Slowly but surely

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So yeah, since my last blog about how much things suck right now things haven't gotten much better. Since then things have been crap-tastic. We're still barely scraping by and being off my meds is bad enough without the extra stress of our living situation right now. I also had a bit of a medical scare. It turned out to be nothing, but it scared the living crap out of me So my mind and moods have been all over the place and not conductive to writing at all.

Things may be looking up though since Martin managed to get to teach some extra swim lessons which should help give us enough of a monetary cushion to get my medical coverage and medications for at least a few months. Since it's nanowrimo this month I will be trying to push extra hard to finish Twice Removed so I have something to send to publishers. I will be trying to catch up with my other stories and finish the new Hyperverse story as well but TR will take priority.

Thanks everyone for your support, some days the only thing keeping me going is my readers.

*hugs to you all*



Glad to see things are possibly improving

MadTech01's picture

I have missed seeing updates to your stories during your time of suffering and I hope things will start looking up for you.
I cant wait to see your stories get published and when they do I will definitely be buying them.

I am just hoping you will eventually be able to go back o finish your first two stories.

Good luck and may your days be brighter in the future.

"Cortana is watching you!"

Thanks raith

Amethyst's picture

I hate not being productive, but life just doesn't seem to be wanting to play along with my goal of being an author with all it's thrown at me lately. Hoppefully this will be when things start to turn around.


Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3


I dont know if this would affect any future publishing opportunities, but have you thought about Patreon? Maybe stuff like 3-day previews on new chapters for backers. Just a thought for a little extra cash.

*Hugs* and i love all of your stories and finally created an account to kudos those authors i had read but skipped over commenting and kudoing.

Not sure about Patreon

Amethyst's picture

For the works I want to publish there may be copyright issues and I'm not even sure how that works for writers. Webcomics I see it all the time now. But how do I get people to support me through patreon. I would need to be releasing somthing on a regular enough schedule to make it worth t for people to donate. I might be ablue to do something like that with I Wish, but I don't even have a website or anything of my own set up.

*hugs* It's always flattering to hear people say things like that :)



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

May I suggest

You pass the hat? At a minimum you should be able to get meds. Here in the states for plain Estradiol, 2 mg, it is pretty dirt cheap.

passing the hat

Amethyst's picture

would be nice, but I don't know many people locally except Martin's family and my relationship with them is already strained, it's part of why things have been so rough.


Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3