CAUTION: Sex / Sexual Scenes

Holiday's Inn

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Holiday’s Inn

by Maeryn Lamonte – Copyright © 2022

This one is pretty rough and ready. I only just finished it this morning and haven’t had a chance to proof-read it yet. Since I wrote most of it on my phone and have a constant battle against the stupid autocorrect, there may be some unusual sentences in there, but hopefully you’ll be able to make out what was intended. Please message me when (rather than if) you find any and I’ll correct as quickly as I can.

This one has quite a lot of sex in it, but I’ve tried to keep it more euphemistic than graphic, so hopefully it’ll more fun than anything. There is also a little violence and jeopardy later on, but in the in the same vein as George of the Jungle (remember that one?), nobody dies in this story, they just get great big booboos.

Anyway, this is sort of Christmassy which was why I wanted to get it out today. Season’s greetings to all and much love.

Oh yes, I’ve been putting some of my stories on Amazon recently. Most of them are still available here, but if you want a Kindle version (and watch this space for when I get the paper version worked out), then my Amazon UK author page is here

and my Amazon US author page is here

A Mouthful of Troubles

A high powered office executive gets found out for sexually abusing his female coworkers via abuse of position, rather than go to jail, he chooses an unusual job reassignment.

Warning: contains multiple explicit sexual scenes in combination to bizarre body modifications.

Audience rating may increase if required.

This story can be considered in the same "universe" as my stories "Submission" and "My Left Eye is Sexy!"

Shroom Dungeon - First Delve (9/9)

Slowly, Tiberius is getting the hang of things.
One year ago he joined the adventurers Conway, Debtar, and Sinea as a freshly baked mage.
His new friends had been generous with their advice and friendship.
But when the topic of Shroom Dungeon is brought up, they are unusually mum about any details.
They agree on one thing quickly. It was time for Tiberius to delve into Shroom Dungeon.
A dungeon yet undefeated. A place to lose yourself.

Stories set in Shroom Dungeon deal with sexual themes.
Sometimes explicit. Reader discretion is advised.

Pictures of Pictures

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Pictures of Pictures
By Sabrina G. Langton


Author's Note: Hi, something a little different, something a little heartwarming for the holidays. Heartwarming? Yeah I don't even know what that means. Ha, Hope YOU like it.


I don't know what I was expecting. It was all new to me but I think that's what I liked most about it.

Shroom Dungeon - First Delve (8/9)

Slowly, Tiberius is getting the hang of things.
One year ago he joined the adventurers Conway, Debtar, and Sinea as a freshly baked mage.
His new friends had been generous with their advice and friendship.
But when the topic of Shroom Dungeon is brought up, they are unusually mum about any details.
They agree on one thing quickly. It was time for Tiberius to delve into Shroom Dungeon.
A dungeon yet undefeated. A place to lose yourself.

Stories set in Shroom Dungeon deal with sexual themes.
Sometimes explicit. Reader discretion is advised.

Shroom Dungeon - First Delve (7/9)

Slowly, Tiberius is getting the hang of things.
One year ago he joined the adventurers Conway, Debtar, and Sinea as a freshly baked mage.
His new friends had been generous with their advice and friendship.
But when the topic of Shroom Dungeon is brought up, they are unusually mum about any details.
They agree on one thing quickly. It was time for Tiberius to delve into Shroom Dungeon.
A dungeon yet undefeated. A place to lose yourself.

Stories set in Shroom Dungeon deal with sexual themes.
Sometimes explicit. Reader discretion is advised.

Momma Hatter

This story takes place a few years after Hatter’s babysitter.

“Mom, do you know where I left my cell phone?’ Bree was looking all over her bedroom for her cell phone.

Aylin walks into her oldest daughter’s bedroom with her cell phone in her hand. She stands in the doorway “you left it in the bathroom again, sweetie.”

Normal 2: For the Birds

The character in this story was introduced as an encounter in The Kissing Bandit. I later decided the character deserved a background of her own. Normal started as a way of reconciling the inconsistencies.


I’m Ben Plover. I was a perfectly ordinary thirteen-year-old boy until it happened. Actually, until two things happened. Where most boys grew hair on their body, I started growing feathers. And I started turning into a girl!

Shroom Dungeon - First Delve (6/9)

Slowly, Tiberius is getting the hang of things.
One year ago he joined the adventurers Conway, Debtar, and Sinea as a freshly baked mage.
His new friends had been generous with their advice and friendship.
But when the topic of Shroom Dungeon is brought up, they are unusually mum about any details.
They agree on one thing quickly. It was time for Tiberius to delve into Shroom Dungeon.
A dungeon yet undefeated. A place to lose yourself.

Stories set in Shroom Dungeon deal with sexual themes.
Sometimes explicit. Reader discretion is advised.

Children of Naethari: Chapter 19



Chapter 19: Heat

When Jon was offered a possible cure for Cancer he didn't expect to wake up as a girl, let alone a mermaid.


