(aka Bike) Part 1000 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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When I came back from the bathroom Billy was still lying in the bed crying. I wasn’t quite sure what to do. He was face down on the bed, hugging his pillow and sobbing quietly. I sat beside him and ruffled his hair, “What’s the problem?”
It took him several minutes to control himself and finally he blurted out, “I don’t want to wear a dress.”
“Do I take it you’ve gone off the idea of being a girl?”
He nodded and spluttered something which I assumed was yes.
“That’s okay, in fact, I’m actually pleased.”
He gave me a curious sort of glance.
“I’ve actually got enough daughters, which was what I tried to tell you earlier. I’m pleased that you’re one of my sons. All mothers love their sons you know, sadly not all sons love their mothers.”
“I love you, Mummy,” he hiccoughed.
“I know you do, son–so much in fact, you thought I’d prefer you as a girl. That’s quite a sacrifice to make, but the truth is, it would upset me more than please me. I’d still love you, but I’d be sad.”
“Why, Mummy?”
“Because it would show I’d failed to give you enough love as a boy for you to want to remain one.”
“But what about Trish and Julie?”
“I keep telling you, they have always wanted to be girls and hate being boys. I really think of them as girls with a small anatomical problem rather than girls stuck in a boy’s body–which doesn’t explain anything really.”
“So you don’t love them any more than you love me an’ Danny?”
“No. I love you all the same. I just find it harder to gel with boys because I’m not one, but I shall try harder. Do you forgive me for getting it wrong?”
He sat up and put his arms round me, sniffing into my ample chest, “I love you, Mummy, you’re the best Mummy there is.”
“And I love you too, Billy boy, you’re one of the best sons there is.” I hugged him tightly and kissed the top of his head.
“I was silly, wasn’t I?”
“No, son, you were anxious and scared. I was the silly one.”
Thankfully the rest of the day was easier and I managed to persuade them all to muck in and help. The morning was busy but by lunchtime we were nearly ready to go to Southsea.
I packed the car full of towels and changes of clothes and with the girls in my car, the boys and Julie in Tom’s, Stella had Puddin’ and spare everythings. We set off for the party and hoped to meet Simon there a little later.
The journey with three excited kids in the car was far from easy–they kept complaining about the traffic and wanting to bounce about in the back seat, while I, deprived of sleep, was struggling to stay even tempered. We eventually got to the hotel and almost as soon as I stopped the car the girls were off and I had to call them back.
“Don’t you dare go running off like that, you could have been knocked down.” They all stood with hands in front of them and eyes fixed on the floor. “Take a bag each and carry them into the party room.” They did and once again scampered into the hotel. Stella came in next and parked beside me, and I carried Puddin’ while she grabbed several bags and hauled them into the foyer.
As befits the owner’s family we were immediately assisted by two porters who took all the bags and led us through to the party room, which is their events room, but it was done up like a dog’s dinner with pink balloons and ribbons and a big banner saying, Happy Birthday Livvie. I met the young couple who were going to entertain the kids, and they told me to relax and enjoy myself. If I could have booked into a bedroom and slept for a couple of hours, I could have relaxed and enjoyed myself.
Tom and the boys arrived with Leon and Julie–they seem to come as a pair these days. Somehow, Julie had purchased one of these artificial vagina things and had glued it on, calling me to see it before she dressed again.
I was shocked initially, then cross that she’d spent so much money–I asked her how she’d managed it? She’d done it in cahoots with Stella, who’d helped her apply it. The manufacturers claimed it could be used for swimming, so we’d soon find out–I had a surreal moment when I imagined the lifeguards seeing this thing floating in the pool and wondering what the hell it was. I had great difficulty not sniggering at the thought–just the silliness of it. Anyway, hopefully, it wouldn’t happen, and Julie would keep her virtue and her little secret safe. I did tell her I took a dim view of any sort of full on sex, even with a rubber fanny. She poked her tongue out at me in dissent and told me to ‘wise up’. I wasn’t entirely sure what that meant.
The other children arrived from three o’clock onwards and the drips and drabs became a full torrent. I was delighted that Sister Maria did come and told me she had her swimming cossie with her and intended to wear it. I admired her for her fortitude, not that she had a bad figure, and it was nice to see her in jeans and a top–being off duty.
By the time everyone was there, we had probably twenty kids plus at least twenty adults if not more. The timetable was play in the pool for an hour, then some snacks and pop, some entertainment and games, then the official tea and finally the cake and blowing out of the candles, cutting the cake and everyone having a bit with distribution of the goody bags.
Even with our discount it was costing several hundred pounds, so I thought they could each have one such party and that’s it. I gave the timetable to the adults and followed the shrieking horde as it went down to the swimming pool, of which we had exclusive use. There is another member’s pool attached to the gym, but we wouldn’t be using that today.
