Dorothy Colleen

"Is she like you?"

I was chatting with my friend Kylie yesterday on IMVU while my daughter was over, and she cuddled up close to me and watched me typing.

She looked at the avi of Kylie, and asked "Is she like you?"

I said, pointing at our avatars, "she's a pretty girl, like I am, see?"

My daughter then said, "No. Is she .... Like you?"

I said Yes, she's a boy on the outside, but a girl on the inside."

She just held on to me, and said nothing.

Does this mean she's getting the idea about me?

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just came home from the counselors

I had a good session, with one of the things I did was have an exercise where I pretended to punch my rapist, taking time to see how my body moved, what muscles I would use, and so on. Being given permission to be angry at him in a safe place felt pretty good.

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an incident with the ex

I had forgot to mention a little incident that happened between my ex and my mom on Thursday night. They had a open house at the school my daughter will attend next year, and after a presentation, they were supposed to take a tour in small groups starting with the people at the back of the auditorium. My ex, my mom, and my daughter were at the front, but my ex grabbed my daughter and ran to join the first group, leaving my mom behind. Unable to keep up, my mom decided to skip the tour entirely and went to her car to wait.

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Who would hold my hand?

I've been thinking about the surgery, and I realized a sad truth. Even if somehow I could magically afford it, who would be with me through it? And after it was done, what in my life would actually change? Plus, I might end up losing my daughter if I were to go further than I have, which would not be worth it.

Ah, well, just another day.

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Being stuck in the middle

You know, not that long ago, I would be moaning over my status as being somewhere between male and female. But I seem to have found a kind of peace about where I am right now. Good thing, since this is the level that I will probably be stuck at for the rest of my natural, since surgery is out of my reach.

Sure, it would be nice to be able to go to the pool without being a freak, but that's life.

I'm Dorothy, and I dont need no stinking surgery to know that.

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Six Forty-Five, Part 4: Epilogue

Six Forty-Five, Part 4: Epilogue

Things didnt get better right away. I still got bullied at school, and at home was stuck in the middle of several fights between my mom and my step-father. I also had to cope with flashbacks so bad that sometimes, all I wanted to do was cry or throw up, or maybe both.

But by summer, once the doctors had finished poking around in my head, they made the pronouncement - I was a girl.

Just one with a little bit of misplaced skin between my legs.

Finishing up "Six Forty-Five." and feeling much better

Well, I've written a little epilog to "Six Forty-Five", and I'll publish it tomorrow. With that little piece of business out of the way, I might be able to get back to focusing on my "Quest" story. Hopefully, it will be a bit more popular ....

Meanwhile, I feel a lot better for having written this, so at least in that way it hasn't gone to waste.

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Six Forty-Five, part 3

Six Forty-Five, Part 3.

Author's caution. There is an assault alluded to in this part. Please read with care.

I crossed the street, my new heels clicking. I was a little scared, but in this outfit, I felt much more like a grown-up, and with that extra confidence, I was able to go inside my old elementary.

The door was unlocked, so I let myself in.

“Now where?”

getting into hard territory

As I had said before, my latest story has turned into something a lot more autobiographical than I had originally intended. So that creates a problem. How the heck am I going to get this poor girl out of this mess? And will it be at all interesting to anybody but me?

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Six Forty-Five, Part 2

Six Forty-Five, Part 2:

The day everything went crazy started off seeming no different than the day before.

I woke at six forty-five, got out of bed, and got dressed, socks, underwear, pants, and then shirt, just like every day. I did my teeth and ate my breakfast and walked to school in the morning twilight. I didnt see the janitor, but I tried the door, and it opened.

my lastest piece is surprisingly autobiographical

I had not intended this when I started writing "Six Forty-five", but its a lot closer to what I was like at that age than I care to think about. I was a pretty odd kid, yeah?

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Six Forty-Five, Part 1

Six Forty-Five Part 1

The day before everything went crazy, I lay in bed, watching my alarm clock as it hit six forty-five. I knew that in five minutes my alarm would be going off, so it was useless to try and fall back to sleep, and yet I was in no hurry to leave the warmth of my bed. I know that for most people, it would be pretty weird to have your alarm set for ten to the hour instead of on the hour or on the half-hour, but I have a lot of little quirks like that, and most of them dont make any sense, even to me.

Finally, I sighed, and got out of bed.

Getting some development up top

I was shaving today, and as I tried to get rid of some more of the hair on my chest, I could see (and feel) some development in my breast area. Then I put on my shirt, and I could see my nipples sticking out and thought "My God - I've got real boobs at last !"

Needless to say, I'm pretty happy about this.

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Reading Karen Bishop's story has had me thinking about memory - especially my memories of my abuse. For most of my life, I had little conscious recall of what happened to me, mostly it was something that I only had flashes and nightmares about. Now, I can remember, and I think that's better, but its been a painful journey, and I'm not done yet.

Ah, well.

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Amazing compliment at work.

Well, last night I got a compliment that blew my case of "Tg PMS" (That's what Bailey Summers calls those times when I struggle with feeling like a fake). What happened was I started early, and I was talking with one of the evening staff who I dont know well, and was gushing over my daughter. His response "Ah, you're just a proud mom."


