Dorothy Colleen

The Old Man at the Window

The Old Man at the Window

The old man made his way carefully down the street, cane in one hand. He paused now and again, and looked at the shops along the street, but only stopped for long twice.

The first time was outside a formal dress shop, and he looked at the beautiful dress in the window for quite some time, his expression sad.

When he finally got moving again there were tears in his eyes.

The second time was outside a book shop. In the window was set up with the top five sellers displayed, and in the number one spot was a name he recognized.

Understanding Rachel, Part 4

Understanding Rachel Part 4

Rachel plodded in the door, her eyes still wet from tears. She carelessly threw her coat over a chair, and kicked off her work shoes. Her little dog Snoopy came bounding toward her, wagging her little tail furiously.Rachel picked up the small dog, and went to a couch. She stroked and cuddled with the dog for a few minutes, and then went to grab her phone.

“Gotta call Tayna.”

She let the phone ring, and when Tanya said “hello” she said, “Hey girlfriend" her voice was crackling as she spoke.

A little story

When I was a very young creature of uncertain gender, my brother began having vision troubles that ended with him having operations and needing to wear glasses. Not long after, I began to complain about my eyes as well, but something funny happened.

Nobody believed me.

They assumed that I was just trying to being like my big brother, and so patted me on the head, and told me to stop being silly.

It took months before my teacher finally told my parents to have my eyes actually checked, and it turned out I did indeed need glasses, and I wear them to this day.

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Forgiving myself

Well, yesterday I made the first steps to getting myself out of the hole I've dug. My brother took me to the police station and I made my statement regarding the accident, and was given a ticket for distracted driving. My insurance company is closed for the holiday weekend (Its Victoria Day Monday), so the next step will be on Tuesday, and that one could be worse.

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I'm scared

Many, many years ago, I accidentally slammed a car door on my brother's fingers. Afterward, I had an almost PTSD reaction to the event - I had nightmares about it, had it replay over and over again in my mind, and to this day can get a little leery about closing a car door when I have any passengers.

The point of me sharing this little story is that I seem sort of primed for trauma. And if a minor event like that can set me off, you can just imagine what's going on in my head right now.

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Sorry for the drama, everyone.

Sorry for the drama everyone. I'm okay, I'll be okay. Yeah, I probably made my life a thousand times more difficult, but somehow, I'll find a way through this. My feelings came out of exhaustion, hormones, and being an UN-medicated bipolar person with a life history that has produced a "failure tape" - a list of my mistakes that seems ready to play over and over again in my head at a moment's notice.

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My life as Dorothy is over

Well, I've managed to screw my life up for the last time. I was driving home from work today and hit another car, doing serious damage to both vehicles. To make matters worse, I've been having troubles with payments on my car insurance, so I'm not sure I'm covered at the moment.

This just goes to show that it makes no difference if I'm Todd or Dorothy, I'm still a fuck up, and nothing will ever change that. So I'm going to throw everything away associated with Dorothy, and quit living in fantasy land.


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I may have saved a life last night.

Last night while I was puttering around here I got a message that someone wanted to talk. Turned out it was a young woman who was feeling suicidal. Among other things, she was struggling with having been sexually abused at a very young age. She sounded quite serious about killing herself, saying she had a wire around her neck, and I desperately begged her not to do it. I used every argument I could think of, and got her to take off the wire. Eventually, she signed off to go to bed, so I can only hope she will seek some professional help. I hope I helped her.

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Understanding Rachel, Part 3

Understanding Rachel, Part 3

Rachel bounced home, feeling giddy. She slipped out of her unisex pants and shirt, and put on a pink robe , reveling in how it felt against her growing breasts.

“I have to call Tayna with the good news.” She thought, and so picked up the phone.

"Hello?" she heard

"Hey girlfriend." Squealed Rachel.
"Oh hey Rachel and its Martin. I am a boy can't you tell?"

