Dorothy Colleen

Understanding Rachel Part 8

Understanding Rachel Part 8

Rachel turned on her computer, and prayed the machine worked.

Her problems had started a couple of weeks ago. She had been fighting anxiety about her upcoming “debut” to her daughter, so finally she decided to write out the worse case scenario and publish it online. To make it a little fun, she turned her best friend Tanya into the white knight who would come to her rescue, but left the story on a cliffhanger, with Tanya coming up with a plan, but not saying what it was.

Then the computer totally crashed.

I messed up

Well, every once in a while when writing a story, I write myself into a corner, and dont know how to get out. The last "Understanding Rachel" is a good example. I wanted to show why Rachel needs Tanya as much as Tanya needs Rachel, but in the process I didnt leave Tels a lot to work with in terms of saving them both. So she decided to lob the ball back into my court instead of the smash I was expecting, and now I'm running toward the net trying to save the point. Now its up to me to see if I can salvage this storyline, if its possible, and if anybody still cares about it.

Ah, well.

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Having a flashback in public

Well, apparently I cant hide it very well when I'm having a bad flashback.

I was at the pot-luck dinner for my trans support group, and started having real problems, when a couple of people made a point of asking me if I was okay.

Of course, I wasnt, but by keeping myself engaged in my surroundings through what I could feel, see, hear, and even smell, I was able to ride it out and get back to normal.

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Understanding Rachel Part 7

Understanding Rachel Part 7

Tanya took a deep breath, and then let it out.

Thanks to some suggestions from her friend Rachel, and counseling she was now getting, she felt she was making real strides in dealing with being raped, and the anxiety it caused relating to transitioning to being a woman.

To make things better, she had seen a doctor, and had an appointment soon to get a cat scan, the first step in the process to see how much surgery she would actually need to be the person she knew she was inside, however much she sometimes protested against it.

the father's day paradox

Well, on Mother's day I talked a bit about how that day and Father's day can suck for people who dont fit the gender stereotype, but today, with Father's day being tomorrow, I wanted to talk a little about some of the challenges I have being one.

First, you have to understand that I was totally not prepared for parenthood, to but it mildly. This was not just because of my gender issues, or my overall mental health, both of which have played a part in my struggle to be a good parent, but because I had no role model in my own life to draw on in terms of what a good dad looked like.

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tired, sore, in pain, losing my up state, and flashing

Well, I had a super hard day at work in terms of trying to get stuff done, and I'm paying for it with a stiff neck, sore shoulders, and general tiredness. Added to that, I'm losing my up part of my bipolar cycle, which means I'm headed down, and fast ...

To make things totally yucky, after reading a story on here that had a forced sexual moment, I started flashing, and really havent stopped so much as have small breaks between flashes.

Ah, well.

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I'm a little conflicted about "Quest"

I'm conflicted about what to do with my Quest story, now that we managed to make it available on Kindle. Part of me wants to encourage all of you to buy it, and use what has been posted as a teaser to hopefully help, but I have really enjoyed the feedback I've been getting on each chapter here, and would miss it if the rest of the story wasn't posted here.


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George's Voice

George’s Voice

How did I end up this way? Well, my story started when I had just started grade seven, and my voice cracked. In what seemed like no time at all, I went from having the voice of a small kid, to having the voice of a man, or at least someone who would very soon be one.

Afterward, I got treated very differently from before. Teachers called on me more often in class, older kids seemed to have more respect for my opinions, and when I answered the phone at home, strangers would often mistake me for my dad.

Variants Past

Variants Past

Author’s note: As most of my long-time readers know, at the age of seven I was taken to a child psychologist who was supposed to help me process the grief of losing my father to suicide. Instead of helping me, however, he used me sexually for the next two years, leaving me with scars I live with to this day. But maybe, in some other universe, things went quite differently.....

We came into the nondescript office, and my mother took me toward the receptionist desk.

“Ah Misses Bellion. This is ... Todd, is it?” The receptionist said.

publishing nibble turned out to be a dud

well, the nibble I got regarding publishing my novella turned out to be a dud. The whole thing was all about selling me on a publishing service that charges to publish, with prices starting at 600 dollars and going up from there.

