Battle Scars Part 2

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Nathan's heart raced with fear as he thought about the weight of expectations resting on his shoulders. The entire squad had their hopes pinned on him, and the thought of letting them down sent shivers down his spine. He couldn't afford to fail, not after acing the national level selections and being hailed as the youngest squad leader ever. Amber could see the worry etched on Nathan's face and tried to calm him down with her words. "Just do your best and leave the rest to destiny," she said, gently ruffling his hair. "If it's meant to be, it will be."

With blessings from his teacher, Nathan accepted the leader's armband, feeling a sense of pride and pressure wash over him.

As expected, Nathan proved to be a capable leader, completing missions with minimal casualties. He was not only an excellent fighter but also a skilled strategist. His proficiency in defensive magic made him stand out among his peers. Starting with lower rank missions, he quickly rose through the ranks and within a year was taking on S class missions with ease. Under his leadership, his squad boasted the lowest number of casualties compared to any other squad. His trusted lieutenants - Oliver, Michael, and Tristan - were formidable fighters, serving as the backbone of their elite unit. Together with Amber, they formed the four pillars of what would come to be known as one of the most successful squads in history. As their reputation grew, so did their numbers, resulting in four units of twenty-five soldiers each, with a lieutenant reporting directly to Nathan. He always preferred to lead his squad from the front, joining the battles whenever he got the opportunity. His mere presence alone boosted morale and gave his team a sense of invincibility, inspiring them to give their all and emerge victorious in every battle they faced.

As its said war is not predictable, the missions got tougher one after another. Nathan was aware sooner or later they might have to face one of the generals or even the Demon King himself and he trained hard to make sure he can defend his squad and defeat the enemy if it comes to that.
“New mission. Old General Hospital .9pm”, read the text on his phone.
Nathan somehow had a bad feeling about this. The squad convened at the designated location. The abandoned hospital was crawling with low level monsters. Nathan instructed the squads to start the purge. He kept vigilant watch on the team ready to assist if the need arises.

Nathan's squad effortlessly took down the monsters, but something didn't feel right to him. His instincts rang alarm bells, and soon he spotted a shadow creeping up on Oliver, ready to attack. Nathan reacted quickly and blocked the demon's sword before it could harm his friend. The force of the impact pushed him several yards away. He could tell this was no ordinary demon. Before he could react to the looming threat in front of him, a powerful punch knocked him back a hundred feet. As he got up, he saw a massive figure shrouded in dark smoke standing before him. The aura emanating from the demon was far stronger than any enemy Nathan had faced before. He knew that not all missions would be easy, and there would be times when he would have to face enemies with greater power than his own. He focused his mind and cast three protective spells while calling for backup. The next punch hit him like a moving truck, reminding him not to let his guard down again. He braced himself as the demon lunged at him once more, but this time Nathan was prepared. Their fists collided with such force that it sent a small shockwave, knocking back some weaker monsters in the vicinity. As the smoke cleared around the imposing figure, Nathan saw that it stood at least seven feet tall with a muscular body and slightly large vampire-like canines. He realized that this was none other than the demon king himself, and one wrong move could cost him his life. The monster continued to throw punches at him with incredible speed, forcing Nathan to both dodge and block them. But Nathan was no weakling either; standing at six feet tall with an athletic build, he possessed strength and agility that only grew when aided by his magical abilities. Armed with a katana-like sword and a large revolver gun, he was skilled in both ranged and melee combat, as well as hand-to-hand combat. He knew how to utilize spells to enhance his physical abilities, allowing him to hold his own against stronger opponents.
Oliver and Michael were fighting the general together and were barely able to hold their own against him. Their armor showed signs of damage, and they had lost a lot of their stamina battling weaker monsters.

The intense battle raged on, the clash of fists and steel filling the air. The demon king's attacks were relentless, coming in a barrage that Nathan struggled to block and dodge. Each strike that landed sent him staggering back, his armor bearing the brunt of the damage but still holding up. He knew he couldn't afford to give up, not with the fate of his fellow hunters at stake. A small sense of relief washed over him knowing that Amber hadn't joined them on this mission today.

But as the battle wore on, Nathan could feel his strength waning. Blood trickled from his nose and other wounds; his ribs likely broken from the force of the demon's punches. Yet he refused to back down, mustering all of his remaining energy for a surprise attack. Switching to an offensive stance, he caught the demon off-guard and managed to slice off its arm and shoot through its knee in one fluid motion. The demon knelt in pain, but it was far from defeated.

Laughing maniacally, the demon spoke to Nathan. "Thank you," it said. "I haven't had this much fun in ages. I'll remember you."

But Nathan had no intention of becoming another victim of the demon's twisted games. He evaded its attacks as best he could, only blocking when necessary. He knew that his survival, and that of his comrades, depended on fighting as long as possible. His body was covered in numerous wounds and his stamina was almost completely drained.