My sister looked pointedly at Kara and me and shook her head. “No, Jenny, but it’s pretty obvious that our sisters can’t stay focused. They’re too distracted, and if we keep trying to push it right now someone is going to get hurt.”

Maintenance Workout - Candi Run

Zane has worked for four months as an android operator at Castor Analytics.
A company specializing in storing androids and doing maintenance on them.
Of all the androids Zane had transferred into, Candi has a special place in his heart.
It had been the android he went through his trial by fire with.
And by now, Zane thinks he knows everything there is to know about Candi.
But Candi has a few more tricks up her sleeve.

This is the sequel to the short story Maintenance Workout - The New Yoga Dance Doll.

Shroom Dungeon - First Delve (5/9)

Slowly, Tiberius is getting the hang of things.
One year ago he joined the adventurers Conway, Debtar, and Sinea as a freshly baked mage.
His new friends had been generous with their advice and friendship.
But when the topic of Shroom Dungeon is brought up, they are unusually mum about any details.
They agree on one thing quickly. It was time for Tiberius to delve into Shroom Dungeon.
A dungeon yet undefeated. A place to lose yourself.

Stories set in Shroom Dungeon deal with sexual themes.
Sometimes explicit. Reader discretion is advised.

Kim To Kimberly – Ch.2: Blind Date At The Drive-in

Kim To Kimberly is the serialized story of an effeminate young man trapped into a reluctant transition by his older sister and her alpha male ex-boyfriend. In Chapter Two, Karen decides to push the limits of Kim’s feminine alter-ego Kimberly, by setting him up on a double date at the drive-in with a horny college boy. Here, the sissy’s fantasy of being an attractive girl is put to the test. -- I understand that this site generally features gentler and sweeter stories, so I must say that the situation described here is not typical of my story going forward.

Magic Blanket

My third story posted here, but actually the first one I started preparing to post. It's actually one of my older stories. But... it wasn't properly finished (which is my biggest writing problem), and needed editing to fix typos, grammar, and inconsistencies. Not to mention it's 3 times as long as the first two put together, so there was more of all that. Read on to find out what that magic blanket does.

Chapter 1: Boom

Friday, December 7, 2007, 11 PM

Boom! I awoke to the sound, and to complete darkness.

A Model for CC's Pt.7

Chapter 7

Arrived back in that awful room of his Linda led him straight to the bathroom. “Good sissy, first things a sissy should always be clean inside and out, sissies should always smell pretty and to ensure that you are going to bath twice a day from now on. Once every morning and once every evening. Running your bath is the first thing you should do when waking up or when going in your room to head to bed as it takes a while to fill.” Linda explained as she showed Victor how to run his bath. He was used to taking showers, but this room didn’t even have a shower.

Shroom Dungeon - First Delve (4/9)

Slowly, Tiberius is getting the hang of things.
One year ago he joined the adventurers Conway, Debtar, and Sinea as a freshly baked mage.
His new friends had been generous with their advice and friendship.
But when the topic of Shroom Dungeon is brought up, they are unusually mum about any details.
They agree on one thing quickly. It was time for Tiberius to delve into Shroom Dungeon.
A dungeon yet undefeated. A place to lose yourself.

Stories set in Shroom Dungeon deal with sexual themes.
Sometimes explicit. Reader discretion is advised.

The Substitute Housewife Part 5

The next day I woke with Ken's arms wrapped around me. I liked the feeling and wanted to stay in bed. I knew I had to get ready for the day and get breakfast started. After all, I was the lady of the house.

I showered first, then shaved. There was almost no hair. Just a slight fuzz. I only normally shaved every two to three days. I did my makeup and choose what I was going to wear.

Children of Naethari: Chapter 18



Chapter 18: Bombshells

When Jon was offered a possible cure for Cancer he didn't expect to wake up as a girl, let alone a mermaid.


Natalie was quiet and withdrawn throughout our meal and then excused herself as soon as we were finished. “Sorry girls, but Maddie will be doubling as your caretaker for the next few days. I have some… things to take care of.”

The Resourceful Little Slave Girl - Chapter 13

Previously: It has been seven years since Zhou Yu was first transformed into a woman and brought to An. In order to solidify the peace between Thamud and Talos, her four year old son has been betrothed to the daughter of Princess Sabine of Talos [see Chapter 11].

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Chapter 13 - Succession

[An entry from the Journal of Queen Zhou Yu]

Dear Reader,

Shroom Dungeon - First Delve (3/9)

Slowly, Tiberius is getting the hang of things.
One year ago he joined the adventurers Conway, Debtar, and Sinea as a freshly baked mage.
His new friends had been generous with their advice and friendship.
But when the topic of Shroom Dungeon is brought up, they are unusually mum about any details.
They agree on one thing quickly. It was time for Tiberius to delve into Shroom Dungeon.
A dungeon yet undefeated. A place to lose yourself.

Stories set in Shroom Dungeon deal with sexual themes.
Sometimes explicit. Reader discretion is advised.

Blackmailed into being a woman: “Are you man enough to be a woman for me?”