I changed and swam a bit, but mostly played with the girls. The boys seemed happy messing about with Leon and Julie, who actually looked very nice in her bikini–one with a tiny skirt to ‘give’ her bigger hips.
An hour later, the senior poolside lifeguard blew his whistle and everyone was asked to leave the pool and to get dried and dressed for the next part of the party. I was intrigued as how they were going to do things, but then had to concentrate on drying my hair and that of three girls. We all dressed and were collected a short time later and led to the function room, where the kids had a glass of juice and a biscuit.
Next the young couple entertained us with comedy and juggling, a unicycle and some songs–he played the piano-accordion and all the kids were singing along with him and his partner.
It was now half past four and still no sign of Simon. I began to worry that he might have had an accident, then I got dragged off to play in some of the games against the other parents.
Henry and Monica arrived and after greeting them, I asked if they knew where my husband was. They didn’t–assuming he’d be here by now, if not earlier. My fears were not alleviated despite Henry’s cheery reassurance. Once the kids spotted them, they were caught in an avalanche of grandchildren, which they both enjoyed.
After they’d run off some high spirits, we had a sit down meal at two long trestle tables, and the kids were offered a variety of snacks such as sandwiches, sausage rolls, sausages on sticks, crisps, fruit and jelly and ice cream. There were numerous other snacks some of which were aimed more at the adults than the children, so everyone should have been able to find something they liked. I had a tuna roll, just to keep me going–long enough to eat a second.
We then had a hiatus while faces were stuffed and the noise actually dropped significantly. Then the cake with candles burning was brought in and Livvie blew out the candles in two goes, while we all sang 'Happy Birthday'.
As the goody-bags were being distributed, my mobile rang and I recognised Simon’s number.
“Simon, where are you, the party’s nearly over?”
“It is for you, darlin’,” said a woman’s voice I didn’t recognise.
“Who are you?” I asked angrily, “And where is my husband?”
“Keep your wig on ladyboy, hey that’s good, lady-boy, ha ha.”
“Who are you and what are you doing with Simon’s phone?”
“Oh he gave it to me to ask me to phone you.”
My tummy flipped, who the hell was she? “To phone me about what?”
“To say he’s fed up with a fake female, so girly-boy, he’s coming away with me.”
“Where is he? Let me speak to him.”
“He’s fine, he’s just picking up the rest of his stuff from your house.”
“Let me speak to him,” I demanded but tears were streaming down my face.
“No time, girly-boy, byeee.”
I snatched up my bag, asked Henry to get the kids home safely and charged out to the car. I nearly bumped another one as I screamed out of the car park, then I was on the main road and heading back to Portsmouth. My eyes were streaming and felt so sick and angry both at the same time. If I hurried I might just catch him and find out what was really happening.
I didn’t see the van, not until it crushed in the side of my Audi and I felt myself being turned upside down and scraped along the road. Then while I was still moving everything went black––

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Congratulations Angharad.
I knew you'd come up with a cliff hanger!!
Let's see what the next thousand bring.
Always loving it.
I am really starting to build up some big muscles
hanging off all of these cliffs.
Happy thousandth !
She never dissapoints!
Wow, 1k and a super cliffhanger!
I want to much to guess whats next but I do not dare, now how to piss away 24 hours quickly?
Great achievement Ang; could have done without the cliffhanger.
At least 1K votes.
Nasty way to leave us hanging, though!
Stupid me, I was almost thinking you were gonna give us a peaceful birthday party episode for this one. Shoulda known better.
Way to go!
Congratulations Angharad
Firstly, what a marathon effort it's been for you and your sidekick, getting to 1,000 episodes. Well done, and from my point of view, it's been an exciting and intriguing journey.
Secondly, it wouldn't be a ‘typical’ Bike episode without some sort of cliffhanger, and you've outdone yourself here.
Why, oh why didn't Cathy tell someone else what was happening before she went haring off like that? I smell some sort of kidnapping type plot, and I wonder who the antagonists are if it is so.
Long may this series continue. If you keep writing it, I'll keep reading (and archiving) it! I don't know how you manage to produce so much on so regular a basis. I've recently been doing some writing, and it took me four to five hours to churn out a thousand words, yet you're doing more than that every day. So, a tip o' the hat and my grateful thanks for all your efforts.
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Cathy and her car hit and
Cathy and her car hit and pushed bottom to top! A part 1000 cliffhanger, oh my. Whatever next? Sounds like the Russians are back in town, or at least have sent in some new muscle. Congratulations to you, Angharad and Bonzi, on reaching 1000 episodes of 'Bike', what a really wonderful feat. Jan
Someone does not like her not taking the JOB?
