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Pingo et al

I've just found a delightful piece in the current BBC News Magazine on the work of a fellow who is collecting words that describe geographic phenomenon. The concept is wonderful and I think, important. The photos are lovely and the language enthralling. Have a look if you'd like. Words are so enchanting.


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First story re-posted

I've just published "Human Resources" which first appeared on BCTS in 2011 as "Martha". There's been a major edit/revision of the original text. I'm not sure which of my stories will get the edit treatment next, perhaps even a new one? I'm afraid Eve & Tammy will have to wait a while, especially if there are any new chapters in the pipeline.


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Look good, feel good?

Back in the Eighties, there was a bit by Billy Crystal where he played a character called "Fernando". He even made a music video as the character called "You look Mahavalous" . In it there is a line where he says "If you look good, you feel good."

Well, I guess he was on to something, because today for counseling, I've chosen to wear a dark blue skirt and a light blue striped top,a necklace with blue stones, and a set of earrings, and I actually feel better because I think I look better.

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the end of the Jaci and Dottie stories?

Well, with Jaci seemingly done with writing, I think the Jaci-Dottie stories is going to come to a halt. I had an idea for a half-story of Dottie's view of her 14th birthday with Jaci doing the other half, but without her, the story (and the universe) have just no snap to them. Not that I'm done writing, I've submitted a piece for the next "TG Mix tapes" collection, and I'm working on a couple of ideas, but I'll miss visiting my younger alter-ego.

Ah, well.

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In case anyone was wondering where I was / am

Since posting Temptation of Anya, I've been busy, but it's a new front for me. I was accepted as a canon author in the Whateley universe, and I've been working on my first foray into that universe. I still have a lot of non-Whateley story ideas, and I'll be working on them, but my intense focus is my new canon Whateley character Kayda. Hopefully chapter 1 of her origin story will be posted officially soon.

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motion-capture ideas

I was reading an article about "motion-capture" in regards to the newest Planet of the Apes movie, and as a throw-away comment, they mentioned that an actor could play "any creature, any race, and either sex".

That got me thinking, what would happen if an actor played a female role via motion capture?

It sure sounds like the sort of thing our writers here could have some fun with, so lets make it a challenge - can you make a story where a guy plays a girl using this tech?

I'll be interested to see if anybody tries this challenge ...

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Where is Lilith Langtree

I just finished chapter 16 of her story "do it right or don't do it at all" and was trying to send a message to her here on BC... I typed her name into the recipient part and was told... Enter a whatever it said... I double checked the spelling and got the same "not gonna happen stupid" note.

Where is she and does anyone know if she ever wrote any more chapters to this story.

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Update from the great beyond

So right now I am working on a summer romance story for the Interlude Press Summer Love Anthology. I am really hoping I get it done and that it makes the cut. The main character is trans and is very much like the kind of characters I write, searching for something, trying to make sense of everything... you know, the usual. If Interlude Press passes on the story I am probably going to throw it this way, because I am sure everyone here will like it.

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Start again?

I decided last night to re-establish myself with BC-TS and everyone here. What I am thinking of doing is to dust off some of my old stories, re-edit them into better English, and re-post them. That is not a quick process as I have over 250,000 words across several series of stories to tackle.

For anyone who had my email address, it hasn't changed (as a certain lady from Oz has confirmed)


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New Gaby!

No new chapter on BC this week although there is one on Big news is that there is a new Gaby volume available on both Lulu and Kindle, Gaby Futures includes the previously limited release Gabymas episode along with a brand new Tour de France themed episode. Both are set some years into Gaby's future, there's no guarantee this is how things will pan out, they are both just possibilities.

So if you fancy a read, take a look!

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Saw an updog today...

It was suggested that I do a weekly meme post of a meme related to LGBT or BC itself. So far I have come up with 53 meme pics. That's enough to post one a week for the next year. I'll probably post on a Wednesday or Saturday through the blog feature.

Half of the memes I already had. These are a meme I created myself that I call the autistic transgender meme. Some of them are funny, some are sad, some are WTF.

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Major writing issue - need help

I'm starting to plot out the sequel to Unreachable and I've come up with a major snag and I haven't even written word one yet. See, Unreachable and the Christmas story are both written in the first person. Now I have this sequel, which is going to be even more complex, and am wondering if I "HAVE TO" stay with first person because it fits the series. Should I swap to third because it would help tell a more complete story. Can I swap back and forth between chapters when I need to show action outside of Ms. Rosenthal? Thanks for the help.

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Slowly but surely

So yeah, since my last blog about how much things suck right now things haven't gotten much better. Since then things have been crap-tastic. We're still barely scraping by and being off my meds is bad enough without the extra stress of our living situation right now. I also had a bit of a medical scare. It turned out to be nothing, but it scared the living crap out of me So my mind and moods have been all over the place and not conductive to writing at all.

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A word about Assassin

As you can see I just reposted Assassin for your enjoyment, but a word of caution. This story is very long but is well worth the read. Hopefully when you finish reading this novel you will leave a review at Amazon. I do have several, even ones from out of the community, three five stars, yippee. As I stated this won't be up for very long and to be perfectly honest the best way to enjoy the novel is to buy it and read it at your leisure, but the choice is yours. Thank you for your renewed interest, Arecee

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So many enticing stories

I am quite sad that one of my favourite stories "Almost a Girl" has come to an end. Regrettably the last episode somehow didn't appeal to me in the same way as the preceding episodes, and this has left me feeling a little bit deflated. But it has been a fantastic story to follow, and I kept thinking if only... I only hope there are further adventures to come.

I am slowly making progress through "As Easy as Falling off a Bike" and I am now at episode 141. Only another 2245 episodes to catch up on.

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