Meanwhile, Tristan had joined forces with Oliver and Michael, pushing back the lesser monsters and causing the General to retreat. Together, they dealt powerful blows to the demon, each strike more deadly than the last. However, Nathan realized that their efforts would be futile unless they could find a way to reach the demon's heart. It continued to regenerate from each injury inflicted upon it.

Just as Nathan was starting to lose ground, the sound of approaching sirens filled the air. The backup had finally arrived! With a final burst of strength, Nathan fought on, determined to hold out until the reinforcements could finish off the demon.

"I haven't had this much fun in decades," the demon cackled. "I'll come for you again. We'll finish this next time." And with those ominous words, it vanished in a thick cloud of smoke.

Nathan collapsed onto the ground, his chest heaving as he struggled to catch his breath. He knew he had sustained serious injuries, likely broken ribs among them. But for now, he was just grateful to be alive and to have bought enough time for his comrades to join the battle and drive back the demon. Until their next encounter, Nathan would rest and recover, knowing that he had done his duty as a hunter that night.
Amber raced through the corridors of the medical ward, her heart pounding with fear and desperation. She finally reached Nathan's room and saw him lying on a bed, his body covered in bandages. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she ran to his side, kissing him on the lips before wrapping her arms tightly around him. It took Nathan a grueling month to recover from his injuries, sustained during their battle against the demon king. He knew that if he wanted to survive their next encounter, he needed to become even stronger.

For the next two years, Nathan dedicated himself to rigorous training, pushing himself to enhance both his physical strength and his magical abilities. His determination paid off as he grew in power, able to complete difficult missions with relative ease. He had numerous confrontations with the demon king's generals, standing his ground against them and nearly defeating them. Nathan was joined in his training by his four loyal lieutenants, who also grew stronger alongside him. This newfound strength gave them all a renewed sense of confidence as they prepared to face the ultimate enemy - the demon king himself. As S-Rank missions continued to come in, each more dangerous than the last, Nathan received a particularly ominous one. High-level monsters had been spotted in the basement of a blood bank near the city hospital, and Nathan's instincts warned him that this would be no easy task.

He waited anxiously for Amber to return from the hospital as he enchanted his armor and weapons with powerful defensive spells. When she finally arrived, he explained the mission to her and shared his gut feeling that danger awaited them. But then Amber dropped an unexpected bombshell - she was pregnant with their child. Overjoyed and filled with love for his wife, Nathan promised her that he would do everything in his power to come back safely to her and their unborn child. She cast her strongest protective spell on his armor, making him swear once again that he would return to her.
With renewed determination and a newfound sense of purpose, Nathan set out with his team to confront the high-level monsters in the blood bank. He knew that their mission was not just to save innocent lives, but also to protect his own growing family. And he was more determined than ever to defeat the demon king once and for all if their paths cross.

Nathan and his team rushed in the blood bank finding multiple vampires and low-level monsters and thousands of empty vials of blood on the ground. They started eradicating the monsters one after another. Nathan stood watch looking for any possible surprise attacks. Moments later he saw a dark cloud of smoke at one corner of the basement. He realized what was to follow and just as per his predictions the Demon king emerged along with his three Generals. What followed was a ferocious battle between the hunters and demons. Oliver, Tristan and Michael took on the three generals and Nathan battled the King. Nathan stood his ground, his sword gleaming in the dim light. The demon king loomed before him, a towering figure with muscles bulging. With a laugh that shook the trees, the demon king lunged forward, its claws extended towards Nathan. But he was ready. He moved with speed and precision, dodging the demon king's attack before countering with a series of quick slashes from his sword and shooting his chest. The demon king roared in pain as red blood oozed from the wounds, but it seemed to only enrage him further. As the two circled each other, the hunter knew he needed to change tactics. He holstered his gun and charged towards the demon king, engaging in hand-to-hand combat. The demon king's blows were powerful, but Nathan’s years of training paid off as he managed to land several hits on his opponent. As the demon king tried to punch Nathan, he dodged it shooting the ankle and piercing the Demon king’s heart. Demon king collapsed at his feet and Nathan heaved a sigh of relief. ‘Is it over?’, he thought to himself. The generals were overwhelmed by the three Hunters. Nathan quickly went over to a General shooting its head off as Oliver pierced its heart killing it. Then Nathan and Oliver assisted Tristan in killing off the second General. Just as they were heading towards a hard-earned victory trying to kill the final General a blast just next to Nathan scattered them across the floor rendering the hunters unconscious. Nathan was saved by Amber’s shield which absorbed the impact but was destroyed in the process. Nathan remembered and thanked his wife for the save as he rushed towards his comrades. He could hear the laugh of the Demon King arising from the dark clouds again. As their battle resumed, the demon king's deep, rumbling laughter echoed across the hall as he faced him. A man who had proven to be a worthy adversary in this never-ending war between darkness and light. The demon king reveled in the thrill of battle, feeling a rush of euphoria course through his veins as he clashed swords with the hunter. It was like an exquisite dance, each move calculated and precise, each parry and strike met with equal force. The demon king couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for the hunter's skills and determination, as if they were kindred spirits in this violent game of death. As their swords clashed, the demon king couldn't help but let out a guttural moan of pleasure, wishing that this exhilarating battle could continue on forever. "You are truly a worthy opponent," he panted, sweat gleaming on his brown skin. "Nathan,I would happily continue this dance with you until the end of time."
Nathan's eyes fixed on the Demon King's scarred chest, a result of his previous attack. But as he watched, he realized the Demon King had another heart - one he also needed to destroy in order to defeat him. The battle raged on, each side fighting fiercely for victory. However, Nathan could feel his body growing weaker, his stamina draining as he fought. He knew he couldn't keep this up forever and had to end it soon. For the sake of his child, Amber, and all of humanity, he had to defeat the Demon King and rid the world of evil. Gathering all of his remaining strength, Nathan discarded his heavy armor and launched himself towards the demon king with all of his magic and power behind him. The Demon King tried to block him, but Nathan was too quick and pierced through his heart with a final blow. But in doing so, the Demon King's claws also pierced Nathan's own heart. As the two warriors collapsed onto the ground, the Demon King laughed in admiration at Nathan's strength and sacrifice. He lamented that they were not allies, as they could have ruled the world together side by side. Bleeding on the ground, Nathan listened as the Demon King revealed there were actually four hearts he needed to destroy - now down to only two thanks to Nathan. With his last breaths, Nathan watched as the Demon King rose and began cutting down the remaining Hunters before finally closing his eyes.


