CAUTION: Sex / Sexual Scenes

The Substitute Housewife Part 4

This has a sex scene at the end.

The next day was a blur. What was nice was that Ken brought me a cup of coffee and woke me up with a gentle kiss on the forehead.

"Thank you so much for what you are doing for us, Susan. I'll see you tonight with Mr. Yasimo."

I was stunned. No one had ever done that to me. I grew up with very little affection. That was probably why I accepted affection wherever I could.

An Aria for Cami, Part 4B

“Give it time. This is all coming at you so fast. And you’re still sick, and you’re dealing with Iain. If there’s something there, let it grow at its own pace, and don’t tie yourself in knots if everything isn’t wrapped up in a bow by lunchtime. Okay?”

“Okay,” I said. “What would I do without you?”

She laughed and said, “that’s easy. You would think too much and you would worry yourself silly. You’re in lockdown with a good looking guy who wants to kiss you. Just enjoy it!”

I have amazing friends.

The Resourceful Little Slave Girl - Chapter 3

The Story So Far: A story taken from the Journal of Lady Zhou Yu, (known to us as Amber) – a slave girl living in the capital city of Thamud. A war currently rages between Talos and Thamud. Amber is a former Chinese military contractor from Earth (Ki) who has been kidnapped and transported to the planet, An. Now transformed into a slave girl, she has been tasked with infiltrating the Qin (the Chinese-like people of An) in order to regain her male body and return to Earth.

I Love To Love You Baby

I Love To Love You Baby
By Sabrina G. Langton

Author's note: I have published this story on two other sites. I always said it was slightly autobiographical, but reading it back it is a pretty accurate account of my summer of '88. There are only 3 things that I changed. 2 are itsy bitsy tiny details and one well that is quite big. Please send postcards with the correct answers. ha... I hope YOU like it.

*Stories from the real world 3
This story is autobiographical.


"Look at this spot! Right next to the room."

The Resourceful Little Slave Girl - Chapter 2

Girl 01 Small.jpg
* * *

Chapter 2 I Am A Slave Girl

There are legends that a group of travelers from ancient Qin arrived in this land a thousand years ago bringing with them their culture and their language.

The Resourceful Little Slave Girl - Chapter 1

A former military contractor of Earth wakes up as a slave girl in a distant land.

A pastiche of the Gor inspired Zhor stories of which the finest exemplars are Aardvark's The Warrior From Batuk and some short stories by Christopher Leeson. Except I didn't want to deal with all the exotic terminology and tinkered with many of the properties of the serum as well as the world at large.

A Coy Pond and a Couple of Trees Part 4 (The End)

A Coy Pond and a Couple of Trees Part 4 (The End)
By Sabrina G. Langton


Author's Note: Thank you for making it to the end. One door closes and another one opens, and we find Bryson's plan all coming together. I hope YOU like it...



Bryson was lying on the bed watching me get dressed. The 'Personal Shopper' found me a beautiful dark blue dress with polka dots. It had a little black belt and it went perfectly with my heels. I hadn't worn my own clothes all week. I was thinking everyone had better taste than me.

An Aria for Cami, Part 3C

awyers can usually find trouble to get into. COVID’s a disaster, and disasters breed lawsuits like prize bitch spaniels breed puppies. I doubt I’ll see the inside of a courtroom anytime soon though. So, I decided.”

She said, “Decided what?”

I opened my hands and showed her the bottle.

A Coy Pond and a Couple of Trees Part 3

A Coy Pond and a Couple of Trees Part 3
By Sabrina G. Langton


Author's Note: Gissele has a busy weekend coming up. We find out a little bit more about her past as her and Bryson start to fall in love. I hope YOU like it...



Ash's New Career Pt.8

Chapter 11

Ashley was just brushing out her hair, the slightly sore throat being the only evidence that was left of her blow job training as she once again looked immaculate. When all of a sudden the door bell rang making her nerves reach an all time high. God she still couldn’t believe this was actually happening, that she was going on a date with an actual guy. Yet she was sure to meet him at any moment now. Hopefully he was at least handsome.

A Coy Pond and a Couple of Trees Part 2

A Coy Pond and a Couple of Trees Part 2
By Sabrina G. Langton


Author's Note: Giselle meets a couple more people, and even leaves her house. All this while her backyard gets a little more amazing... Hope YOU like it...


Tuesday Night

I decided if I was going to meet Derrick I would dress a little sexy. Why not. This was supposed to be a week of experimenting with sex, and I might as well join in. It's what Lainie would have wanted, I tried to convince myself.

