Femdom / Humiliation

Ash's New Career Pt.8

Chapter 11

Ashley was just brushing out her hair, the slightly sore throat being the only evidence that was left of her blow job training as she once again looked immaculate. When all of a sudden the door bell rang making her nerves reach an all time high. God she still couldn’t believe this was actually happening, that she was going on a date with an actual guy. Yet she was sure to meet him at any moment now. Hopefully he was at least handsome.

The Mockreet - Chapter 1

It was cold in the High Lady Jenwise’s office, perhaps colder than it should have been. I stood there a good distance away from her desk while she chatted with some dignitary that I didn’t recognize. To the left and right, two guards, each in a pressed blue uniform, each with a rifle slung over their shoulders. Their faces were expressionless but I knew that they were watching me, even as I stood there in my tattered prison uniform and barely passable footwraps.

The Black Box

A woman researcher finds the plans for a regression and mind control device and uses it to benefit mankind. No, wait, this is trans-fiction, as her ex-boyfriend, her woman boss, a random guy she picks up at a bar and a husband about to divorce his wife find out.

Neigbourhood Terror to Sissy Pt.47

Chapter 54

It ended up taking 30 minutes before Marcy and Lisa left the room, thirty minutes during which it slowly dawned on Marcy that she was really free from that bastard. As they emerged from the room, they were nearly instantly greeted by Linda, standing tall and confident as always. Marcy couldn’t help but blush as she looked at the tall imposing woman standing there in nothing but her lingerie, and not even a full set as her panties were missing.

Constant in All Other Things 2 - Chapter 5 (complete)

Constant in All Other Things 2
Chapter Five
Fakeminsk ([email protected])

“Friendship is constant in all other things
Save in the office and affairs of love:
Therefore all hearts in love use their own tongues;
Let every eye negotiate for itself
And trust no agent.”
Much Ado About Nothing

Revenge is a dish best served cold. Chapter.2

Carmen woke up as sun rays entered from the window. She got up and stretched her arms, happy to be home and with her mom. Leaving the bed in her nightshirt and leggings, Carmen left the bed and walked to her closet by habit.

Carmen was surprised to open the closet to see that all her old clothes were there. Quickly though, her surprise turned to a smile, knowing that her mom had kept her old clothes in place, hoping she would return one day.

Confessions Long Needed


Confessions Long Needed
From the Wyldheart's Call
A DC Comics Fanfiction

It all started with a Wish, a very bad wish, but one all the same.

After running for years, Barbara Minerva finally found someone she liked. It was love at first sight, but still, even with all her attempts, nothing came of it. So once again, with Hive stalking her footsteps she made the wish after helping a delusional man mad with magic. A wish making her the Cheetah, an animal of pure rage and predatory need. years ever after she stalked her prey and fought Diana Prince to a standstill. And now, now it's time to end it all before her fixation gets her killed...

Ash's New Career Pt.7

Chapter 9

When they arrived both Ashley and her mother were all giggles. It took them multiple trips to bring all of Ashley’s new clothes up to her bedroom by which time the floor was literally littered with. They were so consumed by the fun atmosphere that remained after their shopping trip that they didn’t even think about Keira.

Footstool A Foot Worshiping Slave to a TV Mistress

I was asked to write this by someone on another site. This is not my normal stuff. It is a about a TV mistress with a couple of servant/slaves
One of them is obsessed with her feet. I did it to see if i could. It contains forced bi sex.

boots (2).JPG

As I drove home, I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. The Mercedes has very soft seats but the beating I had got from my client tonight was more severe than I intended.

Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy Pt.42

Chapter 48

“That didn’t go half bad now did it Marcy? I mean all things considered your mother took it rather well. She seemed very supportive even through her shock. After having been together this long with your dad I imagine she knows him rather well, so if your mom says he’ll come around I think you should believe her. So relax, the cat is out of the bag and the world didn’t end.” Lisa said trying to calm Marcy down as she looked shook and fidgety in her seat.

Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy Pt.41

Chapter 47

“I’ll be coming right over my pretty sissy! X” Lisa sent back feeling a little nervous, it was the only reason she hadn’t been over just yet. She was scared of what Marcy’s parents would say when their son came out as transgender, especially how they would look at her as it turned out she had been in on this all this time. It made her realise just what she had been putting Marcy through, nerves that had to be way worse than what she currently felt. Which in turn made her realise just how much of a selfish bitch she had been to her now sissy boyfriend.

The Trap


I know a lot of you don't like it when I write this femdom stuff. I wrote this after chatting to Freddie Clegg. He has written many stories set in "New Order" Britain.