He called me "Mom"

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After the transformation

After the transformation

“I’m a girl now, mom. What do we do?”

“Well, there’s one thing I wont do hon. I wont be forcing you into skirts and heels.”

“You.... wont?”

“God, no. I cant even imagine how traumatic this has been. The last thing you need is me making things worse by throwing you into the deep end of girlhood. You can be a tomboy as long as you need to.”

“Thanks. Maybe I’ll try some skirts too, and see how I feel.”

“Sounds good. Lets go shopping.”

Dorothy's Onion Burgers

Dorothy's Onion Burgers

What you need:

1 pound of ground beef

1 package of onion soup mix

10 crackers

1 egg

Allspice or other seasoning.

How you make it:

take beef, and put into mixing bowl. Add onion soup mix, crackers and egg. Season to taste with allspice or other seasoning. Mix thoroughly, and separate into patties. Cook as many patties as you will eat over medium heat, turning over a couple of times. Dress burgers with cheese, ketchup, mustered, or other condiments and put on buns.



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feeling a bit blech

I'm not depressed, exactly, but I feel like ... I dont know. All my life I was stuck in boy world, with my face pressed against the glass looking in at girl world, so envious I was salivating like a starving person watching people enjoying a five star meal. Now, I at last found an entrance into that land, but I wonder if I will ever be seen as anything but an immigrant. Will I ever .... just fit in?

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I never learn

On the radio today, I listened as an announcer read out the transcript of a statement made during the sentencing hearing for Graham James by NHL star Theo Fleury. For those who dont know, James raped Fleury repeatedly while acting as his hockey coach when Fleury was a teen.

I know I shouldn't have listened, but I just had to hear what he said. Even if it hurt, because in some ways, he was speaking for me too, since I will never be able to do so in a court of law about my rapist.

But, dont worry. I'm okay.

I hope.

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Rihanna/Chris Brown

Well, I guess we know how seriously Rihanna took being beat by Chris Brown. She has apparently done back-up vocals on a song of his, and had him do the same for her.
I dont care what she does, but I worry some woman will say "Well, if she forgave him, maybe I can forgive my boyfriend?" and end up in a terrible situation. I wrote a little piece on the subject, and here is the link:


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Family day

Well, today is Family day - a provincial holiday here in Alberta. The ironic thing is I dont have mine - Mom's working, and Sam is with her mother. I just tried phoning them, but Sam was in the shower as they had just got back in the door from swimming. I've been thinking a lot about relationships. The fact is, much of our identity is tied up in our relationships to others - we define ourselves as someone's child, or someone's spouse, or what have you. And whether I want mine to or not, they will all change as my gender changes.

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a fantastic day, but a tough night

First, the fantastic part. A friend from my trans support group had heard I was struggling with feeling ugly, and invited me to come to her house for a bit of a makeover. It was absolutely amazing what difference a pretty blouse, a new hair style, and some lipstick could make. Then she listened to me as I talked about my situation, and helped me with the memories of my rape.

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Once upon a time....

There was a little girl who happened to look like a little boy. His parents didn't knew any better, so they gave her a boy name, and took her home, and raised her as a boy. Eventually, people would have figured out something was up with her, but just at the point where she was starting to figure it out herself, something horrible happened to her.

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plan for your absence

Reading about Holly Heart's hospitalization has got me thinking. It would be a good idea for each of us to have at least one other author here who has the ability to check up on us if we go offline for a significant period of time. It also be a good idea if we each had someone who could take over for us if we have an idea or start of a story we would want finished if we were unable to write due to health reasons. Just something to think about.


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hormones make Dorothy go coo-coo

I'm having trouble controlling my emotions at the moment. one minute I'm depressed, the next I'm angry, the next giggly - just like a teen girl. For someone like me who normally doesnt have a lot of filter between "feeling" and "doing", its at least a good exercise in using the one thing I have that a teen girl doesnt - a lifetime of experience to damper the extremes. Keep cheering me on, okay?

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shorting out "I hate my body"

I was starting to have one of those "I hate my body" days this morning, but a visit from my dog helped me short it out, and I'm grateful. To give myself something to do, I took some more of my male clothes to a charity, and got my anti-testosterone meds filled. Now, if only I could get writing ....

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Kids know

Just got back from picking up my daughter, and something interesting happened. There is a boy who for the last while has called me "smiley" whenever he's seen me at the school, and somehow, he's now got other kids doing it too. (I blush like crazy when he does it, I have no idea why). Then the ball dropped. As I was leaving with Sam, I heard him ask, "Is that a woman's coat?" So I guess I'm not as stealth as I thought, and if a kid notices, I'm sure Sam's teacher has noticed too. Oh well, as long as nobody makes a fuss about it....

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Happy Valentine's everyone

hope its a good one for all of my friends. If you're in a relationship, I hope you do something together that reminds you both why you got together in the first place. If you're single, I hope you can embrace it, or figure out what you need to do to fix it and take the first step.

Be well, everyone.

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missing being able to attend church

I'm missing having a church to go to. I work Sundays, so that's just a no-go. There is one church near that has a Saturday evening service, but I've been reluctant to go because I cant seem to find out how they would feel about someone like me. I may just go, and if I'm welcomed, I will make it a weekly thing.

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