News Item
not the best news i've had
UK Petition, TG Women barred from pageant
Unsurprisingly, Trans Students Have Caused Zero Incidents in Public Bathrooms
Let it snow
Clarkson shows what a moron he is
The Transgender Murder Crisis
Transgender friendly school uniform
Boy meets Girl, returns for another series
Attempted Stoning of Two Transgendered
Alan Rickman died today.
It's all over the news this morning that David Bowie has died
Hoping against hope.
Be thankful you do not live in Peru
How not to do transition?
Plea for the UK to 'degender' passports
Happy New Year
Earthqake here last night
Trans goes Mainstream? BBC Woman's Hour today
The victims of UK Flooding
Seasonal Greetings
Christmas Cops on the Job in Ouachita Parish Louisiana!
just stumbled across this new report from Chicago
Transgender actor up for Oscar nomination
Cool parents
Photos of UK armed services trans veterans
Trans choir
Ancient History
Penis Transplants Being Planned to Help Wounded Troops
Holly Woodlawn, star of Warhol's films dies.
Holly Woodlawn.
As transgender youth make news...
Love is beautiful, but stupidity is bone deep ugly
Once again
From the Guardian
New Press Rules on 'gender identity"...
For anyone worried about me
When people justify the fear
Transgender Officer in the British Army on BBC
Accidentally stumbled upon this interesting article...
The Joy of Misgendering
BBC iwonder article
Transgender Woman found Dead in Male Prison