Anyone know what happened to WolfJess7?

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WolfJess7 was posting stories multiple times a week and all of a sudden nothing from her not even responses to comments on her last story she posted.

I hope she is ok and nothing bad has happened to her.



She had a slight relapse in her recovery from being hit by a drunk driver and is not writing new chapters until she feels better. She is doing better, but you'll probably have to wait a while for new material

Not good

to hear that. I hope that she feels better soon. Although I am hanging out for the next chapter her health is more important. Please pass on a big hug for me.


been in a car accident before.

MadTech01's picture

I know how hard recovery can be from a car accident it can take anywhere from months too years.

I was stopped and a truck rear-ended me doing over 60 mph.
I still have relapses from it from time to time in my back requiring injections and the wreck was 7 years ago.

All I can say is I hope she starts feeling better and God Bless.

I can wait as long as it takes for her to write again because her health comes first.

"Cortana is watching you!"

Car Accident

If I remember some of the comments made by WolfJess, she was in the ICU/CCU for a time after the accident. I hope she is recovering well.