An Aria for Cami, Part 2E

I slipped back into the apartment that had been my sanctuary for these incredible months of change, and suddenly, so very suddenly, wasn’t. Life was just coming at me too quickly.

Don't Worry 8


An hour later, Mathew lay on the bed next to Frankie. “Well, that didn’t work out as planned, did it?”

Frankie couldn’t help but laugh. “Seriously, I’m not the one with the growing problem. One piece of clothing and boom, it’s got to br break time! And I’m getting sore. You’re wearing me out and exhausting me at the same time! It’s not fair.”

Mathew sat up. He was naked. “I think I need to put on a tee shirt and a pair of boxers. I think it’s all about top much tactile stimulation.”

“Is that your final answer?”

A Coy Pond and a Couple of Trees Part 1

A Coy Pond and a Couple of Trees Part 1
By Sabrina G. Langton


Author's Note: Hi, welcome to my epic story about a CD who's backyard transforms almost as much as 'she' does. It will be in four snack size bites. It starts out a little sketchy but ends up quite romantc including lotsa sex 'n drama, I hope YOU Like it.



The girlfriend was almost gone. Six whole days by myself. All alone to pose and take pictures in front of my mirrors.


Mirror Changed Chapter 01

Mirror Changed – Chapter 01

Through most of the world many people have commented that fast food places are really all the same. The same basic concept and layout. Whether it is burgers or tacos or pizza they all share the same formulaic approach. The same waiting in lines. The same grease. Whether inside or out in the car. The same basic eating areas, and if you are lucky the same indoor children’s play places. Sitting down to eat in one of them contained so much of the sameness that to eat in one you could feel like you had eaten in them all.

Don't Worry 5

Chapter Five

After her last meeting with her mother, Frankie wrote her a letter. She suggested that they take some time to cool down and reflect. She never told Mathew why they parted ways but went ahead and found her husband a new doctor. The fact that Mathew had just left the ICU unit, helped her get him an appointment for the following week.

Krisha's Surprise

Krisha looks at her reflection in the mirror. She was standing before it in the nude and couldn’t believe the slight bulge she had. Her belly was slightly bulging, and her areoles were the size of saucer plates and dark brown. She placed her hand down on her stomach and couldn’t believe she was three months pregnant.

Don't Worry 4

Chapter Four

“Mother, what are you going to do? Are you going to kill him?”

“What do you care, dear? The last time we talked, you told me you made a mistake in marrying the little twerp.”

“Mother, I made a mistake. But he’s always been so wonderful to me. He’s done nothing to justify you killing him. He’s not Dan.”

Lanie's Journey Chapter 04

Lanie woke up bright and early the following morning. When she awoke, she saw that Rachel and Melody were already up and getting some of their clothes out of their dressers. "Good morning, guys," said Lanie.

"Hi Lanie!" said Rachel. "We're just getting ready to shower for the day."

"Nice," said Lanie. "I guess I should do that too."

"The showers are in the bathroom area," said Melody. "Just beyond the bathroom stalls."

Don't Worry 3

Chapter 3

And that’s when Frankie decided to confess her fears to her mom. “Mother, I worry that I’ve made a mistake in marrying Mathew. I love how Mathew showers me with gifts and gives me everything I could want. But, I worry if that’s all there is to our relationship. I feel like I’m a bad person taking advantage of his kind and loving spirit.”

Her mom handed her some tissues from her bag. “You’ve done nothing wrong and Mathew adores you.”

The Black Box

A woman researcher finds the plans for a regression and mind control device and uses it to benefit mankind. No, wait, this is trans-fiction, as her ex-boyfriend, her woman boss, a random guy she picks up at a bar and a husband about to divorce his wife find out.

Don't Worry 1

This is just the beginning of a new story. If you want to read more, please let me know. And just to remind you, I have a new novel on Amazon called Being Invisible. Take a look. There are lots of chapters to read for free.

Don’t Worry
Leslie Moore

“Honey, it’s okay. I’m sure when you get your strength back, everything will be fine.”

Adventures of Lauren Elizabeth Huntington: Summer Soiree (5)

After I'd left Lily and her collection of friends at the dunking booth, Clay and I found ourselves standing along. We've decided to watch the town's fireworks from the top layer of the town's observatory. The town's observatory was located on a high hill that was about two and a half miles from the end of main street. From the upper level of the town's observatory you could see the whole skyline of the town.

The Vanilla Cake Club Part 6

The Vanilla Cake Club Part 6
By Sabrina G. Langton


Author's Note: Here is the exciting conclusion, dot dot dot, ha. And everything does come to an agreeable end of course, I live for a happy ending. Thanks for reading and I hope YOU like it...