"Oh my god!" Rachel giggled.

Dropping to her normal voice Tonya replied" What's so funny?"

“That voice. Is that supposed to be a butch voice?”

“Well, pilgrim, sure.”

Mixed day yesterday

Well, yesterday was a bit of a mixed day. First, the good - I was pain-free, and that's a very good thing. Second, the bad. I had a nasty little flashback at work, so bad I felt like I couldnt breathe properly, and I was stuttering. Fortunately it didnt last too long, so I didnt miss any of my work. Last, the I-dont-know-what-to-think - I had a bit of an argument with my ex last night, and in the process learned that she understands perfectly what I'm doing, and thinks I'm crazy, but she shows no signs of keeping Sam from me.

Make of this what you will.

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Understanding Rachel, Part 2

Understanding Rachel part 2

Rachel ran when she heard the phone ring. She looked at the number, and realized it was her friend Tanya, and smiled as she picked up the phone.

“Hi girlfriend!” She sang.

“Who is this girlfriend? I’m a boy.”

“Sweetie, nobody buys that. You look like a girl, act like a girl, dress like a girl, sound like a girl, everyone treats you like a girl....”

“My dad calls me by my boy name. Proves I’m a boy.”

A busy weekend so far

Well, my weekend has been pretty full so far. First, on Saturday morning at work, I pulled my knee and spent the last hour or so basically doing my job on one leg. Its not hurting now, but its a reminder that one day, and probably sooner than I would like, I'll be either disabled or looking for another job, or both ....

Then Saturday evening I had the dinner for my mom and ex in celebration of Mother's day. Went okay, except having my mom use the male pronoun stung ....

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Mother's day sexual stereotypes

Well, tomorrow is Mother's day, and my store has been pushing hard for sales, but looking at all the pink signs pointing out discounts on home appliances, weepy movies, and flowery perfumes got me wondering.

What if you had a mom who didnt fit the nice neat little stereotype? What if your mom would prefer to watch an action film than a three-hankie weepie? What if she's more comfortable with power tools than with knitting needles? Do those types of moms get left behind?

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Feeling a tad grumpy today

well, today isnt a bad day so far, but I'm feeling a tad grumpy, and I'm not really sure why. Its not one of my black dog days, where I have to fight off feeling like a worthless failure. Its not even one of those days where I feel like a fake, that I will never be a "real" woman no matter what I do. Its just a blech day, and I guess those happen sometimes.

Ah, well.

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Every day, I'm faced with choices. Some are trivial, some could be life-altering. Sometimes, I can see the right choice without much problem, and others I really struggle with trying to figure out what to do.

One choice I'm dealing with right now has to do with my plans for mother's day. See, my ex, my mom, my daughter, and my brother and sister-in-law are going to a restaurant, and of course I'm going to.

But the question I've been dealing with is this: What the heck do I wear?

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I should flirt more?

I got one strange piece of advice from my councilor yesterday, and that was that I should flirt with people - not in a "I'd like to date you" kind of way, but be friendly and complimentary and social. I'm not entirely sure I know how to "flirt" causally as a male would, much less how a woman does it, so it could be interesting ...

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I had my session with my rape councilor today, and among other things we talked about boundaries. Its something I struggle with, tending to go back into passive-aggressive rather than state my needs and wants clearly.

But, bit by bit, I'm getting stronger and more confident, and I hope to continue my growth in this area.

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I ... fit

I had a spiritual moment today on my way home from watching "The Avengers". All of a sudden, I felt .... connected to everything around me. That me being trans isnt a mistake or sin but exactly what I'm supposed to be at this moment. I cant do justice to it, but it was amazing, and comforting.

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Am I real? Am I anything?

I've been thinking a lot about what's been going on between me and my brother and sister-in-law, and I think I understand their point of view. Essentially, they dont think that Dorothy is real, that there is no woman buried under this male flesh.