It is a bit like Beverly Taff's "Feminine Queendom". The main difference is many of the women for some inexplicable reason seem to be into dominating men. Well this is just fantasy anyway.

A bright boy in the Feminine Queendom Part 19 - Friends

Charlie pauses to smell the flowers

All Characters © Beverly Taff

Six months later. David Rodgers was living with Charlie and his family. He was a big hit with the children, who were now old enough to play football on the beach.

The Australian security guards were telling him that he was playing soccer, not football. David knew better though.


A bright boy in the Feminine Queendom Part 12

This story is set after the events that happened in the final Chapter of Beverly Taff's The Feminine Queendom 90
She kindly gave her permission for me to continue with this storyline.

The Queen is pondering how they can use Peter's new found fame to help with the coming election, when she gets a call from Charlie Sage. Charlie wants to meet Peter.

A bright boy in the Feminine Queendom Part 11

This story is set after the events that happened in the final Chapter of Beverly Taff's The Feminine Queendom 90
She kindly gave her permission for me to post this.

The Queen is pondering how they can use Peter's new found fame to help with the coming election, when she gets a call from Charlie Sage.

“Well hello, what do I owe the pleasure of a call from the famous Charlie Sage?”

“Should I be saying that to you your royal highness?”

A bright boy in the Feminine Queendom Part 7

This story is set after the events that happened in the final Chapter of Beverly Taff's The Feminine Queendom 90
She kindly gave her permission for me to post this.

The election is less than a year away. The Queen has found a leader for a new party to oppose the existing Feminista parties. The probelm now is the police force. Being riddled with hard core feminists they may oppose any changes she makes.

A bright boy in the Feminine Queendom Part 5

A bright boy in the Feminine Queendom Part 5

This story is set after the events that happened in the final Chapter of Beverly Taff's The Feminine Queendom 90
She kindly gave her permission for me to post this.

It's a hard life for a bright boy in the Feminine Queendom Part 3

This is Part 3 of a story about a bright boy living in Berverly Taff's United Queendom. Recent events have caused unrest. Peter and his mother are affected. With the end of Beverly's amazing story . This is my take on what some of the events may have looked like from someone living in the UQ.

As before I will edit or delete the story if Beverly doesn't approve. My ideas are guesswork into what may have happened.

Jennifer's Plaything

Nick was pretty sure he led a normal married life of routine, and he did, until his wife, Jennifer, learns she can push him out of his comfort zone with a little 'hands-on' encouragement.

The Hubbies in Bras and Panties Club - Chapter One

“My my my,” said Paula, “do you ever stop looking?”

“What do you mean? Looking at what?” replied Dave.

“Oh come on now, you have been staring at that woman across the room all night, it’s really embarrassing. I have to watch you, she has clearly noticed, and it’s really so sexist. What’s your excuse this time?

“I haven’t been doing that, I swear,” he said, his voice lowering to almost silence. “Really, I’m telling the truth.”

The Order of Eve - The Guardianship Inspector Calls

The story continues with the dreaded Guardianship Inspector calling on Mary and Mike. The cracks are starting to show in the new regime.
This Story is set in a country where the Order of Eve, an ultra feminist party have taken power..

Men have no rights and need to have female guardians to stay out of "state guardianship", which means being sent to forced labor camps.

A Sissy Fairy Tale

With apologies to the Bard, "Some are born sissies, some achieve it and some have it thrust upon them." A mother uses a behavioral modification program to turn her teenage son into a sissy with an unexpected ending. The sexual rating is for the subject matter. A different genre than I usually write.

Genesis of a Contented Housewife

Genesis of a Contented Housewife

Sylvia sat in a hardback folding chair with her face towards the bright sun, enjoying the warm spring afternoon. She was generally at peace with the world as she had just enjoyed a delightful lunch and had had the opportunity to renew her friendship with an old and dear friend. She was feeling mellow, aided by three glasses of a gold medal-winning California Chardonnay.

Inter-Dimensional Trip To The Gynarchy Dimension

I had just returned from the first inter-dimensional trip in human history. I was dumbstruck. My team asked me what had happened, as I had returned after only two hours.

We knew the place the other side of the portal was earth like, as we had sent automated drones through. We could not control them after they had phased through so they were programmed to take short trips to take readings and return.




This is the story of Dakota Sullivan. We all know him... a child star that had so much talent and his struggles to be accepted as an adult star. His life as an adult star in movies and music has made him a legend.
We have heard rumours and allegations about him, but his personal life was always hidden from us.
"Idol" is the true story of Dakota, where nothing is hidden. This will shock you and you will have a new view of who this Idol really is!


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