In the morning I woke up feeling so euphoric, I was ready to make breakfast. I was ready to take on the world. There was a naked man still in my bed, this was better than Christmas morning.

The Vanilla Cake Club Part 5

The Vanilla Cake Club Part 5
By Sabrina G. Langton


Author's Note: Things get a little tense at home for our heroine, but having friends makes it a little bit easier... Having a boyfriend makes it a little more fun... ha. Hope YOU Like it.


{We made out in my new boyfriend's car, we both had incredible orgasms, he told me he was happy we met.}


An Aria for Cami, Part 1A

Part 1 of An Aria for Cami is now available exclusively on Amazon Kindle, published as The Holly and the Ivy. The first few chapters remain posted here as a sampler. All proceeds from sales of this book on Amazon will benefit BCTS.

Neigbourhood Terror to Sissy Pt.47

Chapter 54

It ended up taking 30 minutes before Marcy and Lisa left the room, thirty minutes during which it slowly dawned on Marcy that she was really free from that bastard. As they emerged from the room, they were nearly instantly greeted by Linda, standing tall and confident as always. Marcy couldn’t help but blush as she looked at the tall imposing woman standing there in nothing but her lingerie, and not even a full set as her panties were missing.

The Vanilla Cake Club Part 4

The Vanilla Cake Club Part 4
By Sabrina G. Langton


Authors Note: A little more background to the club, a little more about the wife. Wendy meets someone that changes the direction of the story. I hope YOU like it...


The Vanilla Cake Club Part 3

The Vanilla Cake Club Part 3
By Sabrina G. Langton


Author's Note. This chapter is nice and quick... Wendy meets more men at her club, a couple of first's for her. Hope YOU like it.


{I met a man last night, he told me I was beautiful, I didn't tell the husband.}


Dragon's Fang ~ Chapter 8 (FINAL)

Oh! Stop being such a drama queen, Child! You are still just a princess, after all … You yet have a long way to go to get to "queen" status!



Dragon's Fang

By Shauna

Copyright© 2022 Shauna J. Rousseau
All Rights Reserved.
(Cover typography by Joyce Melton.)
(Cover Image Source: Photo 6936442 / Girl © Marek Paju |


Chapter Eight


The Vanilla Cake Club Part 2

The Vanilla Cake Club Part 2
By Sabrina G. Langton

(Author's Note. In this chapter we visit the Club, we learn a little history and Wendy makes plans. Oh, and a little bit of sex too... Hope YOU like it.


{My husband kissed me goodbye and wished me luck on my little adventure. He wanted me to stay home with him, I was all in white and totally sexy. I said I would wear this to bed one night next week.}


Dragon's Fang ~ Chapter 7

Oh! Stop being such a drama queen, Child! You are still just a princess, after all … You yet have a long way to go to get to "queen" status!



Dragon's Fang

By Shauna

Copyright© 2022 Shauna J. Rousseau
All Rights Reserved.
(Cover typography by Joyce Melton.)
(Cover Image Source: Photo 6936442 / Girl © Marek Paju |


Chapter Seven


The Vanilla Cake Club Part 1

The Vanilla Cake Club Part 1
By Sabrina G. Langton


(Author's Note: This is a story I wrote a while ago. I always felt it was too long so I am cutting it up into six chapters for easy digestion, don't forget to wipe the powdered sugar from your dress when you are done. It contains a lot of sex but not in the first couple of chapters. Hope YOU like it...)


Girly Chicken

"Want to play Girly Chicken?"

I blinked and stared at Evan, totally confused. Evan was my childhood friend and current roommate. Both of us were students at the Tiresias College for Mages. He was a pretty tall guy, skinny as a rail, with a fairly androgynous face. And if we're being honest, a fairly androgynous voice too. As for me? Well, I'm... average. Black hair, blue eyes. A couple inches shorter than Evan. Not skinny but not fat. Like I said, average. Oh, and my name is Jason.

Comfort Women - Chapter 1

Comfort Women Edited.jpg

Chapter One – A Controversial Study

Post WW2 the Army conducts an experiment placing six men alone in an isolated village with all the comforts of home but without the comfort of women. How will they find the solace and comfort that only the female form brings to desperate men?

Dragon's Fang ~ Chapter 6

Otohime shrugs. "I don't really keep up with Earth 'entertainment,' but I do know that one … and you won't be restricted like her. You'll be much more powerful!"



Dragon's Fang

By Shauna

Copyright© 2022 Shauna J. Rousseau
All Rights Reserved.
(Cover typography by Joyce Melton.)
(Cover Image Source: Photo 6936442 / Girl © Marek Paju |


Chapter Six



Subscribe to CAUTION: Sex / Sexual Scenes