I might have known that Southsea is a bad place for her. It seems that everytime she gets near the place, her life starts circling the drain.
What now?
Thank you so much Angharad.
Although there has been a
Although there has been a "family" decision that Cathy will not take the UN position.
There was no time for a public retraction.
Cathy's family didn't consider how BIG news about her might motivate the hateful nuts into action.
I hope it's just an accident and a minor concussion, but Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men ?
Only the Angharad (shadow) knows !
OK, it seems slightly ironic to congratulate you when Cathy's about to spend some time in hospital, but more on that later.
First of all...
Righteo, so onto the story itself.
When Cathy recovers from this latest ordeal (don't forget there are now two others in the family who have "Da Powah"), it might be worthwhile asking if Henry owns any other hotels in the area. That one seems to be a curse for Cathy - almost every time she visits it, something happens to divert her from whatever she was doing at the time...(usually involving the police).
As for Simon, I sincerely doubt he'd just up sticks and move out - especially as he'll be abandoning not only Cathy but Stella and all the children (especially Mima) who he adores. Unless Cathy was at a junction, a side-on accidental crash would be unusual. It wouldn't surprise me if the two are connected - it might also be connected to Maureen's attack the other week. It's been nearly 200 episodes since we last encountered the Mafia - and just like the Daleks, you may think you've got rid of them...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Is that trinary or alien DNA?
Cliff Richard?
I thought it might be the music to a certain Cliff Richard number. (Congratulations)
If I'm right, then it's rather apposite: Cliff Richard—cliffhanger!
Piano Solo
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Sounds to me
to be a deliberate attempt on Cathy's life, and a kidnapping of Simon too, how else did they get his phone. Lucky Trish and Julie are close at hand and hopfully can administer the "blue light of life". I think she will back on form soon, then woe betide the antagonists.
Keep up the good work and congrats on the 1000
I was going to make a comment referring to Cathy's comment about her 'ample breasts', and then you had to do this. I never heard her referring to her breasts as ample before. Well, she had better live so that we can find out what this is all about.
YAY!!! Episode 1000
big thank you to you, Angharad for sharing this wonderful story with us all, And true to form you've left us with the cliffhanger to end all clffhangers..... But just what was the phone call all about...Was it just a ruse to get Cathy back to the cottage alone, Or could it have been away of getting Cathy to drive down a road and meet a white van man with an homicidal streak?... Only tomorrow will tell us (hopefully).
Somehow, I just knew it.
Everything was going along too smoothly.
Now, there are three ( or more things going on ).
The phone call.
The accident, ( if it is one ).
The UN job.
Does Angharad really want to start on another 1,000 or more?
And we didn't even get a look at Sister Maria ready for, or in, the pool.
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
Someone knows the right buttons to push!
I wonder who this time? They must have known that Cathy can be impulsive when the safety of her family and husband are involved. I do not think Simon let some one use his phone voluntarily. Other than the UN and Gareth (neither of who would likely be behind this), there appears to be no one Cathy or Simon's bank upset lately to be behind this. I'll vote for deranged religious terrorists. We haven't seen them before. Definitely appears to be some homophobic group, by the comment.
Nice cliffhanger.
~There is no reality, only perception~
Trish Ann
~There is no reality, only perception~
Number 1000 Is Certainly Living Up To It's Billing
Number 1000 is certainly living up to it's billing. It seems kind of fishy that the woman would be calling instead of Simon to tell her something like that. It definitely has all the classic signs of a trap and Cathy fell for it. Hopefully, she will survive this just like before. One has to wonder if she will have a Near Death Experience where her mother persuades her to take the UN job after all. Maybe someone thinks she isn't fullfilling her destiny. Only Angharad and Bonzi know for sure. Here's to another 1000 episodes of this wonderful story!
Bike pt 1000
Sounds as if the Russian Mafia is at it again, But it could be related to Beverly Taff's Skipper story since Lady Cathy did Heal in that story. The Muslim goons could be after Cathy for causing them grief and go after High Street Bank, too.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Perhaps this is unintentional?
Using the descriptor "Russian Mafia" is acceptable, as it exists in real life. "Muslim goons" is probably not a good way of describing the other group, however. One need only substitute "Christian" or "Jewish" or "Buddhist" to see how bad that sounds.
Congratulations to Angharad for the 1000th episode of her entertaining saga. Best Regards.
She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Con grande amore e di affetto, Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
It does sound bad, but it is accurate. They are goons who are using their religion as the reason for their ungodly acts.
And yes, there are Christian goons. At least, they call themselves Christians. Whether they are or not is not for me to judge, but they don't bear good fruit.
