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I can't do Bike tonight, I've come down with a heavy cold and it hurts my eyes to look at the screen. I hope I'll be better tomorrow, but I'm going for an early night tonight.




Home on Sick Leave

Nothing for you to be sorry for. Please take as much time as you need to get well. You are too precious to all of us.

Love and hugs, Sarah Ann

Hope you feel better, and

Hope you feel better, and take whatever time you need. EAFOAB can live with a hiatus, and so can we :)

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

You too?

Me and my levoquin are starting to get over our combined UTI/Sinus infections...

Best wishes to you and here's hopes for a speedy recovery. (Even some pretend "blue" energy.)


I hope you feel better!

D. Eden's picture

I will miss your wonderful work tonight, as my days are not complete without reading it, but more important is your health and well being.

I sincerely hope that tomorrow finds you better.

There must be something in the air as I am feeling down myself, although mine is more emotional than physical.

Be well my dearest friend.


D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

Sympathetic nose

Podracer's picture

I'm sure we would rather see you well than struggling to entertain us - get well soon flower. By dose code is just startig to ibprove. I thigk. They seldom turn off like a tap do they, just gradually get better so you don't notice.

Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."