Well this is it, the last one for awhile, permissions have been given where necessary and Vagrants is now up on Kindle; the last little bird has left the nest, hopefully to fly very free.
On a related note, I've been very very lazy; RiH and summer mutation are being written along with a new project, but this week I've been celebrating the return of my internet (thank you fans, you paid for it) by being disgustingly lazy and playing some of my old game haunts like left 4 dead and league of legends.
I'll get my nose back to the grindstone fully soon, I promise!
As always, try and hit up Vagrants from this site to help Erin and company out, if at all possible, and my name here is the keyword for it.
An update of sorts to this...
The extra chapter in this one is a chapter about Mouse's mom. Short but very much to the point, it answers many questions I was asked about her.
And seriously, I know you're all you there reading this...no one going to roast me over the coals for being lazy?
And none of you play league?
Kind of disappointing, in a way!
If you appreciate my tales, please consider supporting me on Patreon so that I may continue:
Fine, fine, since you insist
You festering heap of pustulent slime! Why haven't you been slaving over the keyboard for the sole edification of the readers of this site!
Do I have to release my murder of slavering war-crows to keep your nose to the grindstone?!
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Why yes, yes you do.
(Thanks,was beginning to think you lot just didn't care enough to berate me! Nice to know some of you still know how to threaten violence for updates :p)
If you appreciate my tales, please consider supporting me on Patreon so that I may continue:
Confused, complete?
I'm a little confused. The story of Mouse in the generation ship finishes with tbc and leaves us wondering about what she will try next? Is it completed on the Kindle version? Or do we need to wait for book two?
I love the story so far. The sci-si setting is nicely done, but it's the characters and the situational pressure where I think the story really shine.
So do I have to buy the kindle version to read the end, or do I buy the kindle version to encourage you to write the rest? (cheeky grin)
Thanks for the great read so far, cheers, Kiwi.
Your answer Kiwi...
Is that Vagrants is not complete; where did that idea come from? You aren't the first to ask that, leaves me wondering how I screwed up giving that impression. No, this is only book one, some 59kb, 100+ pages, leaving off about where chapter 4 does here... or maybe its 5. I haven't had my coffee yet, so I don't remember.
The fun part is in the extra chapter, where as stated, you get to meet Mouse's mom in a bit more detail.
The next chapter of Vagrants is currently in it's planning stage; less than 500 words in it so far. Two chapters from other books are in production and should be released next week, hopefully early.
If you appreciate my tales, please consider supporting me on Patreon so that I may continue:
You left the impression with
You left the impression with your very first line.
"Well, this is it, the last one for a while" (paraphrased)
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Sorry bibliophage, I meant that this was the last book to be released on kindle for awhile... since it's the last one I could reasonably release; the others are all whateley stories, save for archetypes which would need a major rewrite.
If you appreciate my tales, please consider supporting me on Patreon so that I may continue: