Authors / Stories / Books / Writing

All Kudos to the Piper, Kat and Erin!

I've just noticed the return of the Kudos/Thumbs Up numbers to the 'My Stories' page much more quickly than I thought would be possible. Thank you once more for all your efforts to ease our transition to a new BC World (I did of course immediately check my own numbers and also looked to see if the overall total showed in 'My Account' [not yet]).

In case others don't realise it is also once more possible to split your uploads into Teaser and Main Body by the insertion of <"!--break--"> omitting quotation marks.

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Can Someone Tell Me??

I curious. I always have been wandering the site, and a few other site that I've written for. Now the "Account's are getting read, and I'm up to nine years and eleven months. Erin or Piper, can you provide the date????

There is method in my mania. My final Novel is finished. Comdex is FINISHED!!! Yeah The Pruetts. and The Steven meet and discover My..secret.

Well it's been fun! I'd like to post it on that day. The three books all run to 5oo pages or more.

Blessings, Love, and Hugs,

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Two New Kindle eBooks!

Just a quick announcement about our two newest Kindle eBooks by some GREAT authors from our community! Hypatia and Rebekkah deMere.

While BC was undergoing it's upgrade, I published Hypatia's " The Lady Lies Sleeping "

" Many things that walk upon the earth are older than we can guess, at the beginning was The Firstborn, he who danced as the world was created…he will dance at the end of the world too…and that might just be a little closer than he would like. "

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So, here's the deal

I feel horrible, not physically horrible but just bad for disappearing and not being able to post anything for so long.Granted, circumstances were beyond my control but I want to try to make it up to my readers. To that end I worked hard the past week on getting Going Green ready to post and the new chapter of Twice Removed.I'm currently working on the next chapter of that too as well as Alex in Wonderland, Syryn's Song, and Winters Child.

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BigCloset and Graceful Degradation

So a little bit of a lesson on how the new Bigcloset works.

BigCloset uses a web-format we are calling "Graceful Degradation" to detect how to display the site on your various devices.

First you have standard Desktop mode, This is Followed by Tablet - Landscape Mode, then Tablet - Portrait Mode, then Smartphone - Landscape Mode, and lastly Smartphone - Portrait mode.

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Novel writing software kickstarter

Hope I'm not overstepping any bounds here, but I just thought I'd pop in and mention this since it might be of a lot of interest to folks here. I recently got the privelege to beta test a piece of online novel writing software known as Novlr. It allows you to rearrange and organize chapters as seperate documents in a manner similar to Scrivener, but has a much simpler interface. Currently, it's not very feature rich, but new features have been promised.

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Patreon? is a crowdfunding site, kind of like Kickstarter or Indiegogo, but Patreon is concerned with ongoing funding. The idea is that someone who creates online content can get continuing funding from a group of people in return for doing what they would probably do anyway. I'm looking into it with the idea of creating chapters of Kelly Girl in return for funding to go to BigCloset.

Would anyone be be interested in supporting this idea? Does anyone else contribute to someone thru Patreon or get funds from Patreon?

Any thoughts?

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Welcome to the audience participation portion of our program

Voices from the stage OR
Welcome to the audience participation portion of our program.


Yes this is instant replay of anthers well worded post but it bears repeating for those who may not have seen it the first time.

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I need advice on a story im writting

I have a problem and im stumped. I have written a story almost to the middle. I think its good but not as written. I have thought of a better way to start it and write the first half. It wont change my plans for the second half. But, its a totally different start up to the half point. What do I do? Just write it from then and later change the start, or rewrite the whole damn thing

Have any of you writers here even encountered a problem like this and what did you do

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Not Safe For Work tag questions

Well, pink pajamas has probably run its course and I've managed to piss a few people off, but when don't I piss people off. I got a nice message saying how someone will never read anything I ever write and I think someone has a voodoo doll and has been stabbing my keyboard.

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Blog entries: what do people want to read?

Looking over the past few months of blog entries, I've noticed that some of mine get far more reads than some others, and they're not always the ones I think are going to attract attention.

With that in mind, I put a question to all of you. What do you like to see in a blog entry, and what do you not?

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An update and news

Work got bad, to the point where I was so tired, I was coming home and going right to bed. I tired to finish the next part of Tracy over the past two weeks, but at work it gets hard, with just 15 minutes and a half hour lunch. But i got it to the editors.

I was also setting up something for the contest. An idea that came to me one night. So yeah, got sidetracked. Hope's ranch has suffered too.

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Girl Power and a confession

I am shocked, stunned, blown away, pick your adverb(s). This story is almost completely free hand as I call it. I didn't sit down do and out line in general, set a time line, lay out all the players and so on. the notes I made for it would fit on a 3X5 index card with room left over. That is not the way I normally write. I generally lay out he whole story start to finish outline style and than start the actual writing process. I normally do a ton of research before I start too.

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No Bike tonight

Sorry run out of time. The shit that my life has become in recent months continues. At times it feels like everything I have is being tested or destroyed. Now it's my car which is going to cost a lot to repair and get through the MOT, earlier on Bonzi was attacked by another cat. My daughter is still suffering her fatigue, which is worse since Huw's untimely death, and working for the NHS remains very much a case of lions led by donkeys.

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Unaccounted Gains etc

The next chapter of Unaccounted Gains, number 30, may take a day or two as I've deleted a 1000 words from the draft chapter and commencing a rewrite. Unfortunately I wrote myself into a corner that would have taken a miracle to get out of. It was a shame as the dialogue was pretty snappy.

Eve reposts will continue on a 1 or 2 day basis until Book 1 ends, then there will be a break until book 2 starts.

There's no timescale for Tammy to be reposted as yet but I might produce a few standalones as time permits.


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Pink Pajamas

Usually I do a release and then wait to post the story on the site, but this time I did it a little backwards. I doubt it would make a difference one way or another. But my new short "Pink Pajamas" is now available on Amazon. It's only 99 cents or if you belong to Kindle Unlimited (which I think is a good idea if you read a ton) you can add it to your library that way.

Synopsis: When Francine finds her son's diary and a pair of pink pajamas it puts life in perspective.

A short story of 5000 words.

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Thank you Cathy

So much time and effort one puts into editing and so little thanks. Kinda like being an accountant in a firm. No one knows who is doing the numbers until the money stops flowing. Then everyone blames the accountant for all their troubles.

Cathy honey, I know the effort one puts into editing. I sincerely thank you for all that time you spent working on another story.

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A Quick Question

I'm thinking about trying to write a story for the Back To School competition, but all the responses to my idea for a PFH short and whether it would fit the rules basically came back "Sure! If you change everything you planned to do and write a completely different story that has nothing in common with your original idea."

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Back, and almost ready

Sorry to my readers for being absent the last few weeks. RL hit me hard (heavy workload and marriage issues), and it's been a pain to get my new projects off the ground. I had hoped to start off strong, but it can't always go that way.

Big thanks to my dedicated fans for supporting me and sending along your encouraging messages. I hope my works will be worth the wait. It's almost over. :)

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