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Her Turn

Her Turn

At long last, it was her turn, and she woke the Body early, bursting with energy like a kid on Christmas morning.

She got up, and looked at the Body in the mirror, and frowned as she felt whiskers on the face. She went and grabbed the electric shaver, and put it to the face, but then the hands started shaking, and she cried to Him for help.

He sighed, and said, “Let me.”

He took the hand and steadied it, and then shaved the face with practiced ease, and then gave the hands back to her.

The Angel on my shoulder

I'm pretty sure most of you have seen the image - the person faced with a choice with an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other, trying to decide which way to go.

Well, I have at least one devil on my shoulder, whose name is Worthlessness, and today he was very active, listing all my failures, ready to convince me I am only a source of grief to those who dare come close to me. It got to the point where I was seriously trying to figure out if ending my life would be a net gain for the people around me or not.

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I'm tired of flashbacks

I'm so tired of nightmares.

So tired of flashbacks.

So tired of feeling soiled and broken.

So tired of paying for a crime that not only am I innocent of, but am the victim.

The rape counseling is helping, but the above happens far often for my liking.

ah, well.

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got a compliment about my car today

just came back from a regular maintenance for my car, and the lady complimented me on how well I've maintained the car since I bought it. As someone who struggles with feeling competent, it felt rather nice.

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Well, I just came back from seeing the gender specialist, and I have great news. He's set up an appointment for me to get my 2nd opinion for December, and assuming that doc signs off on me, He will help me push the Alberta Government to cover the cost of my surgery.

This could actually happen.

In a couple of years, I could be female in body as I am in heart.

I'm so happy I'm crying my eyes out.

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So tired of being asked to choose

I've been having an email conversation with my brother's pastor, who thinks this transition is a sin. I'm so tired of feeling like I'll never be accepted by my faith, and that I must choose between being a Christian, and being transgender. Ask me which leg I'd rather have removed, it would be an easier choice ...

Ah, well.

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To Me at Sixteen

To Me at Sixteen

Hey, kid.

Its you, about three decades down the line. Okay, once you wrap your head around that, listen up, because I dont have all day here, and there are some stuff you really should know.

First, I know the last decade or so has not been a lot of fun. A lot of pain in our past, even by your age, and yeah, that kinda sucks.

But that’s the past, and right now I want you to look ahead a bit, and see what’s coming.

Being a blessing

As I have noted before, I've been amazingly blessed in this journey, and now I would like to turn that situation around, and be a blessing in return. So this is my prayer at the moment:

Dear Lord, make me a blessing. Use me to bring good to the lives around me. And make me into the kind of woman who is a good example of what You can do with a willing heart.


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about "Cindy's Choices"

As most of you know, I like to try different things with my writing, some work, some dont. With my latest piece, I wanted to create an interactive story, where the readers would determine what happens next. Based on the number of kudos, I'd say it didnt come off as well as I could have hoped.

Ah, well.

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Cindy's choices

Cindy’s Choices

I’m sitting here, at my computer, trying to figure out what I should do. Maybe if I write down what happened I can make sense of it, and make my decision. My name is Cindy Carmichael, and I’m twenty-five years old. After a false start, I thought I had found my “prince Charming”, and that life simply couldnt be better.

Now I’ve learned it was all a lie.

Understanding Rachel- The other end of the line.

The rain droned on endlessly outside. The darkened basement broken by flashes of lightning.

"Blasted stupid internet provider they cannot get anything fixed properly, I told them like 8 times already that it wasn't working whenever it rained."

The now dead line to Rachel was no use listening too. The phone click signaled the hang up, unlike the old days of rotary phones with the handset today it was just a simple click of a button and you were done. The conversation replayed out in her head.