Ah, well.

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Success sort of snuck up on me

For the vast majority of my life, I've felt like a failure. No matter what I tried, I failed at it, or at least that's how I saw it. Then, having nothing left to lose, I went looking for help for my rape, and then for my gender issues.

And a funny thing has happened since. I've made amazing amounts of progress on both issues.

First, with the rape, I can now ground myself through a flashback, and my nightmares have gotten much better.

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Got an amazing compliment today

My mom took me to Pennington's today to get a ladies bathing suit, and to say I got treated well is an understatement. When I told the sales lady I was transition, she told me she couldnt even see me as having ever been a boy, I was so feminine.

Neat, huh?

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Being safe

Last night as I drove to work, I listened to a marriage therapist talk about the different needs men and women have in a relationship. According to him, Men need to feel successful, women need to feel safe.

If that's true, then I really am a woman, because safety was the quality that was really missing in my marriage. I dont blame my wife, a lot of it was my fault - I was the one with the massive secret called "Dorothy", after all.

But regardless of fault or blame, the fact is that I never felt safe in my relationship with my wife.

Or with most other people, in fact.

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hurt my knee last night.

At about 615 this morning I dislocated my knee, and unlike the usual when this happens, it stayed out for several minutes, leaving me in enough pain to have to call my supervisor for help. I spent the last 45 minutes of my shift having to move very, very slowly and carefully, doing light work as I went.

Hopefully, this is a one-off, and not a sign I'm going to get in further trouble with it ...

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Shorted out a flashback at work last night

Last night, I started to have a flashback, and I found a new way to ground myself. I started clicking the button on my safety knife (its the knife I use at work to open boxes). The sound of the clicks somehow kept me from spiraling out of control.

Interesting, no?

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Reggie's Ad Campaign

Reggie’s Ad Campaign

I guess you could say its all my fault.

My wife had opened up a little store to sell lingerie, and before we knew it things were so busy she was seriously considering expanding to have locations across the country.

Her business model was simple. While stores like Victoria’s secret tended to cater to the already beautiful, she focused on helping the less than perfect be as good as they could be.

Origin Story

Origin Story

Author's note: The story that is referred to here doesnt actually exist, so dont look for it. But if enough people decide they like this, maybe the story will come ...

Dorothy sat at her computer, reading and rereading the message logs for the last couple of days, shaking her head.

“I’ve got my share of eccentric friends who send me messages. This might be the first time I’ve gotten a message from someone who must be actually insane.”

Two big pieces of news today

Well, just got two big pieces of news. First, the federal government has passed a law extending anti-discrimination protection to trans people, meaning we no longer have to worry about things like losing a job or being denied housing because of who we are.

The second big announcement is one that effects me personally. The Alberta government has announced that they will once again cover SRS. This means that once I get my 2nd opinion in December, I will go on the list, and once they clear the backlog, I will be whole.

I actually cried with happiness when I heard this.

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great comic book heroes that wont ever be movies

Some characters work real well in the funny books, but I cant see them ever being made into movies, and they include:

Shazam - The whole "Captain Marvel" thing probably means he'll never go to the big screen. Not to mention he has some of the same problems that Superman has in terms of being so powerful that audiences cant really connect with him.

Blue Devil - I loved the humor in the book, but again naming issues come up (there is a college that uses "Blue Devils" as its team names, and I'm sure they would have an issue with the use of the name).


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Doubting myself

There are some trans people who somehow never doubt who they are, and can easily withstand any pressure to be anybody else.

But not me, I get moments of doubt.

When I was young, this doubt came partially out of fear - the fear that I had to be insane to have this feeling of femininity coming out of a body that was anything but female. So trying to disbelieve the feelings came a form of protection against that fear.

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I got a nibble about publishing "Quest", but I need help

Well, I had been looking on the net for info about publishing "quest", and believe it or not, I've got a nibble of interest. The one thing I need is a synopsis of the story, and I'm kinda not sure how to make that work. If anyone who beta tested the story could help?


