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having connection troubles

I know I said I would get some through the years out, but we are having issues with internet connection staying on. It keeps coming and going and unfortunately all of writing is on Google doc, due to issues with open office. The roommate thinks the phone lines may be bad. Either way it makes surfing the net frustrating.

If I can get the darn thing to load and pull stuff to my computer, I will try to finish a chapter quickly.

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Bike and beyond

We're coming up to another centenary with Bike, and I'd like to check that I keep pedalling or should that be peddling? Assuming Erin is happy to continue to host the longest shaggy dog story in history.

I have to warn you that from Friday 4th for a few days postings might be erratic due to my visit to Yorkshire to the TdF and then having a visitor when I get home.

I see some of you noticed a new Charlotte's Tale, I intend doing something with PFH - TBK when I have a bit of time, so that's the next project.


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The Sidereous Prophecy

I have a vested interest in this new story having spent the best part of a year working with the author proofing and editing. I just wondered why it had disappeared from the new story list even though it's s till posted below. This is the first posting by OneShot so I guess it's something to do with that.

I really hope it's enjoyed by the readers as much as I (mostly :) ) enjoyed working on it. I really tried to find all the typos and spelling errors despite its being written in Canadian.


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Pure TG

Captain, Oh My Captain is pure TG and straight from my heart. I left it needing a bit of editing because I wanted to present a woman who was not quite coherent much of the time. I wanted to preserve the disorderly thinking.

So those who are tempted to pull the edit sword, be careful what you toy with.

It is my hope that both my fans will enjoy this glimpse into the mind of a crazed woman.

Khadija Gwen

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Mark Waid on making a living being a creative talent.

I took this from what he says as advice towards creative individuals of any bent. I hope some of you find it interesting. Click the link at the bottom for the entire interview with Mark Waid. For those not familiar with Mark Waid, he's a highly successful comic writer who's worked for all three of the major houses and has his own online publishing house at Thrillbent.

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Writers Block Broken ?

Several weeks ago I posted about writers block ,about stories that have been left unfinished it seems some of our great writers have heard my pain and started to pick up stories where they stopped adding chapters . KUDOS & THANK YOU for each and every page posted.
I thank each of you creative thinkers for wonderful stories and taking the time to post on BCTS with is a free site hosted by wonderful dedicated unrecognized people.
Please for those who can donate .

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Folks, if you're gonna PM about Almost A Girl,

Please send your messages to the author, Barbie Lee. Here's a helpful link:

Thank you.

Catherine Linda Michel... just the editor.

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The Unwritten Chapter

In the movie ‘The Poseidon Adventure,’ one of the characters sings a song, ‘The Morning After.’ It was a way for the people making the movie to let people know even after surviving the horrific events depicted in the movie the characters, and their stories, lived on. Just what kind of lives they enjoyed was left to the movie viewer to make up on their own.

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What to do?

First of all, I'm sorry but the chapters of Winter's Child and Twice Removed that I was hoping to have done today will be a bit delayed since my weekend was a bit crazy. First on Saturday I had to do some gardening and Martin's three year old niece wanted me to play with her pretty much all day long, so I was too tired to do much when we got home late. Then yesterday I had a bit of a breakdown. Ever since I moved to Quebec I've had nothing but problems with finding any sort of work, getting financial assistance, getting consistent medical coverage, a doctor and my prescriptions.

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More Knowledgeable, Less Able

Every 18 months to 2 years, I post how I can't write, with the hope that my muse will get her dander up and show me. Here is another of those attempts. And no, my knowing that she knows might still work. Reverse psychology, if you will.

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Comparison of accomplished authors

I just finished reading an Anne McGaffery trilogy, "Petabea", and as I reflect on the experience I actually feel that there are not a few authors here who are equal or perhaps better than her. I have loved her writing for quite a long time, and my comments are not meant in any way to demean her skills. They are rather comments on how well some of you do and how pleased I am that some of you have chosen to put themselves out on the open market and give it a go.

