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Funny idea

I´ve just seen some basketball match on TV and had funny idea. What if some disortographic wizard misspelled basketball as bastetball? What would consequences be? Would all players turn into furry cats playing with ball? How would they cope? I´m quite tempted to turn this into story somehow... though I´m not sure if it is enough as story base. What do you think? I´d appreciate your comments.
Thank you.

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Clownfish Pic

Well after carefully thinking about it, I decided to change the pic of Beth for Ch.5 of Clownfish. The pic I had of her did look a little old as a few people pointed out. She looked a little plain for an Alpha as well. I hope this new one fits better. Its more of what I had in mind when I envisioned her in my head :)

Take a look at Ch.5 if you're interested or just wait until Ch.6 when I release it sometime later this week or the beginning of next :)

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The End is nigh

Well, after long last I have finished 300 Rains. I wrote the last bit just a while ago. Once I edit it I will get that up here and people can see how it ends. I am happy with the ending and think it fits, rounding out the journey. What a long strange trip its been.

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Engineering, Strength of Materials, Nuclear Science

So, in working on a story, I've seen the need to educate myself somewhat in Engineering. I am thinking of a super metal that I will call Xsteel and is roughly ten times stronger than high carbon steel, and about 1/10th the weight. There will also be repulsors that use electricity to produce thrust and using about 40Kw will generate around 60 hp in draw bar thrust.

I've flown several light planes that had around 100 Hp +or- but I have no idea what thrust they produce, and it is probably not linear when compared to speed.

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The Weight of Silence and Other Stories

The Weight of Silence and Other Stories is now available in ePub format at Smashwords and in Kindle format from Amazon. The collection contains three short stories, seven novelettes, three novellas, and a short novel -- over 219,000 words of fiction. Five of the stories (over 75,000 words) have never appeared before.

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Writing Gifts and Problems.

Today Puddingtang helped me spot a spelling error I missed. It was one of those silly things where the auto-correct and spellchecker took one of my scrambled words and replaced with one that was spelled right, but it still wasn't the right one.

It was suggested I turn off that function. However, I'm dyslexic and without it, ... well, it's not pretty!

I received this reply. "Dyslexics tend to be both clever and creative."

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Aiming for the top

The great experiment is about to begin. Can a transgender fiction book break into the top 100 on Amazon? This book has a shot. It has been ranked as high as 58th in thrillers, surpassing people like Stephen King and W.E.B. Griffin. So, for this week, and this week only, Wrestling Against Myself is priced at .99 cents to send a message to Amazon that yes, transgender fiction can sell and should be featured prominently. Let your voice be heard by spending less than a cup of coffee at McDonalds and when you are done reading the book, leave a review as well.

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Same as Elrod

I'm kinda in the same boat as Elrod. As we have asked before and many times it seems we beg for them its the feedback that our readers provide us that keeps us motivated. Without them, good or bad we have no real inclination of whether our stories are having the impact that we are striving for.

If you were to look at mine from the last story about have of the comments are mine in response.

I like the kudo's but they don't provide me or others with how the story is impacting on you the reader.

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morpheus - unlisted twist stories

morpheus has two twist stories that came out when the server problems happened and are not listed in on morpheus story list. "with a twist of starlight" and "the karma of serenity". i relly love both stories and am afraid i won't be able to find them in the future.

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Knowing is half the battle

So, just wanted to let you all know that the climactic chapter of 300 Rains is an edit away from being posted. Some of the things in it surprised me and some seemed kind of obvious at that point but it is done. This means that I have 1 maybe 2 chapters left until the story is complete. Finally!

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Wanda Cunningham

I was just looking around on the site tonight and found, "The Fairy King", by Wanda Cunningham. Hoping to find more work by her I went to her page and it seems like the last work from her was around 2009. Then I went to the Memorial Page and she is not there. Sigh.

I do wish that she would publish more of her work here. The Fairy King was so good. Wanda, if you are out there ...


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Looking for a story

A few years ago, I read part of a story (I don't think it was on BC but I could be wrong) in which a boy and girl were in a school (I think) library, talking. The girl suddenly ran off, leaving the boy wondering what had happened. He followed the girl who had run into the toilets. He wnet in after her and asked what was wrong, I think she was reluctant, at first, to tell him why she had run off the way she did. eventually, though, she did tell him that she'd had a period (first?) and was embarrassed about it. She also needed clean clothes as what she was wearing was blood stained.