"Why does Rachel Insist I am a girl?" was said outloud.

about "Understanding Rachel"

Just wanted to share a bit about my latest piece, "Understanding Rachel". It came about as I was on the phone with Tels, and suddenly I looked at how I was sitting. Without thinking about it, I had slipped into a very feminine posture. Even my mom noticed, and started calling me a teenage girl. So after my phone call, I started writing it down, and the story just flowed from there. I hope you all enjoyed it, and thanks to those who have commented.

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Had a productive day

well, I had a productive day off today. I took a load of my old boy clothes to a charity, and then took my bottles to the depot to be recycled. The lady at the depot called me Ma'am, which was a nice touch. Then I took the money I had made and got a pedicure done, which really made me very happy, even if I found the lady who worked on me rather brusk. The end result of it was I now have radioactive pink toenails, which will keep me smiling for a bit.

Nice to actually get some stuff done, you know?

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Understanding Rachel

Understanding Rachel

The phone rang, making Nancy Carmichael jump. The old woman glanced at the call display, and then shouted out, “Rachel! Its for you!”

A moment later another person bustled into the room, took up the phone, and started to talk.

Nancy shook her head. “Who would have thought I would have a teenage girl living in my house at my age? Especially when the girl was born a boy?”

Rachel just smiled at her mother, and kept talking.

having a "I hate my body" day

yesterday at work while I was in the washroom, I stood up, and for a moment saw myself pants down in the mirror, seeing everything. I dont think I could possibly explain how ugly that part of me seems to me, how ... wrong it feels to have male parts.

I actually cried at the sight.


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Danni Chambers reached for the small plastic object on the desk, and then pulled her hand away as if it had been burned.

She put her one hand on top of the other, trying to stop the trembles that started at the tips of her fingers and went all the way to her core.

It was just a piece of plastic, after all, an innocent object. In fact its presence here represented the best news of her life - she was finally whole, complete, and its purpose was to make sure that the newest opening in her body remained .... open.

spent the day femmed up

well, I planned to meet a friend for lunch today, so I got a little femmed up for the occasion - skirt, hose, heels, necklace, lipstick and eye shadow. I had a nice lunch, and am doing my laundry with no hurry to change into pants for work. Its hard for me to explain to someone who isnt trans how .... nice a feeling this is.

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went to a bible study last night

went to a bible study run by my brother's church last night. It was pretty good, and they called me Dorothy without hesitation. Not sure what they thought about the whole thing, it simply never came up. But the end result is I got what I want more than anything else - to treated like the woman I am.

All in all, not bad.

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Fighting back from depression

Well, despite the temptation to wallow in feeling down, I'm fighting back. Yeah, sometimes, life sucks, but you got to carry on. Its not in good times you find out who you are, but how you deal with troubles. So I'm going to keep fighting to find positive things in my life, no matter how hard I have to look. I'm a stronger woman than my fears would have me believe, and I can do this.

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making progress on my story

well, I'm making some progress on my "quest" story. I've now done 20 chapters, almost 30,000 words. I've also got a "road map" so I know basically where the story is going from here. The way I see it, it should take 5 more chapters to wrap things up, and if I can average just over 2,000 words per, I'll go over the magic 40,000 word mark, and have an honest-to-goodness novel on my hands.

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frustrated with the local election

Well, things could get very dicey here after the election. One of the candidates of the party most likely to win is on record as saying gays and lesbians will burn in hell. Now, he's trying to say he said that as a pastor, not as a politician, but the party is also on record as saying it will allow marriage commissioners to not recognize a gay couple that comes in to get married, even though gay marriage is perfectly legal here.


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I'm not doing as well as I thought?

Well, yesterday I went to the trans group pot-luck, and it was good, but apparently, my friends there are worried about me. They told me they can see both the manic and the depression, and that I need to get it under control, or I risk something bad happening.

Now, the person I was would have said, "Serves me right for opening up. I try to be honest, and they think I'm nuts." and would have withdrawn from the group.

But I'm trying to be a better person now, and sometimes, that means I have to be able to know when people are trying to tell me hard truths to help me.

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