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Zach's Meteor

Zach’s Meteor

I was born in a small town, as the song says, but unlike the song, I managed to find a way to leave it behind, and until recently, I thought I thought I would never come back.

Until the day Zach’s meteor changed everything.

My way out of my small town was through medicine. I got into med school, and ended up taking Psychology, and became a psychiatrist who specialized in gender issues.

A peek inside my head

Well, I had a better day at work last night, and now I'm off for a couple, so I'm going to try and get a few things accomplished. But its not all rosy, as you can guess by the title of this entry, and that's because there are things in my head that kinda scare me, and I have a number of almost-mental-illness like conditions that are less than fun.

They include having some OCD-like traits -I'm not a neat freak, or a germ freak, but I have a number of "magic" little routines that seem to serve no purpose other than keep me calm. ...

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Quest for the Silver Cleric


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Quest for the Silver Cleric

"When the Empire was in flower, the Weres came to fight. The Sea-folk were threatened, and The Dead ruled the night. The situation hopeless, the battle was as good as lost. Then the Silver Cleric came to save us, no matter what the cost.”

And when the troubles returned, the Sea-folk reached across time and space to find a very special person, someone both male and female, to find to rid this strange world of darkness, oppression and misery.

Danica finds herself in a strange world with new languages, cultures, personalities and challenges on a quest to find The Silver Cleric.



This is a premium story exclusively available from hatbox.

Got sworn at last night

Well, the last couple of days I've been in the domestic department, but when the regular staffer came back from her weekend you would have thought I turned the whole department upside down. She actually swore at me, about me, and it was not a fun experience. My trouble with such stuff is that faced with something like that, I tend to turtle and often internalize whatever is being said to me.

This leads me to a point I've been thinking about for the last while.

I'm broken.

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came out to my daughter's teacher and other news

Well, yesterday I came out to my daughter's teacher, basically to get her to watch out for any signs that Sam is getting bullied because of my transition. Coming out wasnt that big a deal - to either of us, based on her reaction, but I felt better for taking a step to help deal with the anxiety I was having over Sam. Hmmm. Actually DOING something proactive? Could be a good idea for other stuff too...

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Understanding Rachel, Part 6

Understanding Rachel Part 6

Rachel bounced into her living room, finding herself giggling at every turn. Bit by bit, it was really coming together. Soon, she would be totally “out” with the last person who mattered in her life - her daughter Sally.

She’d been carefully broaching the subject of gender with her daughter, slowly building up the idea that some people are born in the wrong body, and need to get that fixed, and that Sally’s dad was one of those.

That Rachel was her true self.

DC's Alan Scott (Green Lantern of Earth 2) goes gay

Well, after a big promotional campaign saying that a major DC character was going to be "ret-coned" as gay, they revealed that the character is Alan Scott, Green Lantern of Earth 2 (Home of the JSA). He's not exactly what I would call a major character, so I'm a little bummed. Ah, well.


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Real love

There have been a number of news articles lately about supposed Christians acting hatefully towards gay, lesbians, or trans people.

But fortunately, not all Christians are like that, even ones who think its a sin.

A couple of people I can point to as examples of that is my brother and sister-in-law.

No matter how much they may think I'm making a mistake in transitioning, they continue to show love and support to me even when I was acting in a way that made me less than loveable.

Just wanted to give them some props for this.

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Some random thoughts.

As I wander in the tunnel I dug for myself, and knowing that the light coming toward me is an oncoming train that I built, fueled, and sent toward me, I wonder if I am going to survive its impact. Somehow, no amount of bracing myself seems to be helping ...

I seem to have a high self-preservation instinct. Not only cant I kill myself, I cant even make myself go crazy properly....

Every day I pray I havent wasted my life, that somehow, something I've done will actually mean something in Eternity. If not, why be here at all?

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The hidden image

Outside my mother's room is a charcoal portrait of me, taken in my 20's. I have a mustache in the picture, and for many years its been a bit of a challenge to not look at that painting without feeling a bit pained.

But yesterday, I happened to glance at it, and somehow, something had changed. Like one of the hidden images in some pictures, all of a sudden I could honestly see a girl in that face, even with the facial hair.

Make of that what you will.