1. Thank you Angharad. I've enjoyed this from the 1st posting to the 1000th.
2. I hope it's not the end (as I'd really prefer a happy ending).
3. Something has happened to Simon. If he was going to leave Cathy, he'd be a man about it.
oooh, that wuz 'orrible
I can picture you sitting back cackling madly as you drop the piano. Seriously, this is some achievement as anyone that's done a bit of writing knows how tough it can be sometimes. To sit and do an ep almost daily for years is quite amazing, not to mention humbling for the rest of us. Even if you do question your sanity at times or that of the collective audience.
Fair cop, we's all barmy to some degree. Great stuff Ang and congrats on the milestone or is that mill... anyway, go put a new set of pedals on and keep spinning eh. Oh, the piano? Well for some reason I keep flashing on a George Clooney coffee ad, see...barmy.
Golden Granny (Oops!)..... Grammy.... Award
It's a marvellous marathon you're running (or pedalling), Angharad.
Get rid of that hotel
It's nothing but trouble. Wow... who is after Cathy this time? I suppose that episode 1000 had to be a serious cliffhanger.
1000 Votes for Bike 1000
Thank you so much Angharad (and Bonzi) for Bike, the Millennial Edition!
But, oh dear, you've left us on tenterhooks!
I may need some help getting to sleep tonight!
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
Thank you for the ride.
Angharad and Bonzi,
You both are truly evil. I got home this evening from work and the first thing I do is turn on the computer, toast a bagel and read the newest installment of bike. Not that it matters much, but today is my Friday and other than some errands and chores around the house I don't have much to distract me until you release the next episode. Most days of the week there is work to distract me until I make it home to catch up with my favorite story.
Um...what was the point to this rambling? Oh, yes. Congratulations on 1000 wonderful installments of Bike. I really am looking forward to the next 1000. Thank you for all your hard work. I know we all appreciate everything you put into your stories.
V/r Jeff B.
Thanks very much for the
Thanks very much for the ongoing serial, it's a very good read.
It's also a very generous donation of time and effort for the enjoyment of others.
Hopefully your muse is providing positive feedback.
Cathy might be a brillient scientist...
but she has the truly stupid tendency to go off half-cocked. She really needs to take some lessons on how not to lose your cool.
Uh oh...
It looks like Ang is going to finally kill off Cathy -- like she tried to do when that goon stabbed her. I wonder what her funeral will be like.
I'll have you know...
that my upper body strength isn't quite what it used to be... So, if this is a cliff (and not the conclusion), I hope the rescue is soon.
Not nice! Bonzi, did you do it?
I was happy to see Cathy and Billy straighten things out. The party sounded WAY over the top, but the kids (& likely adults) are sure to have a good time.
Wonder what the story is with Simon, though... Hope it's not just a friend on a gigantic wind-up.
For being the first to legitimately need the number 3 in the outlining weights. :) Are you going to try for 4?
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Are there many
who need 2? As for 4, that would take about 30 years, wouldn't it? You'd need a bigger server for the archive.
Thanks for your continuing indulgence.
This almost seems familiar. We shall see.
Congrats on the 1000 mark. I suspect you will hit 2000, but then I'm cheating.
Slowly catching up...
Just when things were starting to calm down, wham! But this should be interesting. (I'm cheating - I know I have the better part of 1000 more episodes yet to read.)
I have to say I am amazed at the sustained effort required to keep up a serial for so long. I have been known to write a couple thousand words in an hour or so on occasion but to do it daily, I'm in awe. "I'm not worthy. I'm not worthy...." he says while bowing repeated.
What a milestone!
What a great achievement with 1,000 episodes of this ongoing cliffhanger! I think I've experienced every emotion there is! Now I only have 1,600 more episodes to go to catch up!
What a great story!
Disaster strikes, Posting 1000, Simon and Cathy, both !
Bonzi, don't ever try to come to the US, I know people, Full cavity searches for all !
Simon has been Kidnaped, Cathy has been T-boned, maybe by the bad guys. and Julie's wearing a glue-on (?) virgina.
Wow, one thousand chapters, quite an accomplishment !
The Epic
The story is close to 3.6 million words. So at 500 words a page that's about 7200 pages or 24 300 page novels. That's a lot! Not even taking my shoes and sox off helps with the maths involved.
And, it is not some dredge that is boring and mundane. I've seen Cathy progress from some pitiful, low self image tranny wanna be to a titled woman of dignity with a dozen or so children. How could life be any better than that?
Along the way she has helped at least one woman, and perhaps dozens, to dig through their entrails, get over themselves, and develop a tolerable life.
of course
you would put a cliffhanger at chapter 1000, and a big one. I was going to go to sleep, it is after 3 AM here but nooooooo. Bad Angharad.