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New (but familiar) Kindle book!

I have published my twentieth ebook Salvations at Amazon. Like all my books, it's now only available in the Kindle format. It was originally workshopped here on BCTS as "Saving Us" and has been edited and revised a bit, but at the risk of decreasing my sales, if you have "Saving Us" you've pretty much got it already.

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Who's on first?

One of the no-no's I do is mixing point of views. I'll have the main character speaking in the first while other viewpoints are presented at the end of the chapter. No one has really complained about this and I think as long as I keep those other POV as counterpoints to the main character it works for me.

That is until this latest tale of mine. My main character has been Shanghaied by a rogue AI Time-ship. I ended up with this back and forth thing going between the two with an occasional peek into the larger universe to remind my readers that lots more is actually going on.

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One year of selling ebooks: analysis of sales figures, etc.

It’s been slightly over a year since I started selling ebooks via the Amazon Kindle store and Smashwords. I thought I should share some information about the results with other writers.

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Just what I thought

It isn't ingrates. We have people passing judgment on books without even reading it. I called out one of these people. Here and here I offered to refund the purchase price of my ebook if he could answer two questions to prove he or she purchased it. Guess what-


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Amber Light

Though I have received some wonderful support for my writing and my stories, there have been some requests from a few readers for more accessible content from me. I realized that some of the readers here are turned away by explicit content. Therefore, I posted Part 1 of an abridged, “made for BC” version of my current story, called Amber Light.

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Trouble at net!

I worked a 12 hour day went to check my emails and found one from the TdF organisers about my training in a couple of weeks time. I clicked on the link and it reverted to one that was sent in March or February. I tried to write to them about it and my email provider logged me out, which it's been doing for sometime--one evening it logged me out ten times in as many minutes. I suspect as soon as the UK stages of the TdF are completed I'll be changing my ISP I've had enough. Anyone contemplating using Talktalk - don't, they are complete and utter crap.

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A question for anyone interested in answering...

Is it just me, or are some of the most difficult stories to read the ones you wrote yourself? I'm going over a story I'm working on to make sure that I've got everything straight on paper, as it were, and I'm finding it slow going. This isn't because it's long or hard to read or anything like that, but because I know what I intended to write, or what I want to be there and completely miss where I left a word or line of text in from a previous version of a scene, or I don't see where I left a gaping hole in the plot after changing my mind about something.

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Thank you to all those who take time to comment

Every comment is appreciated. Believe me, every single one. If a person leaves a comment about the story it means it touched them deeply enough they became "emotionally" involved enough to say something.

Someone didn't like the way it was written. They had an opinion. Someone claims it is headed in the wrong direction. Someone likes it.

For more years than I'm going to tell, I've been writing. And I honestly love the comments that tells me my story was Road Kill because it was DOA. They got emotionally involved.

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Many thanks to Cathy

Cathy has a life and it isn't holding my hand editing my stories. She does it anyway. Hand holding that is. One would not believe nor understand the herculean task that goes into editing unless they have done it themselves.

She makes suggestions to clarify the story to the readers.

I don't understand? "Cathy Honey, the story is clear as a bell. I know exactly what I meant. Can't they read?"

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Writers Block?

We have so great writer on BCTS and as of late there has been a shortage of stories from some of our regular writers and some of the long stories with multi chapters that never got finished. I know real life gets in the way of fun and I as a non writer should not complain BUT maybe I can get some new stories started from some semi retired writers
HUGS & KISSES to all in our BCTS family Richie2

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Termites and Gun Shots

It's termite swarm season here in Florida and guess whose house has got them. MINE. For some reason there was a roll of Toilet paper on the entertainment center and when I went to move it I noticed all these wings just laying around. Weird, I thought, the pixie's decided to hoof it. I went to move the toilet paper back to the toilet paper room (a.k.a. bathroom, a.k.a. danger zone). To my surprise, thousands (maybe less) of termites were crawling in and around the TP roll. So I threw the roll out and hopefully all the termites.

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