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One Day at the Bridal Shop

One Day at the Bridal Shop

It had been a pretty normal day for me during my shift at the bridal shop, until late in the afternoon, when a small group of girls came in.

They were obviously a bridal party, with the bride-to-be giggling and blushing as her girlfriends teased her with different gowns.

Then she turned the tables on them by throwing the most God-awful bridesmaid outfits possible, an assault they took with giggly grace.


They say confession is good for the soul, but bad for the reputation, so I might as well find out if they're right by making a confession of my own.

There are bits of my mind that scare the heck out of me.

Sometimes it feels like I may not be alone in my head, and somewhere in the boatload of darkness inside me there is something, or someone else.

And that something or someone isnt a nice critter in any way, shape or form.

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I am a person who doubts almost everything. probably because I already believe in two completely impossible things already, and despite what Alice in Wonderland recommended, that's probably my limit, or maybe even over it.

What makes my impossibilities even harder to deal with is the fact that they are regarded as totally incompatible with each other in the sense that people who have tried to assure me that one is impossible, almost always believe that the other exists.

What are these two impossibilities?

Simple. The existence of God, and the existence of Dorothy.

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Happy Birthday, Dorothy

Happy Birthday, Dorothy

Author’s note: This is sort of an antidote to my story, “The old man at the window.” Please join me in this little look into a possible future for some old broad named Dorothy Colleen....

It was Dorothy’s birthday, and the whole extended care facility was buzzing with anticipation.

To all who called me on my being a drama queen

An apology, to all who called me on my being a drama queen over the incident with my car. I just got off the phone with the insurance company, and it turns out I'm NOT going to have to have a year's worth of coverage up front. Once again, what looked to me like a mountain turns out to be a mole-hill, and boy is my face red over my over-reaction.

Hopefully, this is a lesson I can learn for the next time something happens - dont make more trouble than is actually there, and take it one breath at a time.

Thanks to everyone who puts up with me anyway.

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Understanding Rachel, Part 5

Understanding Rachel, Part 5

Rachel looked at her phone in shock as though it was responsible for what just happened. Her best friend Tayna had screamed at her, and then hung up on her.

Rachel began to feel the wetness of tears run down her cheeks, as she replayed the conversation over in her mind, and began to chastise herself for her behavior.

Amy Lynn's new story has given me an idea....

Reading Amy's latest story has given me an idea. Most of you know my history, but just imagine what if the doctor who abused me instead helped me? What might have happened? I'm going to noodle that and see where it goes ....

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Swimming upstream

Every morning, I get up, look at this body of mine, and wonder how I can possibly make being female work. I mean, put it in a suit and have it lose 50 pounds, and it would probably be called "handsome".

And yet here I am, trying to change that, and somehow make this body pass as a woman's.

Its dam hard, and sometimes, it feels like a hopeless task, so why do I bother?

I've never had enough discipline in my life to reach any goal I've set, so why do I think this will be any different than when I tried to become a nurse, or before that a teacher?

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On a completely lighter note

On a completely lighter note from my last couple of blogs, I have passed the three-year mark here a little while ago, and in celebration of that, I would like to thank all the wonderful people here.

First, Erin and her administrator elves, take a bow. I only wish I could do more than just say how amazing you guys all are.

Secondly, to all the members of "Team Dorothy" who put up with me. You guys rock!

Lastly, but not leastly, to all the people who have left comments on any of my stories, bless you all.

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the bad news, and the worse news

Well, finished dealing with the insurance company for the moment, and I got both the bad news and the worse news. The bad news is that due to the non-payment I was cut off as of April 1, and to re-start a policy I'm going to have to pay the yearly cost up front. So somehow over the next little bit I'm going to have to come up with 18,000 $ up front to have coverage for the upcoming year.

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Today could be my worst day

Well, today I have to deal with the insurance company, and to say I'm not looking forward to it is an understatement. This is like going to the principal's office as a kid, only a thousand times worse, because if I walk out of there without coverage I will lose my job, hurt my family, and generally make my life suck for the foreseeable future.

I'm scared, which always brings out the PTSD, so I'm having the shakes so bad its hard to even type.

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