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Bridal Shop Story in the News

This caught my eye on the BBC news website: a bridal shop in Japan has discovered a demand for bridal photo shoots - for men. I thought, hey, that looks like the germ of a good story, should anyone want it!

Here's the link:


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Help posting pics to my story

Hi. Thanks to everyone reading Atalanta's story. I've downloaded several pics that I use as inspiration writing Atalanta. I though it might be fun to post a pic in a story but I know enough to be dangerous doing that. Along that same venue I have about seven pics that I feel displays her energy well.

I know pics can be a resource hog so I wanted to if I do place a picture that it not use a lot of bandwidth. None are copyrighted as far as I know. There is no watermark. I think there are royalty free too.

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Site-versary and an update

Well, it looks like the anniversary of joining the site passed me by without me noticing. I've now been a member for three years and six days and let me just say I'm glad I did wind up joining the site as is often the first place I visit when I first sit down at my computer. The community is welcome and inviting and the atmosphere is unparalleled. I'd just like to add Kudos to Erin and crew for their continued work in keeping the site up and running and for maintaining said atmosphere! :D

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Acidalia 14

It may have been a long time coming but finally I'll be releasing the next chapter of Acidalia. Hopefully this is exciting news, possibly no one will care :). Either way it should be out sometime next weekish. It's my hope after that to get another out approximately every other month.

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Loonily, Live what you write

So, I am "tooling up" to finish the three stories that will be part of my anthology to be published this fall. Yesterday, I received the suggestion that at least one of my stories are Kindle "book length". Hmmmm. So, now I am full of ideas. Incidentally, so far I am planning to use Amazon, so anyone with helpful hints about using them, be my guest. I am thinking that anything that Amazon publishes must be removed from BCTS, though have not talked with a publicist yet. I plan to do that in June. Most of my stories will either go in the Anthology or be published separately.

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The Last Easter Story

Hello everyone! My 'End of the World: The Last Easter' is finally up! I apologize for the troubles last night, but it was one of those perfect storms of site problems and my trying to post at the same time. Now, everything is fine!

As I said, this is the last part of the 'End of the World' series. I was rather satisfied how the endings in both universes pulled together even if other parts 'tasked' me. If you're writer you know what I mean!

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The DarkRealms Universe

I know the universe has gone a little flat lately and that's partially my fault but I can't help but think that people don't seem to understand it either. I have a set of rules but most of my rules for the universe are in the stories. So if you really want to write a DarkRealms story, please READ all the stories in the universe before pitching me an idea. Its not that hard. Most if not everything you need to know about the universe is in there. If its not, drop me a PM and ask me.

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Transgender equality and your role in achieving it

So the petition to Amazon for them to create a transgender fiction genre ran up to 223 signatures and then it just stalled. Considering the amount of hits we get on this site, I think we can hit the goal of 1000 signatures in a day if people just took a few minutes out of their busy schedules to sign.

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For the Love of a Girl

I have been sitting on this story for a while now. originally written as a Tragedy,I changed the ending several times before I got it the way I wanted it. It is long I admit, but I hope those who read it all the way through enjoy it. I figured Easter weekend was a good time for a love story and I hope that is what everyone who reads it sees.

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Petition Update - day 2

Yay for us. We already hit 100 signatures on the petition and I'm getting read to make the next move (media involvement). I really think this is important. It is about equality, but also about recognition that transgender literature and people are not all about sex. I am keeping the petition open for a week as I figure things out this Easter weekend. I would love for people to look at the intended letter going to Amazon and give some pointers or suggestions to make it better.

Keep signing and thanks.

Here's the link. I can't do graphics or I'd have confetti falling.

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Update on petition to Amazon

So yesterday I started my petition to Amazon. I really should have done it much sooner because it is something that frustrates me to no end. Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Smashwords etc. have no dedicated transgender fiction genre and expect us to lump our work either under gay and lesbian or erotica. I don't think either is fair or right. But Amazon isn't going to do something solely for me, so I got organized.

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Augmented Reality or near future science

Recently I watched a TV programme about the Prophets of Science, Asimov being my favourite. Anyway in one of the articles I heard the phrase "Augmented Reality" about implanted video displays and cameras that take facial recognition to a personal level. Of course we all know that this would be great as we get older and struggle to remember where we know someone from or even what there name is.

Later in the programme they talked about the process where brainwaves can be used to control limbs, devices, or communicate with others. Here comes the weird thought for a new story.

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