Amber lay in agonizing pain, her lifeblood trickling down the steps of the throne. She refused to accept that her life would end here, in such a senseless and futile way. Her desperate fingers clung to life as she cast a healing spell, temporarily slowing her bleeding. With tear-filled eyes, she gazed at Nathan, her beloved husband, who was still alive but corrupted by the perverse desires of the Demon King. The physical pain of the dagger in her heart was nothing compared to the emotional anguish of seeing Nathan transformed into Natalie and forced to marry their enemy.

As Natalie stood next to Lucifer, the Demon King, the marriage rituals continued. Four lesser demons approached them, their dark and twisted forms moving with reverence as they removed Lucifer's heavy robes. With each layer of fabric that was taken away, his muscular and well-toned body was revealed, glistening in the dim light of the underworld. His impressive erection stood proudly, a symbol of his power and dominance over all who stood before him.

Natalie's long black hair cascaded down her back and shoulders like a waterfall of darkness as she too was unclothed by the demons. Her crown was removed.As her red dress was gently pulled off, it revealed her own toned body. Beneath her panties lay a pair of male genitalia, a testament to the unnatural union that was about to take place. The scene was both gruesome and mesmerizing as two beings were forming an unholy union under the watchful eyes of the demonic onlookers. Amber watched helplessly as she saw her husband being stripped bare revealing his large erect penis and large breasts and prepared for this sacrilegious ceremony. She tried to move, to stop this madness from occurring, but her body had been paralyzed by loss of blood.

As the officiator slit their wrists with a sharp dagger, their blood poured into two chalices that had been placed before the throne. The air was thick with the metallic scent of blood as they were each given a chalice to drink from. In a twisted twist of fate, they were made to consume each other's blood in a sickening display of commitment to their new union. Natalie smiled as she drank Lucifer’s blood from the chalice. She was suddenly taken over by a  feeling  of pleasure mixed with pain as his demonic essence entered her mortal body. She fell to her knees, sweating profusely and crying out in agony as if her entire being was on fire as the demons looked on. Her male genitalia ejaculated repeatedly, the intense sensations causing her to writhe in pain on the ground, moaning and crying for help. Amber watched in horror and confusion as she saw her husband screaming in pain . Seeing her husband in pain ,Amber gathered all her strength and cried out his name . Natalie stopped moving and she finally stood up slowly and turned around towards Amber brushing her long wavy hair with her fingers off her face . revealing  her eyes which have turned into a fiery red colour now . A sly smile gracing her  red lips and showing a slightly larger canines. Her large breasts looked firm and her hips had become wide . She gently ran her fingers over her genitalia revealing her vagina, smiling at Amber licking the sticky fluid from her ejaculations off her fingers . Lucifer approached Natalie,kissing her and gently rubbing her vagina as Natalie moaned softly. He whispered in her ears "Nathan, I would happily continue this dance with you until the end of time".
“Sshhhh… Its Natalie”, she said blushing.
The unholy union was sealed as Natalie embraced her new identity as a demon bride, leaving behind everything she once was. And with that final kiss, Amber knew that she had lost her husband forever to the dark abyss of Hell's embrace as she stopped breathing.

******To be continued******

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Not The End?

joannebarbarella's picture

Can Amber rescue Nathan from the embrace of the Demon King? Allowing her to witness her husband's degradation seems to me to indicate that there is more to play out.


Amber faced quiet the despair, watching her husband transform before she died