CAUTION: Sex / Sexual Scenes

Underthings (4 of 6)

The Friday after Thanksgiving is traditionally a day one avoids shopping centers unless one has a specific deal they wish to take advantage of. Not Faith. Faith loved Black Friday, as it’s known – the hustle, the stampede of shoppers – she loved it.

She dragged me to the mall to buy me more clothes. She was not happy with the style she assumed Shelly inflicted on me. She said, “I can’t accept you as my older sister with the conservative clothes you wear.”

“They aren’t conservative.”

On the Eve of my 19th Birthday

With my 19th birthday coming up tomorrow, I’ll be visiting home for the first time in months. I’ve been away at college, and while there, I began my transition as a trans girl. My parents are supportive, but they’ve yet to see me as myself yet. Tomorrow will be the first day. I’ll take a train over early in the morning tomorrow to visit them, but first, I’m taking a trip down to the shops to get a new outfit, partially as a gift to myself, and partially so I can look my best tomorrow.

Girltime at the Hideaway 3

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Girltime at the Hideaway (Episode 3)
by Sabrina G. Langton


Author's Note: Here is the next Episode of 'Girltime' with Sabrina, Misty, and Chan. Sabrina gets ready for her new career, and tries to make the most of her sabbatical. But first, there is music, ha... there is always music... I hope YOU like it...


Episode 3


"Hmmm, nine and a half." Dusty Springfield was playing. She was always a nine and a half.

All I Need is a Miracle Lesson 9


I had a dream I was locked in a room with four sets of hands grabbing at me. No bodies, just the hands as they traced around my body, I wanted to kick and scream but couldn’t. I could only feel eerie sensations all over. I thrashed about and found myself on the floor of my room wrapped in my comforter and my hair all in my face.

Toni With An i - Part 5

Toni is in Light Avenue, yes! on a worknight, and what has she agreed to? Worse, what has she done to herself? Nothing other than invite the barman who was flirting with her to join her for a drink. What he wants from her she can’t even begin to fathom but considering the flirting it must involve man and woman things. What’s she going to do?

And worse, how does she continue her life after that? If she doesn’t drop dead from shame on the spot she’ll have to continue working on the healthcare report from work. She’ll have to continue having actual guys as friends knowing she, well... maybe likes doing things with them. Depending on how her drink with Jackson goes... If it’s not a joke... It’s all in Toni’s future, and all of her own making.

Toni With An i - Part 1

Tony is reserved, calm and unflappable. Every Friday night he goes to Lads’ Night, his main social outlet, drinks beers and plays games. He doesn’t even particularly like games, or the challenges or bets that go along with them, despite being very good at them. But something will happen to Tony this Friday night. Something that will change him and reveal a part of him he didn’t even know existed.

In a perfect storm of coincidences, friends, and new friends, with depths he didn’t even begin to understand, Tony could be starting a journey to a very new life. The question is what will it take for Tony to realise the Toni in him isn’t just a strange indulgence for a single night? And what will the people around him do to push him towards accepting this?

The first part of a new and ongoing serial.

My Time As A Wife 2

Sarah is invited to stay the night with Phil. She is asked to spend more time as Sarah and must decide if Sarah is more than just a pleasant distraction. Part of this is based on some recent experience of mine.

I was still breathing hard from the climax I had just experienced. My legs were like jelly. Stay the night? Despite my exhaustion, I felt myself shiver at the thought. Spend the night with a man as a woman. Not just sex, but actually sleeping with him.

World of Zhor: The Lancer's Girlhood

World of Zhor: The Lancer's Girlhood


Episode I: The son turned daughter

She querously crushed her thighs together as she rode the palanquin home. Its rising and falling as it bore her, up and down with the steady yet still human steps, was awfully reminiscent of her bouncing girlishly on Hoel's twyll just hours before. Her cheeks flushed red, and her hands drew the curtain of the palanquin closed fretfully.

Wendy the Good Witch (The End)

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Wendy the Good Witch (Part 3)
(or Brunettes with Perfect Eyesight)
By Sabrina G. Langton

Author's Note: Hmmmmm... A hotel, a deli, and a view of New Jersey don't ever say I don't take you anywhere... Oh and of course a song running through the words... Something different and something completely the same, ha... I hope YOU like it...


Wendy the Good Witch (Part 2)

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Wendy the Good Witch (Part 2)
(or Brunettes with Perfect Eyesight)
By Sabrina G. Langton


Part 2, and Wendy is ready for her big date, good thing she got all that practice in, ha... I hope YOU like it...


I took off Friday, it was so nice out. The windows were open, the weather in November is sometimes perfect, and there are so much more browns and greens than in Chelsea.