Blackmailed into being a woman: “Are you man enough to be a woman for me?”

“You can keep your job if you are man enough to be my woman and woman enough to satisfy my needs.” Blackmailed into being a woman; Quid Pro Blow.

Word to the wise: When downloading porn files and you only want to “Save” them to YOUR laptop do NOT accidently click on “Save and Share.”

The Setup

Charlie and the Mrs.

Charlie and the Mrs.
By Sabrina G. Langton


Author's Note: Mmm, a nice little slice of life, some background history, just two people with a past. Nothing too sordid, nothing that you wouldn't see coming, just two people whose yearly trysts make their lives better and more fulfilling... I hope YOU like it.


Hmm... I absolutely love this. Some things you just never get tired of.

From Soccer to Sucker Pt.1


Jake had always been a player at heart and he was blessed with everything he needed to get every girl he set his mind to. At 6’2” he was really tall, his chin length wild dirty blond hair and deep grey eyes had something mesmerising to them. On top of all that he was built rather athletically, lean muscle was visible all over his body. Having entered college on a sports scholarship and having made it all the way to team captain Jake had quite the position to woo the girls with as well.

Shroom Dungeon - First Delve (2/9)

Slowly, Tiberius is getting the hang of things.
One year ago he joined the adventurers Conway, Debtar, and Sinea as a freshly baked mage.
His new friends had been generous with their advice and friendship.
But when the topic of Shroom Dungeon is brought up, they are unusually mum about any details.
They agree on one thing quickly. It was time for Tiberius to delve into Shroom Dungeon.
A dungeon yet undefeated. A place to lose yourself.

Stories set in Shroom Dungeon deal with sexual themes.
Sometimes explicit. Reader discretion is advised.

The Resourceful Little Slave Girl - Chapter 11

[Scribe's Note: It is unclear if any other entries were written by Lady Zhou between Chapters 10 and 11 of this transcription. But if there were, they have either been lost or excised. The following section occurs in the third year of the reign of King Idis II of Thamud. It has been four years since the last entry transcribed.]

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Chapter 11 Three Years Later . Absent Friends

Dear Reader,

In Between

"I’d never been with a man before, let alone two. Truth be told, I was just afraid of them as I was turned on. Maybe, ‘til that point, I’d known the wrong kind of man, and for that reason never let myself desire them..."

Shroom Dungeon - First Delve (1/9)

Slowly, Tiberius is getting the hang of things.
One year ago he joined the adventurers Conway, Debtar, and Sinea as a freshly baked mage.
His new friends had been generous with their advice and friendship.
But when the topic of Shroom Dungeon is brought up, they are unusually mum about any details.
They agree on one thing quickly. It was time for Tiberius to delve into Shroom Dungeon.
A dungeon yet undefeated. A place to lose yourself.

Stories set in Shroom Dungeon deal with sexual themes.
Sometimes explicit. Reader discretion is advised.

Anika Gets Married

Anika stands in front of the mirrors as she admires herself in the wedding dress she picked out. She was still amazed at what the Blue Lace drug had done to her body with Jack’s blood added to it. Something about Jack’s blood has physically changed her. It had hurt like hell as his blood coursed through her body.

“I think that’s the one for you, mom.” Justice couldn’t believe that Ron and Anika had adopted her. That had been a year ago, and now she was calling Anika’s mom.

An Aria for Cami, Part 4C

“She already knows, Cami. I talked to her.”

I must have looked as astonished as I felt. Though he was uncomfortable, he didn’t look away.

“It was a couple days ago. Before we made love. I knew what I wanted, but I was so afraid that I would hurt you, somehow. Especially because of your issues with PTSD. So I talked to Fiona. She’s your dragon. I figured if she thought there was any likelihood of a problem, she would wave me off. She . . . ah . . . well. She didn’t.” He was blushing, bless the man. “She also wasn’t surprised.”

The Resourceful Little Slave Girl - Chapter 6

Previously: Amber has been trained at a slave school in the ways of a pleasure slave. Sold into the house of a feudal lord named, Gaius, she has proved useful in enlarging his fortune; but at the cost of enraging the emissaries of the Seven Gods who have promised to chasten her. She disappears suddenly from Gaius' villa in Albion, and awakes in Thamud where she is sold into the royal household. A break in the narrative follows.

Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy Pt.49

Marcy’s epilogue

It had taken Marcy a while after John was finally permanently gone from her life to truly relax. She had felt his eyes and control on her for so very long that even now after weeks she still felt like she was being watched at times. It was always slightly unsettling, but in the end she managed to tell herself that it was just her imagination, after all if John hadn’t been gone he would have certainly reared his ugly head by now.

Spin The Bottle

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"Be A Girl - It's Just For One Day!"

Four teenagers: one girl and three boys are partying before they go their separate ways to different colleges when someone says 'lets play spin the bottle'. But they are one girl short so they spin the bottle to see which boy will become a girl... just for the day of course.


Subscribe to CAUTION: Sex / Sexual Scenes