Authors / Stories / Books / Writing

Another Birthday! Maggie Finson's!

So, this little birdie whispered in my ear as I awoke this morning and told me that today is our very own Maggie Finson's Birthday! So I take this opportunity to be one of the first to wish Maggie a very Happy Birthday!

Have a great day Maggie and thank you for all your stories. Oh, also, CARPE CAKEM!!!!


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Question about story source

This morning, one of my mothers dogs and my brothers dog woke me up with incessant barking. I proceeded to lock myself out of my mothers house while she had yet to wake up. I spent a half hour in the backyard, in shorts and a tank top, keeping the dogs quiet until I could get back inside. I then fell back asleep for another four hours where I had a wonderful dream.

It was a dream where my heart ached and my mind yearned to go back.

I then proceeded to spend the rest of the day till now outlining a story completely based on this dream.

My question to BC is where do you get the kernels for your stories?

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Editors work harder than the writers

That great book you read took hundreds of people working behind the scenes working to make the book appear in print. Those great movies aren't made by a few actors-actresses and a camera man. Thousands of people are involved before it is finished and that's not counting the promotions.

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So there were a few things I wanted you all to know

So... because I really want to be able to make it to Pennsylvania for my surgery I started this. It is similar to GoFundMe and allows me to take any donations people want to share. If you want, please donate. If you don't, that's okay, I'll still like you, though maybe not as much. ;)

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Realism in our stories

I have seen snippets of "Game of Thrones" and find certain scenes far too graphic for my tastes. I am considering purchasing a season of it on DVD to watch and in some of the scenes I have seen on Youtube was greatly surprised to see a whole heart eaten. I hope it was that of a cow or something and not human. I am thinking of not purchasing the series.

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stl having issues with connections

Well I figured I would post again and let you all know the connection issues are getting worse. First of all, I hate Frontier. At first the connection came and went. It was more off than on. Finally it is just gone. Looking into Comcast. Not too sure. As for the stories, I'd teather my phone to a computer, but have gone over the monthly allotment of internet, so it is darn slow.

I shall post again with more news

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A pressing Bikini Beach question

I recently read the latest bikini beach installment on FM today and I had a pressing question that I wondered the answer to. When it comes to the magicks of bikini beach, is it just a transformation as in they were born female or is it a permanent female template in the case of lifetime passes.

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More on stories

It's been a little strange going back over stories I wrote 5 years ago and hadn't looked at for 2 years. Whilst I can remember the Eve plot, some of the chapters surprise me when I read them, prior to editing & revision. Of course, that does help the grammar checking as it's not a very familiar text.

I'm running several chapters ahead with Eve, but as I warned earlier the chapter numbers have changed.

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Scattered Notes From a Scattered Mind

I think there are two or three of you out there who might have noticed that I haven’t posted anything in almost six months. It’s interesting how easy it is to slip below the horizon when you are not actively contributing to the literature. It’s not that I haven’t been writing. It’s just that it’s becoming more and more difficult to produce anything more than a few hundred words at a time. I am still working on what may be the last novel in the California Saga series.

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Living the dream - almost

As long as I could remember I have wanted to be an author. This was before wanting to be a teacher or wanting to be an Olympic wrestler. Ever since the third grade I knew I wanted to see my name in print, I wanted to tell stories and I wanted to write books. Are there any out there that had his desire for so long?

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Stories update

Eve is being extensively revised and my re-editing is running a few chapters ahead of publishing at the moment. The chapter numbers will no longer tally with the previous publication of Eve. Book 2 is planned but not written. That might be an autumn/winter project.

Unaccounted Gains is a side project that will appear irregularly. Tammy requires plenty of work before I see it fit again, although Gabi was my editor first time around so the spelling should be okay!


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Real Life changes gear

So here we are, in the hottest part of the UK year, and I'm unable to do things most of the day because of the heat. That doesn't seem to phaze Real Life, of course, which just keeps piling it on.

Short result: Somewhere Else Entirely may be delayed for the next two months or so. See below for details.

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Delight at seeing Rhona McCloud now writing

So a fellow newbie has taken the plunge and has started to write! Rhona McCloud started off with a bite sized morsel : Not a writer but I couldn't resist - Dammit!. I mean it was REALLY short - 149 words, but it was well written. I hope she follows up with more to this story as I think it has legs - shapely ones of course. She has since added a follow on instalment, similarly short - 165 words this time.

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Anyone Know how Elizabeth Jean is Doing?

Just wondering how Elizabeth Jean is doing I know she comments on stories and blogs but I was just wondering if she was doing ok because she has not posted a new chapter to any of her stories since November of 2012.

I hope nothing bad has happened to her or anyone has said anything hurtful to her.

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Seven ages for man but how many for you?

Transition takes many forms, not even I suspect the same number of stages for all. I would appreciate for a story, "The Transit of Venus", input of observations other than my own on how a transitioning life might progress. The story will start in July 2000 in Wales and culminate in Tahiti in June 2004

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What are the Chances?

So there I was, wandering about the suburbs of an English city when, lo and behold, I see a sign on a pub that makes me laugh. Of course I could not resist going in, order a pint, and toast Lady Katherine Trent, the heroine of my 'The World Turned Upside Down.'

HW Coyle
a.k.a. Nancy Cole

WTUD photo.jpg

‘The World Turned Upside Down’ on Basingstoke Road, Reading, UK

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