well we'll just have to wait and see. At least she's alive and you can do stuff with live people, (Even cure them!)here's hoping Billie/y and Cathy and Sam and Steph can get it right.
Good luck Billie/y I sincerely hope it goes right for you and don't let yourself ever be locked into a psychological profile that the quack's think 'best fits'! keep all your options open kid!
Still loving this story,
Thanks Angharad, (and Bonzi).
Love and hugs
Completely unrelated...
Women Cyclists and Lorries
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
I posted a comment as hillslug, it's a subject that tends to rattle my cage. Bad drivers kill cyclists, bad cyclists tend to kill or injure themselves.
A reminder of a quite funny episode where a driver runs himself over with help from his dog.
I have just spent the last 3 days reading this saga from start to finish, all I can say is EXCELLENT!!!!
Maybe my family will talk to me again now that I am no longer ignoring them :)
Only three days?
You obviously have well-developed reading skills!
I'm assuming you slept during that time.
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I love to read and can shut
I love to read and can shut myself off to the world around me if something grabs me :)
all I can say is WOW
to guest reader, because I've been reading this saga, something like 10 hours or more a day up to this chapter & I'm sure I've been more than couple or three days.
PS - I've been laid up by a car accident, and tho by now I'm past the drugs part mostly in pain control, i'm still pretty much immobile & I love to read, so .... whats a girl ta do :-)
besides enjoy a very provocative story thats very well written
It is going to be interesting in hearing Billie's side of the story. And finding out if she really meant to kill herself.
I dearly hope Billie thought
I dearly hope Billie thought he was taking hormone pills, it would make sense after a nice day like that. Little kids think if 1 pill works, then 20 would really work. I know I did.
Dr Rosen has killed the call to the coppers, now how about Child Welfare ? This would kill any further adoptions.