Wendy the Good Witch (Part 1)

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Wendy the Good Witch (Part 1)
(or Brunettes with Perfect Eyesight)
By Sabrina G. Langton


Author's note: Sorry no Halloween story over here... This is kind of hard to explain. It has been brewing in the back of my mind, (You know, where that 27-year-old girl with the great legs resides) for quite a while. A story about a family with secrets, that welcomes a couple of newcomers. Hope YOU like it...

Love Story - Chapter 9.6

I was overwhelmed with sensations all over my body.

There was a pull on my scalp where my wife's hands were pulling my braids. My lips felt buttery and smooth and velvety from the lipstick. I could feel my wife's soft lips on mine, her tongue in my mouth, kissing me deeply, smearing my lipstick.

Most of all, my body was contracting pleasantly, an after effect of the waves of pleasure that had washed all over me, centered in my groin.

I had leaked - that's right, leaked cum, which was pooled beneath us, on the floor.

"Wow, honey", she smirked at me, "You really are a woman"


My Dominant
A Very Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I thought that Miles was the coolest guy in school. All I wanted was to be with him. It was not a gay thing … or maybe it was?

“Sure, you can tag along”. Those were the words I wanted to hear. I tagged along, alright, all through school.

When we left school I went to work in a warehouse and he went into business with his uncle. I was frightened that we would drift apart.

“I really value our friendship, Miles”. I meant it. To me, nothing had more value. Nothing.


With assistance from Merior!

Late one morning, A and B went testing.
Having lost track of time while empesting.
It felt very good,
As she ground on his wood,
So they missed the red moon while cresting!

News soon went 'round the 'hood.
That they played with their pud.
And they were investing
In materials for nesting,
As A did what a responsible man should.

Fairy Watching

A pervy guy goes “Fairy Watching” in the fantasy town of Moonview, hoping to see up the skirts of the fairies. When he’s caught, an angry fairy turns him into a fairy girl, but is that really such a bad thing?

Leave Your World Behind


Molly walked leisurely down the paved path that snaked through the woods. It was almost dusk, and she enjoyed taking these early evening strolls after particularly hard days at work, which it certainly had been.

Verdant Dreams

Rowan sat underneath the maple tree and sighed happily. It had been twenty years since he'd last been here, and this was the first time since then that he'd felt this content.

Your New Little Sister

Sky is struggling to find a job, so he stays with his best friend Kelsey, but while she's away, he indulges in crossdressing and wearing diapers... until his best friend returns earlier than expected and finds her new baby sister! How will she respond, and what does this mean for their relationship?

I Was A Hero In Another World But My Dog-Girl Slave Swapped Places With Me And Now I Can’t Disobey Her

I Was A Hero In Another World But My Dog-Girl Slave Swapped Places With Me And Now I Can’t Disobey Her

The Hero From Another World was overpowered, moving faster and with more strength than anyone in the world, in ways that trivialized combat with enemies... but that doesn't mean he understood how to navigate a foreign culture, much less change the systems within in it he disapproved of.

After gaining the enmity of his former ally Lady Wren, he complains to his rather dumb but kind slave girl Sasha that he'd like to switch places with her and live her comparatively easy life. To his surprise, she does just that-- and it turns out she's not as dumb or as kind as the former Hero thought.

Despite her betrayal and intermittent cruelty, the former Hero becomes convinced to work with her to end slavery as a whole, and becomes enmeshed with a power struggle that lies beneath the surface of the kingdom... even as they struggle with their own identity in their new body and role.

Cover image created with Picrew’s “五百式立ち絵メーカー“!!

My Time as a Wife

This is a continuation of "Life's Lottery". Steve is delving deeper into his Sarah persona.
This story contains sexual scenes.

I bit the bullet and took some pictures of myself as Sarah. Nothing
outrageous, mainly just myself in various wigs and underwear. Then I
posted them on a few contact sites. I really did not know what to expect,
and to be honest I really don't know why I did it. I think I was seeking
affirmation that I was acceptable as a woman by men.

Love Story - Chapter 9.5

Love Story - Chapter 9.4

The next morning, I woke up earlier than my wife. I had freshened up, put my hair in a messy high ponytail and then made us a pot of coffee. I sat on the couch, sipping from a cup. Waiting.

She eventually woke up and sauntered over to where I was sitting, "Last night was something magical. I didn't know we could do that"

"Mm-mmm, yes, it was great", I said, giving her a side ways glance. She was in her night wear, with bed head, hair tousled this way and that. She gave a yawn.


Subscribe to CAUTION: Sex / Sexual Scenes